Local Notes Dr. J. W. Wilcox and Mr. D. H. Leva of Land H1U war* business vis itors la Laorinburg Monday. Mrs. J. T. Myors and Uttlo daught «, Martha Hayes, loft Monday morn ing for Werror ton to vittt relatives. Mrs. lain* Bundy and Mrs. Nleh olaaa aad children of Hamlet arrived Monday MW*t to visit Mr. and Mm. U A. Move* of this city. Bov. W. B. Goode, pastor of tho Spring Bin Baptist church, loft Mon day morning for Kllarbs, whore bri a mwdwriing a aeries of revival mast ing* this weak. Mr. J. A. McColman ot Gibson was on* of the first to report cotton hioo mou this your, bat eras not mention ad among those who east In blossom* loot weok. Mr. Joseph Henry Jones writes from Camp Bevter, 8. C : Ploose change my address from list Com pany, lMth Depot Brigade, Camp Jackson, S. C„ to Company B. 924th Infantry, Camp Sevier, S. C." Mr. and Mrs. L B. Sergeant hare as their gosata this week Mrs. B. H. Tuner of GordenovilU, Vs., s rioter of Mr. Sergeant, aad Mr*. P. 8. Sergeant and IlMlo daughter, Mabel Muss, of Balaigh. and Mias Blanche Sargeant of Hamlet Mias Violetta Jordan of Madison i* ■ponding sovaral days In Leurinborg, tho guast of Mr*. T. T. Covington. Miss Jordan is a daagfater of Mr. M. W. Jordan and the family wore for merly residents of Laorinburg. Mr. A. Mcl^ay of Maxtos, rout* 2, has been confined to hi* room 4 wooka or longer with iUnoos. but Is now able to sit up aad erslk in his room and anpaeta to he kimoolf again soon. Friend* of Mr. MaXay hope ha may toca regain his usual health and atreagth. B. Anthony, a Laorinburg mar chant of foreign birth, pledged him self to buy 1900 of War Savings CUmpa Monday. Lets in Uw after noon he aw a newspaper headline announcing that the Italians had cap tured 46,000 Austrian prisoner*, and thou harried to the War Savings com mittee aad told thorn to put him down for another g100. , Jha Lytch family reunion will be bald Thursday, July 4, at the hem* of Mr. H. McN. Lytch in the comity. This is an annual affair when mem ben of the Lytch family gather for a reunion. That* %VU b* ■ pieaie din ner and a tenoral all-day social gath ering. Mr. Aubrey P. Hammond of the ^ United Staten Marines, Quaatlco, Va., ret urn ad to camp Tuesday night af ter spending a 5-day furlough hare with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Hammond. Mr. Hammond want to Part* Island, S. C„ last December with the Marinas and was later trans ferred to the training station at Qnaa tfco, Va. Ha is instructor on tha rife rang* and has hem decorated for hlr akin in rifle and pistol shooting. Be a 100 per cant American when the War Savings committee calls on you this week. What yoa are willing to aamrttc* to buy War 8arings Stamps ia a vary good barometer af your patriotism. -If you era half way interest »d ia tha war and tha fh turn at America and your children, than you wm probably buy War Sav ing! Stamps that way. Go tha Smttl Midshipman Halstead S. Oovtngton. young sea of Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Cov ington of this city, left Wednesday of last wash for Annapolis, Maryland, where ha baa baaar admitted aa a stu dent at tha United States Naval Academy. Midshipman Covington ■pant taut year at tha Marian (Ala.) Military Institute where he waa pre pared for sntrance to tha Naval Acad may. Ha write* that ha has faOy paaasd all the lw te to Mr. Covin (ten's ■craft Halt, Uakad State* lamp, Annapolis, Md. Dr. V. 0. Hallier, the able pastor <rf tha Laaral BID and Smyrna Fra*, bytariaa ibaribn, who baa aaraad theae eengregetteas meat fattkfaUy into tha omcnaae work nf tbo Y. M. C. A. and baa been etlM to report fa tha sky ad Mow York on Jaty t, from wkkh point ho wfll sail far Yranee. Dr. HaUler, ao far as kaowa, I*' tha aaeaad mac frees Scotland ceonty to antar the Y. M. C. A. work. Mr. Gao. T. Goodwyn haring loft laat weak far Mow York to anil for fnm In this aerrice. A« paster of tha Laaral BUI and Smyrna ebnrchm Dr. Ilalliar has eoam to a high piaoa la tbo regard and affectioni af the good people of tbia county sad It ia with •iaeer* regret that they leant of hie daeialen to go away. However, the call of tho^Y. M. C. A. war enterprise hr a high sae and good men am badly needed thare. The preysro and beoe iflftima ad Mm folk back at hems wffl loSoar Dr. BaBlog a mam tha ease. FosUnustsr G. H. Kuseeil mad* a business trip to Rockingham