Local Notes Mr*. W. N. Robertson spent Tuee dey with friends in Fayetteville, re turning home Tuesday availing. Mia. B. r. Fan* Is spending aev. eta) days.with relatives at Shelby and Cherry vllls. Mian Minnie McKinnon. who has bean teaehlng at Jacksonville, haa re tained home for the summer vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Haaamoad are visiting at the Some of Mr*. Ham raond’a parents at Windsor, Va. Mia* Tam Stewart ha* returned from CuQford Collage, where she was a student the past session. Lt. Lasrrenee 8. Everet of Camp Jackson spent the week-end in Ladr inburg with home folks. Mr. J. Tom Covington spent the weak-end srith friends at Qrecnaboru aad Charlotte. Mr. aad Mr*. C. A- Chahh left Monday night for a visit of aoveral days with rslatlveo at WtBard. Muter Themes toughen Hour of Charlotte is visiting his frsodp* rents, Mr. sod Mrs. N. Hammond, of this Mrs. D. A. MeDoegald has hooa 111 for a fear days at her heme in the city. Her many friends hope she win he greatly improved soon. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bollard end Mies Katie Lee BeU of PayetteriDe •re visitors In tho etty, gaoate at the hoesi of Mr. N. Hammond. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. John and Mies A Use John of Johns, accompanied hy Miss Frances John of Lawriuhnrg, left Tuesday morning for a spook's stay at Mount Verne* Springs. John Henry, the Z-year-otd sen of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Moors, who has boon 01 with colitis end waa taken two weeks ago to Cleveland county, la recovering and latest reports are that he ia getting along vary wall. Mr. A. L. James attended the com mencement exercises at the State univanity last weak. Mr. James is a mem her of the board of trustees of the University and eras preamt at th» annual meeting of the board. • Those who have net yet listed their taxes for the year 1918 ere reminded that the time for listing taxes ex pins July 1st. It will be well to see your list taker at once and attend to this most Important metier. Deputy Ska riff D.-B, Sauth went U Camp Jsckson. 8. C., Monday with James and Loanta Roberson, colored, -who wars claaaad aa deserter*, haring -failed to return their qutationaire*. and ddirerad then to tha military authorities there. Remember that your paper will atop when tha time expires if you do not renew promptly. Look at tha date on your label and be sura yea do not miss nay tseaaa of the paper by waMMg toe long to sand your re newal. Xlias Isabella Arm-wood of Clpeer, & C., ts a pleasant rialtor ia tha city, the guest of Mias Roberta Coble. Him Arrawaad is a daughter of Rer. W. B. A no wood, a former paster of -tha Lanriaburg rroabytiarlan church and wall knows bale. Mrs. T. V. Baker was taken to the Haariat Hospital Tuesday, Jana 4, and underwent a wacy awtsua opera tion. It Is atstod bar candid en was eery eertoua for a few days tat latent reports from tha beapitol are to tha effect that aha ia dalag nicely and her yi^aJdjA/uad^W^m.S^hta the ra—rairr with rdatleaa. It la atated'Hre. Bergman aad children -wiH return in .the mrty fall before the opening of the next tom of Prlando of Mr. A. L. MeXonal*, Jr, fonaorty a poyala* 1 MX aarrtar tor*, wM to tatarrtant to know that1 to ta ta rated ta 0—tataana toy, Goto. United Stetea Naval Stetfea, dMk "-yr Marten Mr. Mdto dnty aTfSsytot aad to wtHas tons that to la vary >1 nasally Intatd rad finds Ms work agraaaM* Issngb • - Don’t forgot War tovtaga waak Jana tt-g. Mr. W. H. Wotatonyoaa ataaatota in thta tsaua I that to ta tegia ntag ; a* tto aoatay *« ■ _ l in tHM ov ary ana wfll to salad an by a oauasit to* of two and aatod to ptadga hto aatf to bay war savings stony Garda arfll to faralsbsd for 0*1* aaa vass aad ovary assra*s rsytlos to yat Ooaa aatod Mat wfB to written ten and Atad tetrf star* ssa of tto On* Min Annie Goodwyn (pant Tuesday In Fayetteville on a