WHY: V * * . They uad to call him Grandpa Now they call him Kid “REASON FOR LIGHTNING CHANGE” MANTONE Kinf of Recons to c tire Toatca “MAKES YOU FEEL GOOD ALL OVER" No Advance la Price-One Dollar All Draceiata of nitrate, it is not Ukaiy, therefon teat aay ateata wffl ka available for dietrlbutieo atkar than tha twite nf inaia to which County Diitri baton km abaady baan adeiaad. Ia eaaa aay additional ateata akaald kacnan aaaSabla through oath KHktanCMak Nitrate Dirtribo tan orOT ba aotttad at aaoa aa to the qnantity far •‘irtrikatioa in tbofer re I1 1 If re. T. T. Covin (tor aad Mn T. T. Coviagtoa. Jr., ayaa} Tkaraday at ?ataa aad tea faaaral to little KBy. Jr- aoa to Mr. aad Mn. W. C. P. Bated, trko dlad Wadaae day aad «aa touted Tkaraday. lfn. Baikal aad Mn T. T. Covington. Jr, ara iltoira.•' ONLY ■ -“NUF SED” every man knows when a Low Cut Shoe bears name, it means America’s Best Shoes for Men. ■ I have a few pairs in all styles carried over from last season, which I am offering for a few days at $5.98 a pair. The new price is $10.00 to $12.50. Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. 4 .* i - • • • v . . * * Evans’ White Front Dept Store Laurinburg, North Carolina — ___^_•_• ADAM DIGGS, CGI AH HP, DAVID BBTHBA SUNDAY. B«hm DhwUoinil hr Deadly LNlttMttcmnamBMga David Bethea, colored. waa abot to death flood ay afternoon shortly after 4 o'clock by Adam Digga, another negro, at a tenant boose occupied by a colored family on tha turn tt Mrs. Jno. Carmichael in tha oeaaty. Tha waayen aaod eras a 14-gsoge shotgun and tha deadly load et shot entered the negro's body near tha waist Boa with such effect that ha waa disem bowelled. tv. It ia stated that Bethea and Digga •rant to this hoaao Sunday afternoon together In a baggy. A number at negroes were gathered tbara in a so cial manner. Tboa tar no motive baa been established for the kflUag./ft Is aaid wine aad ama prnbdBly figured tat the tragedy, bat so falLap otherwise there la an thing to -ajpbr Hah this theory. It la mid Diggaloft the boggy, wont Into tha house and go* tha shat gun. As ha rams Beck into tha yard ha spoke to aomeao grom tolling them to "eease on 4 la way or m sheet yoo." They paaaod ia reviow as ordered, bat when Ba thes came toward Mm (Digga) ha re proached with’ a baggy whip in hls hand gently wagging H at Digga, and fust aa tha two negroes oaaaa tigalti er. it ia aaid, Bethea took held af tha •ad of tha gun barrel pushing it downward whan K was iWanlmrg«l aad tha eeateata entered Us body aa de scribed above. Digga, H la reported, attempted to mmk* his cat-a way, but when ba had ■cm anmething like a mile from the ••sue of tba tragedy he was tpkaa in •barge by aoaa colored saw sad baM fa* tba ticia who mm arrived sad brought the negro to Jail in La aria Coroner J. S. Jordan was notified of tba killing aad wont to tba acaaa v/hara an laqoaat was bald. The fol lowing tarred aa Jarora with the can «••*: J- X. Wright, Walter Jackson. N. Bergman, Allis Jordan, Prank Onddy B1K.P. BtvUrtk It ia mid the taattiaony of wftuaaam at tba eoronae*! banriag was vagus and of Uttla value in sstnbtishing a motive for tba kllllag or supplying tba facta tba ease as viewud by anailiuuesa The •orondr'a Jury rendered its ver dict to tba effect that David Bethea cams to bib death aa the result of a gunshot wound at the bands of Adam Diggs, eaterad. Diggi was bald to superior court and ia in Jail. “The Reminder 1“ Thursday morning of last week a gentleman of rural Scotland ap proached tba court bourn in Laarin> Wg where be found a Laurinburg aun busy reading a newspaper. "Wornte* paper T" qaaried the rw ruBte. “No. Just reading The Exchange —The Laurinburg Exchange.** “Tba Exchange! Tba ‘Bemtndarr roe mean; that’s what we people ta tba country call it. Wa know every thing there ia in it before it rrmi out, and H*s Just a reminder. Tba Reminder!