Kw^flnff|*>— V^'v':' *•• *■*,>;1* i*-' -: ;',-n*- v ! ■ ' " . * s Make His Dreams Come * - ■ :' • True—Buy War-Sav ings Stamps Lwt night Americas soldiers, sleeping in the imahtioa ef France, drsamsd of victory—of America safe, free and happy. They have left the comforts of Hie to Ight the Hons. To help stamp out of the minds of tha Sana forever their Ideas of world dominion. Ton must back them up. Loan your dollars ta Mm Government. Buy War-Savings Stamps. COVINGTON SUPPLY CO. Laarinbarg, North Carolina ' I 1 WJr ■ ■ H SCHOLTZ, The Florist, Inc. Pn j;wr 441-442 8 N Tryoo 8t. Charlotte. N. C _ '^1 PIIWMIilllBH 11' .i'Av , r . . .. *r UD CROSS JOINS IK CARS OF RJUBCTBD. Win Aid State Baud af Baalth ta CMw af Mae Rstermed From Camps ar Bafaated Uecaesa of TebercalesU. While the imaiau la preparing ttaaaph (pactai hospitals to car* for aB maa la service who cun tract tabar mMa tha American Bed Cm Bo ebtr b Wahl* wtthAetj-Taberrolo •*« AaaatliH.aa and State Board* of Health ip tha flat to care far tha <maa called far aarvtee who era reject lad bacaoaa eSeeted with tea Baa 1 haa mad haaa perfect* af Civilian Rad Cross in i DMsiaa. inetodiag - Otetpia. win* assume rad pcavldiap - —, tree taint of tejacted u tabercaloaa, tha to* vidad hy the-family to he divided'!* l»ia Stato and laeal agendas.' The Initial emitact with rammed tab sr colon ooldtara and rafsttad registrants will be thnmph the Hama tanks Committee, which will larcatl pate caaaa referred by tha division aBea. aad tha reports wg| ba focweto ad ta at tear tea Stato ft all Ttemta loeta Aaaoaiattaaa or Stato Board ad Health. lo North Carolina tha work wM ha doaa thresh ehs Barm ad Tbhcmlaab of tha Stete Board ad Health, msder tha direerioo of Dr . L. •*. MeBrayer. Ihroaph this apaary aa expert ax* —taatfaa aad dtapwaaia la to ba made ■ad tea proper ears aad treatment eatMasd. In a majartty af tea saasa R b axpaetad that tha patient will ba aMe ta snugs so aarry sot tea pka eotUaed for him. la those caaaa •here ha (■ not aaslstanaa ad the Rad Cteaa win ba added to laeai» a full ippartwaltj for tha tsaovary af tha Tha ia^ortaaaa af the arraage mant amy ba aaaa from tha fact that already there have bean 189 man Item North Carolina discharged boas training camps hacanai af tabarsolo* ab. Mora than a thousand others have bean rejected for aerrics in this State for the same reason. Of tha sent back froas camps nine are asm at tea State Sanatorium for treatment and another is axpaetad ta arrive within tha next few days. Tha •tears will ha ranched in conjunction with tha Red Cress. WILL KEEP RECORD OF EVERY PERSON'S PLEDGE. ■ --— Ptapk Have a Right to Ram Who Are Deserters-Coverameat Mat Haasce WarThraugb Attention i* being called through a bulletin Isued today from State Headquarters for Wsr Savings to the fact that a record win be kept ef ,ev styp ansa's support to the War Bar. *n*s Cast paige during tbs wUak of Jana 2*-28. At this time during tho Rpsk beginning June tS, every tax* payer will bo railed on to sabeeribe Ms utmost—for hleeeetf sad tba da P—dsnt metnbere of Us haflp—is the War Savings loan. A record will bo mads and kept of his sahaeripttoa, to hie Mason for sot oabucribiag. Tho OovernaMut wants to know H there are those whs are not willing to top. part tho Government in times like thaas by sebocribiag to the moot at* Nasties Isas that say tba loan vol drastie far keeping a record of sewyhedy'a rapport dor* lag the War Serfage Drive are many, fa tha test place, people hereto ataeh right to know