“He Phrofits Most Who Serves The Best” We do a greet deal of advertising in various ways, bat w» beiwve that oar moot fav arable publicity which we re* •rf*“ to through tbe medium of a "satisfied customer.” A fs-ll'Mt of security la alaraya shown by our rtmtoatsrs, be awe* they have learned to rely oa the quality of oar goad* th* superiority of oar service and tbe fairness of oar price* The extent and quality of oer trade aad the obvious con lldenee reposed in as by tbe public is pretty convincing evi doooo that are have alaraya given aaperior service. Prescriptions filled by Rsgietssed Druggist only. Night or dar. Night ’Pbooe 17&' ’Pbooe no year went*. ’Phone 9 J. Wo are as near to you aa you are to the ’phono. Everington’s Drug Store THE BAN-TOX STOKE 'V ' * V rjfr IK^jS s Florida, Cuba and Mardi Gras Personally Conducted Tours It tl» fallewUiff IMpobur Whiter Tantet Retort* JACKSONVILLE ST. AUGUSTINE PALMBEACBL TAMPA ST. PETHtSBURG KEY WEST HAVANA . CUBA t MATANZAS NEW ORLEANS MARDI GRAS Operated Darin* the Height of the DhUmUc. Teait* Burnt*. three Total* to the Land iflhriSni ill fliMiir tlTea, Jtewntook aft* aU deOilT^d arr^cratete. Maria* fatties free to refer tfca quaint mt letarerdn* ■I0HL a. v r . .. .i_. . Make BWrr»tfc»« now, ea thseeeoeaototinie. which m aQ of the HIGHEST CLAS8, are United Write far Boefctet and Infonaatioa GATTIS TOURS Ml Agent*, Saeheerri Air Um Railway. llfltpH, NORTH CAROLINA NEWS DIGEST OF THE SANDHILLSFLATWOODS A NIowa Rerk» af the Neighboring OnaMaa Aa fllmii fria Mm KOBCBON MAXTON Lost weak ire Mated that tha High gf^i hadhaa bU to autboriaa eommtaaionara “ to provide for tha expenaca c->igaiyrs: Stf%2s Atea .17^ protect Mf- K. L. Aaatl» bad the misfortune wWch bo hoiI aviffarad considerable. . Bov.joha C. Troy, of Dariun, ok txflto wMtir of thi l4Qrlnbort ninir 8J&3*3«W' LUMMIJON-All tki whte toAoi la Ro^tioa county art u s&v!3Ftw: bare tw boldine their ~rltm |a rertem aactiona of tba cmatr since the drat mtctiof of tha yaae trea-hold bora aarty lost fall. Teach Str the South, htiy COE MORTlM&h GO'S. High Gmde Quality goodd! Them ta a reason ! There arcl other Bo»d i« liable woods SjB«sy? wss %3Bwa,s T. T. Covington & Son Wbokgale Distributors of Fertilisers and Ferti liser Materials. Thon« 95 Laurinborg, N. C The First National Bank Will kanp a jeenid for you. One of the advantages of having n bank account ia tha fact tkat every transaction recorded an tha hoaka of oar bank, in connection ■ with your account, you auy have acetn to, if neeeoeary. Sack a record often proven of great vafcaa. Thfc bank wiB be pleased to have your banking bust First National Bank, i Of Laurinb'urg. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY THE PROGRESSIVE RAILWAY OP THE SOUTH Schedule Effective Nov. 12th, 1916 * Train Leaving Laarinborg No. 19—8* A. M. Local ftt Hairiit Charlotte and all la> ' tannedfate pointa-Throegh Shaper Wilmington to Charlotte. Open for paaacngcn at WQmlngton at MP. tt. No. 18-7:37 P. M. Local for Hamlet, Charlotte, tmwmdiate puint*,—Cooaaatfc* at Hamlat 1 North. Sooth and 8©uth Weet Pullman nhgga to Charlotte No. 30-8* P. M. Locator Wlgafogton and polMa—tteovrt SImvmht Cbarlott* to P—tegera May recafalafflaapw tmtflTA. , No* 14—M7 A. fL Local for WBadngtoa and al fan • points,—PnUrnen Parlor Car Cheat otta to ■ *aaui—^ crhcmspc. evnratlana.aall on load agent cr trrite the underaigsed. h Wgtaom, Amt H. R. Pbaaantg, T. P. 4. iMWuf. NX WOutingten, Hf; Ci , John T. West, D.P.A. ’ Raleigh, N.C.