i If fan ttt am ton at than fa rally wriow talb-aad (fan fa fal tfa reason to batters fa fa —t thane ban Lsartobarg who an la danger of | today fan «»* anb vfalsasm Hu add there are nan la Laariaburg aad tie County who hare bought no Ub sty Wnda, m war aaefaga ataxaya, tad wfa bare given nothing to the Red Croee nor in say etbar way shown •hnwsMen willing to W> win in the fight fat Hberty aad rMHaatiae Tbooe men an not *Wd gat to fa" to aaaka a lhrtag. They are amply able to help in this man. but they da not- Their neighbors know then and have than “spotted." Thera baa been talk at tor sad feathers and oth er tans of violence, and than hare been aann called. Every day or tore the papers Ml ot what other eon auaitfao era doing with the slackers end the shirkers and the pro-Gar aawe. Aad every day the danger -hat the dtsplaaaara of the euaanuwilty rt the ngly behavior of some at thaee awn wlH hare vial eat exprcaaion hawt greeter. The realty regrettn Mi tkhm ibout tt ifiir if tU# WH is that any an earn why barbers to its ■Mat warn who are aawflMag to stand by thstr cans try at a time like this. Aad the country asks than tor no oae rhfaa and only t'epsrta that they give < little money aad fa other ways show their interest fa thfa cause, tt a rnmmanity, or certain elements of a -ommenity, is mosad to ask violence a a case of this kind, the victim of ueh Holy wrath arfB have little re wn* in the courts or otharwlae. He -'ll have to suffer without sympathy the physical and mental agony that %tt*nd» vnch niiiistTttiovii. * SEARCH FOR CAPT. BOWEN 18 i BEING CONTINUED M ir*y Ofletn and Fadaral Agants Da-' dint to Dlscass Dtaappaaranee. Charlotte Observer, Array officers and special agants of ha department of justice, who have wen conducting the search, have been ns We sa ye to find Capt. i. B. Bowen A Lam barton, who has not been seen >r heard of since he laft tha Baheyn total over three steaks ago with the waning train to Bpnrtaahorg, aa far aa E haa has* passible ta loan hara. Captain Bowen was stationed at Chan Wadsworth, and had been visiting his lanlad ta Charlotte, on Wo return, V/ Ms father, Fairley Bowen, and togetb •r they agent tha eight hara. Reports from Lamberts* an to tha iffact that iglalno than la dWldad, «d that sane haHsvs he haa ssade n attempt to gat ta Fiaan while others •re fearing ha has amt with foul play, 't was aadmetsill bees yaatswWy fmaa i visitor from T nmbartaw that Captain Iowa* had haan sal set ad to remain Is laaeriea at least far tha present and •sets! la the tntelag af new drafts of oidisra. It was esptaiaed that Captaia 3owaa had. ucprmit the dsspaat die • twwvlev^eeh^ast ean^^m sLf. PpCmtHJPTll lalA The inveetigattaa of his disappear •nsa is be hag isaMsaid. aad my of dean fmaa Camp Wadsworth hara made several visits ta Chartatta ta They haws datllaad la arary iaataaar •4 diecuss the lavaatlgatiaa. aad It tnddiMt ha leaned wh after theyhad eight load to the deartag apof wbat ippoan ta ha a asymasy. W. M. MYiUCK, HAW RIYKK MBit CHANT. MJltCKD KBS FLAG. Into CMmm03»2t OnttamW FWm Rim tAJtog OU Gtoo*e , Quito a Uttio iutenot la Am to oaMjr to tho tnatamat of W. M^ <«r W. L.) Myrick, a merchant of Ham. Khur, atcontod him hr a amaihor of into cMaoao of hi* wnumanity loot' otot tho hoot ac^ ooaatao. . lived to Laariaharg aad to woQ known ham. Ho lum kaion* aa a man of nth or eecoytoto cfcaayctor. aad many haru.toilorathto to tho oaaao W. L. Myrick who Und kai The foBowing nyorto of, tho affair wore eoat the State yayoce from: BaaHagtcdi aad Graham; aad Myrick Inter tOfWod to an article whim to otoo ^ ton: • ' May *1.—Quito a lit eroatad to Haw W. M. Myrick wee I hy a crowd oa aceOaat of at of Hod Cron ladtoo who to oolicit him Cor aid tea tho, km, It' • M»kk, mi krmt tM*d t «Mm but that kbylM > mb !*«-• tod to tho party of t b*«k to droning aa| J, a amh HUIVVIVU ■ fnte a compromise tha patty agrsed If Myriek would trim the Aamri and aahaatiha llharalj Ip the they would let him off. This to do, and whan tha flag •here hU head aad pro the grandest flag that.fliaa Following this hfpat sympathy for hit country sat war aad on tho sinking of tha Luaitani opinion that all other oror should bo accorded Said ta-Hava IT n I Bid ^ From Store. 