Local Notes Mr. S. T. Smith of Maxtan, route 4, eras a visiter in Laarinberg Tisedey. U. Urnius Everett of Camp Jackson, 1. C-, spent the week-end in the city with home-folks. Mr. Willie L. Goodwyn of Camp Jackson, B. G, spont Friday, Satur day aad Sunday at home. Miss Freasle McLean left lest week for Lowell, Ha, where aha will spend several walks vial tiny relatives. Mr. Haney F. Glbeon and family ef Gibson were visiters in Laerlnbury Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Alex Norton end little eon. Master Lather Glenn, were visitors la tbs city Teaoday aad caller* at The Exchange office. Mr. Bdwta Gill, who has keen studying at the New York School of Fine aad ApgUod Arte, has returaod for the sewer vacation. Miae Ella Mae Btnniagbaai. daught er of Mr. and Mrs. J. G Birmingham left Saturday far Wilmington where ehe el etady at e business college for e few mnethe. TVs Hoka County Journal says: Robert, tha ysungar tan of Mr, W. T. Covington, who te being treated far appendicitis ta a hospital in Charlotte, it ctttin* along nicely vt an gtad to bear. Mr. Douglas Lyteh, whs has been •working with tha Hudson Motor Co. st Detroit. Mich, easno home last week and goes ta Camp Jackson this weak. Mr. Lyteh came through tha oountsy, driving a Dodge ear far Mr. Jaapm T. C.beon, tha local dealer. The congregation of Ida Mill Pros byte ri to Church will, on Thursday next. May >0. Past Day, assemble st tbs church for an hour of prayer aad meditation. Tho aarvtoe will take place at 11 A. M. The public is in vited to be proa sat. The congregation of Aberdeen Free byteriaa fhurtb will in compliance with the Presidents request meat ta tha church an Pant Day, next Thurs day, for an boor of prayer end wor ship. Tha service will take place st 4:M> P- M. Tha community In gen eral is invited to taka part. Rev. Prud T. Collins of Clinton will preach at tho Baptist church of Lour. Inburg Sunday morning and evening at the usual hours of service Rev. Mr. Collins is'a young minister of splendid ability and doubtiset will be heard by large andienees hare Bun day. Mr. G. H. Roeadl mad* an ad dress Sunday morning at Baft Swamp, iobwnn county, at a m•mo rtal lervtee of the Woodmen of the World fraternal order. Mr. and Mra. H. T. Jackron and Mr. J. C Norton and aoa, Vance, alto attend*) meeting at Baft Swamp Sunday. Mfa. John D. Shaw and Mr*. Bo land Covington left Tuesday mom tar for Raleigh to attend tha Fsdsrs te.n of Woman's Clubs, which masts there this week. Mra. Shaw and Mrs. Covington will ha tha guests of Mrs. T. W. Bickett, wife of the Governor, and wOl ha entertained at tha Man sion. Mr. Cotta Hasty, aaa of Mr. and Mis. 3. K. Hasty, and who has been a student at tha State Callage af Agriculture and Kaginserlag at Ral elgh, and Mr. Nathan Gibson of Lam tv) Hffl, have volunteered is the quartermaster's divfalaa of tha army and go to Raleigh Friday of this week to report far duty. Sunday they as pect la start for Fort Thomas. By* where they will ha Motioned for soma time. II to wnitoi that tha moaroea Man iwtu to p.son* that Mr. Halstsad Covington. yoaag aoa of Mr. and Mn. T. T. Covington, who war a atodmt at (ha Marina <AU.) Military IasUtate tha paat aaaatoa in propara tlon for anlraaaa of (ho Uaitod Stairs Nava) A nadany. faltod to paaa tha ra qalrrd oxaninattem and far Dda al togad riaiaa haa aot pM to Aaaap olto Now Dm Caeto la (ho eaao ora ’haaat Mr. Coriagten not only ana ha haa aot abroad* gras ta AaaapaHa to that ha was alternate and Mr. Trad ■umteUoa'^Bd'app^taM?