A FAMILY MEDICINE 66 Years Siccms The Wonderful Record of Dr. Thacker's Liver and Bicod Syrup. Thom medietnae which Mva for am • q a alter of a oanlury am exceptional, ■od oootiaooui nae for over t wo-thirda of a oratory U inriUpulable evidence of wonderful merit. Dr.Thaeher'a Livur and Blood Syrup same Into exletanee la ltSl, and from that tuna to (ho present It haa frown in the confidence and Mttnnloa of 1U ymity inci—in number of naan. Through all lhaae yearn It haa staadtfy grown In popular fever. Ita-wondarfUl betiding op power la ahewn in the axporlenoaof Via. C. X. Chadwlah, Beale. Ala. "I waaall run down in health,** aha aaye. “Weighed Thacher’a Unt and Blood Syrup and today, lam thankful to any m in parlact health and weighlfia pounds. Xattribute my goad health to tea am of that moat wonderful medicine. I Irmly believe them are numeroiie euf forlng people that could be sound and well by the we of Dr. Thacliar*e Uw and Blood Syrup.” If you need a tonic, or a blood port Bar; if your Mvar U out ctf order, your tewnaA troehteovou, or you am eon •Cpated, bavatodlgesUon or dyapepeta, try Dr. 1>Mbar7 Liver and ifiood Byrup. ‘ vegetable and one. It ha I • . 1 GOVERNOR APPBALS TO MOUN TAIN MEN. Petty Politic* and Local Freds Her* | Ofeatured Real Isaacs la Aahe Cewty. <C M. Waynlck In Greensboro Nawa.) Jefferson, June SO.—The governor of the state doesn't visit here often; In fact there era a lot of people who don’t come here often. Some day when an atroplam- rout* Is establish ed from North WUhseboro over these mountains, mime of those who haven’t bean coming will change their habit This is a wonderful spot, if one could be content with beauty, but so com pletely surrounded is It with moun tains that the people are forced to be mare or lass satisfied with ode anoth er's society. After many hours, the impression made by Governor Blekett la his speech remains deep, and the feeling la steady (hat the deserters will eoase out of the hills, perhaps net follow lag the voice of the governor aa readily aa the rodent* pursued the pUd piper, but they will earn* during that "reasonable time," say thorn who know the young fellows who are rip ping up khaki on mountain briars. This ie a Wilsonian war and waged to make the we rid safe for the Damn era tie party—that’s part of the doc trine which has been put over on Ada boys. That is aaa of those “wicked and cruel lisa" denounced by Mr. BiekstL Tb* Party ml It. D—lormta say aU tha dseortore are Republicans, or Marly all of them. Republican! asked about this deny it, saying the ratio 4s about tO.M, banes it Beams aaf* to prasume that the majority are Republican* and soma say tha foregoing argument has weight with them. The*, there is a Democrat Presi dent now and when ha is defeated and supplanted by a Republican, the war will ba over and these who dodged a Democratic law will b* pardoned— that la another of the governor's “wicked and cruel lies* Governor Bickett ha ad led theae and other specious arguments la hie speech. During the war of the sec tions some of the mouatala people de serted the Confederacy sad a number of them war* with the Union. The memory her* ratahu the fact at par* dons far all those who left the south ern ranks, and as Mr. Bickett said yesterday, tha fact that rewards came to a few because of their defection. He warned the people of this county that they might not expect elaraeuey of. this sort at the end of the war. "Your Undo Samuel will ba doing business at the same eld stand, and don’t you forget It. He will hav* a powerful large army wtth nothing much for it to do, and every slacker will be run down, if it taka* 40 year*." That statement from tha governor had found lodgment Jn many minds. The folks who heard Urn, ruminating over this, see tha point—that it will not ba tho policy of this government to eewrt trouble ia decades to coma by permitting to escape punishment those who outlawed themselves by de fiance of the regulations while the country was at war. The for era or waa right when He told Ma haarere here, that “yon in tha purest Anglo-Saxons cm sarth." Few am tha nagrots of tha oason tains. Only ana attended his speech. Them am virtually no atiaaa. Many weaeia warn In tha ganrsrner'e audi anaa and theee marks of chivalry which perhaps have found their moat eatertl OTfrioaluii in Anglo-Saxon namiaanlllna tha weald over won wall dailnad. No woman atoud in that eonrt roam U eoeanda after me ea tared tt. That srma aa. p mean need that It daaarma aaaphaala Hi tbia re port. Maybs la aeaaa parts of the aao|h the old laatlaet Ime tipon «V» figiknidd, hut in this village hedged whout by tha rrrhdkg MBs, that faew of manhood has bloomed cm. A woman la sorer ad a aaat la a ■rewdei auditorium la Aaha than a man to of his life. They showed am tehm wham Jh* waa laid and shot and wham tbto tragedy and that no enrred. hut cm am etoli Bnd the apot This (a a rahgiana part a# North Carolina. Whan owe rode over tha Mb and eatna upon man and women he thair meetings far MU ed conver se ben, It was atrlktag haw many M iksi. waKwIniu nrifiojc Taken eertoneli, too, la poll SmIT!