LAURINBURG AND STEW ARTSVILL OVER THE TOP War Savings Campaign Lagging ia 8aam Tow metope, About IMO.OOO af * SSI,OOO Fledged. ■ Laurinburg and Stawartavitla town ■Up Wednesday morning arc well ever the top ia their allotment in the War Savings campaign, aa ah own by reports of the local canvassing coca ■Atteee. Other townships ia the there has been la the county a total •( about *100,00*, which is I1M0OO abaft af the county's qaeta. Tba final repeats nrffll net be la peub •My Mas Friday night or Saturday and It ia hoped that the county's quota wUI be reload in full by that time. Aa reported Laurinburg and Stew* aitavitls towaahip bare subscribed *110000 tor War Savings Stamps. The qoeta for this township wee *151,000, which gives an oversub scription of *7,000. Lauriaburg'e quota was *71,000 aad Ha pledges wemt to *110000, or **0,000 over Indications are that la acme eec Ntas the campaign b lagging aad the people an not showing aa much inter act as was expected. It ia urgently requested that every one of the cun vaaatng committees week faithfully •ad sera set ly until every one in his township haa been solicited end until ovary dollar of the fuU quota haa bean pl«dgud. Scotland county mast go «v«r tho top ia this campaign aad with a little serious thinking sad hard work there will bo no difficulty la poshing up a grand total of comfort able margins. Keep working and don’t give up until tho last dollar ia raised. WOODVILLE NEWS NOTES. Special to The Exchange. WoodviH*, Jana 26,—Mim May garat GilUa ia visiting Kin Loots* ShEsr efWWteVqu this wort. Tuesday on basin***. Mia* Tiay Gibson of Lomber Bridge was a recant attractive visitor in Woodvffl*. W« were delighted to weloean l«~ thU wosk end Cpt. J. D. MeLean of Camp Jackson, 8. C, and Bill McMU lan of Camp Sevier, 8. C. Mias Fannie Wright left Sunday far Washington, D. C_ to accept a Government position. Mrs A. McNeill and daagfcUr. Mies Bade, (pent last Wadnaaday at El lerh* Springs. Mr. and Mr*. Dan MeArthar and Mia* Margaret Martin were plaaaant visitors Sunday hats. * Mr*. J. G. Pat* and Uttle daughter, Martha Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Jamas Qibeoa and family of Gibson apart the weak-and V*\\ Mr*. H. C McMillan. Miea Catherine Pairiey of Bock Ingham ia the attractive guest of Mb* Lae McNair tfat* weak. . Mist Emma Lea McMillan enter tained dalightfaBy bat Saturday evening with a lawn party in honor rf Mr Wether, Bill, and CpL J. D. MeLeoo. The eoWMHatba of the Moon sad two soldier bey* added no seas] “pep" to the occasion. TW maay friend* of Mr. Chari** . MaMtHan^wm^note that ho has been Ohmp Sevier, Gveetrvffla, S. O. Mr. Bdwerd Striving of Oreenvffla, a c, earn* Monday right te apart several^days with his abler. Mira. Map 1 ^ f * * V w • if &__-._ LOCAL IIOAUU WANTS NAMES MEN NOT AT WORK. InfarmaUoo. at Men Net Supporting Families Nee Working Win be CoaddcetUL Chairman Edward H. Gtbaon of the local ax eruption board rUtee that Ida .board la anxious to aeeure informs jtioa of any married men subject to military serrica under the salectire ■ ■arriee or draft plan who are not sup porting theta- wives and families. U is fart bar stated that any sad all citiaeos of tho county who may be in position to supply auah Information srs asked to do so aad with the ae mnnss that any information at this 1 character will be held ea a strictly confidential natter between the baud mad the informant. It ia alas prom jlsad by the beard that ia all oases where married men of draft age an not supporting theta families they will be placed In CUcs 1 and forth with sent to the army. The board Is also desirous at se curing information ee to any man, ! **»ried or not married, at draft age ! who are idle or, if working, an ea | gaged In what may be termed me non •asentlal occupation*. All such cases will be promptly investigated and .where men an found ta be idle or ea gaged la work that la not sooontlal to the common good end net e con tributing (apter la winning the war, these man arill be put te work in worthwhile occupations or sent to the army. Any one ia the county who smy know at any a*n of draft aye who la liable under either of the ebon elatses la urgently asked te -apply the local exemption board with this information with the distinct under staadtag that the names of those g'v nig euch information will not bo di vulged by tha board aad the man who is reported te the board may never WBQ cxpo*eti rivu. The War Department baa ruled that all man «f draft age must fight er work at eoaae uerfol or eaaential occupation fee tha deration of tha war. The local exemption beard la charged with tha duty of aeciag that this ruling is carried out In this coun ty and the responsibility of melting the ruling effective in upon every cM ig of the county. whose duty H> to work that la not essential to the good of kit community and country. It hat'hoan found In eocna IncUneca in eoae oonnties that married men in the draft who have bean given de ferred class1, lisation on account of a dependent wife, or wife and children, arc not supporting their families and the Government will