Tuesday. Mil* Christine Teal of MiFsrtsn. Auaoo county, is visiting at the horns of Mr. D. C. Odom this week. Dr. J. L. Gibson left Sunday even* lag far Wilmington to attend tha an nual mooting of the North Carolina Dental Association. Mi* Estelle Haithooek of Bennett*. ▼Ole, 8- C, retamad home Monday after a visit hate at tha home of Mr. D. C. Odom. Mr. A. t. Blue spent Thursday aad Friday of last week at Wrigfataville Beach, attending tha aeneloue of the Neath Carolina Merchants’ Associa tion, which were held at the Seashore hotel. The Hamlet Messenger soys: Mr. J. D. Bruton bought one hundred end forty-five bushels of com from Mr. Ernest Haaaucker. of Gibson, for his mill e few teys age. This make* tit bushels ho has bought from Mr. Hun •ueker recently. Tho story tailing hour will be hold this Saturday evening at C o'clock at the home of Mrs. A. F. Blue sad of Mrs. Jas. L. McNair. AU the chil dren aro Invited to attend these uiMtlngh end their mothers are urged to have them attend. The only reason year name or the names of your visitors are not in this column is because we did not knew you were gehsg away or that you had rttttore in your home. By giving us this information yen can help won derfully to make this part of The Exchange more intersting. Cap*. Jas. M. Wright, a veteran of the Civil war aad splendid dtitaa, re cently suffered a slight stroke of parelyeie but we are happy to report is improving this wo*. Cspt. Wright was formerly secretary aad treasurer of tha Richmond and Scotland breach of tbo Farmers' Mutual Insurance As sociation and is a good farmer sad eitisan. Hie friends will be pleased to lean ho is recovering. Mr. Gao. Dewey Carter of tho Unit ed States Battleship New Mexico is visiting hie sister, Mrs. Carl McLean of this city. Mr. Carter has just fin ished a 4-year parted of enlistment in the navy and iea ot yet 20 years of age. After 1 day of civil Ufa he again enllstad in the navy and ie away on a tO-day leave of absence. lfr. H. A. Pag*. Jr., is advertising elsewhere in this issue of The Ex change practical demonstration of the famous Fordaon farm tractors, which will be given in Laurinburg the after noon of July A These- will be seven of these tractors hare and they are a i part of the 100 Fords ton tractor* al lotted North Carolina by the Govern- . mat through the Food Administra tion. The Fordaon tractor b built by Henry Fond and Son and is adapted to general farm use. It is said to be as practicable and serviceable as the Ford automobile. The Hamlet Messenger of last week ■ays: Mr. H. D. Gibson, Mr. O. G. Wright and tea. Dew, of Gibson, were at the dedication of the A. R. C. Can teen home Sunday afternoon. They were well impressed with the dedi catory exercises. Mr. H. D. Gibson wee the tree surer of Richmond coun ty several years ago and 1* one of Scotland county's esteemed dtbene. Ha has a comfortabb horns right in the heart of GIbeon end has farming interests near by. Mr. Wright is e merchant as well as farmer. Mbs Fannie Wright, the popular and accomplished daughter of Capt. J. M. Wright of the county, left Sun day for Washington, whan she has bean appointed to an important clerical position In the civil service. Mbs Wright stood a civil service ex amination - at Laurinburg several months ago and waa recently noticed of her appointment to a position at Washington. For several yean she has been the popular teacher of the WoodviUc public eekeol end b one of It b aaneeneed that there will bo installation services et the laurel Hill end Smyrna Presbyterian churches this Sunday, when Dr. P. O. HalUer. who has boon serving these char eh ee aa pastor, will be formally installed eeeeediag to the rttoe of the Presby terian chart*. Dm Servian at Smyrna wOl be et II VMedt hi the morning sad at Laurel HU at tiM in the even ing. Dr. Hetiier leaves hie erode soon to eater the T. M. C. A. overseas •erviee, and the eurvism et Me chnrchse Sunday will he of tpedal Interest to every ns—her of the two congregations. Mr. W, H. W|Mhcitp«m wwlwl a —octal moaaa*a hy win Monday aaktaf him to bo proamt at a moot Iny of Y. M. 0. A. workan at At lanta Taoadoy, Jaly & Tka maaaaya wna from Ooo. W. Portki of Maw York, foattar oaa—alin aiaaum for Tkaadoat ftaaaanIt and tba Baft Maoaa. Attandlag tka coofaronca la Atlaata will bo Mr. Parkino, Dr. fna. 11 .Moot, Jaa. D MadkafaOar, Jr , and