-- - - - -«•*' rJ5K TEAK, m ADVANCE UNITED WAR WOKK CAMP AIGN NEXTWEEKFOR$5000 Sretland County Will Strike Hondo With Mon Amid Flemee of Battle To the Poop!* of Scotland County: We have bought Liberty Bonds and War Savings Stamp* to enable the boy* to carry deadly destruction to tha Huaa and It seems that they ar* now administering the Loot does. Bat whether tha enemy be now crushed* or whether he survive yet a little while, tha lime hat come and th« American people will bo given the op portunity next week, Ncrsnbsr 11th, to 18th, to show their appreciation for the work the boys have done and to show the personal interest of the American people in the personal wel fare of the boys. The terrible epi demic, which has swept over our country and taken morn lives than wa have loot in the war, has everywhere interfered with the work of organis ing for the UnlUd War Work Cam paign next weak. Tha literature has juat arrived but is bring distributed and it is the duty of tha people of this county to reed the literature end know what the needs are rmung our bays. Wo cannot intelligently give unlam we era Informed. Our boys need the comforts and attentions which our contributions can giro him. The largest contribution which will be made in tha county will fads Into Insignificance when compared to the dancers end hardship* suffered by any mother's eon of Scotland County dor. Ing any twenty-four bourn in the trenches. This campaign it the united effort ef seven organisations which era en raged in earing for the bay from tbs Uma he leaves home until he returns. They have anitod in the campaign at the request at the President end the •mount which is being asked for wss fixed by tbs War Department. The government recognises the ebaolnta importance of this work. Tbs seven organisations and the amounts asked for each are aa follows Y. U. C. A.$100,000,000 Y. W. C. A. 15.000,000 National Catholic War Council__ 30.000.0o0 Commenhe <Vmp Serv ice . 16,000.000 Jewish War Board. 3,500,000 Salvation Army __ 3,500,000 American Library As sociation _ .1,500.000 Ail subscriptions over the above •mount trill be divided among the •even organisations in the same pro portion Scotland county it expected to raise five thousand dollars in this campaign. Scotland has fallen be hind in every campaign of the kind except in the Red Croat campaigns. Ws failed to raise our allotment in the last Y. M. 0. A. drive; we failed miserably in oar reeponae to the ap peal for the ssffering Jews of Russia. • Why? Because the people were not Informed and did not stop to consid er. The public asks. “For what is this money to be used?” The question can be answered in three words; “For the Boys.’* But It cam be used in a hundred ways to give to the camp and trench life an environment which will not destroy or misguide the am bitions and sterling qualities which are so pronounced among the beys of the American Army; to drive away that terrible husne-elckness, that aw fully lonely, friendless, MfeVnot worth-iivtng kind of fsetlng; to keep them in touch with mother and home; to occupy their lemurs boars with j clean sports; clean shown si-1 mov j tag pictures of the life hack home, j thrilling music and wholesome liter*- ' • tune. Inspiring lectures and the won- j . derfui'story of the Supreme Sacrifice ■pea the Croon toM by the greatest! preachers on earth, such as Gipsy { Smith, Billy Sunday and hundreds of' the leading preachers and pi* Mors of I America and England. No other peo ple ever undertook such a task. Wo | are determined that, when they route | bask to os. they shall be aa clean, or! cleaasr. in heart and life as when j they left m. mw rpu ^urpvM w umw err- ; la to MRP tba boy*. is Ala groat n aild# from tba w#l-> ' fata ad tba bor? 1* aaaaa tba bond-1 feStfW^MMriram <to***’tkat "***“' %WaC iaan which ana can moral#. | bd wbat art ba daPliiM# faatmraa «f tba mark about wbiah aaa in talk* h*T I aaa baat lOaatrrt# br -bat tha T. M. C. A. ia data*. Vtat Tba T Hot la tba acUtara*. la a# araad. 