TO OUR CUSTOMERS Conversion Of liberty Bonds ■ •> .■ Partiea who hold liberty Bond* of the FIRST and |second Inp£S8fiS^^^?ter| | ' ' ' | them iaj promptly and we will be |U to atteadgto the waiter for them. First National Bank, Of Laorinburg. A. L JAME3, Pm. T. J. GILL CaaWer. w. H. NEAL via* PrWdent PEACE INSTITUTE, Raleigh, N.C. Ibr tbs Education and Culture of Young Women. Session begins 8e*»mber 12, 1918. 1088 MARY OWEN GRAHAM, President. * «M«r D—wrath party rah, which e*a only ba itiapM by a epecislly trhe way ba rc tpaad aad other ean twa cr nan nawdUatn toft to tha race, howarer, tha aatrtta any pot ha W apraad after a wtala data. This data, teewdif to frtoada of Bapr* ■ natatin Unr, fail aw Jana 18, aad law to aaw hanad (ran re-entry bitauai thin ara thraa caadldatoa toft—CaU Blaaaa. Hat Dial and Haary raa oat by thaaa thraa. Tha only ahawaa hr Utwb ra aatry la aa anyai wharetaadar Dial and Kira will aHhdiaw, lcaihia only cm aaadHata. . Thaa tha ewtriaW ■l«ht ba aaapaaad aad all aaadldataa cadi start aw apala. It la adadt tad, hew aval, that tha would be a duuKN tiu > rmmtifMn fff Mian Did rad Kke. A party cow ntokW|to chaa«a lha Pmamtle rale MEN ONLY ”~“NUFSED” Because every man knows when a Low Cut Shoe bears that name, it means America’s Best Shoes for Men. I have a few pairs in all styles carried over from last season, which I am offering for a few' days at $5.98 a pair. The new price is $10.00 to $12.50. Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. Evans’ White Front epL Store Laurinbuxg, North Carolina manta to South Carolina with ~ " —Me curiosity sad other feelings difficult of diagnosis. Tha position at Representative Le nt is aa unuaoal one. Ha got out of the primary raoa had—a tha Presi dent naked him to da so. Maw even although It la bettered tha President , would like to aaa Laver to tha aanats ■ if Tillman la to be rmmi fay death. ■Tha President would hardly stand in [Mr. Lever's way, r—idiom at the i «ahia of his services to the bo—, I wtth the situation so materially rhang ; ad hi South Cnsubaa. Yet Mr. Laser j appears to bo. out of it and the whole .thing hoe happened within a torn \ days. Tha most snueual situation given polftldsas of both the ma ! aia and house something to talk shoot j while making aaxioua inquiries rssen whDa as to tbs poaeibla rscevsry of I Senator Tillman, whose i****-" did not Justify their hopes at a seonihaOh, HOTELS OF STATE MAKE FpQR SCORES. y Majority Show ap Sadly to Sipoeia af Inspectors Seat Out by tha State Beard at Health. The Stata Beard of Health has just completed the inspection of slaty four hotels to North Osrelhm to pm cordaaee with a special act of tha General Assembly of 1917 providing safes to tha Htnto. Of the sixty-fear sue inlaid sad aeetud tha ran re fauna faith share the ha— of being rated et 190 percent perfect according to tha scoring sys tem adapted Thaos four an the VkMmix, Winston-Salem; the Wl» wfagt—. Wilmington; the Wright, Kririgh; aad Urn fiaaeadorf, Win ataa Sal— 11m France*, of Win * tea-Salsa*, aad the Ortea, of Wil ratngten, are data aaeaode with eeores of M each. At the other end of the list la Young1* Hotel, of Dona, which gate lha lowest Mora in the State, CL PahUng ft for the bottom place are tho Dickey, of Murphy, aad the Rec tor, of Marshall. The patent of secciag la baaed ea the fiiltowiag point*; office aad lobby, j «l weah room, 4; dining room. "lt;i kitchen aad pantry, lb; hall* and ataira, 4; bad roeaaa, IP; Are protec tion, S; water anpply, 14; hurround . lags, 8; milk supply, 5; servants, 6. The law and or which the lnepee ! tlon aad searing is don* fay tha State Board of Health was adopted for tho safety aad comfort of the traveling public. IU provisions are maiaty de I signed to coaapd clean food, risen a leaping 'yni—e and protection from flies, mosquitoes, contaminated water aad milk, or servants who are aypkl , Utie, tabercnkma, or typhoid carrier*. Thai iet of the hotels impacted, with their location end score, la as follows: Phoenix. W lateen-Salem. 140; WO mtagtan, WBmiagtaa, 100; Wright, Raleigh. 100; Bmendorf, Winston Salem, 104; Frances, Winston-Salem, 44; Often. Wilmington, 94; Paxton, Aflwdfc, 44; Terminal, Asheville, 44; KallMtaae, Durham, 97; Pima, Winston-Salem. 44; Guilford. Greeas fws, 04; Church Street, Durham, 94; Durham, Durham, 94; Laagreo. Aahe rflU* 01; Imperial, High Print. 