many atkan paondnoat in tka walk of tMa orgaalaatfan. Mr. Vaatkw* AUant/taTba pnaiat’at tbU aantm Mr. John H. Payler la spending a faw day* with friends in Durham. Miaa Agnesi Bennett of Wadss baro is la the eity, the goest of Mias Maggie Muse. Bar. and Mra. p. A. Watkins of tnnrsl Hill wars vlaitars in Lauria hnrg Tnasday afternoon. Ex-Judge W. K. Neal and daughter, Miaa Pmaom Louise, left Wednesday morning for a trip to Charlotte. Mrs. C. G. MeCreight of Hamlet fe visiting Mra. Baland Covington of this aity. Mr. W. A. McKay sf tha J. T. John Company, Johns, was In the aity Wed nesday on business. Dr. J. W. Balk, formerly located Kara and now of South Carolina, spent a faw been in the city Tuesday on business. Paramount Pictures Cam keg The Gam Theatre will inaugurate Paramount eervtee, beginning nest Monday, July 1st, with Douglas raw banka In “Down to Earth." A Para moont picture win ha ahown every weak hereafter, and it ia not improb able that two of these acknowledged superior to all other motion pictures arm he ahown each week In the soar Futare. Mary Piekfeid, Marguerite Clark, W. S. Han, Wallace Bald and ether well known Paramount atari will ebon be seen at tha Oett. The management of the Thawte* intends to live Lauriaburg people jwat no good pictures as cun be assn in any city^~ 44*. • • ■ * * a a CLEANING AND DOPING • CABS. • Bring year euteuehUe ts Me- * Natr * Garage to have it thar- • eughty churned and doped. • We are prepared to da Sept- • dam week and enema tea eat- • tsfactit In acdsr la get the • bast service sat sf ywwr sar it * Is nsrwsssry ts ksvs It Irak • MeNALB'S GABAOB, • Jus. P. 'McNair, Jr, PrwmClac. * • a • a s*e DR. P. U. ABERNKTHY Vetcriaariaa Rockingham. N. C ’hone: Office HI BaahVwco N Littleton College Baa just closed ohe of the most wcceeeful yean *» it* history, rhe 37th annual seaaion win be |in Sept. 25th. Write for new illustrated catalogue, also and QUICKLY for particulars concerning our ipecial offer to a few girla who san not pay our catalogue rate. Address J. M. Rhodes, Littleton, ». C. BUSINESS LOCALS POE RXNT—On* «—■ Imam, feat Good waUr ud good sygi-mj: as GEORGIA COTTAQE, Wrighteeille P—«*. N. C., ta mw ayen for ruaata. Under the lMiwgniiMt ad Mia. M. A Ctabb for the fMt thr«* *—mm. Near Btatioa One and in m*7 walking dictaae* from both kediia. Reasonable raMe by tba N. C. • • a •• MM*MMaMMMnnaM—HMMMMMMa POE SALE—PlnUeUm bora*, wagon and ham***. Ron* win work any. where. Can b* a*M at Dtaan Mil any tint. A I hbagalim POE* SALE—Corn in tb* .beck at S g.tas!JsjMr POlt SALE—Underwood ^typewriter POE SALE—Cantaloupe labels lor gyE^gurf^j NOTICE—We bar* m^loyad aa ip tcMtata electrician and wirwaan, and win be glad t* nuke bida on aavJgg4- U"I‘S!8 Addrem Boa t. McDonald. N. C. N-17 ' W O.Wr** tot rou SALK—Oh tod todrtag car, 1*17 Mllil, In good condition, boon af S famn uas 8PHCIAL PUCKS m Fmk «t«Om non-okid tiro*, suitable fat Dadfa «*n. 83x4 only, raw aata laft. Oakland Auto Ca. M-M LOOT—1 Mnd at kaya (tv* large a^a and two wall anon). Ratwa lo Hm Enhuga e4Raa and raeatr* It toward II THINK Of How The Soldiers Are Living In The Trenches To Help Them Buy War-Savings Stamps and Thrift Stamps Every salesperson in this town will sell yon stamps. War-Savings Stamps 14.17 this month, wPI be redeemed by the United State Government for $5 ' on January 1, 1923. Thrift Stamps coat 25c. Start a War-Savings Stamp Card Today. JAS- L. SUTHERLAND. Mgr. Gunge. ’Phone 161 Think It Over Now! Then Act At Once! The United 8tates Gorernment in mUhc jn for a loon, o my —ij loan, joa bum the amoant, and offers yroa a Bond payable Janaary lot, IMS, with eoapoand interest. 8hoold yea be conpellad to caB this loan pad far any reason hasp argent nesd for the money, the Government wtl pay hack the losa, with tatrrcat, op en ten days notice. FAIR! EAST! AND PROFITABLE! Y<m five Mtkiof away. It I* a wife investment and help* yoqr coaatry fat a time of need. • • * Bay Thrift Stamp* and War Sarinfs Stamps bow. Buy all yo« can and then hay more. ' Safety Deposit Boxes $3.00 and $4.00per Year! A Safe, Private place for you Bond*; Inotnrane* Paper* aad other rala» abha. Only a limited namber am be famished. Get your* now. THE STATE BANK Authorized Agent of the United States Government. Lanrinburg, North Carolina •' • . V

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