^rTlIra! tMa district. Mr. Hteesyrr also paas erodfc aad pa to Amaaolia drat, as omM aataraBy ba npptitatl nadar tha appointment. Mr. BabilWOO has writ tan Mr. Cariagtoa that ha atoada «a*t aa tha Hat at aUgfMas and as anoa as than to a aot bar vacancy at Aaaapolto far this dtotrkt. ho. Mr. Covington. •vriH ha adOad. Iha Bachaago la glad to pafcHah than facte la ardor to aot at anas tbs ariah ad say Who May ban entertained Mae notteaa la Dda ra apart. Ms tow had noaaaa to (ha teals aad rrory ataHtoaat oaa ba vorl Sad. Mr. Orriagtaa stood high to Mamoard at hoaas. Tha fataas balds awtoh proariM far hha. The-music pupils of Mils Katie He ltons will give a recital at the city •chool auditorium Friday evening. May 31, at 8:30. The public t> cor dially Invited to attend this oxer cite. • Owing to pressure of other duties we are unable to publish a list of the selectmen who went to Camp Jackson front this county Tuesday, May tt The names af these young men ware published In recent taaBei of The Kx chaage aad ean ha aaaa by referring to tanes. Mr. J. Marian McNeill, ton af Mr. and Mrs. D. C. McNeill, spent a few days here with hie parents recently. Mr. MeNeiU has been a. student at OgMthorpe University, and has se ll* tod in Dr. J. W. Lang's hospital antt. He left Tuesday morning far Fort McPherson, Ca, to report for doty. • Nitrate ef Soda. Tho county distributer for Uovern MBt Nitrate of Soda Is amlcing a aaall delivery to tbo farmers of Scot land this week from n cargo which ar rived in Wilmington May 24th. This delivery and tho one made oarly in tho Spaing, will amount to about SO per cent of tho Soda applied for by tho farmer* of gaottond county. Tho local committee is advised that another vessel it exported In Wilmington •bout Kay ,90th. and it li expected that tho county will rentes an anet ■te “boot equal to teat now bob* delivered. These throe allotment* wQl bring the percentage da)trend up to from 44 to AO per east of tho appil cationa, and is air that the department of Agriculture has in right for imme diate arrival. The Department ad visee that every effort t* being made to secure vernal* to bring Nitrate to this country, and that oca of the vas set* which has discharged her cargo of Nitrate la already oa a aooood voy age- Should further ellotmeot* bo ■Mde to this county, the local eom mlttoa wiH give due series to farmers oa soon as they are advised by the department. At present, it is stated, than is nothing to indicate that fur ther shipments, exclusive of the one to reach part May Mtb, win bo re ceived before the Utter port of Jane, or early in July. A HOME FOB TUB MOTHERLESS CHILD. Wc understand that Rev. J. H. Spa aiding, manager of the Patteruan Springs Home for the Motheriem Child has east oat dialer lot tars to *h» Hoapitala of Usa State, announc ing the fact that the Honsa it pre pared to taka infanta. And that tha Home haa aacaied the services of Dr. T. G. Hamrick of Shelby. N. C. Dr. Hamrick haa tha honor of being one of the best baby specialists in the State. Ha haa about twenty year* experience, and wOl be of gnat serv ice to tha Uome. This work commends Itself to every mother, as she looks her little one in the face, and thlaka a boot tta future welfare in case aha should bo taken away from H. Nona of ae can hardly realise what a great work this D un til as* have aome experience that hrlnga tha laaaon home. Wo are glad to know that aome one haa taken up tha work to hotp aaee tho prusnt crop of beMaa. Wa may naad than if this war continues. LAUREL HILL NEWS. Special to The Exchange. Laurel Hill, Map 28.—MUmi Mir iam Hargrave a ad Katie Gaboon of Plata MacDonald CnHegt are at home for the rammer. Mr. R. R. Walker, after spending laat week with kia mother at Barling tan, returned hats Friday. * Maser*. Nathan Oibarn and Melvin LMngstona of Kings Business Col lege. Kaltigh, are at haaaa this weak. They hpve given up their stadias to offer their ranks* tr Uncle lam. Mr. L. Calhoun of Davidsou la at haaaa for tha summer race ties, Prvt Geo. Hargrave of Camp Jackass spent Monday at haaaa. Several young todies delightfully entertained at tha Loom of Mias Eu nice Gibson Men day teialag. la honor of Mr. K. R. Walker, whs left far Clamp Jaekson Tuesday. Mrs. Bailey, after spending eeveml weeks with her daughter, who ts de meetk eeUace teacher at Meredith CeHage, arrived hare last week, aa companied hy her daughter, and they am at lev. Ches. R. Salleys. Mr. Gatuom Matthews spent Sunday la Pateratnirg, Vr, with Ida brother, Mr. Churiee Matthews, who la In camp them. | LAl’RINBURG SOOETV MISS SMITH HOSTESS TO THUBSDA/ AFTEKNOON BOOK CLUB. The meeting of the Ladles' Thun deg Afterwon Book Clab with AlUq Miaaie