ALL UIIM OP 8U0AB MUST BUT THROUGH POOD ADMIN. ISTRATION. Only Hmm Ownm RxcepUd In Draatk Rating by Paad Admlala traliea ta Ceaerrv* Hager On July I and tbaruaftar tba dla trlbatiaa ad sugar la tba United States win ba conducted under tba ab solate dlracttaa af tba United State*; Paad AibalalatraB la. according ta aa>1 MSMMNt atada by State Paad Ad ariaUtteto* Haary A. Pag* today. TbUiatel la name eery la aider to a* ■agar wiK ba evaBaUe far baaaabaM aaa aad far preserving and Oa aad after July 1, State Pood ad ■teiatrutoru wfl) laaua esrtiScstae to aB buy rim ad eager. including whato aakra, retaliate, manufacturers, eat. lng baaaaa. boarding bauaaa. aad av> aver, with tba exception of bauaakald ba made July 1 aad tboraeftar'except apoa tba nrvaalir ad sartifleaua la sued by tba Paad Admin Satmt tea aad wKb tba exception ad salaa to beau* bold - Whs! peelers., rttiflm, maifm their iteMMlM after they hava mate a I totem out to tba Feed Ataia iitratioa on forma which thoy aaa Be etles by writing to the gagar Divis ion, Food Administration. Raleigh, N. C Mast A eeeaat far gagar an Hand. Al aommarcial naira of sugar aro being required to main a aaw state ment of sugar aa hand and ta transit so July 1, and thaas whs hava mars •Ugar than they aro entitled te arfll ho required to dispose of It andar tha direction ef Cooaty Fuad Adasletetra tor*. Tha eases applies alee te any ba tata, restaurants, bakers, or dealers whs hava an hand July 1 man sugar than they are antitled to. It la mani festly unfair far aay ana ta bo aver stocked under conditions which tha country fasaa at this time. Our na tional segar supply does not came from stocks, but arrives in monthly amounts, aad any attempts ta provide ahead upoa tha part of dealers, cam martial users' or individuals will be severely punished by tba Food Ad ministration, which will be able to keep accurate tab aa all sales of sugar through the now system of inspection. Causes far Rationing Plan. The extension of tha rationing plea for the distribution of sugar is tha Tuoalt or e * number-yf eauaas that have accumulated to make tha sugar situation morn dUBeult than c ould have been anticipated even a faw weeks ago, according to a statement issued by Mr. Pago today. On account of the shipping situa tion, it is impossible to locus tha su gar which is available in remote mar kets, aad there baa been a smaller yield of sugar in tha West Indies. The domestic hast and the Louisiana crops hava also fallen below antici pation. In addition to this, a can eld arable qnnntKy of sugar has besn lost by submarines. as cutse an eaomaie aa can m made, Indies tod a reasonable expects tion from all sources of about 1,600, 040 tons of sugar for United States consumption during the last half af the present year. This la baaed upon the malntasmce of the present is eager Allied ration. nrfe supply at 1,840,000 tens neces sitates a considerable reduetioo to eur consamptioo. To provide three pouoda ef sugar par month per pereea far household use, te take ears of eur Army and Nary, aad to provide far the Mceaaory preservation of fruit, milk, etc.. srOl require shoot IjMOr 808 tooa af eager far the six mswths. A hcuashald censomption of three pounds par sseoth per person, togeth er with the special allowance fee heme Uoa, fruit, mini, mduriaal purpose*, exploeives, glycerin*, ate. (e) Hotel*, reataurante, cluhe, dining care and > team ships, boarding - bouton, hospitals, public Institutions and public eating places generally, ui which term are included all boarding houses which take care of 86 penone or more. <d) Baker* end cracker manufac turers of alt kiade. (*) 1*1*11 star** and others sell ing for direct consumption. ■ i«uirimsaU of Dealers sad Hear*. In addition to giving the quantitlaa on hand, the statenants which win be roqprired freer dealer* and manufac turers in the above group* will* giro ♦he following tether information U Us* MM of Group A—that la, candy, soft drinks, ate.