not tolerate such trilUngness et this time AMe-hedied 'men moat work er fight; that la all there la to it, and tha sooner these men make up thatr minds that tha Government means business the bet ter for ail cone arsed. A man whose means of .livelihood arc net well known and who moves In a mysterious amaner in s searing Ximde to mast expanses should he rs , ported to the rxemptlm beard so that I Ms ease can be investigated. Gamb ling, sailing liquor are obviously forms of badness that tha oomamaity eaa well gat along without and nay man engaged in this sort of thing ■hould be put to work or sent to the army iaussdiaUly, and that is what Is wanted. And those who sis not working, af what their ft traitere MSDUN AGAIN ON TKIAJU KKD CBOSS MASS M RETING TUESDAY. JULY 1ND. Mm. Webb ml Berhteghem WUl Speak U Opera Have at ItSS Tusedey Marafeg. A mast meeting of the Bad Craea membership of tho Laurinburg chap ter and the Glbeon. Wagram, John* and Laurel HOI atndltertea ha* been arranged for Tuesday morning, Jply Sad, at tha opem bouae in Laarin bnrg. Mrs. Webb of Boekteghaet, wbo is prominent in the Bad Croea work of the State will be present and ■aha aa addraaa. ▲ special attempt will be made te secure new members ef tbs Bed Cress and te eeenra the re ■•wal ad all membaM wbe have preri onaly joined tbe Bed Croea in the ceonty. We following ladies hare been as wttid ft# ft cmnitUf m ^MontUi and will have charge sd decanting tbe hail for Tamday*» meeting: Miss ®va Covmgton, chairman; Mlaa Jaste Meimarin, Mias Mary Pairiey, Kin Aline Covington, Mlaa bene Prteaa, Idee Eugenia Pairiey. It la urged that all Bad Cmm mem ber* and all who are interested la this truck st tend tbs -uTlng Tuee _ the red cross. Tee New A axilla rim Organised te Weak, Workers Showing SpteadM Spirit. Two new auxiliaries have base or CMlsad within tha paat weak. Or J«M SO • committee oi ladle* from tha Uurinburg chapter w Saead'e Grove where a good at enthusiastic women aad b< than aad wars organised into lUnry Rad Cross. The ware: Mr*. Jasper Livingston, man; Miss Annie Gibeon. Miss Ethel Covington, On lime SI an auxiliary at people was organised at Brand) church near are! ladies from die iaay war* present. SI enrolled and Croaa or in enroll aa many aa There la no oom plaint to be aa to the leepaana of workers at Cseea head unaware on Tweed ay Thursday*. Bat on Wednesday* aad Fridays there 1* a path cite silence of searing machines. HrnHtan only one is In use. Tha wait la there and at afl grades, some easy to do and aoaea requiring mere drill. Bo there is a plan* far everybody who win comm aad everybody I* reeding and know* that tha needs are more and ■ore argent for thorn supplies. CAN NOT CHARGX OVSR S CENTS FOR URAL. Pood Administrator Lamer P. Smith eelta attention U n ruling of the Food Adminietralioo which flxoa tho prim at which earn manl may he said at retail at not mete than | •onto tho poend. Any ano who knows at any merchant or others salting moal far mcr* than-5 emits a pound ia asked to report aamm to the county Peed Administrator and the Mm tkh rntl^'to)tgimlrty*o»l U e«ham are anted to mate mmyt re port of say infrinBona of tho rate ___ “■claiming many, physical. .. LY UNFIT. U*»* N»bcr of ftajactad lUfta WQI iMtln Km MadWml IVmIbmK. *• . VMM « rf tha SUU phy Um call for mill, in this tn do thotr part Unrarda PbyafaaFy »t. This will ha daw without of tha • part to tho wiarun# •ora than UjMO mm of 1 and 31 in North found ia th* aandtUon *8. NA8H DEAD. A abort fmnl baW about irin* o’clock by Rot. 3. H. Buffalo*. Im •lUmrli A* body m* tb* dapet, the foDowia* act W. N. McNeUl. W. 3. GoU H. D. Hatch, W. R. Land and Mr. (to T. Onfaii fait Aw tar <1 fa* W* fn Mwr Tnt, itw fa«a«Mt*ntataM. Hi Infayi viO mQ mm tar tan ul«ltafc«iT.Eaimr mm Mrrfan Bi vital Ml fatto. Mr. (fan «. Onfall, mt thfa Ufa tat to fa nil totont tonw Mltai Wvmgitifinii, SOKK COMMVNITIB# WfTBOL’T PHYSICIANS. ***** Haaad af Health ftidaa >■»!■« *• "* «••*»- *■ **n WHhaiS Hadtoal Atlanta*, Tha totaqaa) dietribaUoa of phjal. «*"• •» Nortb Carolina U naatttaf >n rmml eotrarta* in a —rVirjJ antMMaitlaa to tha Bute. Than an rawyh phjrtodane to the Stata as a l+SJTJi*hmUk ** ** *• (hat aa naajr harsTaatararf ZZ* StldSSL? *l£^2 * made ad tha aaepiT Oa*toa la^ha Stoaa^to which than an t wmxan Mr IM Kscmsga.) Monday Aorninjr, Jan* 8. Jaat to. tom 8 •'cloak the death aagal vfefad tba lam af Mr. and Mn 1. A. Bar bar and iblaed far bin oam their darltoc *t4a baby, jaat • aiandha and 4 dun add. K W . aa to waa celled to bto tome vaa a mat baby aad ab way* bara a mile on bto littto faaa for amry aw #• aaa aat ■dintnl tftt2th!!m ^to^I ttoTlMMbto liBlbaa'a heart, bat to gone wham tber* will be aa eorrow, aa yato nor daath. Ho waa laid to reat Toadtr momtac, Jana 4, to 4m flmfly bory M ftoware. God to*Hto wtodwg'hm tom Mb lam had gtom , . at 4 ahtodk at Oat* _..... .. .. ..... : ’■. m DONALD hHUIPS A *"MI °!^1"r" ^InfonuUoa ku j*t n*eJud IMM !? £■«£TZJi3 2SL5 m$, l||p £ wfa . mn m >£& . ^ &2ali '““I" Mil WMAT ©■ocwo rom mn nn>. kv. :**. '• -: mmmmm fife

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