V »UJMK XXXVI -NUMBER 21. "AUDI DtXkl WKIIti OF CROPS AND TRAVEL KifrnkUi Bains la the Fork, Peer Corn Crap, Visits Friend, la Laurlnborg S pedal to The Exchange. Old Pork, July 1.—We era feeling good In the Turk this morning, and re«7 thankful far a gracious rain, which fell here yesterday eftemeeo, the hist real season wa have had In three weeks; and ooru, gardens, cun taloapee, etc., worn suffering ceased ambly, while cotton i sewed to Hold ke awa and worry eery little aeer the Man and moles are eery bosy this ■wrtM tarniug ep the stafahto lands “d sawing peas, which was a had Jab bate* the rain and eery Rttta of It had been done. Last Tuesday I returned from a ■hart trip to Dillon county on a vkk to the McLaurin family. My grand son, Robert McLaurin, eceompaaisd me dawn in hie ear os Friday; wa want by way of Rad Bluff, Clio, Lit tle Rack, Dillon and Floydsle. and saw diverse looking crop conditions en routs. From our boms to CU# we flno Aside of cotton, bat the way with vary few was uodcrslsa and eery Ponry-looldag; and in the Dillon and Ftoydale section the universal com plaint arms the discouraging corn pros peat. Cotton and tobacco, for the Stoat part, ware fine la that section, some Aside of tobacco especially ware vary beautiful. The cui big aaaaoa was Jnst in tba incipleaey and Rob etfn hands were “cropping" the lower laaoas when wa left. A groat eat arop bad been harvested dawn than and considerable wheat. On account of tba etiffer soil they beat m raising <»**. **d they alee plant a greater aeroaga, bat ear Usds are bettor adept ad to wheat production. is urn eabnrho at DU km I noted • ***** 4-etory brick flouring mm in OMBW at erection, tho DOIon mills of it showed neglect which 1 attributed possibly to labor shortage. With tho neglected and discarded anas I especially no ticed that it was eon and not cotton which waa thrown aside; ride I con sidered e griswss mistake. Wo found Mr. McLaurin sick in bod and a doctor in attendance, but left bim slightly improved and hope he will aoen be ap again. When all ht readiness for tho return Journey with beam at oa and grip in bead. Hobert announced that he could act And Us "Dodge" keys. After a thorough ■larch by the entire household we de rpairea of Awdteg them te the delight of the little grandchildren, who re jo iced that "Grannie" had te stay longer aad come back on the trate. A day or two after we departed Hal ite. earn of the little granddaughters, found the mlasing keys while she waa In gw oat ef same ether lest artieU. Mrs. Chartmd cam# la Just now with A* gain as agga, so which on* at the gill am hone had beew sitting far scaaa length at time ta tho dense weeds aad briars of a dheh hank, which we had frequently hunted bn* teg and we transferred the eggs te (ha ears at a turkey hen, whs was the saam kind Sad is new happy with rwttl.VE COLiOKfCl) MEN .TO CAMP DIX JULY 17TH. The loeal exemption board ha* re ceived instruction to entrain twelve colored selectmen for Camp Dix, New Jersey, on Wedacedey, July 17. The following men have been selected and from thla Uat the twelve men wit] be taken: Will Long. John Cats. John Laden McKay. Patrleg McLean. Sylvester McNeill. Dan Kelley. Dannie MeCaOwm. James McIntyre. Mack Daniel Barrington. ltedmoa n»n Robert Leak. Mitchell Me K el than. John Kelley. (Iiorn Aftdcnorv. Daniel Murdock Paakey. John Wesley Harrington. Robt. Davie. NOTICB TO THACHHR8. The examination for trachea* da airing certMcatrs to teach bi the pub lic schools of Scotland eonnty will be bald Taaaday and Wednesday, July S-10, at the ceuit hones in Laarto burw. Those desiring to take this ex. amtoatien are aakad to report prompt, ly Tuesday inorning. L. M. POLkT Superintendent. Melton which I had nmr mm and mnoundlngB, in comparison with sthar mill villages ia various places. I paaeed the sight with friends and schoolmates at “Auld Lang Syne." Meadsmea Stackhouse and McKinnon, srhera