Local Notes Mlaa EatelW Cox left Monday for Wilmington to nptnd several days with htBe folks. Mias Louisa Alexander of Qaatuola has boon spending oevaral days at the borne of Mr. Ira Kincaid. Dr. W. Q. Show of Wagruai was in tbo dty Mooday attending a mooting of the county board of education. Mr*. &. L. Hammond and children loft Tuesday for Mount Varson Spring* for a stay «f sever*! days. Mr. W. N. McKonals of Oiboon was bore Mooday for the regular mooting of tbo county board of education, of which ho Is a member. Mr*. Agoaa Myara left Tuesday morning for Clarksburg, West V*. to visit bar daughter, Mm. C. J. Gar rett. Mr. N. Hammond returned last wish from Ilrnidmaua. Vance county, whom ho spent several day* on busi ness. Mr. Aabrey Hammond left Moo day morning for Quantieo, Ve, wham ha is stationed with tha Marines as special instructor on the rifle mage, after a ten-days' furlough at henna. Another Laurinborg young aaaa who recently landed in Trance for ■ereioa with the American armies la Mr. W. T. Clayton, who Writes homo folks here that ha ham landed safety over aaaa. Mr. a D. McCormick, clerk of Um •out, left Tuesday morning far Ral eigh to attend the annual convention of the superior court clerks of North Carolina, which is in ssealon this weak in the eepltol city. Mrs. L. C. Pegnue arrived heme Saturday eight from Battle Creek, Michigan, where she has been study lag this year. En route boms Mrs. Pogrom stopped over in Spartanburg sad Oastenis for a few days to visit friends. Mrs. Mattie Raabell of Freeport, U., and son, Mr. John Henry Weehall, of the aviation eerviee and now eta Uoned at Camp Greene, ChariotU, ar rived Saturday to visit at tha home of Mr. M. M. Ritch. Mr. Rashsll ia a niece of Mr. Rlteh. Mr. H. R. Weill spent Friday ia the city. Mr. Weill, with Mrs. Weill, has been spending several weeks with relatives In New York City. They bev« goes to Atlanta for tha rest of the summer and will return to Lass inburg in the early fsJW- ' .. The board of county commissioners held its regular first Monday meet ing at the court bouse here Monday and transacted only routine business. The meeting wee continued to Tues day when tha board made a final set tlement with Um Sheriff for the fiscal year. Mr. Rrnest Smith baa resigned bis position with the McNair Phosphate Works, effective July 1, and left Tuesday morning for a few days’ out ing et Wrightevitle Beach. Mr. Smith was Hi the draft end hue been classified for limited eerviee. He ex pects to be called soon and far this reason gives up his work here. He has bees succeeded at the McNair Phosphate Work* by Mr. W. D. Deputy Steal# Lamar Smith ran Id a tench of dmortors Monday «*«o io# wtea Ha hteagbt bafoca tba local exemption board Jim Blue, a odd Me* Neill and Jew. T. Barela, oolored. Thaoe negroee registered at Kinston. Lteedr county, last year and It semes later returned to this county without notifying tte board there of any dhaago of addrsm. Mr. Smith locat ed Item Monday aftemoea la tte Ma son's Oram moMin. Haring failed to re tea > their pMmtira they are te go to camp as desert era. In this col man last week It «M stated that ao far as known Dr. T. O. HeUisr aad Mr. Gas. T. Goodwyn ware «Hs aa|y awn from Scotland scanty to offer their ssntoea to the Y. M. C. A. far ararnaa work, Inedrirttutly w* ooartukcl Mr. B. W. lUkh. formerly superintendent af tha Laaitabnrg year and want to France as a Y.,M. ft A. worker. Mr. Babb to tha Ant ■pedal hreaA of the terries and wa are glad to Mks the proper sacra# Hm hare. A# atated tost weeh Mr. C. V. Odetn anhaerfhad for 91/NO of wer eaetogo maa to the to bap a thousand doltooa of •liglkie ter Mb -dab la Mr. Horny ■vans, who has alee piwdonl IlfN of war seringa Heap. Mr. Hvaaa to a grandoon of Mr. Jaa. f. MeMalr aad waa a eta dent the past asooton at tha Uatoar etty of North Caroline If then an mm la tha eoaaty who tho Unit of war ee» i or who wfll qoalify foe la tea Hath dto, wo stall ha ptoasod to add tholr aatoea to this HA Meears. E. K. Gibson. W. H. Weth er spoon and Postmaster G. H. Russell ■peat Tuesday at Rockingham on professions! business. Mr. H. A. Sasseen state* that he will sell ice cream Thursday at hk store, and the proceeds win bo given to tbs Rad Cross. Mr. W. 0. Bui* of Wagnun, a pop ular member of the board of county commissioners, was hors Monday at tending th* regular monthly mooting of the board. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Franck hav* aa their gaasts this wash Mrs. Franck’s mother, Mrs. M. N. Dark, of Fayette ville, and Miss Laura Frank of Roae boru. Mr. T. W. Hunter, registered drug gist of Lumber Bridge, has accepted a position with Everiagtoc’s Drug store of this city and has entered upon His now duties. Mra. T. V. Baker returned Satur day from the Hamlet Hospital where eke recently underwent a serious op eration. Hot friends will bo pleased to kern her condition k very mack Improved. Deputy Sheriff Leaser P. Smith ead Chief Frank R. Smith want to Camp Jackeon, S. C, Wednesday to deliver to the military sotkorltie* there a number of dsoortm recently appre hended in this county. IUv. W. A. McLeod, D. D.. of Aoe tto, Texes, wlU preach in the Presby terian church bare on naxt Sunday morning, Jaly 7. Dr. McLeod is • nephew oif Mr. A. D. Carrie of this city, and will sail for Prance a boat Jaly 9 to engage in Y. M. C A. work. It ii announced that the regular monthly union prayer meeting will he held tbit Thursday evening at the Presbyterian church. Members of all congregations In tha city and the pub lic generally an cordially invited to attend thii service. Laurinburg ritlxana report that the mercury registered as low a* 60 de press Wednesday morning at 7 o’ clock. This is unusaal for July wea ther, and xleeping under blankets in mid-eammer is the exception and not the rale here. County Superintendent L. M. Peek announces an examination for teeth ers at tha superintendent’s office m the court bouse here Tuesday and Wednesday, July 9-10. Teachers de siring to taka tkk examination are refloated to report promptly Tuesday morning at 9:90. Mr. Geo. T. Goodwyn who left sev eral days ago for New York to report •t Y. M. C. A. headquarters for over seas duty, writes home that he has been sent to Columbia University in that city, along with a numbor or others, for a few weeks special train ing in the work they will be vx pec ted to do in France. Mr. and Mrs. A. McNeill of Wood ville had aa their guests during tha past weak, Dr. V. I. Masters of the Baptist Home Mission Board. At lanta, Gn^ Dr. Livingston Johnson, editor of tha Bihlieal Recorder, Ral eigh, Mrs. E. M. Ratcliffs of Carthage, and Lieut, and Mrs. W. V. McRae of Charlotte. The Uigur situation la becoming alarming according to the Pood Ad ministration and nil won of cagar quired eftar Paly 1 to purcfaas* sagar only on eertlfieau of tho Pood A4 mlnlatratlon. An article elsewhere In this isone explain* Uw new eager rationing plan and those who are in tarosted will find hart Uw rntm of the Pood Administration far supply ing Utia commodity. People who hold Liberty Bonds of Uw Pint sod Second Liberty Loans are advioed that they may have them converted into bonds of the Third Liberty Loan if they desire. The First National Beak advertise* else where In this tame that H wfll be glad to attend to this me ft or far thee* who desire to bar* their bonds con vnrtod Into beads ef the last loan. Tb# Bonds ef Uw Third Loan pay 4 j 1-4 per eont internet which in morn then tho I 1-1 nitd 4 per sent paid on the Pint and Second Liberty Lean bends. Ge to yonr beak end attend to Ms wetter if yen have bends pen weald Hka to her* ocnvnrtcd farts those of a later tarn*. In kaaptog wttk th* raqnat of Gar amor Bickatt and In Mna wttfa n ew tiaa, aneh or ante* at f o’clock tka •bank beD* ad Untobari ring far on* er two ntnato^ when all tka paa pW ta U»o community nr* aakad to caaac Unit vnrioua arthritic* and af. far n ml nut# *d aUaot raananca and prapar to Almighty Gad, invoking Hi* bloating* *o * atari ca and the A toortenn troopa In Prana* and at Dm rarlona training tamp* and atattaaa throaghaut th* world, and praying totoTriUbe atrlet^dMmd^ uSa duration of th* war, and thee* who Hr* on th* farm* and ant ad bearing d latent* af th* ahnnk baUa art ra> gntatid to ring th* farm htUa aaab evening at 7 