shopping tour. Mrs. E. E. Detter has returned from a trip to Louisburg, where she visit ed ruJativoa. Mr. C. M. Pay tor and little son, C. M. Pay lor, Jr., of Dillon, A. O, spent Sunday in the oity with Copt, and Mrs. J. M. Pay lor. Mi is Margaret Wilkinson left Wed nesday for Chapel HJU to attend the University summer school for teach ers fer 6 weeks. Mias Lily R. McKinnon has return ed from Bed Springs whore she at tended the three county touchers' In stitute at Flora MacDonald Coll age. Mr. Charles W. Odom has been eon*, fined to hit bod this week with Ill ness, but hla condition is reported ns being improved Wednesday. Mrs. J.. M. Roes and Miss Amis' Rose of Fnywttcviils were visitors in iLaurinbarg last wash, guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Fairley. MUe Outs Witcher, who hoi boon with Albritton A Cos as sslllinor this sisson, left last wash for her home at Raids villa to spend the rammer vacation parted. Mr. Bolton P. Lytch in carrying the mails this weak on route No. 1 from Lanrinburg, oabatitating far Mr. W. P. Livingston who io taking bis an nual vacation. Miss Odeasa Capps, stenographer at the Lavripfanrc A Southern freight attest, will spend the week-end with Mends at Wilmington and Wrighta villa Beach. Mra. Cart McLean aad little eon, Carl, Jr, are spending several days at the boms of Mr. W. L. McLean in the county. Little Carl, Jr., baa bean ill far several days with colitis, bat is improving rapidly now it Is stated. Pood Admin] ram tor Lunar P. Smith haa rooeirod notice from State Pood Administrator Henry A. Page of a conference of tha county food administrators to be bald in tbs city of Balaigfc Tuesday and Wednesday, June 1R-1B. Mr. Smith trill attend the conference. A conference of tha county post masters la tha interact of the war aartngs stamps campaign was bald at the Lauriabarg postoffiee Monday, June I. Those present at this asset tag wars Miss Maggie Coslcy of Ws gram, Mr. W. L Gibson of Gibson, Mr. J. H. 0*81400 of Lanrel Hill, Mr. P. A. Kendall of. Johns, and Postmas ter G. H. Russell and Assistant Post master Carl McLean of Laorinbnrg. Dr. J. B. Weathers peon, Mrs. Wsathsrspoon and their three chil dren of Winston-Salem are expected to arrive bare Thursday to visit a faw days at tha home of Dr. Weather spoon's brother, Mr. W. H. Weather. spoon. Dr. Woatbempoon is pastor of tbs First Baptist church of Win ston-Salem, having recently taken op thin work and cornea from Texas where bo has bean located for a faw Mr. N. Hammond received a maa ■aga Tuesday manta* from Us comm. Mr*. A. W. Fiwratt, Hender sonville, announcing the death of Mr. An* W. Ptwratt at that place Mas. day night. Mr. Prsaatt lived at Lambartan and was a wall known merchant than. Seam Um* ago ho want to Hendersonville far rest sad traatmant. Tha remain* wan hraagh t* Lumbarton far barlai Wad. Wa have racaiead a copy ef tha catalogue of North Carollpa State Co hag* of Agriouttar* and Bnglnear fa* at Wast Raleigh That gnat technical callage in dab* a Una week. Scientific education fit* in kdmlmUy with the domuuiia of each tbneo as thaoa whan production to all lines re quires sffioiantfy trained man. Tha College offers full foar-ymr' eauram Hi Agrie utter*, Chemistry, Ctrl! Bn Bleetrleal’ Industry. Ensign W. K. Clayton fa spending • Sort forloogh with relatival in Laoriaburg. Kaeign Clayton wan graduated Inal week from the Unite'! States Naval A end way, Annapolis, with a eUea of 1M yoong wan. 8a has already been eeeigned to native savins sad baa orders to report tor doty Jana POth. Friends af Ensign Ciaptaa, who ranks as asaoad Uem tanant In the navy, congratulate him ■pen ft niching hta Madias and wish hiss pood lack and eanesna la <ht sere ins s< he eon try. Mr. Lamar P. ftnith baa been ap pointed food administrator for Seal land county and aassssda Mies Emily Walker, who has qaH bar nssidsnes in the ooaaty. Mr. Saitoh