who are deputies at home as to know who sen tha desert ers hi the Amy. Dmsrters la tba War Savings Campaign are no mors Am tha arstosthw of nrrery than da* sorters at the peat Furthermore, the Government proposes to deal with these who desert Its aeons at hems as ft weald deal wfth thoss who da* sorted fa active sstvlcs wWch s record wUl be made sad kept as a iscatt of the drive cf Jane tP-M vela be the amount of the pledge made by every tea pajas, srklss* tnoe for net pledging, sr if Ms ptodge Is not in keeping trith Us nbOty, sad farther, for kit fata* to ettoed tho pmaring on Friday, ». la whfch be has boon aadortho prnrti■ ■ Heesd the;_ ■-*- '■ ■= -—-: CONVICT CAMPS IN PILTUT CON DITION. Iwpwtof far Slats Beard at HstlU Mad* Uaeauslly Bad Ceadittoae to Forsyth County. Though tha department of health of Perayth county Is among tha moat ththnl to the State tha' county has two com let cwaSp* that rank among the won*. according to too reports Juste received from an inspector of the Stela Board of Health. The de partment of hsalth, under the direc tion af Dr. A. C. Bulla. Is auiking • ramnrkahlp reseed to the primitisn jsf the public health work la the coon ty but bee beau unable te todaee the menhirs of the board of county com misslsasrs at the county te carry eat the rules end regulations for the gw* onto* of campe for convicts as adop ted by tha lam suasion of the General The Inapictsc far the State Beard of Health who has Just visited Par theca at M and M. the UgbceTU^ for a camp, where toe regulations are fuOy carried out, being 1«0. Dr. Bella, the county health officer, is ntosted by toe tom«cter aa saying that he has Soudsmwod the eutottog cendi ttoi mouths age, end has boost try tag to hat the eampe cleaned up with The tnapsrtnr state* that at camp aembir two he found Rise to swarms as a result of the insanitary eandi Hons, stabtos osar the camp, tods dirty, ae wash basiae, as towels, no privy, end e bucket of excreta stand tog exposed to the Rise at the en trance to the sleeping quartern at flee o'clock ia toe afternoon. The State Board of Health to cell, tag public attention to the eeadttloae msutiansd became of the bearing upon tbs general heelth condition* Forsyth county is spending a cemrid asahU earn of money each year on health work, yet the conditions to too eampa are such that mock of the good eeeempWehsd through mouths of ef fort cua be destroyed to a few days. The man to toe camps ere not only needlessly asp cued te contagious dis ease* by each filthy conditions, but spread of such diseases beyond the eoefijme at the camps is invited. A GOOD FRIEND. A good friend standi by you when in need. Laurinburg people tell how Doea’s Kidney PlUs bar* stood tbs toot. Mrs. J. C. Cels of Mill Sc. Laurinburg, endorsed Doan's three years us end again confirm* tbs story. Could yee aak for more con vincing testimony? - ’••.Tbr-*** years previous to my taking Doan’s Kidney Pills, I angered everything with' my kidneys,” says Mrs. Cole. Tor Weeks it a U»e7l weald be down in bed and my kidneys eaeeed me a let of distress by acting irregularly. My back ached almost constantly and nights I couldn’t sleep, it pained me so. Mornings I could hardly get oat of bed and my bead ashed and I felt dlxsy. Nothing I took did me any good until I started using Doan’s Kidney Pills. The first boat gave me relief and four boxes helped me wonderfully." (Statement given March 28, 1016.) Oa May a, 1818, Mrs. Cole said: “I gladly Tocnmisaf Doan’s Kidzsry HUa again. I have never