01; Art teflon, ttmitw, 90; Gian rock, AshevilU, 89; Yarborough, Raleigh, W; Florence, Asheville, 88; New Southern, ReldsvOle, 88; Swnnnanoe, Berkley Asheville, 88; Imperial, Wil mington, 86; Dwoed, High Point, 87; Celonede, Spray, 84; Jonas, Raxhoro, SI; Piedmont, Boritogton. 88; Term! nal, Hamlet, SI; European, Greens boro, 88; Vance, Henderson, 81; Bland, Raleigh, 81; Moat Clatr, Greensboro, 81; Vnde Mecum. Vide Mecum, 88; Gladstone, Asheville, 80; Sanford, Sanford, 80; Rockingham, Rockingham, 78; Clegg, Greensboro, 7B; Exchange, Oxford. 78; HuOine, Greensboro, 77; Jackaon Springs, Jackson Springs, 77; Moore's Springs, Moore’s Springs, 77; Piedmont, Pied mont, Springs, 78; Chetwynd, Laur inbnrg, 78; Central, Albemarle, 75; LeakevUle Inn, Leakaville, 74; Rae ford, Racferd, 74; Seaboard. Hamlet, 74| Franklin, Louleburg, 78; War ■* ten, Warsaw, 78; Merchant’s Hotel, Selma,. 7t; Central, Hamlet, 71; Montezuma, Marshall, 71; Blue Rldfo Inn, Mt Airy. TO; Pavla Hows, Beaafoct, 70; Piedmont, RaUavOle,1 70; New Carolina, Greensboro, 70;' Dodson Hotel, Walnut Cove, «8; Cole,! Hillsboro, <8; Commercial, Sylva, 86;; Stanly, Norwood, 88; Chari as, Mote-! hand City, 87; Regal, Murphy, 87; Sector, Marshall. 88; Dickey. Marphy, 86; Young’s, Dunn, 62. / Most people hi the country, despite the fact that era an at war, are mak-' teg more money than ever before. That 1« all the more reason why wo should save now and buy War Saving* Stamp*. W# have the opportunity to! heip the Government and to provide foe our own future. LAUREL HILL NEWS NOTES. Special to The Exchange. Laura] H1U. July A—Miaa Dora Oftwoo spent a few day* in Hamlet last week. Mr. and Era. D. A. Watkins sad daughter, Miaa Maxine, and Miaa Ruth Markham motored to Jackra Springs Sunday, where Miss Maik ►um is spending this week with her parasite. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hogan and daughters, Miaaes Pearl and Hettte Allen, Mrs. 3. A. Humphries and little daughter of CriJBn, Ga^ and Utile Miaa Sallic Walters motored to Moot, roes Sunday. Mr. sad Mrs. O. C Johnson hare returned from South Carolina where they were called because of the illness of Mr. Johnson’s father. Tbs many friends ad Re*, and Era. I. N. Clegg of Rowland will bo sorry to note the continued illness of their little son, Archie. Quite a number of Laural Hill pae Pis attended .the installation aarriesa at the Laural HUl church Sunday night. Mr And Era. Stafford E. Gibson and Mias Ha Gibson of near Gibson spent Saturday with Mr. and Era. J. M. Lovingitoa. Samuel Gompora says: "If worthy of dtUenahlp In a free country, no mam or woman wiH dissipate our man power and economic resources through purchase of things to merely gratify tastes or appaarwana. All purchases should ho governed by this one dominating thought, ‘wdl they In any scan ear retard the winning of the wart’ TWO MUCH-NEEDED FARM IMPROVEMENTS Effldmcy la the watchword of the how. This ap plies alike to thoae engaged In the factories aa weM as to tkoBt wk9 {ten pnAwtoe C-Q/y&tity'-'L**'-’ £•• ■ C*'Vli3*L^7. '^V’v* It la not difficult to point oat where many kinds of the tew h«t at tea time wo hare too hi mind—THE BETTE* LIGHTING OF FARM HOMES AND OUT hUlUDOfCM, AMD AM DOVOV1D WATKB SYSTEM. With a LALLET LIGHT AND FOWA PLANT H Is now poeaOrie to Ught the home and hare snfldant elec l® laid*! m tenit* only for people who ere rich, bat rather ae prime necessities for the average femur who uarta to ba tarnisfwl, for the wpuii of inotsllatfca |a by ao means a thing that steads la the Wajr, espedafly ' when thevahuaf farm predneta la niauMueil When one eeaaidm that it wfll taka only a few hun dred dollars to pat In a LAJLLEY PLANT AND WATER SYSTEM, it most be aaid that delaying baying one of thaae outfits U not ottfy aaking the farm woman to coo tteaa eiyiiruraij dradgery and hard want, bat It mean the radndng all arooad ef effective farm work. t * % water oyatem la UBngh to nun than justify the « Wmm at patttag la a LALLKY SYSTEM, wbfls the ooot of upkeep from year to year la almost nothin*. There am plenty of farms where a LALLEY PLANT AND WATER SYSTEM will REDUCE THE LABOR FROM AN HOUR TO THREE HOURS EVERY DAY. Sumly this la a thin* that la worthy of consideration at a time dorfa* the crop season from twelve to sixteen ham a fay. Th* Lnlay System Is the simplest, moat practical, most eOdenf. moat dependable and most desirable olaeM eal equipment for the avera*e farmer aver produced. Anyone interested la puttin* in an eleetrkal equip, mint end water system should write for fun particulars oa the LALLEY SYSTEM. •e* fc M. F. Gilfeatber' Lrarinbuig, N. C. ••.. : y !‘y'/ y*' ' '*