has re ceived bis rrsdentiols oad wlU giro a part of bis than to this work, mob lag tbs voluntary sacrifice for bfe SSanUj, as tbs piaoa pays nothing Mr. faith is the popoter and capable deputy sheriff and Ms Wort carries Mm to all parts at the eeaaty. It Is bopad that nil dtiaaas trill so opstnte with Mr. Smith and make Ms dotlaa as light aa poaalbls by obeying strictly all the legwlatiooe af tbs Peed A dmlalatroilim Mr*. Jam. C. Niwnjrar of Hsaslet in rived TnmUy evening to visit rela tives hors. Master Alax Noble of Keaslsgtoe. Md, l« here for the summer tsca tion. stopping st Sheriff W. 0. Mo Lourin'*. Young Mr. Notts U a school-mate and close Mead of Mas ter Angus McLsurin. A post card from Mr. Bverott P. Covington aaaouoeoa hit safe arrival overseas, Depot Section, First Cor, American Expedition* nr force*. Mr. Coviagton left Camp Jackson a few weeks age and his fHsndt knew ha was sn route to Prases and sanoaoea ment of his safs arrival than was re ceived with a degree of rsessnmnco. I an. iu. Lang aad Him EIlea I Leng, after spending several days with friends here, have gone ta the IT new home at Antander, where Xev. Jaa. Long went as pastor of tha First Baptist church Kay lit. Mias Ellon Long ta spending a faw days with relatives at WUsao’a Mills bat wilt Jala her parents at A aland er in a faw days. Bar. Mr. Loag la pleasantly remembered as pastor of tha Baptist church boro, and many friends hare of this pood family wish them much bap pines* in their naw home. Mr. Jno. L. McKinnon aad Mr. T. L. Henley, and Mr. Boland Covington, the committee having la charge tha distribution of nitrate of oada far A* Covers meat in the county, anneamaa that a vassal loaded srtth nitrates reached tha Wilmington port Kay 14 aad another on May SO. Tha Arst cargo has boon allotted already and moat of H deliver'd to femora in the eoonty. Tha saoond Bipoust has sat boon allotted bat la exported ta ha ready feed elivary hare soon. It la also stated that another shipment la exp eat ad ta reach Wllmtagtoa on Juno SOth. The Government is ketpiag Its promise to tha farmors and It appears that tha balk ef tha nitrates applied for will ho delivered In time for use *a this year's crops. Conditions have been each that delays wars ana void able and those who have aaadad tha nitrate of sada svfll readily under stand tha dUBeoKia* encountered in trying to make them available fora se this season. A Bit CIimj. Edith—"How dooa Erod imaka Uni* Mario—"Wall, T shook! doAae It os VBokfflod labor."—Boston Transcript Littleton College; Has just closed one of the most successful years in its history. The 37th annual session will be gin Sept. 25th. Write for new illustrated catalogue, also and QUICKLY for particulars concerning our special offer to a few girls who can not pay our catalogue rata. Address J. M. Rhodes, Littleton, N. C. BUSINESS LOCALS FOB KENT—On* 4-nwa OakliH. Oood water FOR SALE—M taM Bfarad mu. Sm Itea RmiL IMk FOR SAU-Smnl Wbn will) (t)m Lyteh, UiriMnri, N. rOH KALX-M jfts&aaft _____- - ros ,\MWt of fut whiter. M»n offer* AIM yrw*pt ly D. CTOfew._ H Salto* Softer, Old Hwfe^Tfc 1H* GOOD VALUES IN USED CARS One “Dodge Brothers0 Touring Car. One “Hudson 6-40° Touring Car. One “Buick Little Six” Touring Car. One “Oakland Sensible Six” Touring Car. One “Pord° Touring Car. All of the cars* listed above are in EX CELLENT MECHANICAL CONDI TION , and are equipped with GOOD TIRES. INVESTIGATE and perhaps you will just what you want and SAVE MONEY too. Coupon Of the Third Liberty Loan Please call . <• Safe deposit We offer you our safe deposit vault for your private use. ‘ < ’ * # Each box is separate and apart and absolutely private. We are setting War Savings Stamps. Are you Saying? We solicit your business. > THE STATE BANK Authorized Agent of the United State* Government. Lrarinburg, North Coralin*

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