—most show tile amount of sugar used daring the months of Jaly, Aagunt, and Septswi ber, 1117, and certificates will, If tha statements nr* correct, b* baaed open SO par cant of each avenge use. lea. eraom makers w(D be so titled to 76 par eant. A certificate wtB be Isanad aaporstsly far aacb month’s purchases Group B—that la, comma rci si osa uan, etc—will ha givsn certifies Us for their necessary requirements, hut soy resale of sogar by them, ex* cept under ths express diruction of the State Pood Administrator, will ■ftitau a violation of the regain. Uom and subject thorn to closing oi hualnssi for tbs war. Any soger In hand at tbs end of the smoqb moot bo pteeod at ths disposal of the Food Administration. The Administration appeals to this group U economise an consumption In every direction. % Group C—chat - Is, public eating Places will b* issued csrUficatee upon ths hasik of thro* pounds far tocb alnety meals tarred. This w ehtdet all public sating place aaas of sugar. Group D—that Is, bakers—will re ceive oert Ideates for 70 pur cant of the average amount aood during My, August, and diptihar, 1917, or al Uruatsly 70 per cent of thru* times that uaad fat tha month of Juno, 1918. Group *—that is, retail atone— will roceiv* for July purchases certi ficates based span ths average of su gar told during the combined thru* mouths, April, May, and Jane, 1918. Retails ru moat net aell sugar to any of the other group*—chat la, to no one except house holders without mak ing ap ths certificates of such punone. AUswaacm for Householder*. A retailor to expected to toil sot more than three pound* per person par month ta house-holder* All householder* are requested and ex pected to paiiHai all sugar ~*oppnv* from the tame grocer in so far as poeeiMc. Households canning and preserving fruit* for home aso will be allowed only twenty-five pounds of augur for each purposes for the entire season, except upon specific authorization from their County Food Administra tor to purchase an additional amount. Canning club girls and other* can ning and preserving fruits for ths market can »score certificates from tha Sogar Division at the Food Ad ministration open filing a statement of their requirement* upon blank* which will be furnished for their par P<m. It wil be hw by th— pUn that there la no direct rationing of tho Hoc—holder. It wsoll eoot tha Gw ernment t&JOQQflOO to pet tha heooe holder an o ration card and will taka tha serriees ef 100,000 people to tarry It eat. We raenot afford the labor or money, and If heneeholdere will co operate It eaa ha ■ridded Penalty far Nat Flitag Statement*. No ohnlaaaler or refiner can sell any eager whatsoever aniens he re ceives the eoittfledte above mentioned. Any group* will arar and the wt ho plan being UBS AN BJCTgC BUTTON ON ADMINISTRATOR PACK AFTER PROFITEERS. Deafen Charging Marc Thaa Fir* Crata a Pound for Cora Meal Will ha Victims. XalsJgfe, June 10—Miller, and deal on who hare been caking advantage of the saaretty of flour and tha "oemhlaation sale" order of tha Food Administration are likely to hoc* a "mn-ln" with State Food AdrahUa trator Haary A. , Page, according to a ctatemoot issued to tha trade la the OAcial Bulletin of tha Feed Adminis tration which waa laaoad today. Ao cording to this .totemant tha coa, aarratiaai of wheat hag boaa haid hash •ad discouraged to a ooasldorabU do gra* by pro Otoe ring in cam meal and other cereal ouhatitutaa and tka Food Administration is determined to. sail a halt oa sach hnainoaa. But* rood Administrator Henry A. Tags, after an Investigation of coco prfeoe in North Catalina aad with knowledge of the cost of the eon im ported into the lute, aad with tea regard te tho legitimate amrgina that amy be charged by tellers aad retail ors, announced definitely that heta aftar any price far Ion meal to the ceaanmer above five cants a pound will invite InTvatlgatissi. and deal an found to be chsrgfa* aa unreason able margin will be diaripHnad, The ealy justification for a price higher thaa five cento a pound will be high freight rates ar ntmeual mat of hand ling doe te same extraordinary dr This procedure ia In line with the aew policy of the Pood Administra tion to begin Investigations at the manna an1 end retailers’ aad imtad of with the manufacturers and job bers, If there ia any profiteering an any protect anywhere along the Una «f distribution it will ha ind tested fa the pries te the consumer and with a —her of competent inspectors fa the Md it will ha easier and decid edly more effective te begin lavastiga Uona of apparent profiteering with the retailer. In tame markets in North Carolina corn meal is selling for approximately ea much as wheat flour. The Pood Administration bolds that it should be at least a difference of SO per cent between the two products. COMBATING DRAIN ON NA TION’S MAN-POWER. Urged That AH