bad any trouble witt my kidneys since Doer's eared me. I advise others suffering from kidney trouble to give Doan’s a trial and what I said in my fanner statement still holds good." 90c, nt aH dealers. Foeter-MUbani Co., JMfgzs., Buffalo, N. Y—Adv. ALCOHOLIC DRINK 18 FOE TO HEALTa he EKmtoetien Declared to Be One ef GreaSest Faetera far Press art ea ef PebMe Health. That tW elimination of etooholie drink would be the greatest single factor in tku promotion of tko public health woa tho declaration of Dr. Arthur Dana, Boron, tho nearly sleet ed president of tho American Medical Aaaociatien, in Ms inaugural ad dram to tho more then flea thousand mam baas of tha Aaaotiatian In nnnunl ses tios recap tty at Chioage. Tha aem dau af the annual moating ware dm rated largely to tiueratiina af prob lems af haatth which hare bean nm isdawif bp tha war. Dr. Baras wan heartily thimid whan ha aaBad open tha lflfljMQ mem ban af tha Agaaciann Madieel Aaaaeia tie* bo flght far proMMMmu “Than aa» he no doobt,- ho told, “of tko tnjurtoua efforts of oloakol drinks mbath tha pbyaiagl and man na ko no doobt flat'dhfMtw da lla fleeter wu «ou euetni lu tho intar ssts af tho public health of tko notion would ha the aMmiaotien af ■IwhlHl drink. MEN— If you ore not Pnysirally fit—Take MANTONE King of R cimatuctive Tonics ••MAKES YOU FEEL GOOD ALL OVER” No Advance In Price-One Dollar All Druaviata Prompt Answers It is the duty of the telephone operator to ascertain the number wanted and ring the bell of the party called. If the called party is slow to answer the operator is as helpless as you are. Most of what you might think is “slow service” is caused by the sub scribers not answering promptly. You can help the service by answer ing your telephone promptly. Mon you TtUpbont SmiU SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY T. A. M0RJU9. MANAGER. BATHING CAPS We invite >ou to eall and inspect our lino of bathing capo. Now showing tho latest in this season's stylet. Come sod look these while the selection is complete. BUY WARSAVINOS STAMPS-show Uncle Sam that you are squarely behind him in the big hght. EVERINGTON’S DRUG STORE The San-Tox Drug Store. L««i»bar», North Carotin* Are You Backing Up Our Boys “Over There?” Oar hays wha ara aacrlddag tbatr Hraa far yaa aad mat if as, yaa wld aab a Mg aacridae erary day aad laaa UNCUE SAM ymr away. Tea wM bay War 8ariaga Stampa aad Thrift Staa^a araey day. A War 8a*taga Stamp state, Uda maath. $4.17. Par each StaaM* the UaMad fttatoa Oeraraamat wtQ pay yaa SJ* Jaaamy i. im. Twmty Plra Oral Thrift Stampa are said. If yaa wtoh la aara yaar patwa Wbaa rixtaaa af thaaa bars bam aftnd la a Thrift^OwfLjraa aaa gat a War Barlaga Stomp by payhqr » few WB 8BU. WAB SAVINGS AND THRIFT STAMPS. »W tto today bay aaa arary day—bay aatfl yaa lad that yaa hare mada a aacrMaa. CMra each af yaar ildldria Ttadj Ftra Caata aad taaah them to aara by baylag THRIFT STAMPS. Ba a MS par aaat Amartoaa—Uaaa yaar maary to Uaala flam. BLUE’S DRUG STORE X. . . MM , Ml righto. Um of eoatoa to warrant «f atone K7 ari nU M dhrtae right. Ato wtoeea ato ahoald oliaai ■ctlan af the organ toad aiadieai pew fcaatoa of thto reentry to aeeww pew artten hr law —toe* the tnjory that IriahU Mac to ear peoples not a» a mM ho aeenrag. b thie erieto, when •ad eMHmtka, wa mat argaatM tfca artln nation k> tka maat aMart way yaaalbla. and tMa eaaaat ba daa witk oat aUoriaatlac drink.'* CHKHKTffiSPP^ pjft ■ Mi * w , ■* i t

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