\7fey Sxkior? Ha. J. A. Cox, of AW Ana, V/. Va., writoK "Mr daughter . . . nsW tend terrier. Sho could no* taro In bed ... fix doctor* gore her op. and »• brought ber home to dto. S’.te bad outfaced wo onebat. . .time. Mar lag beard of Cardid, wo tot It for ber." CARDUI BO Wi Why Ttto Moult tii. Thacher s Liver & Blood Syrri will do *11 that calomel will do anu without the "after effect*.'’ Years age, when people were billows, when the Hrer got lUjr and failed to do its work or the stomach was out of Addition, ealomel was tho standby. 3y and by the us rs of ealomci found lhat the "after efffecu1' of takiag tha drag were at bad and more often warm than the ailment far which it waa taken. Dr. Thacher, la seeking a medicine to take the place of calomel—one that would do all the good that ealomel wiAild do, and yet ten re none of its evil cflbots perfected Dr.Thachogl lives* Blood byrwp. This was in Hit, and each year si nee has added to the eon*. di_*aa of thorn who have need li. Mias Basie Brewer, of Chattanooga, Tran., tried calomel. Bhe woe suflsc la* with a vary serioaa cold and grippe end had no appetite whatever. After tha oalomci failed she tried Dr. Thaeb er s Liver * Blood Syrup. Bhe Mt bettor after taking three doors and she eoen got soUrely well. “I think Dr. . sasaauKWRUmi tap vary thankful I tiled 1C." For nearly threeqoaiters of a ecntnry this sterling preparation baa bean aa “old stand-by” In thousands of homes In treating rheumatism, dyspepsia, in dlg—tlon and other stomach and liver complaints. It Isa powerful tooio and blood partner and can be used with the utmost aanfldanoa. Girm Quick ReUef fyr COLDS and - LaGftIPPE Price 28c ud 60c per hottfe NOTICE OP AfiMNlSTEATlON. r^HaaaHh^ AO.VIU CUSTOMS OF THfc FAST IN NORTH CAROLINA. The following interesting article by Cel. Fred Old* appeared in The Or phan* Krlend, Oxford, N. C.; A hundred year* ago and more the lima; the place North Carolina, and riding In a stick gig to the country bemeo cornea a man leading a spare home with a pack on each side, evi dently bent upon business. He is mot at the Sous* by the good wo man herself, who give* him a Mails and the usual friendly Invitation of the time, “Alight and come in.” The man era* a noccaslty to North Carolina, in those day* for ho was the pewter**, and the goodsrif* was Ivory right la giving him a welcome. | He loat no time la getting down to business, for he had made his rounds in that neighborhood before and knew exactly what families had m Hilda, tor making articles out of pewter and those who had none, the Latter reading him goner ally though the farmer required hie service usual ly in making platters, dishea and mugs groat and small, which were a part of every household’s equip ment. | The pewterer found that a down [spoon*, a platter, two bowl* and half * down plates wort needed, look all tha bettered and broken pewter at the household, weighed K with ears mada hi* tea, get out hi* moulds and adding to the old pewter a sufficient amount of the new material to gtve it “life" poured the white end shiny material from his melting-pot Into the different moulds. The good woman, told him eh* needed some buttons too, and he got out the button moulds, ia which six were cast at a time. Bom* of these would he simply polished and then fastened te the goedwoman's Sunday ooat, called them e^ shadbelly la the country, while ia the towns It was spoken of as s spike-tail, but would now be called a drees coat. The pewtarer eras well entertained in the house, the beet at the table waa non* too food for Mm, and the feath er bed In the guest room eras at his disposal; sometime* If the weather was cold there being two feather beds, one to lie on and the other for cover, and between the** tha poop! of that day stowd themselves like ruts in a rest. Mr. Pewtcrsr could do other thing*! than make article* oat of pewter, for he w*e * tinner end • Jsck-of-all tTadee; what the English call • handy man, end He made it a point to in |quire whether anything needed mend ling er making. Vary often the can dle-moulds would be broken or mlae tng and he could (apply either de ficiency, for .from hi* sheet* of tin, which Work hotld to those days sad not i mere coating over iron u they are today, he made the mould* which turned out tallow caddie* a docco at a time, sight or six and tome times even four, and dig went sixes ef can dles. The wicks wore set. Hanging down in the moulds, and attached to bite of sticks aa thay would hang tnsa to the center, and than the tallow was poured and later the , mould* would bo hold near the fir* as to enable the candle maker to pull the (tick upward, bringing the candles swinging from it. In the House If the weather were Cool, or outdoors mad under a brush arbor In tbs Soauasr Urns, there aat a woman, bogy throwing the shuttle and “pulling" tbs loom making doth, while the dull music of a whirring spinning wheel was another feature of the plans. Cottee cards bung Msrky and a flax wheel was to view, with a flag hackle hanging ea tbs walls. He sharp aad numerous Iron •pike* Sticking out from a pleat «f wood ehapod like a short aad luas what thin paddle, the rotted Max be ing h added on this after a long stay to the water had mailed its fibers lo I* eepaiated from tlicit rover. In oon of the room* wae a pOs a. flaoeos of atiri ,*. to ho spun tote scoot •a yarn for tbe making of the Win ter clothing, fast aa tha eottoa aad the flag would be apua Into threau and made into cloth Icr lighter wee •*» well aa 'far shoe-* for any famii; of importance prided Itself ea Us bed Mmo. There