VOLUME XXXVI-NUMBER 24. x LAURINBURG. N. C., — 11 , ——_ BBB———8SS—B——B— TRENCH TURN ON GER MANS AND MAKE GAINS Taka Three Towns aad Maay Priam an. America* , Mariana Taka I MO Gtraaa Primmer. Paris, Jana 11.—The French hare ■truck the Germans a hard Mew along a front of about seven and a half I atiloa between Rube*court and St.' Maor, recapturing BeJloy, Genlius wood aad the height* between Oour-, cel lea and Moriamer. The dMil announcement by the erar effee tonight of the gains eaya the Germane auBorad heavy lames and left more than a thousand prison ers and some ran* la the haada of the Several violent enemy attacks eu Chevincourt were repulaed but the Germans gained a footing In Machs' amat aad Bertiaarnart, which places are beta* bitterly diepoted. The text of the official statement follows: 'The battle continued today from M on td idler to the Oise. "On the left our troepe, aepportod by tanka, counter-attacked this after noon along a front M kilometres be tween Bubmeoart aad Be Moor aad notwithstanding desperate realetenre oa the part of the enemy reached the •onthan approaches of La Pretoy, captured the heights between Cour eelJeo and lfortemir and carried our linos mote than two kilometres to the seat of Mary. "We have alas retaken Bleoy aad Oenha wood and reached thee euth ern outakirts of It. Maur. Om MM Captured. The enemy who suffered heavy leasee, left more tku a thousand pris oner* and several guns In oar hand* "Id the u—tart he Qentana who hod raeeaoded la parhlag forward to the •oath at Lags lane and Aatheall, win QITVtn HACK WyOM IXH TWO points by ear troopa, acting la ecaeert with adjoining unit*. “On the right the enemy intreeeed hie isrsaaiirs reeking to gala the Mata ▼allay. Several violent attacks tagpeh od against Chorine ourt wow regained. The enemy sane sod ni to gaining • T»M«totoJtaekemmLJudlto*ham. bltteHy Brilliant American Attack. “Sooth of the Ourcq river the A taoriren trrapa this morning bniliaat ly captured BalUeo wood and took tOO prisoners. “Oar day bombing mocMam con tinued their operations Jose 10, not withstanding had wmthsr. Airplane grottos (lying low dropped proJoetOm on anemy concentration*. iHsporsing reinforcing troops end causing con siderable loaaaa. "Certain squadrons made soriim and daring the day eight tons at ex plosives, warn employed’in this awn BAY* SCOTLAND HAS WORST COUNTY HONK. KXCBPT ONH. Judge Harding Mafcen Visit te Cn» ty Hama aad A*parte Intolera ble Conditions There Judge W. r. Harding, who bald court boro last week by 1 pedal ar rangement made a visit to the county borne and was te Impressed by what am termed almost revolting condi tions existent there that he publicly before the eonrt declared hia convic tion that Scotland has the worst am commodetiana for its aged, inftrm aad Incapacitated dUsorn. who by un fertaaate circumrtances are forced to seek refuge at tMa haven, of any etmty in North Carolina with the single exception of one. It is stated the Judge declared it his conviction that something should be done te Im prove conditions at the home. It is reported that sanitary conditions them are each that a malodorous at moephars pervades the moms and quartern of those unfortunates whs am forced to spend their unhappy existence in the heartless charity of a conscienceless state, aad very little is done to make life tolerable for then Many dtsena are outspoken and frank in their opinion* regarding thorn conditions and it is oot difficult ta gat an aapraasiaa of opinion. No caesura of any on* connected with the management of tha haiao la of fered, but it is tha gaoaial opinion that more system should ba employed in administering the affair* of tha beam. It la Mated by Mate that aa s buala*** preposition the oouaty home la a paying Institution and a none**, bnt for • erring the prianry puipuai of ita existence It fall* far short of moderate g—— It ii Incumbent upon tha aa—ty ta pytHa eomfart abls and decent nccommodationa for those of Ita rttiaeai who by ebaarn or unfortaante tin i—lnni ia are un able to care far thommhm, or wha bare no ralathras able ta prorida for them. It should ba tha fast purpose if x«ch aa iaatitutien ta giro nemfort to Its inmates sad its inseclai af fairs should at all ttaoaa ba secondary and auhsarriant to tha higher and grantor duties and prtrilacas af oar ing for tha