1b# 1 * * GENERAL FOCH WILL. GIVE LAW; TO GERMANE Germany Moot Evacuate All Territory! tad Cempeaaatisa Matt Ba Made Far Damage Dime Civil Pop ale Haw. (tty Associated Preaa.) Tho terms on which Germany may i have ponce have boon delivered. The element of softness la absent from I thorn. Like tha poses given Austria- i Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria, the price Germany will have to pay, it ’ virtually tha price of absolute sur render. The claws at the groat military ma chine of Ceramny are to b* drawn; in vaded territories mutt be evacuated and compensation matt be mads for all darnago dons to the civilian popo- \ Inti eti* in attacks by land and aaa and from tha air. 1mpotency by Ger many again to take the Bold is to bs Insisted on. Tbs silted governments have daelar ad their wilHagnaaa to make peace with tbs German government on the terms laid down in the President's address to Oongroeo last January and on tho principles of settlement ensnei sted in Me on bat gaunt addresses. Tha alltea reserve to themselves howaver, complete freedom of action when they enter the peace confer ence on the subject of tho frwodom of the seas! It was furtbr stated with reference to restoration of invadod territories that tha allied governments under stand that computation will ba made by Germany for eO damage to tho civilian population of the allies and *bsir property as tha result of the aggression of Germany, “by tend, by soe end from the air." Referred to Foeh. Washington. Nov. 6 —Marshal Foeh has been authorised by the United State* and the lilies to raeeivr repre aeatatiraa of the German government and to roramunicats to them the terms of an armistice. The German government is so in formed in a not* handed to the Swim minister hare today by Secretary Loosing. The text of Secretary Lansing's note follows: “I have the honor to request you to transmit the following entnmuni cation to the German government: “'In ay note of October Zt, I ad vised you that the President had trans milted his correspondence with the German authorities to tha govern ments with which the government of the United 8talcs is associated as a belligerent, with the suggestion that if those governments were disposed to accept peace upon the terms and principles Indicated, their military ad visers and the military advisers of tha United States ha asked to submit to tha governments associated against Germany the necessary terms of sack an armistice as would fully protect the interests of tbs peoples involved and insure to tha associated govern ments the unrestricted power to safe guard and enforce the details of the peace to which the German govern moot had agreed, provided they deem such an armistice possible from the military point of view. •“The President is new in receipt I of a memorandum of observations by the allied gorermnsnte on this corres pondence, which is as follow*: me allied povsnimanta have ghr careful consideration to the correg pondraeo which hag paused between 1hc President of the United States and the Gorman trovrrmnent. Sub ject to the qnlUcttimw which fal low. they declare their willingness to mnko peace with the government of! Germany »n the toms of peace laid flown in Jm President’s addrcaa to Congress of January. lfllK. and tbs principles of settlement onunciated tn Ms subsequent addresses. They must point oat, however, that clause two to wlwt <• usually described as tbs freedom of tha asas la opaa tn various Interpretations, aease of which they eould not accept They must, there-! fsrs. reserve to tkeamalvim complete' freed am an Ibis sublet when ’>vy an-1 tor tha peace conference." “‘Further. hi tha conditions of peace laid dawn in his address to Con frees of January t, 1919, Ute Presi dent declared that invaded territories mast be nutand aa wall as evacuated sad freed, tbs allied fevani—iU fart that aa doubt aught to be allow** to •list as to what tola pravtoUu Im pliaa. »y ft they mtd.rstaad that compensation wffl be atads by Oer aany far all dssigs daws to tbu stvfl laa popularise ad tha alUaa aad thahr property by tbs aggression of Oar. ■any by hurt, by era sad from the •If.’ -T on taabrurted by the Prmidaat te tay tha* lit to Is gpNssad with Aa trt.irrsfrtl.il sst^torih Is jtbe^at DO NOT GIVE GERMANS TIME TO EAT. Private Walters flays Cermaas Ara Running aad War Will Sons Ba Over. "Somewban in Franca, October 8, 1818. “Mn. Mary C. Walter*. Laurinburg, N. C. "Deer Mother:—I will write you a fow line* to let you bear from me. I am wall and getting along just fine. 1 with I could see you all, bat f am busy puahing the Carman*. W# don’t give them time te eat a Kjsaro m*ab They ara on the aovo and *c ara going to keep them on iL I woo Id be very glad to get a copy of Ttio Laurinburg Exchange te read wbea 1 gal a rest I guaaa (he Imys are anxious to come to France. You tel) than all to hurry up and com* on over, or the war will be ovor and they aril) miaa the fun. We have Iota of fun over here. W* got plenty of light wtnee and beer and Uncle 8am give* u* plenty of anaoking tobacco, aad what more do wo want ? Any time tbe Germans think wa cant fight them they can try «a. By tbe way, cun you tell me where Fred Storm La ? I would like to hour from Urn. I miss him very mush. hot 1 gut on just the earns. I met two boys from Max tan ever hare: 8gt. Hubert Steed end Duncan Shaw. They an la my old Company. 1 rare wax glad to aea •am# one from Carolina yen bet I wish 1 could write e letter to all my friend* but I haven’t gut time. I will send you a copy of the paper w# get over hen. It 1* printed la Pari* and it gives ua all the news. Well I will does. Your loving sen, “PRIVATE ELDRIDCE WALTERS. Company C, 818 Plaid Signal Bn. A a* erica a Em. Farce*." E. A. RUSSELL WOUNDED IN FRANCE. Write. HU Mother He U Cutting IUat of TrraUarat and Will Be AH Right Saoa. "American Red Cross, Bane Hospital No. M, Ward A3 October 7, 1918. Mr*. K C. R us Mil, Laurinbarg, N. C. “Deer Mother:—1 am bow in Hoe. pttal, having received a slight wound on October 4, which does not amount to very moch at present, or at least, 1 do not axpoct to b* here bet a weak or two. My wound is in the loft hip and waa caoasH by high explode* ibell Are. Other than thU 1 am as •rail aa I over waa. “I wrote J L to come to see me. I have told him where I an. I rxpect him soon. I win write again •oon. With love to all, Yoar loving ion, "B. A. RUSSELL. Company T, 18th Infantry, American Ex. Forces." “October It, 1918. “Dear Mother:—Again I writ* toll, lag that T am getting along An* and getting the beet of treatment that can be had. My wonnd ia a very ugly one bat not nearly as bad as it canid be. I may have to be horn for two or throe week* nioro, hot that U not to lung after all. I have wired I. L. to rome. I look far Mm most any time sow. I will have him wire'you each week. We are giving the Boehe all the H- that they deserve at pre in t and I hop* that lh«y get. enough before 1919 *o that w* may l>o able to see home again and stay tharu. I sill writ* a few liaea each day or to ind let yru know how I fed. "E. A. R - JOHN CAl KR Dm IS FRAXCK OF . XSCMOKIA. A telegram fg.j» the War •(opart a«nt a few days ago to Xn. Older rf leuwl Hill, announced the death rf her son, John Older, (a France. K friend of the family writes: “John r** a bright boy, always were a smile >nd seemed ta be fall of !tfe and hap rtaeaa. Uls mother bade ban good »re at Hunlet some months ago aa be rant ea his way to France to light for mt freedom. It aeaaae hard far our toys to die ao far from lumas bat we brast all to the Lord now and may Us iMmat blessings be theirs, and may ho day see* ooqte wiisq we eaa bass heat back at bosne with as." he President to raqueat yen to notify ha Oarama gnaarommit that Marshal faeh has boon aathorteed by the gse oaasmrt of the Ualtad States and Mia tilled governments ta rsselTs prop. 1 essredltsd rsprsesnUUees of the sets to them the terms of aa erraie Jee. “Aeeept, air, the raoawad aaser maaa ad my highs# smddsratlaa. “(Signed) ROMmr LANSINO.” LTTCn-PATTERSON MARRIAGE AT OXFORD. Mim Barters Mary Panama Hr id* tM Mr. Edmond ft. LyU* Friday. November Pint. The Oxford Public Ledger. Tte borne of Dr. aod Mrs. T. T. Praate of Oxford waa the scene of a beaattfal wedding last Friday even tag. November 1, whan tbeir cousin, Mias Barbara Mary Pattaraoo, be came the bride of Mr. Edmond Bhaw Lyteh of Laurinburg, Ibua uniting two oid aod prominent Scotch families. At 6 o’clock