mm* *yfiWWK'V. vV.f,: 4m Wa jian. Wo |U| AIv w" "■ ■nT ^ *• ***~J*»* "®2 .iJuLTbi * hop# that hi futile aad equally fool tab PmaaiaaUm and Canaan mill r^rr^tr" °i ujji.&*nn*^* »«*a^aa that^caa not be eradicated acd 4a it ttMroaghty, aOdaatly and aatlafartorllv according to tka Oar ■HBWftatiaawft world dominion an all wron*. Tka ESSSSSSSiStf •dkP* at German tmperialiam La tka «twwth ad a dtohwtad idaa aa aid m i^T.TaL grjgr PIGS IN A CLOVKH PATCH. Patriotic dtixani fa this county ham been assayed at to obstinate behavior of mm of to etotantfal people who hoop steadfastly refused toe far fa give aapthfas *te to senes «f their country. Appeals ef to Bed Cross, to Lib erty T nans, the T. X. C. A. aad other tear ceases hew* failed fa tap to foenlaln* of generosity ia theta aad aa to daye go by the** people ate pie have far these who evince no in terest la the great purpose of ha faaaity. Hm Saturday Evening Post rises this data ap pretty wen in a recant editorial which is reprinted here: "Liberty Less aad Bad Cross drives dtadosl fa nearly ovary commsrdty certain obstinate slacken. They are so few anwaday that toy at one* baasoae notorious and are pointed out —ilka to was with to rubber ear aad to anal an boy—firms! freabi Standing^ in sharp contrast to bonmal "Vary rarely are they pro-Gerroan. Prc -Germanism does not advertise Uaelf now ia that conspicuous way. Heady toy an groochoe and spong aa. Their simple psychology is that of a pig in a clover patch while the feeding la good, nothing leas ton to Impest ef a rede against to riba or of a Mantling an to spinal column will inspire tom to move on. So tear as somebody aim will keep the bogt goUg tfay^wqi^aaitor^^M fends?) grievance* Mfabmt the cos? msmlty In gsasraL “Small as their number is. they raise aa irritating problem. The cooueenity'i feeling toward them ia Hbe to feeling «f am who have been volunteering to pet set a Hr* toward to able-bodied citiaen who refused to land a band bat perched on a horse black at a safe distance aad watched their eg arts with amused interest. The lsrlination to threw a brick hi bls^ directionstrong and natural. "jIaiaTl ** to ha dona with mtipt to let „ „„ Till eoso maaity fa which ha Uvea. Haw must mad tot act The man who t* wed able-to lend a hand now and refuses to do H voluntarily exiles himself from |S1Sn: LAllMNMlIG SOCIETY MBS. JAMES HOSTESS TO BJXAUTH MOWN1KG CLUB. Mr*. Hlntoa Jamas «n a aoat Me dial katM to tha Ehaabath Brown ing Book CM oa Friday, dona Ilk It a Mnirir —fcuTrr-* ewraar of Um Ptosoa, Min Haiti. Wall Bryaat dts paaaod Mldaa patch to all. Tha pnma «o Paainal Vmmu, «u vary food. Kin Hatha Covington aad In. 0*0. Artegar road totsTant lag gayon, aad Mho Potto Jamas gora mas Hu, In /am tfesa toattod hn gossto to pbqrtef **WU nn " Mrs. Jonas, atsstag hlgkaat, was awards* a In ads son hr framad Partnlt of tha PonUn*. Bsdmfc • ' • • » • • • « • LOCAL NEWS. * Miss Josephine BaatjMt has ss her guests this SMk Miss Mary Ovnthla Bethea of McCall, S. C„ and Miss Mrs. J. E. Hill and grandchildren of la Lastinhsrg with Capt. and Mia. C. M. PayVer. Mia. W. L Header*** ad Charlotte i* visiting fa the city, a gaaet ef her mother, Mia. Xats Thiaaee, aad air ter. Mrs. J. D. Shaw. Mia. MaMair MeNciU ad ImM fa spandfag a f^w days la the city with Mr. aad Mrs. J. T. Beetfah aad other Mis. I .panic Hsansnnd and Uttla tea. Locale, dr, letstaod heoso Taaa day faght from Winter, Va, whale they hare been visiting isfaUeea for ■oesrsl woiha. Mr. W. R. Faye of Chattel apoat Bsnday la the oHy with friaada aad loft Moaday morning for Cbaifatto to nyaat to the aseosptiia hoard there, having been caQad into the ■dhtaiy service. Mr. Neill McKay of Wagrum mi hi Laariabnrg Tueeday mernimg with Ms dsagbtw, MMb Ma McKay, who with Mias Betsy MeNsUl, left (or a Mr. Joo. r McNair haa haaa Hi at Ma hone hi tha city ataee fhiaiiay, hat wa are glad to atata la improving. HU many friaada hara aad thrsegh oat tha atata with far him aa sariy mcovtry and a return of good health. Mra. J. B Central] of Spartanburg, 8. C.. apant p few days of this weak hara with Mra. Sue Brinson. Wadnsa day amramg Mrs. Cantrell and Kiae Margaret Brinson Ml far Kaaaaa Ctty, Me^ to spend several wests an a a—mist outing. Capt. Baron P. OaldweH. formerly hand of tha Laoriabhrg eahoala. som