Efforts he Made to Dispell Ignorance and Indiffer ence Regarding Venereal. -- -- 1 « With the a eeambling of several hundred thousand men fresh from civil life In the various training camps the Army la again confronted with the same problem faced last sommer and fall, the prevalence of venereal dioceses. With the addition of sev eral hundred thousand more yaung man to be made to the camps during the summer this year renewed empha sis is being laid upon the light against the social evil. War nowadays la fought, in a large pari, behind the battle lima. The re serve man-pewer must be trained for battle and it mast be fit to fight whan' the time cams. The greatest drain on the fighting power af this country ia caused by the dishonorable vener eal diseases contracted in civilian en vironments. •• n w+mwwu vn WfD ■uiauriiy IIUU In tha average community than ia aa arach syphilis aa consumption1, and that gonorrhea, next to-■— u tha moat prevalent of all tis.iiaa What the latter means to North Caro lina is shown by the fact that there ware more than eleven hundred cases ef measles reported in the State for the arneth ef May. To eeashat tha canae ef this drain ea tha man-power ef the Nation the War Department is argtng that it ia ■lesseery that there be a frank and fearless consideration ef the follow tog phases of the problem: ».preset bp of prostitution with provision for the feeble-minded pros titutes. the medical treatment of the diseased ores, and tha training and gwMawaa ad those who can be par aaadad te earn aa honest tiring. Lean! legislation that will aamhla Cm health authorities la daat sfect IvMy wttb this vital hut heretofore to show and to dispall the afl gnaraaco aad that ha. existed shoot Georgian Say git’s ! Worth Thousands Hmm a».1 GOVERNMENT SALARIES FOR mmm U prevail feat tbe OmiM baa raiaad tbe wal to trance salary fee stmegrephsw and typists in the at Washington D. C, to njM a yaar. Tbe ha* beta ae for pe«Ri*a* of this ala He* at tha begtn W400 to 91400 a at 91400 being In it/ The War Department tieaa at net Ians than 11,100 a year. “■* I"* to protect* to 91400 a year after three months’ satisfactory aarrtae. Appointments at salaries ttw 91400 a yaar are rare, and tha appetatose must possess ax- j capdonal qoaUOcatlona. There is still great need for stenog raphers and typists in tha Gevcm mmt «®eea at Wssbingtoa. Those whs have had cenaidenble office ex perience are not moat desired. The Cteil Barrie* Commission urges qoai Mad parsons to offer their services to the Government. Fall Information may be obtained from tbe ropeesouto tfn.rof th- «vfl ferric Cesaitna. Ar~fea poetaffiee hi any eity. CALOMEL DYNAMITES A SLUG GISH LIVER. i Calomel oal (rated It’* mammy. Celomd act* Uka dynamite on a olag (lib bear. When caloieal eoaaaa Into bile It eraahaa into rtipatad'aid”all knocked oat. Jnst^go S£S.1XS“t££7&,Z2 which la a harmlaaa veg*table caheti t*te tar dang tie— calomel. Take a —•natal aad If K doeant atart year “tar and straighten yea wp batter and «B»ck»r than nasty calomel aad with out making you stek, yam juet go hack aad gat your money. , y yea take cilmil today jrouTlbe Do you think you hare done si) Chat should bo iwqsirod of you prbsa you loan your money out of year abandonee while other men give their HresT Sacrifice a little, iiditga your self leas, eara mors, loan all yea caa, aad than ha terry you can do no more. LBMON8 WHITEN AND BKAtlTl nr THE SKIN. You never get old, stale grocer • • * * . iesatthis store. Our policy is always to move oar stock as rap idly as possible, keeping it FRESH AND PURE. Our canned and bottled goods especially are carefully looked after. These goods loose in qual ity if kept beyond a reasonable time. In the interest of your health. * come to us for pure, fresh gro ceries. McLaurin & Shaw ’Phone No. 43 Lanrinburg, North Carolina _1 di ■■ . v -WriSiji WhichJIs More Important? Your Personal Comfort o r The Winning Of The War? If we are to win the war, all of aa ant aacri fice oar peraoaal comfort te a certain extort. If loaning your money (a the flmrinnal means aoaM paraoaal sacrifice, are yea wilMag to 4a It? Your response is the answer to the fatten above. The Goveraawat has ande It easy with WAR-SAVINGS STAMPS SCOTLAND COUNTY SAVINGS BANK Laurinburg. N. C. Patronize Our Job Department * /> ' ' y* *-■ "V ’ /* ».y*I “• "ft 4- , ,#\v t

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