unfortunate. odious publicity and tnvasticatlon ba te conditions, but up to this time no formal stop has boon token to remedy conditions and provide the nsnsmary MCododAtiooi nd cootvk1chom< 14 is sincerely hoped that the county au thorities will promptly taka whatever ■tepe art necessary to provide every thin* of comfort end decency for the mae and women who are forced to become ha oahappy wards. Money ehoald bo of saeall consideration until tfca eeanty boose la made coaeforteMe and sanitary and praviakm made far Ha maintenance. And than economy will ha nkzC H is said thorn ere only • inmates at the county heme at present and tie •pinion is advanced that ethers would bo them, bat prefer the bamiliatioa letmbf a public charpb to livtaw in each conditions. The county home aad Ha state of perfection to hi aa way repranaaUti.e of the beet there to b« Scotland county dH.mehip Its tp bones to have them prsneptly*a£ tended ta. tWa to the only excuse tor the wytttop ef each aa article aa _:_ Kim H Akrody. “I ftaajr for npaha !**• MM HI" mU Mm —tartat. **«• tho mu who n*Jn4 It told »• J* Mid a triaad to artomtloa.— POUR RECENT CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT—LOOK AT THEM NOW In the last two Presidential elections there were four outstanding candidates. One was Woodrow Wilson. One was William H. Taft. . One was Theodore Roosevelt. One was Charles E. Hughes. What are theee men now dq||g? Woodrow Wilson Is administering the affairs of state, efficiently, courageously, gad with the universal confidence and applause of hie rijfrfBUijini n William H. Taft is devotingjUl Us time and strength and abilities to upholding the President and to helping $e nation to win its war. Charles B. Hughes is givtng>«P his time end abilities to supporting the President aod^to helping the nation win its war. 5*; And what U Theodore Roo«m*K doing? Why, he is busy, by day, . by night, marling at tha President, finding fault with tha Government does, belittling our war preparations, at everybody and at everything. The nation has been at warf Germany for more than a year, and in all that time j one single thing that Theodore Rooeevelt has said (pen a hWp to the Government or to the or to its war making. ' e While the other men whe for »r. Presidency loyally give the fi of devoted serv ice to the country and its that Theodore Roose velt does is to scold and It Is a pitiable spectacle. Georgian. NIKS COLORED SBLBCTMKN CAMP TATLOR. The local exemption board baa la* • tractions to aead the following ool oiad aalartmaa to Camp Tartar, Louisville, Ky., on Friday, Jana SI. Nina man bar* been called to (a on tUa date and two alternates bare bean called to taka the plaoa at any dalieqnaat who might fail to ahow up at the propw Umar Maple McCall. Dental Rdanin John McLean. Pieros Bolling, Jr. Kelly Hoaklne. Learie Jackson. • iMaai Wlnhila Wetter M aerie ca. Fsiriey MeClaia. MTV. jxo. l, paikucy gobs to VIBODOA CHUKCH. hM ltl •ta attained Hi in oltl f,n* J«* *. I»)T, ragtetarad wl* tke ioea] exemption board far •• t 7 •*T ■u * ■» PEACH ALUMNAE PLEDGE FUND W KEEP PEACE AT BALEKIL AMmm Have Faith la Fetor, at laetitetlw aad Weald Hare U Ga Oa. Mr*. 1. P. McRae aad Mn. A. M. Fairley, who have Joat ratiused fro* the annual meettog ad the AhaaM ad Peace Institute aad I to the proposed astabltatoaeBt ad a Jraodiaal School aad the datura cf fhaca Institute. This resell wtlJ he •d Interest to the mammy -Peace" gMe •n the esaaty: The Aiaatoaa AwedaUon at Peace to •aMn^dto^!^h«tId*ti!e*lAee! to RALEIGH. with feat yeara to ***** «*• mo**T- A latter was read tram J. E Toaag ad the heart at traefaaa cmtttnlag the situation to whldi Peace haa haw placed bp the PtoFwad aatahliahwwc at a Byaodt wl School. nwabtohig Peace with Qaeen’s or other North Carolina Preehyteriaa Callages. Qaewh Col toga. Mr. Yean* T-rrlstoad. wfll clew at the md at the tana anieea it to k token over by the Synod. Paaes la ****** Pr^tota ad aaa at the heat ywr* la bar history, and baa as In tontlon at etoahtg rtNi) dosed by tho Syaod. Nias Mary O. Grabua. president ed Peace, to wnebtog to the Atoto aae. said that bar faith to the f«an is too gieat to think that tbe peat history end ideal* at Paaat lead, lata, seeds above esoaoy valet ale grtng^to be loat by the doelag at the I

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