sms very sore to be a.i old-time garden at tbe house, la which various herbs wan grown not only for ana to the kitchen hut la •owe eaeee Mr medical yarpmee. aad from am woods and fields bundles ef medicinal herbs had been gath ered sekleh gave a distinct eder aa If of an aysthsmry shop to that part of the bauee. too had knowledge of tho pro port! so of thoea torts, bat not Man eta plota thus that whfah fa aow held by many children la oar high mountain aaaatry la North Ca reties, who la farts, whfah htaght by email bay* Mists greater oaoo and an thaw so •typed to (ho maaufaetaring hoaeaa fat tho North, fto la tho tinfast eteaa tain hantloto osm gate those days tho odor of alh aorta of drying or fried plaata, a faaadnd yoars after tho general knowledge of their values and their rfartoae here passed away from practically all ef ether North Can \ lina, for the Charlotte nr the KaU eigh boy or girt of today would be bard pot to it to toil the value of ao much as one of theaep tan La which ■ature has provided, come contend aU for a useful purpose, and of which the Indians knew aoasethlng. A hundred yearn ago! How time fllaa. There wae a spasmodic return to those primary condition* of liv ing to a remarkable degree during at least two yaan of the War be tween the State#, when tha street or the timea waa felt to heavily by the people in general., Where now are the loome, tha spinning wheel*, the flax wheel* and hackle*, the distilling plant tn which tha goodwtfe worked ap the various plants whoa* sa feness ah* needed; Urn Mg hominy mortar* and their wooden pestlm. where Uie com wae beaten up; the hand mill*, with an upper and a nether millstone, the upper turned aroond by mean* of a wooden peg stuck in K, the "milt" being In n hol low gum log. Where are the lye lye stands, la which the wood ashes aeed to bo thrown, water poured a pen them to leach out the lye I1W1 the aabei, the strong and better lye tnek Hng rfom the bottom of this stand which waa fouraided, flaring widely outward and which would hold Sev eral bushel* of ashes. With thl* lye eoap was mads, all the grease being carefully saved while now U la thrown away, and with this lye the outer part, the cortlde, of grain* of com was eaten away leaving tha snowy white grains laaida, ready to be cook ed and become ‘hi* hominy." and there ia high North Caro lina and in very remote sactkms in the interior eomo of thorn thln*s, Umoo household customs, which mod to bo in everybody's horns, even yet Co on. bet to moot people they ere not even a memory, for only the other day three ladieo, each of whom could truly confess to be!nr on the wrooe nkW of M years, Mid they had never seen a candle-mould or a flax hackle before, while spoon moulds and those •ort of things and pewter utanails wore quite beyond them. New-u-dsys wo buy; we-do not make Yot some body hns to make. Whore ia our North Carolina flax; how few, bow lamentably faw, are our ahaap, so scarce that thair very presence ia re marked by somethin c odd. If by chance cm railway or highway out ■see in these days oven the aaullest flock of them. Aod tear* ware the ropo-welka, her* and there, where ropes of vari ous alias were made for tha neigh bor*, and sometime* where the mak ere wrae even more enterprising, to bo sold further afield. Tha writer know* today of only two xopa-waUu to aU North Otrettna, both- *tgr'C& coart. Tha burinrw la gone out, oev rr to return until some supreme emer gency occur*, some war or urea* which compel» home manufacture. There was the rope-walk, with Ha thread* spread out at oaa and and brought together at the other to1 a wheal, and the gm between the point*, ray 60 feet or aaom, being worn infinitely smooth by the feet of the workers passing up end down along the fine*, gutting thu thread* glared, the wheel doing the twisting and making on* think of the frame now eean in a modem cotton mill. Those wore the days of handicrafts, 100 years ago, and the children wen taught to be what eras knewn as ■mart from their very saiHast day*. They would he thought very old-fash famed sow by a lot of people end yet handicrafts art coming tack by mana of tea thing in tbs pahlm school*. Tot years Durham ha* had meh teaching end new Charlotte 1* going to he** H. DKKD*. NOT WORDS. Uwhtari PmpI* |m UuRli Prow W DmS at Hast. “I Nntohr Imp* that orory ou who boa houpht libarty Bondi will try to hoop thorn for tho ported of tho w«r at lout. * • • If oaoh mod «««ty parehorer koopo Wo Uborty Bond ha holpo to protoet tho credit of too Gorornmont by mnteUtaIo« the MotMt for too bond* at par. which to a »«rjr Mpfal totop to war tin*, and ho alre rendore a more ooooatlal aorrtoo U oar toUtars aad reilore to tha Hold by prectieiap toooo ocono mlre and rertapa which retoau ma terial* and labor nawarery to too aapport. if not too very llfo, of our Army and Nary."—Boorotary lie* AIM. NEW 1 OIL Make Patriotism Pay V,>> S W' tJj # J\o IaudwnI Where Do You Stand? Some have given an ear. Some a hand, arm, foot or leg, Many have given an eye. Thousands—both eyes. And the list of American boys who give EVERY THING—who die for you—is rapidly increasing. • * • •« ' .".‘/I THINK CITIZENS! THINK! You are not asked to Give anything—-but to * loan" your money to the Government—to our boys. Are you doing this ? If not, God pity you. War-Savings Stamps On sale at Post-offices, and Stores BUY TODAY This space contributed by W. p. McLAURIN C. E. MUSE G. D. McCORMICK » * J«ft tty cm aTmt'bottte <4 LAX-KM WITH rom A UyM IHjMlw riiittMi i ffTTSc pilMtofcr Pm*M»»

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