Dr. and Mrs Prater entertained in honor of the wedding party with an elegant dinner. The home wns lovrly In iU decorations of chrysanthemum* and ferns. An al tar was formed of the flowers in lb* parlor, wham the impressive ring ceremony took place. Mr*. Fnuier received her guests wearing an handsome gray satin gosrn with conags of pink rosea. On ly relatives and a few friends wit nessed the ceremony, which waa par foraacd at the appointed boar by Bar. Or. Dugald Mclntyr* at Laurinburg. Praaadliig tte ceremony a piano solo was beaatlfttily rendered by Mrs. W. C. Carlisle, tetar of the groom. At tte first strain of Mendalaabon’s wod «*“•« starch Dr. Mclntyr* aatersd and his plan* In front of tte alter. Neat cam* the groom with hie bro ther, Mr. Ahut Lyteh. Then entered tha bride with her cousin. Mias Boas Mnris Fnsier. 8b* was becumingly gsnaad la ambeuidarsd net and leas over white satin and carried a shower *f bride’s mass and valley Lilies Bhe •bsorvad the aid adage that every bride should wear eomaebiog old and •eatethiac new, —flMn harrowed aad aomethtng bias. Her purl neck was leaned by Her aunt, Mrs. Chari** Phillips, at Columbus, O*., and her gold brooch act with pearls waa worn by her mother at her wed cti*s. Mia* Kkaaicr wot* a damty | frock of white net aad lac* over pink aatia. Her flower* were pink Xiller ney rocas. During the ceremony Mrs. Carlisle played softly "Treumerie." An inform* I reception followed tte owvmeuy. Delicious punch waa sarv. ad by Miaees lrvie Frazier and EHui ' ^ •'“id* »* th« only daughter of | the late Son*tor and Jdm. 1). fc. Pat of Belton. Texas, aw) the i granddaughter of Dr. William Sher man of Granville county, who left North Cawline for the West in 1U9. She it a yoang lady of brilliant Intel lect and hat won many friaada on her visit* to relatives in this state. **r. Lytcb ii the third son of Mr. and Mrs H. HeN. Lyteh of J-aurin bur*. Ho U a yvaag aaan of atari - i Ing qualities and a member of one of the beat famOlm of Scotland county. Many handsome gifts from various ■tatm attested the popularity of the eeuple. Mr. and Mrs. Lyteh left Saturday mowing oa a motor trip to Laurlnburg. where they will thetr home. The out-of-town guoote were Dr. Duyald McIntyre, Mr. and Mrs. Will Lyteh. Mr. A. F. Lyteh. Mrs. Clarence Lyteh. Mias Flora Lyteh and Mr. Al bert Lyteh of Laurinbury, and Mr* W. C Gar)tale of Bennett*vi|jc. a. C. \ ——— — QUARANTINE lg LIFTED. CHURCHES AMI) SCHOOLS OPEN. 1‘ ’’oiwk rment l* made Wodneedey that tho town and county health au thor) tic* believe condition* regarding tb* influera* epidemic have ao im proved locally that it ia safe to re anmo pubiir meeting*, and according ly H ia etatetl that the churches will bwre aervicea ftmvUy and the public acboola of town and county will to. open Monday. November llOi. Very few new eases oi "do” ay* reported awl in e genera) way there ia marked and decided improvement in the local situation. Hie public I* motioned though to cototvise care and good senaa and In this way avoid a possi ble loeaiic-lHv of the epidemic, which ocruinly nobody would went. Urn! individual sun do much by protecting hkneetf and avoiding unnecessary or. posore to poasibie Infection and con. tagten. It t« very important to wear plenty of clothing and lire as mack: as possible in Ota open. Pore and! fresh air is tbs bust tonic end pre -*i VnilTC. The order discontinuing all public maetimr* beeem* effective Saturday, October S, and the schools have been Hosed S weeks. In this time tf ty has gone through e enea and H ig with a fading of that wa re 11 tvs tbs i COUNTY GIVES JUG MAJORITY TUB AN OFF-YEAR. lhaiaitk Majority for State ul Ceagraiiliail Ticket la (tavn "■Atl ad Fifteen. Xfco Heed land Ceonty Democracy ralliod te the appeal of rtarlilwd Wtt T m\^****'B«*•••*■» «*» retnnv “ ®"*#c**JUc •■****» of 714 far ““n*T*mional lickeu, which la declared to be the biggest Domoccntic vote crer polled her* in “ '*’*?