£ito warn JMwi £*de£* or and ha trad tort am Be gat hto man tort they gat him, tea. * ‘ *• *. '* K' ' * ■ * Patriotic Pupil. The people in the town art patri otic. They art willing to light—nay, they are anxious to fight, one thinks, hat some prefer doing it at home. They who are recalcitrant fall to get the vision, because patty local preju dices obscure the big things in many cases aa auraly aa those mountains, lock Jefferson la from a vtow of tka plains of North Carolina. It is ox-! pressed a* a hops here that the gover nor's speech will help to dear away a deal of tbo trouble. Aa stated, tbs people are not treasonable people, and the mbit bars la excel loot, as shown by the recaption of the gov ernor's patriotic speech, bat certain there la needed a county-wide public opinion aroused against desertion which will make tt virtually impossi ble for a young man to lay down in his military harness. That, too, tbs governor argud the leaden to kelp Over In these kilts, one kind af naturally guts the feeling that he aught to be let aleue. He feels lee la tod and be fails to understand toe meaning ef toe new order tt crowds. Mr. Bickett helped to show tost mown tain fastnesses are able to keep sway a either the aim tt the federal government nor the cruel hand tt a victorious kataar. "We an fighting the very soul ef war," he eaid after declaring he hated war. TM man who denounce* the draft law is the kind of feOow who wants eamaofw eie* to pull hie and of the singletree, or lift Us end of the leg, ■aid the governor. It ia a law which la tha highest principle of a democ racy legislated. It ia a gwarantae of an equal duty under a nation where an aqua] right is derated near unto deity. “To call • man te the flag ia the highest tax levy—it la the tax of Mood, of death," said Mr. Bkkett. Some Fine rrogroae. There are certain things In which Ashe county ia by as mean* back ward. As one winds ia aad out among tha peaks of the Bias Ridge, he comes open earn* good farms, many orchard* and excellent pastors land. On this lend are feadiag heeds of aa pretty Hereford* ms caa be found in the state. It is eurprkiag lo And how general ia tho feeding of well-fagad cattle. There it nothing that can compare with It in aay of tho counties between here and (he center of the state. Up hors Is be ing mode the baatehooae the writer baa found anywhere. They my they art making a good deal of corn liquor, too, but this may not ho written au thoritatively. Prom the viewpoint of an amateur observer, this «w»aieiy is about the beat place in the'world to disrtCl each jute*. More inspiring mountain scans 17 would be difficult to discover—end ad miration ia not the only sentiment It inept re*. An enteuly Merest afflatus disturbs 00* at Jumpin' Off place, for instance. The wooded mountains are beautiful, though—ae wall aa aw ful—particularly now when rhoden dron aad mountain laurel era in foil bloom and in tha greatest profusion. The great chestnut woodland promia ao a tremendous crop for 191ft, aad these trees are distinctly tho bmuty of the him. n rora Nona Wilkesboro over here, the roadway it extremely difficult. The old tore pike haa baaa abandoned raapmarUy at fteet, aad pexhape per. ■umently, became ite brldcee were •wept away end ite bed was rafted by the deed. The poll op the aoan talna from 10 ailee eat ot North Wflkeeboro tor ebeat M mUee ferMde the aee ot anythin* bat the krweet ef a heavy eutoaeblle, end there arc pointe where the atrato (a hard at thaL Oar party burned ap eft —Bom ot gaaeHne and re—tied fear beare to Make the W ailae. Mft If wae aetiaery to atop at nearly ev ery paint where water wae naflaMo to heap the machine aeled with a new —pply. Perfcape the aftfeade helped. The toad ft toe ftrtev far eats to papa and whan they do meet, a deal to Mealy to follow. There e*e"^aftto where a tUd two feet aaide frva the tma weald naan a drep ef hne drift ef feed fteer. Atefftoh* itr ft a hard traft eld Deni Beane ftet far took* end ft eerae qafte prnlaHi that ft hna undergone comparatively little aha ega state the old feOew went over. There ft the iiwnpweatlnii ef beauty, however, aad ft the rafted whfth M towe the end of the feoraey. Sena day a reedway wttl he pnt tbreagh theee aeontalne to Jeffenen end It wfi heeoae eea of the I drioft to i I pmwmt tkwH * the Allies sod the Hem hove 25,000 miles of trcoobcs^ Hod* of trenches, gradually drawn smeller, Ceodii modern trench warfare, die Turks fas VlBh“V builder of Verdun, la 1673 employed dm Irst parallel trenches, the system of the present war. P*fcd,Jd ftmidt, turned dm Gcrraene to trench ■ T? t r * J5I ^EWiOoojtkh wh rwotekwidBitift mom. ] l«etur* by bringing forth the ftrit American clinchertir*— ^ Or originating the ana practical non-* Lid, the nrnaa bor, aafaty tread, or lough bleak tread rubber— Goodrich built tira* to ono end-SKRVICE Vaj^UB M *_what they arc wor:h to the ir. uteri-1 on hi* car end en the rood in comport of •□ easier riding car— A ECONOMY in gasoline saved,-and LONG MlLRAGB. ■ _ S«»ll difference whether you buy OOOORICH M WWBRTORN CORDS, or BLACK SAFETY U TREADS, you get icavtcn vnuuu tirb«. the B. P. GOODRTCa^RUBBER^^Jj^^B Cook in a I Cool Kitchen | groves 1

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