Pree d :/no FORD au — . ■■ AT*n#i JULY 4th, 1918 UR,|NaUK»0 N Seven of th* rr *— Practical and Seed, Han] an? ^in * 8011 r°‘M"^~r«:?ZAS££’' m**+ - - "port,"1,rte . • • ' - ■ • • ■ - •'rx -i H. A. RAGE, Jr. Distributor • . ^ . • ' ' .'.-"/Vv'/r-C Hoke, Moore, Richmond, Bobeson, Scotland Counties ^ • ■ Ford Service Stations:— Hamlet, Laurinburg, Lumberton, Rockingham!. f .. %: ■ .. •; __• ' ■ if.-* •- • . • ' • ' ;•. • i'jo® THE DISHONOR MEN OF TALE. (From tha New To* Son.) Id the Tala tenter elan atatiatka tha Kaiser received eleven votes in aaawvr to tha question, Who la the (mil men n he tal etactn ctaolnah eleven Germane in the data. Wa should Uka to aaa an announce ment that than ware eleven mink an of tha aanior daaa at Tala who would net rtcetro their dafreet at com Thaaa eleven aaa ion should he tha hnaan youths who iaault their coi 1efe and the country to which they have aoufht an education hy pre dakdaf the murderer at EdUh Ca veU and tha destroy sr of the Loai tania to ha tha free teat man in tha wortdl It will aot da to whietla Oris ind date dawn tha wind at a matter at aa importance—a men ebullition of the apirita on tha part at thoufhtkaa ent ice* berya, aifnifylnf noth is* he* a dartre to aaam smart. 11m declaration deserve* to bo daalt with nriwahr. Senior* at Tala today an no longer mn boys. Beorus and tnuidrada of Yato students an npn Mntad by >tan upon bar aarvlea flag. YVay an not too yonng to ftgbt. So the eleven nmtergmduataa of the daaa of *18 who think the Kaiser ia the .greets*! nao in tha world oannot ba allowed to plead tha baby act as aa eseoa* far their defeat ie dantf an -prods! Bring adartration far tha aato ent who would wwiave Amvriea if ha could. Haw long would alevea itiawfnan oju-T-fft- —n-1rr trr ttrr T**f vanity of Bartia if they 4, dishonor toan of Yale would be eqnto alent to^ajtodantlon jtto^.a^goad forv^aeB, woman, or cMU wbe ena cSmltoy^todu tU , -t'* ■ i- : t* r . a'.' t ^ .. world is utterly devoid of moral per ception*. SOLDIERS SAVE MONEY. Nearly all oar fighting men era saving money. That ia the latest word from France. Many of there are “paying for the privilege of fight lag for Undo Baa** by buying Lib arty Bonds aad saving war steal pe enough to maks the folks who anal fighting a dialed of tliaai lives. Al most all Aaurieaa soldiers tend money home oo payday. K. A. Hnagarford, one *f the Y. M. C. A. man at the front who Is In a good position to know their finances, writes, "The American soldier ia the thriftiest American alive. T have Liberty Bonds, War Baring Stamps, Military insurance, and havo nBoted fifteen dollars a month to the folks back home,* said an artillery asn whs was ia the hat last evening. Thera are thousaada of TJnde Barn’s Bokhara In Prance who can tvathfally say the mine thing. I want to tend aomo money home,' to hoard cantawtfy by tha Y. M. C. A. woriwr ia Prana. Tho *Y» hoa pwpoaely ndo to aoay for tho aoldior to and monoy homo. An ha has to do to to leave his money with tha man la the hot, got o receipt for it. aad indicate tha asms and add ran of the parson to whom ho daairaa the money sent. The Y. if. C. A. has arrangements with hankiag Institu tion which makes poaaibla tha rapid and Inantpaashra tranter ad any amount of monoy to any bank or per son in tha atatas. ■Oar cobbers ara thinking straight about moo ay matters- Thoy ara aot miners, by any mean, aad they srs wining to spend a small amount an things that go to make Ufa men en joyable, bat their chief thought to to whoa tho war to over end they is turn to etvfMea Ufa. "Tha average onto to tho aoidiors who ooano into oar Y. M. C. A. cantor, load they an artillery man, engin eer* and dough-boys, la otanoot srowt ty o franc a dap, thirty francs, or about sin dollars a mouth. But tha aoidiar* oouM gamble, aad thoy oould, at times, pni man ay perhaps ovan men foolishly. They just dent do to The parentage that oould bo an anaod of anah an umavino uyaaihara of money to nogUfMo, much smaller than in otriMoa life. THRIFT STAMPS NOT TO KB U8BO IN TRADING STAMPS. Would Defeat Purpose of Bump Compote*—'Merchants Map Uao Stamps aa Biamm But Nut Aa !*»■!— Wina ton-Salem, Juno 10.—War Soring* Stamp* moat aot bo aaad as trading stamp*, or other adrortiobig purposes. according to an order from tho Traoaury Department at Waab ingteu. This would dafoat tho par pooo of tho Stamp camps Igu. tha or der aaya, and would bo dtoaatrooa to dm caaao of tho Thrift Stamp to prompts thrift and soring*. It would bs reducing tho stamp which ropra seats a promlasory aot* of tha Gor It appears that a nombor of bmp chants la the Stats, la thotr efforts to boost Thrift Stamps at tho asm* time that they boost thotr basis foe. bar* bow offering Thrift Stamps aa trad* premiums. Some bar* offorod to giro a ThrtfJ Stamp with a certain purchase of marrhaadio*. to mu clear what the uovem ment object* te aad 4eea not object to te the see of (tempo, the H. C. Be taQ Monheata’ Divieioa of the War Saving* Committee ha* baaed te th* merchant* th* following information: "Dun it no ob^tctioft wbtWftr to Individuate or (irate giving Thrift or War Saving* flump* a* bona Ml gift*: nor 1* there any objection to the practice of making paymm* in Thrift or War Savings Stamps far that la the earn* aptrit they wffl )re frahi from each giving." . E. aoLonrs morale MC SAYS PERSHING. Want U> Hear Good Nawa— What Shall th* Mauaf* Ba Jane 1ST Acain General Perak in* i* rtapfaa nSrf*"Jaf»urt*B0* °* kmVi'>€ mod new* that comas from hone. Ha talla hk aoidiar* that it la thair doty to writ* ham* oftaa, that neither they akr th* baau people caa heap la the h**t af spirit aalaaa they kaap la ton ataat tooeb with «a* soother. Ha wo: "Doty t* ooa*a eoaotry dan aot aad oa tha parade ynoal aor w*«a aa th* battle Said, hot la dole* everything h> ^whftaww. Ik* peapia at ad many thaaa to writ* th* bay* only S*od *ew*. They want to know aad want to ba told adtaa that they an b*la* bald la haaxt aad rriad, aad that they have tha whole cow try at th* k*ak af than, k k said tha aoWttar* flpht beat whaa thair hop** an high aot aad they faai h**L Which Is More Important? Your Personal Comfort or The Winning Of The War? If we an to win tkt war, itltfn mast sacri fice our personal comfort to a certain ataL If loaataf your money to the Government means some personal sacrifice, are yon willing to do ft? . Year response is the answer In the fasetton •bore. The Government has made it easy with , WAR-SAVINGS STAMPS SCOTLAND COUNTY SAVINGS BANK Laurinburg, N. C.

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