*■ total Republican yqU iii tb* ooonty wu 84. b HI*, or two years ago, in the proa idea Ual election the Democratic vota waa 940. Congressman Robin • rwtotedHJtM #34 a* compared with^TW this yaw.' Tb.'Kpuhllran ‘•edidaU in 191* raeairaH 1*2 votes and this year he got only *4. Sena tor Simmons and Congressman B«b toMd load the ticket Tacadey. with 799 votes, but thorn is said to have beott MMM “scratching" <* the county raodidates and the aootey ticket ran behind dm State ticket. The exact flgarua arc net available far pukfjcn tfe" yet. tat wlU appear in a later beue giving the vote ef ah to tabulated farm. As rapnrtort to Chairman W. H. Naal at the county executive commit tee Tuesday night the ooonty rate far tea 191* alactioa waa ns feOewv: *9»teg Dill in | H»»ty 67 i Lower WUUamaon *7 g Upper Williamao. Itt 47 Lower h. Hill grj g Upper L. Bill X7 * Learinburg ggg ^ _ 799 84 Democratic majority 716. THE CONVOY SHIPS. ***• ■** •«» wave. ! a°*rd.w"’ bay*. the true Ml A W-fc-taghtog. crrotog ,W From heaedaad to a foreign (bore. O'*'*®"? rf faisii onward go. To^ battle with their country'* far, Whooeerart heart and rwthlaa* baud Sf.^?Tr7,*ho** *"«•«• lend. Bat gloating with Inhuman Jog. Oar babe# and mother* they de.truy. V™ rf **«1* *«n«n* boy. Keep fatrhfnl watch, thou great e.m _ rag. Thau art followed by Ibe mother'* By fhjsr&p. and •istar'a teat*. ! The* doaely guard them night and Throughout the pertt* of the way, There ateelthy C-boat* crawl and And aver wntchfal vigil* keep. Whore routing art and grim design Have placed the life-deetroying mine. Thou Great Jehovah, Me** and aave MTWa (A reader of The Exchange send* in the faWnwing little poem with the ranreation that H la appropriate to P*™** iLthJj to emumetien with the United War Work campaign pub licity.) Jaa* money! That 1* all we're aaked He gave Ma life, Jim. He’d have liked - to Hve *«■ BtA^^bUa* her «by, young heart The work before be left, pat on hi* Ting With nothing of him bat remrmber *>• »*w Sinebo.1, nor he, my *or., 8he working still, and Jimmie in hi* grave. And now today we're askod again , mvr And give, give, give the country what weVe sweat And tolled to earn. It’* linrd fer all— We aafo, me cahn, we fortunate, we I wuewici. dare am, dare w« call thi* Ma'Ev^AHOLYN DAVIES. Richmond Timas Dispatch. west-tills quick. Mr. WmWI* Quick, who Uvm mm Old Hundred, died Friday awrnin* of toSoaasa and waa hurled at tha home Pw rani- Ha wag caraaty-twe yeaia oM and laft a wtfa and awan BaHdaa' rafad "*“* ha had an orchard and rln yard from which he made elder, ate.— Hamlet MTeanenfar. FIVE DEAD IN ONE FAMILY. Cap art ad far Tha Exchange.) Joe Da Barry, a feed old darker af the Old Haadrad oiaMty, haa leat Ms ”™u^WJUMWh * MAJORITY CONGRESS SgSK ■■ 11 1 §p; *3*>! N*w York. Xoy. 1^1, t •>a|Mfc tU» morning 190 —miiluul trlct* wan turnon ad By iw twn. than in hand tbo npublicwa had sAaad it last* la tfca fcooaa of m "•-ntativ a* tfcn. toST-SuT^ J1*1-11 “• “ 5**w Tart. ***** «•» tfca aat Tb**~“ _ _ ». *K~*On*n. •4* || S/H|i I MjS£ ! •*»♦ A/ i'C’—Vp «®gi Tfce Mraatoiial rrtoma at __ •kMrad BnmnaatiUn Madfll McCor ■kk of IRlnoia, npoMican afcaad of fmtor Hmm Hamilton Lnda^aad Horry Ford, tfca fiotnJt erotic tfcfcai h MV^L^"nSL5^T of tfca Mary, tfca n 1 r. ^'v-V **• Mo., Now. C.—On t>t £*** wtyM.r,l*ri *»«•» today H Mpoan Sp«kar Champ Clark hoi •** Hr M rotor by B. H. Dy*r. ropobtkao. mobth cabouma umoaun NAME It C0NCBBHMK1I. !£oV 111 ticket with a wttahtr «f ««w ***** aayo Chairman Varna U «ho U«Ui district Woaror dofoata fritt to* Coaywaa by *00 to 800 ma jority. Brinaon'r majority in tho third i. t|Sn, Doaghten'i la tb* right), u 2.r<«0. Kobin non in rhr seventh goto 4jW'» majority. Ntoimnn in thv fifth ha* proUbh 4,000 mnlyrtty. !> ra . »t'c imj.;ritlc» in edar.iit* .••ne.Tte.1 l-a'^f art! 1,?00; Hane'.t, TOO; '...bum, 7,000: Cald 1409; Swm, ttt: Vam.n. *03; lps Wake i,JC0; Chatham, iW; ’.,100; Fm;rth. 1.100; PWn, 000; Cwetn 1.7«i; BVxofc SO00; loon*. 300; p,*.' IhM. 200; Cleveland, i.anfl; T*t“ •Mb*. 1430; Warner., 1J04: Cataa, 400; Onalow, 434; Dupli*. .700; U MO; Carteret, 100; Polk. TOO; Pender, 400; Galtford, 1440; Cumberland, U04; 204; Uneola. 124; Barie, 134. Ralphs daiaocratk ^Jnrttr w. 1401. with only 141 rafwhtteaa rotaa eaa* ia the rtty. n *3SiSr2? W’* frca> ^ JjWw dm • 27420 | m ■ r53rJ , ,

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