'I Graham, May 21,—'The ladies of Haw Hirer went store of W. M Myriek, of yesterday afternoon to Bolieit tribution for the Rod Croon, rick, it ia said,, talked nc and disrespectfully to the his flat in their faces and the door. After too ladies painted Rod Croae signs on Mr. Myrtekh store windows aad doors they left. After the kdies left Mr. Myriek, It la said, erased toe aigaa from his win dow. A see sari crowd oaata back to too store and proceeded to rtpskd toe Red Crom signs. In trovsmg j said sad of todies wars at the stars aad Mr. Myriek. It to claimed, showed himself am resentful than before It to said that ha ms want se-far aa to eatah of ono of toe girl's arms whan to toe store. The astoway hitter until one man hi toe crowd collared Mr. Myriek, aad in aa laatant Asa or tlx ossa wars aa kha. Ia spits of the efforts ff Mm peacemakers, Mr. Myriek reeefred a thorough basting before quiet was re stored. A aUk Rag waa seat far aad Mr. Myriek willingi^ ktoaad the Rears aad RMyss, wind "Old Glory" shore kto beod. aed said that ho lorad (0 Hrt under its 11011111110 No* oaty did Mr. Myriek do this humbly, bat be slm contributed to too Rad Cmaa. MOTO-C AP Something entirely new In Cape for the motorlat. Made in Tan Crave. nvtte with EyeahJeld. They’re New and Nifty. NEW SERVICE FLAG BANNER Benatifklly colored and embroidered Sendee Flag oa O. D. background with Insignia of nil the different brmnchee of service. Embroidered in iegnlntlen silk. FinWiul with Khaki metal edge on top, ready to hang in the window. ' Fresh Shipment Of Bathing Suits. LONNIE HAMMOND TOGS FOR MEN AND BOYS fora) «f tha mob spirit Is far from a loyaKat, and tha honor of our State will never stand for K. Tim action ham boon inanity eeadomood and da pisrad by all the bast poop la of town, tha item aaym 1 was mad* to Idas tha flay. Met at ail. 1 was only too yiad to da so and yat it owt sf the mob's hands far a moment. I bate to tea OM Glory la soeh ocmpa&y. I haws la an order for sons# bonds aad aspect to buy all 1 possibly can, pay taxaa and alas to hslp the *wv sramsnt in any way I can, aad enter the service if it is possible, aad not do Uka saaaa who helped mob mo—do everythin* possible to pat exempted when they should lefally be to tea army today. America Ant, last end all tha time! Per her I lira or die. V W H. IdrRlCK. Angmigrements J friend* of Hon. A. E. Shaw will groaant Ua name to the voter* of Scotland county aa a candidate for the office of Repraaentatlre in the lower house of the next General Assembly of North Carolina, eabject, however, to the result- of the wain* Demo cratic primary el action. Having ably isptsssntod hie county in the laat leglrtature. Ua friend* feel that Ua nets should be endorsed by giving Mm another term. FOB JUDGE SUPERIOR COURT. John T. of Richmond Coun ty will bn a candidate fee Judge of the froperior Coort af the Uth Judicial District an Aa Democratic ticket be the primary to be held June 1st. IfflA. FOB COTTON WEIGHER. I barahy anounca mjralf a candi date for the office of Cotton Weigher for the Town of LaarUbnrg. eoQnct to the aettoa of the Doaocgatte pri mary June let.' J. If. IfcKBOWN. FOB SHERIFF. sssHEsSKH ssh3?ii:ejKr,s W. a WeLAURXM. First National Bank United States Depositary. County Depositary. City Depositary. Member Federal Reserve Bank. We welcome checking accounts, small as well as large. First National Bank, Of Laurinburg. A. L JAMES. Prw. T. J, GILL r«i.u. W. H. NETAL, Vie. President BUSINESS LOCALS ■jjjrjir ssr a--.*ss ‘"“KS gs LOOT—On, book of Thrift itaana E^SSS«?SSi&£l5: *• MXl IMltt reward. It FOB SAJA-im Ford toariac oar. A'1 i—c*»".le»3- eoaditionT at-hieh t*a«L Beidon Carter, Old Haadtad. K. C. lt-bd WVB AUTOMOBILES BOB SALE AT OHCK. I hare a. haUt aew Brim. AdMekQee, which were chip ped l» eat I wtH be |bl to mu to ear mm wbe ■W*vU iat tracks. I have MU eereeal at these care, eaS «• tiriac ftM eee-rtce. It la the ear tar the peapk H |ha Si aeilae ui better to wmSmSY 'u^ btek' U raw expert ta boy air » 4m SI^MjM yea teal bettef W.T. CBUMP, Wtitta, N. C u 5 te 5