Smith- on Wednesday, May 2t,‘ win long be remembered as one ef Un meet unique and interesting ef the year. This being the time epeeided for seised an ef books far the ——<“g year, the names were read oat and tumad into tbs committee for books. Report of the medal given by this dub to tba graded school was also mad*. Then with a raffia of expec tant Interest the slab settled down to the hM of the afternoon, a suffrage debate. Query: Resolved that equal suffrage should be granted imme diately. Affirmative—Miae Julie Stewart, Mies Effle MeXae. Nega tive—Mrs. J. A- Caldwell, Mrs. A. L. James. Judges -members ef the dub. Each debater her pa per with marked ability and it almost —ansiJ as If the hrart, aa well as the beaia. was speaking. The dedsiea was ee dose that the affirmative wan by «mly one vote- It was rare enjoy ment to hear the pres sad cone ef this amet Interesting matter end the head Mag ehewad elose nod careful re search into the subject. Misa Agnes Lyan Buchanan delighted the deb and the many visitors with two very in tricate and beautiful piano setae. Miae Smith, assisted by Misses Saiab and Agnes Lyna Rochaaaa end Mrs. An gus Lyteh served delightful lea cream and cake followed by mints. The deb adjourned with assay expres sions of thanks for the plaaemaa ef the afternoon. BgV. BAILUt CADE DEAD. ■ (W T. Boot In Croeasboro News) Tho death of Bee. Bay)as Cade In Philadelphia yesterday afternoon not anly removes from tho pal pit a p*c tarmMM character and a superlative intellect, but It naturally luiaaa a Mutisa as to what will be deoo to ward the dovelopmeeit of tho Coda typesetting machine which Ws hem advertised many years and appeared to ho going well as a stock eompany. The machine has set beau manufac tured and sold, hut Mr. Cade had bscu La the market long onough to got al most the required amount of stack. Ho wa« being backed by some mloudld men in tho west. Naturally it fa fear ed here that hfa death will affect tho future of the machine which ho has tried so long to perfect. Mr. Cade wai a Confederate soldier, was many years a school teacher, rala fater In the Baptist church and was secretary to Governor Russell. Ha Mors recently the Inventor had taka* active pastors boa and hfa proarUng was such aa gave him unique position in tho Baptist denomination. Ho serv ed Wake Forest two summers ago and as a collage' preacher eras profoundly interesting. Mr. Cade was one of the few mem bers of the fusion regime who voted the Republican state ticket and tho national Democratic. Ho sever went back on Bryan or him philosophy. Tho nearest a disagreement with tho Ne braskan was on tho war, Mr. Cade being intensely pro-ally and a believer in the war before It was declared. Germany was an anachronism to him and tho war was wholly a rstigtoua ana It fa understood that tho body will ho brought to Loufakurg. where ho Ptmehpd many rears, and the burial will take place Monday. Ho leaves a large faatily. WOODV1LL* NKWB NOTES. SpgeW.to Th* Exchange. Woodyfll*, May 17.—Among tfcoa* who cam* horn* last weak for the ram mer holidays were Miss Mao McMillan 5?£ M“* Anni# Gibson of Meredith Cortege, juut UUm Oraeo Menroo of Oorporsl J, D. MeLoaa of Corny JorVoon mat Sunday at hams. Mltaeo Manr Lhflsgstiai and Maria >*omeo loft Monday for Sad Syrtaga Jha tsorhsrs* I rail tut* at |SK£a^KE-c ctT ' •“*** BobM^olrioy” Mlm "orac* Hmdonmi of Maomo/iOma. Hunt and Haot of scasr-*" haea bam jdraa at Woodeflla school good nntn Friday night, idaT*! Th* yroesada trill go talks Rod Cross 11000 values, n, caE 9 Wed Sfr--SC**** WVE8TIGATJ? j m ■ ■ ■— LAURINBURG, M. C. JAa L SUTHERLAND. Her. Gance. *Phoae 161 taohd Instalment Payment of Second Instalment of 20 per emit on Third liberty Bonds due and payable on or before May 28. Safe Deposit Boxes We offer yon our safe deposit vault for your private use. Each box is separate and apart and absolutely private. We are selling War Savings Stomps. Are you Buying? We solicit your business. THE STATE BANK Authorised Agent of the United States Government Laurinburg, North Carolina

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