mandar machine gun company of tha Slat Regular infantry, sailed tor Prance Thursday, Jana XI. wtth Ma company. Side* December of last year Capt. Caldwell has been station ed at Camp Forest, ChWkamaugna. Go. Mr. Aubrey P. Hammond, who aa stated elsewhere haa bean at home bare, received a message by wire lata Tuaedsy evening jaat before train time giving Mm an extension of X at home. Mr. Hammond Monday. HU Mr. Chas. W. Odom of haa subscribed fob tl.OOo of. Savings Stamps, or aa the boys has gone the limit. It is mid Odom is tha only unmarried young mam in the scanty to become a mem ber of the Limit Club. Others will de writ to do aa be baa done. Mr. Dan McIntyre left Wednesday morning far Moatraat to attend a ye«mg peoples* i aa reiitlmi of Hands/ acbool workers and goaa aa a rapro rentotive at the Laariabnrg Presby terian Sunday school. Thia eonvaa tica will be is session from Jane C8 to July 7th. Meaara. , Marshall James, sen of Mr. and Mra. A. U Jamas, and Mar shall Prince, son of Dr. and Mra. D. M. Prtaaa, am at AatwaBe attending a Mg weeks military animal, whkh la bahiB conducted at tha famous Btng ham school barracks by the (Mv» aHy of North Carolina Capt. J. Stuart Allen, military Instructor at tha UnhmrMty last year, and Cbpta. Blount and MoGhoo are trainhig 1M young North Carolinians far • weeks there thia summer. Messrs. James and Prince am Laorinburg's rspre Sheriff W. 1>. MeLatnin ukt The Exchange to advise aB MtoaeNh owners that the new lMS-lflf license nvmhen araet be ea aQ ears by My 1st The Sheriff farther states Mat a)< asteaseMles wiiheat the sew U cease sweat wi after Jeiy 1st will be denied the privileges of the pebSe highways, aad their owner. *m be ftaed la the eoerta. It is stated Mat the secretary of state eaa eayyiy As I eat is a far ead dtotaat lend 1 wM write yea a flaw Usee te let yea heew that 1 ass eafsytag feed health. This Is a toe natty veer here, t wish aS say Mends hi Seettaad eeeld see the hsaatlfhl eoeoary veer hate. weald She to be ever liwe avw. Otoe ■a aay Meads ar bast whdwa, and ta« than that H la ay high to see at We Sell War-Savings Stamps GET SOME 1 . ' . . We offer thin Blown Ice Tea Glasses as shown for 90 cents per dozen Cash. $1.20 per dozen when | charged. Fairbanks-Marse* Woter and Lighting systems. ij . Let ns show you the i i simpliest and most eco- | 5 nomical way. Our prices I are low compared with ! other systems. The best \ results guaranteed. t Help Uncle Sam Help You BUY WAR-SAVINGS STAMPS I . GET IT AT r Bros. V- - • Oxford Colege J. Pounded I860 Preparatory ni collegiate DEPARTMENTS SPECIAL COURSES! - MttM How* Economic* Aft Strap Teach*** in Chats* at *1 Apply tar Catalapn* P. P. HOBGOOD. PrcaMwt NOTICE GASTOtf THE JUNK BUYER While doming oat year Ban*, ■are your Bags, Bagging, and Bags. MET ALB—Copper Braaa. Zinc. Lead, Aluminum, Pewter. Radi. RUBBER—Bobber Boota, Bote ber Bhoea. Bicycle Tina Solid VahfckTirae, laaer Tubea, Ante BIDES—Hone, Male and Cow Dry fWi Bahaa Scrap Ina. Briag ywr Jagk to GASTON TfawM The Place: W. P. Evaaa’ Wood Yard, Lwrfabarg, N. C. mmm—mmmrnmmmmmmmmm* delco-ught LAOTUNSVM nicnuc snmcs oo. Aonm. lM !l.Ur», y.C. 0 Are You Backing Up Our Boys “Over There?” O* bays who arc sacrificing their Hwe far you and me; If ne, yea wlU make a big sacrifice every day acd ioaa UNCLE SAM y«>r meaty. Yea will boy War Savings Stamps and Thrift Stamps every day. A War Savings Stamp casta, this month. $4.17. Far sack Binary tbs United States Oivctewl wUI pay yen $Sj$S Jaasary L UR Twenty Firs Cant Thrift Stamps are said. M yea ebb to tore year ynartarn. When drlia ef Hirer have bean iMaad to n Thrift | Card, rm can gat a War Savings Stomp by paying a few WE SELL WAR SAYINGS AND THRIFT STAMPS. Jj7 ana every day—bay until you feat that Give each ef yaar children Twenty Flea Canto and teach them to save by bayiag THRIFT STAMPS. / Be a IM pm cant American-Lean year money to UncU Sam. BLUETS DRUG STORE BATHINGS CAPS We Invite you to cell end inepeet our lino of bathing eepe. Now ahowinf the latent in thJa aeesoo’a otylea. Come and look theoe while the eeieetioo la complete. BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS-ahow Uncle 8am that you are aquaaoiy behlod him In the Up debt , EVERINGTON’S DKUG STORE The Baa-Tax Drug State. Uniakui, North Carolina