* That would bo a batter same for HIGH PBAtSB FOB UNDSBY BUS-' % The following from tbs Christian Science Monitor of Boston win bo read with interest bjr friends of Mr. J. Undoey Beeson, a Now York lawyer of in terns done] prominence and ■ ten of Mr. I. B. BnaocU of Lauxinburg. Lindsey BnaocU waa reared at Syca more HU1. Bobossb county, and has hundreds of friends here who edit read this compliment to hie ability and prominence with pleas are: “Lindsey RtsescU, who la to serve as active chairman of the executive committee of a newly formed council on international relatione, will have Elihu Boot aa his booorary chief and advisor. In brief the object of the new organisation is to interest cM aons of the United States in tater aatlanal affairs and make them able to instruct their law making agents intelligently and wisely on aU issuer Involving tho United States in for eign affaire. Mr. Basasll ie a North Carolinian, a lawyer by prof melon and also math interested la commer cial ventures. Be has been promi nent for some yean as a promoter of Anglo-American good win and under standing through hie loyal ssrvice to the Pilgrims Society of London sad Now York, of which ho waa a charter member and pioneer champion, and alas by Me staid sous and Intelligent ears of the Interests of tho Japan So ciety of New Tosh. His acquaintance with todaontiel Japanese of this gen eration la very wide, and Japan's rovemmeut has shown Its apprecia tion af hia services aa a friend cf that notion and of many Japanese real d«iu In tha United States by giving Urn ana of the decorations battened for meritorious service.” EXAMINATION POE BUBAL CAB BOB AT OLD HUNDRED. Tha Civil Service Commissi or, sa meness an exeaduatton to be bald at Laortnburg July U for tha purpose of securing a rural mall carrier at Old Hundred aad aay vacancies that may occur later at aay postoOct in the county. Tha axamiimtioa will be open to both mao and ‘weossa who are ettiatns of thia county. Those dashing farther Information can get •am* *Pldyi"g to tha postmaster at Laarinburg. Heiutafara woman hare not bean admitted to thin ex aminations bet for tha duration of the war the Civil Berries Commlaeien sa ne uncao that woman win be admitted to all carrier examine ticaa upon equal terms with mm. FOUR WHITE MEN TO GO TO , CAMP GBKENLEAP. Tbe local exemption board baa in itraction* to mtrain 4 white man for Camp Croon loaf. Port Oglethorpe, Ga., during the 5-day period begin ning July 6th. These men will be se lected by Hie board end than- names published later. Mlaa Lori «>a Woodall returned to Glbaan Sunday after speeding a weak hare with Mrs. Mary Albritton sod Mlaa Eateils Cox. Wedneedsy of this weak Mlaa Woodall gees to Tony, town, Md., to spend several week* with friends. i TWO MUCH-NEEDED FARM IMPROVEMENTS it. «wded at lnxurtos omfy tor pooplo who are rich, but rather ee prime neceeeitlea far the mni« farmer who —ate to bo eurneeuful. for tho exp— ot lnotallatioa to fcgr BO mean* a thin* that rtawb la the way, especially when the rake of farm pjNducta to rersidwed. • Wh« one considers that it will take aaly a few hun dred dollar, to put In a LALLEY PLANT AND WATER SYSTEM,'It must bo eaid that delayin* buylnt otto of : them outfits to not enty aalrto* the tom woman to atm, tteoo upper* eeery dradaocy aad hard work, but It means wumoOo^soAn^up mlO mon^Mum^^a stoaaiAea “** r^aucin* au ATOQDO OI mcUVt unB WOK. a —to system to *Mpgh to men then justify th* eat. pome of pattlac hi a LA1XEY SYSTEM, while th* eoot The Scotland Hardware Co. “ *'»' / _/ ' - t ^ » .4' ' « * • '• i>.j- . ,>? • » • • Wagram, N. C. of upkeep from yeer to year is almost nothing. Thera •ra plenty of farms when a LALLBY PLANT AND WATER SYSTEM wtl REDUCE THE LABOR FROM AN HOUR TO THREK HOURS EVERY DAY. Sorely this is a thing that is worthy of coMideraUon at a time like title when almost every farmer proposes to work daring the crop season from twelve to sirtaan hours a day. The LaBoy System is the simplest, most practical, most sAdeof, most dependable and meet deelrmfale electri cal equipment for the average farmer ever produced. Avim interested is putting bi an electrical equip ment and water system shoald write for ful particulars ea the LALLBY SYSTEM. , # F. Gilfeather Laurinburg, N. C.

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