Black-Draught ... . "* PHYSICIANS FINKD FOR VIOLA* LATING LAW, • V of Health, these the Int fruit* of an Jut begun by the of Health In *e* that the law* IN rigidly en Or. Jum U Die*. of Btonevllle, al lowed an apMaah of laaaeko to de •Wfi la hi* ceaMsiky and r*a it* court* without reporting any of Mm cnee*. Dr. Crouch found Bo* caaaa which bad haaa attended by Dr. Dich, and them were probably eaeeaal Qth ere. IV FValetoa pleaded guDty, and paid a fine of R aad the coat of the Hr. M. H. McBride, of ReidrriUe, at* \ guilty U the uofR aad the L~ ____ la Onham Dr. Crack found that Dr. J. W. Taylor had ItmM two ST^Tth. gfafcfmrt umkhH in a local aril, hat became too tick foe work and wont to their heme In the country. There they spread the dte oaae among the younger children in their own family aa wel among tto children ad a neighbor. Dr. Taytoi waa ealed to treat am ef the younger children, end Mil tailed to make any report ef thed laaaaa To oocapo tto crtaMaal action about to to Vreaght against hha Dr. Tayler mads an affi davit that ha did not know that to ' waa treating caeca ad whoping cough. CASH WINS DALLAS GIHLS. High School GMe Quick to Tc« Whet Kind ef Heotoad They Prato. 1 and Xeue Waata a Pear Mas. Six girls in toe High school la Dal las. Tea., wore asked to write whet kind of a husband they prefer. They arete not slow in recording their du el***. Hero an their answers: No. 1—He mast have a chummy roadster and asm *6,000. e year, end ha mast be literally inaliaed. ' No. 8—My man meet earn 17,000 a year. He must here a chaanay raad Mer and net belong to any clubs. No. 3- -My men most tore wlW tnent end good morals; the rest can take care of Itself. No. 4—Ho moat bo good looking and a Inc dancer and ears at least *10, .000 a year. 1_No. 5—1 want aa aafcttious man. His looks and earning capacity do net I No. <—I won't marry mdsss I CM hare a Ueutonaat or a captain. I FA8MB* A KKAL PATRIOT. THIS STATE LEADING IN TUBES CL LOS 18 WOW ml I Wimt of tha Fipht Agabat tha Wlim Which Aa— Hjr KUla So Many People In UaNai At least H.WP more tab—pW—h hospital hods win be —dad United But— arlthia the ate yam to make poosibla the. coat—1 of the (Hi— aad taad— to ton— its menu war conditions — it haa.daao )n Is —pe daring tha past thr— yam. This > tbs latest estimate of the National Thbeteolesis Association to a —at statement. TSora a- tt£Pt beds I available ia the country at pc—1. ! TMe estimate ia hand — a revised conception of tha prevalence.of the Ale—so aa the i—alt largely m. VlitiMi or UtoonvUlt, Norik CWoUm • JUST ARRIVED 250 BagsCoe-Motimer Co’s.6-4-0 250 “ Coe-Mo timer Co's. 8-4-0 2 Car Loads No. 1 Timothy Hay 500 Bushels Mixed Peas. We expect on the Steamship “HEIN A,” doe to arrive in Wiladngton on next Fri day, the 10th, ah aUottmeat of 400 tons Nitrate of Soda. We offer for tale the unsold portion of this at bargain prices. Ia addition to the above, we keep in stock at all times Brick, Lime, Cement, Piaster, Door*, Sash, Shingles, Ceiling, Flooring Etc. Give as. a ealL - COVINGTON SUPPLY CO. * . . • • ' ■ Unrinkwrg. North Carolina Bonds Of The Third Issue * We request that all subscrib ers, to the third issue of Liberty Bonds through this Bank, call and receive their coupon bonds. • ' * j. , • First National Bank, Of Lac±bnrg. a. L. JAMm ftm. T. 1, GILL, OssUar. W. H. NBAJL Vlso PmfaWnt Patronize Our lob Department