every moment was a joy to ma, environed by loving Mndataa. Hera as a contributing pleasure I also round tha trd sinter, Mrs. Angus Fair ley, sad Mrs. Margaret McKinnon, sad later on ws were joined by Mr. Fairley, son, daughter, and daughter la-tow, aad Mrs. Mary McIntyre sad mb, all at whom wa wore vary gtod to see. On arriving at tha home of Mrs. Stackhouse I recognised a bright, sweat face which in childhood wm familiar fa) old Smyrna church, tart In Later years I have rarely mat bar,- Mbs Ms MsSoei seated with bar was Mm. A. L. Jamas, $f nrtgw 1 urg always and at all times so kind nd m friendly that tt gives me gam ine pleasure to bo among them. >000 Lssrinburg on Friday morning Cm. Fairley and sou kindly prof ared to taka ms down to Johns to hair car, which was my next object re point, M accompanied by tha Mas sises McKinnon, wo made the trip loickly sad pleasantly with young 'COT at tha wheel, an aieoOml Irfver wo spun smoothly over ss fins t stretch at rend aa can bo soiily ound and drew up to tbs pretty and netting homo at Mr. aad Mrs. John Stesrart, whose shaded, vine-wreath ed vemndM looked ao cool and mst ruL This ia indeed a pleasant home, tiled with warm hearts, in which I ipont two days of perfect enjoyment snd st the oven-tlds a charming sur prise awaited me In tha bsaottfsl Deice lights which had beau recently Installed in this modal homo. Although I have lived on the farm ill of toy day* aad hava been familiar with tha activities In and around tha bam yard, but aaw at Mr. Stewart’s own afternoon a performance quite aaw te me, whoa walking out ts tbs tot am found two colored girls, one seated on otthor side of a fine milch cow. filling, op thotr backets with tbs foaming field. Miss WIm Ferguses to a moot wel eosqo guest smsag bar many frioafis la this section, and bar pmaeaeo to w. n. 8. UKIVB PAILS BY ABOUT StawarteriUa Tovutlp Oaaa Otct tha Tap With 11*4 AM, Other* Be Trom raporta Alad with County Chairman W. H. Waatharapoon It ft ciUmatad that tha county fallad ta raiaa IU quota la tha War Baringi driva laat weak by approximately Wjm. Tha total allotment far tha county b IUBAM. Prow tha raporta of tha four town* hi pa ft ft figured that appmdwataly tSTtfiTO waa piadgad ■a tha aawpalga laat waafc or baa baaa bought by tba people of tba county during tha yaar. Sew* af tha raporta hara not baaa tfl^uftliit ncearaUty aad tba Saul ftgurae way vary alight >T drew tha trial gfvaa ban but ft tha waft tbay are thought ft ba oar tuct StawartarilU tewnahip, report, tha towuahlp dtrartor, Mr. j/A. Caldwail, baa piadgad flMJOS. WUUawauw taumahlp raporta about «t»,*00 (flg uru# far thla towaahip not accurately aatahlfth.f yat); La oral Hid taporta »3B^70, aad Spring HIU «3J,M0, mak ftg a total of BS440TS. Addad ta tM* U B2T.M0 piadgad by tha colored people of tba county, making a grand total of II7BA70. Tba county chairman aska that tha peeple generally continue with tha campaign until tha antlra amount ft Piadgad, and It ft moat aarowlly hap ad that before tha and at tha year Scotland will not only buy tha fltl,. 000 aakad of her but will ge "way over the top* for additional thoaaaada af tha bast farm af Government In vaatwant la patriotic aacuriUaa. UUMNBUIG SOCIETY MBS. SHAW ioinH TO THUB8DAY AFTERNOON CLUB. Mrm. John D. Shaw waa tha cherm Ing hoataw of tha Thursday After noon Book Clab aa June 17th. As it was act a regularly scheduled asset lac Mrs. Shaw arranged her owa pro tects, Mias Ja rant events, Mias idaaitm of tha program the assisted by Mlaa Era Mlaa Irene Prince, erases and cades followed by aaltad note. At a late hour tha guests re. luetastly departed aery grateful Mrs. Shaw for a delightful afternoon. ST. CECILIA MUSIC CLUB WITH MBS. COVINGTON. The St. CactUa Music Club bald its last westing of tbs year an Wednes day afternoon, Jane «, with Mrs. Boland Covington. Twaa indeed a delightful meeting. Quite a nember a/ Mrs. Coving ton's friends wars pres ent, tha out-of-tew* guesta being Mrs. C. D. McCreightaad Mias Sente Nteniyar of Hamlet. Tbs program far tba afternoon was “Afro-Ameri can Mamie.'