attack and Jala to tha atrifa. Mrs. Bam McKinnon ami children of Maxtor arrived Tuesday morning to visit relatives here. Postmaster W. J. Roberts, and Messrs. See. Hoyle, M. M. CPBWelds and C. W. Laugbridge of Bbeiby •topped In Laurlnbarg a short while Wednesday, ec roots to1 WrighUville ■a*. J. M. Hamrick, paster of the Qwnkes Avenue Baptist church of Gaffney, & C„ will preach at the Bap tist church of Laurtaburg ea Thurs day evening, July 11, at the usual mid week prayer service hour. Mr. Ham rick was formerly pastor of the First Baptist church, Lexington, N. CL, and U well known ia the Old North State. Mr. J. Tom Covington, who has •erred the local exemption hoard at dark since January 1, has resigned this position and treat to Ksleigh Tuesday night to report at artsy head q Barters tor examination and assign ment for duty. Mr. Covington ia un der the draft age hut states he has de cided to volunteer his services to Ue country end will go Into (he army if accepted for sendee. Mr. T. L. Hen-, toy. dty clerk, is serving the local board as dark at present and K la probable that the dty clerk's office will be moved to the coart house In order that Mr. Henley assy servo both the exemption board and the town aa dark. Poll co-op*ration on tho part of all tha people ia the report of ovary Marty rhainaaa. They aay tha pao pla art sabecribing and are eager to dgn tha pladga to ahaw that they are doing aomatbtng for thetr Gov ern merit and the boy* at the front. Mr. John A. Kaodrteka, chairmen of Meditor county, aaya that he haa never earn <f- heard of aurh a fine, earnest, patriotic spirit aa la ahaw by the peopleo t him oounty. They are pledging to the ntnsoet of their ability, especially tha bomhirr daat of paoplt. He aaya Many are ahow the spirit of the “widow*! »lteM end If there ere those who fall abort It will bo thooo most able to pay. l»cjlxaj-lJGHT Clean, eafe electric ll*ht aad power at the touch ot a conrew lent button. k ■fie • LAURINBUEG ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. AGENTS. Laertnbary, N. C. BUSINESS LOCALS GEORGIA COTTAGE, WriyhUvffle Beach, N. C., is now open far roasts. Under the inanayaraant of Mrs. M. A. Crabb for the peat three seasons. Naar Station One aad In easy walldny lUntanco from both hotel*. Reasonable ratea by tba day, week er month. Addreaa Mrs. M. A. Crabb, Wrtybtrrffle Beach. N. C. FOR 8 ALE— Ft rat-class bone, wayon and ham lea Hone will work ant where. Cap bo seen at Dixon »fll ■tore any time. A. LWayalaa. EM POE SALE—Corn la the aback at NOTICE—Wo have employed an ap to-datc electrician and wireaaan, aad wfll be ylad to stake bids an any arork of this kind. Laertnbary Electric Barvlea Co. Bd-tf WANTED—B/ refined youny lady, a position tn Laorinbury la any yeod . line of wprk. Good ref trances. Address Box 6, McDonald, N. C. BERT SEE D. O. Wriybt for Jersey bal serriee. tl.60 cash. SB-17 POE SALE—One Ford tonriny or, 1917 Modal, in yood condition, bon I ' and about 8 mchtha. O. L. Mon | roe, LmbM Hill, N. C.9M7 It will mean economy for yon to have your work done in a shop equipped to take care of all makes of cars, where first class mechanics, who know, see that each job is right be fore it is turned out WE HAVE THE SHOP AND THE MACHANICS. TRY US. Think It Over Now! Then Act At Once! r\*\- ’ / ; The United State* Government is addnf yon for n leu, a vary -- loan, you name the amount, and effeca yen a Bond payable January let, ltXS, with compound intereet. Should yu be cempeOed to caU thtn leu and for any reaabu have urfent naed for the money, the Government wiB pay back the loan, with intereet, ap. •a tea days notice. ' FAIR! EASY! AND PROFITABLE! Y«* glm nothtag mr- ItkaMtataTCatamtudtatfpajrar comto, ta ■ time of need. Buy Thrift Staanpa and War 8avinca 8hmpa amr. Bay all yen can aad then bay awre. I Safety Deposit Boxes $3.00 and $4.00 per Year! A Mafa. Plieate |||$i f—> ^ f tltHfaft PfcpW lid QUm >Mm. Only a limited mnnbeT «ui be fomiahed. Get nan am THE STATE BANK Aathorixed Agent ofthe United States Government. Lanrinburg, North Carolina ___ H. tba l«f 1 TIME: Ant, 1*11 ■•SB? tmu

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