* ITaad painted pragraataa wars present ad tbs guests and aa each card waa a dtffereat sketch of a “lit tle darkey.” Tba ft ret number WM a paper, -Negro Falk Music” by Mia. Walter MeEeebln. Sang Hague Sptrttaals, -I Waat te be Ready,” Mlaa Jolla Stewart. Flaae edwtisn, Mrs. Bath# Shaw. Song. -Blues Tea Want Away,? Waa Mary PbUHpa. Banding, “A Change of Heart,” Mrs. Boland 'briagha. Fiona ssleatioa, tslniag to say tha laagt. An elegant ha as seas waa served by tba hist ms. WANTED FOB OVERSEAS WORK IN MECHANICAL UNITS. Mm WMS Spot Lai Tralnl0« or Export mm Will Itnli* Good Eaj. Mr. J. L. Sutherland, apodal agent in thlo county for Urn United PwblU Service Beeerre, haa received from State Director T. L. Bland af Roofcr Mount the following special notice: Mm of the following clooaot are wanted tor induction or onMotmont la tuttaia railway regiments far emr Maa duty Immediately, ladartioa of tUt ippaloMloa wiM probably stop oboat July ftk. Mortmain or Chaf Mtioo Hands. dpply Foremen— water oataldo plumbing, ate. Tha Aviation Section of the Marino Coipo odetteo to anltat or induct men of dSo following claeaoe ut onto. The mrim*ma^*°m *** Acetylene Welder* Who Workers. Tfco Deportment of Military Aero wdla baa nakad ua to put aa many •"•MS mm aa poaoiMa for induction aa prim tea between bow and Jaly Mo smU sort of tidltgs train They merely speci men In order to keep the aa high aa paaalbla in that H« Division af the Bureau af will ba civilian poab bdtaad ‘ MAIL AEG PHILOSOPHY. » (Written far Ikt Birhaigt.) "Somowhp. in Scotland Coast?” Idf t—Who atld Mattes? Cast In Ska watt at Pattaraoa park ia dUpa., Na Mbtarfaee. Camp Jaekaen Inquire* if arary thia* to rsttkw aSMtk around da USprtagSeU. Mechanics era sack In demand in AS aneSan at ft* peasant. H la iwtored that eaaaa people bars ▼wry lengthy etaya ia WoodvUW tbaaa Snot yonr community. Boy War tjfcara la a steady demand at Camp Jifjrun ft rod appiaa. Wa know at hast ana fallow ia WeedetUe fully prepared to take the rods ladiea to rid*. —rity bm otyoteod • M Cma —mwyt wiH MM lu —*t laya Ib tbo W. 0. W. MU. Mb 1. A. Pbttorooa (foot tear Aval Matey ot Jookaoa lybp, TWo any Mate of Mr. M. T. Oft ■b win bo |M to Mar of Mo royM . MfB H. C. Orteataa sod ooa, O. P„ Mro jaot rataraoi Mm Com* ■Mote. OMBte. wboM tey tette SwteteteB oofttei 00 OH^S Suiaai rf^oofooloioMSr bS j T. BoOtUlt wot »o watec PEOPLE ASKING TO MAKE pledges larger. N°< Satbgod With Small Cootriku «• *W Savings Cam*. Wln*ton41alom, July l_ataU Haadqnartcr* for War Saviaga u calling attnatioa to tfao foot that mujr paayio art making tlMfr »1 i hav* aoma to dnatoojr th.' oid^id”wh£h" thair raeard and mako a now rii. tWo yrivfltgi ku • t •ay* tkat thl.1T ■iTm tt nT-*- n . _ f«r War IK* raaw ■ a* f*v m Um* ta kam ‘ by tka War *» iarmtmmt and _ PMtmdty to shaar am oaly thair ». yrodatioa of th* nMg that th* Wy* U» making at th* inmt, hat to Say their d*t of loyalty and aarvieo t* thair country. tb« value of w-. oL"!!‘rft>S!r *J>' “T» th* bnUetn, “a. tha War Bevinge >uii foveod many to 4o tUi waalc, they art nut aatia/Ud to aob to the Nulkat •MoaM. bet on the othar g*at that tbay km not a Ptodgaa larger. Thair_ was to «akt thair pledge as M*«h aa PMribia that thatr sbUgatfom Might ha aa faw aa peMlbla. After ihay wara forced to alga the pledge and k»ow aeoMCbing oT tha aalaa and at* t**-» Wwmt to Khmoi tto ctopur, ttot aatMac to baa far tor toaltfc eaaM •toptar to eoatodsttecai tor. Mr*. Fail's* who I a* Watt as aaa af to# vies aba astod to to rdivvari, I ottor work to directia* tto •naivba, and alas saw ttot tto ito ter i* as watt arfatod, to* waa aat tto aaad dor two atoa atoiiMa. ba rrUrvad, as Ms work ' ^ oaontto of tto ysar to sa to raaast gtos tto to1 it sad tto altos ad ft g |i K m