jzt sjrj&jtsz X Mmuw If to* work of Umoo «nra^« to to* taoj^'*f^ too And tfaM^BOT«<to too ookUor, yon toy is rtoooii. At too nooto ho tor aoto onrytoNl 0U0 tor too tin*. rr xtr fvt'th fifai ttMOhNn to ordor to hon U| to toll In detail an Utafr 'otJT*b^FkamT thTSmfc i» ov«r? Will America say to poor Franc*, who has —gawd more than Great Britain, |M must keep up your army wH tha mrit la over? It membar, our innnci da not total to dal* more tha* what Franco and Gnus Britain each ha vo bom Wain* par m-th. Than era must 1st tha French and tha Engli.h go home as sarty as possible to begin the rvbaiW lag ot thair country. While our bay* are waiting after tha dadaretlou of peace, the t sap to •ibUity of thasa aseen agencies will ba tortMyBid many Um*>. Thair af teta are to be redoubled if tha hoys are to ooto* hash alaaa aa they ereut away tad as they are today. "An idle touin is tha davDh workshop.” There an cost also which muat ba expend, ad, and asms inflasnee must direct them. Shan it to the Influence* of th**« organisation* or not? The an swer ia with tha people of Scotland County to tha swine t aaksd tor. I earnestly Implore ovary pa non >n this county to da their duty In this great undertaking for the toy*. W. H. WEATHERS TOON, County Chairman. — ■' ■ IT SHOULD MAKS A MILLION FOB HIM. 'JlartsMti Mm Diaccmt Drag Thai I aim Cbnu So They Lift Oat. Good am igHii rapidly and dm**i*t» Wo a to kept bony diepene. lag fmexoac, tka meant discovery of a Clatfinaati mo*. which It mid to laaaaa tag earn aa H lifts oat with too Sagan. A quarter of an ounce costs eery HtO# at any store which handle* dregs, W this ie said to be safilciac* tarMeoe** feet of aearg hard or soft cam or callus. Ton ap^Mast a few riropsjw th* tos and haataaS^thT •mMa>h<ra Urs.a^x.’uSsrs.^SLi: SSS TICVCX iDIUUMM or even Irritates th* serrocadtag skin Thje dtoaiearg wfl] peasant thou* T*"-* . death* annaally from lock* Jnw and infect!** heretofore resulting boat the suicidal habit ef catting oetrno.—Ada. New York. Nov. A-^Jeka D. Keck*, fallen Jr., chairman of the executive committee ef the united war work campaign, annoaneed today that “hon or hate" in France would be named after the first 10 states to Alt their Web the drive for UTOAOO.acv which starts November 1. USUTRMANT GASTON DORTCH KILLED IN FRANCE. Am wt late CM. W. T. IMA and Itapaty Mantel fester* Dis trict. Lite Caatea Dortch, saa of lato Cat W. T. Dortch of CcldMcro, waa kaawa by * man her of paople ia Laartabarg, having ban Kara at Fad aral coart a Dumber af tinea. Tha BaMgh News and Observer ad Tues day taQa of bis death in Franco: DnK. Cotton Dortch, sou of the late CoL W. T. Dortch, at GaUaboro, has boon JdUad ta action in France, according to a cablegram to hi* moth er at Goldsboro from Ralph Paisoa, a brother In law, who la also serving with tha American forces ovaraaae. Lieutenant Dortch tested the asc end officers* training camp at Fort Oglethorpe, waa ooauntaaionsd and as signed to the Utah Infantry, than in training nt Camp Sevier H* waa ■rat with Company A, bat before the Utah went across b* received a trans fer ta Company B, which wee the ok) Goktaboru company when the 119th was known a* the Second <N. (X) regiment. Prior to entering service, he was Chief Deputy Marshal in the office of his father, CoL Dortch, United Slatae Marshal for the Eastern District of North Carolina. He waa appointed chief deputy In December, 1919, and remained hi that position until Sep tember I, 1917, when he went to Chickajoauga Park. In bii homo town, Goldsboro, and ia Raleigh, where ha lived for aearly four yearn. Lieutenant Dortch had taaamerahle friends. Ha was an atamans of tk* University of North CaraOna and a noted athlete (luring his college day*. Ha waa within a few days of Ida tweaty-sixth birth day whan ha mat death flgMng the battle at democracy. Aorvtviag era his mother, four sis ters and two brothers, one, Hugh Dortch, who b also fryrrasa ■ with the American easy. Dried Fruit. Imiul ml Cady. Home cook-stove dryer* in Oregon necessary piece of furniture by the women is homo demonstration avi-nt counties, where they tow lee-.r.cd of the many ut, la ana section dainty boxes of home dried fr?ita have town prepared for Chris*'is* gift* and to send to the boy* la camp* and at the front. In ■rand of candy, the children at thl* mma aectioa uaa.tha. dried fruit* to satisfy their natural craving for awreet*. . . .. i.. NOTICE OF ADMIN18TRA Raving qualified as administratrix •f the estate of William T. Deaton, late of Scotland County, North CaJn ■irw, this it to notify all persona hav ing claims against the estate of **ld deceased to exhibit them to the Un. I resigned at hit home on or before the 7th nny of Nn*ember, l>19, or thi* notice will be pleaded in bar of th>tr wee vary. All person* indsbted .to said estate will pleaac make imme diate payment. Thi* M day of November, Ml*. ; A. V. WALLACE, , Rnssell * Waatherspooo, A ttys.* 15-150 *5TSS9m. B ' m__=!■ NOTH OP THANKS. I wish to svprssa Aurangh the eoi amam at The Exchange darra »p pseslatiaa for the kind attention and »f> llhnaa at ay wife and aynK. LUTHER O. STUBBS. La axel Hill. N. C. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR. Having qgalifud an administrator at the estate of J. B. Usher, deceased, late of Scotland County, North Caro- . Una. this is to notify all persons hav ing riataia against the estate of said I deceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned, or her attorneys, Russell A Weatherspoan. Lnaitahurg, N. C., in or Won the 7th dav <w woeva ber. 1919, or this notice wiU be plead ed ia bar at their recovery. All per. sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 5th day of November, IBIS. I.UI.A F. USHER. Administratrix. Russell A Waatherspoon, A ttys. 45-50 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Having this day qualified se the ad minhttratrix of tne esiale of Stafford E. Cibaon, deceased, this Is to notify uil parsons holding claims against said estate to present them to the un dersigned on or before October 3rd, 191V, or thie notice wUl be ptaaded In her of their ret or ery. All persona Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. Thie October fird, 1918. ' MRS. LANA GIBSON. j Administratrix Cibaon. N. C- R. T. D. No. L I COMMISSIONER'S KALB OF LAND Under and In virtue of a Judgment of the Superior Court of Scotland County In Special Proceedings before the Clark, wherein I, 8. Bandy end others are petitioner*, Rx Parte, the undersigned was appointed Commis sioner to make sale of toe lands here inafter described, for partition. I wW expose for enle at puMIe auction for cash at the Court House door In tor Town of Lauriabarg, N. C, on the 2nd day of December, 1918, being the Fir* Monday In December, 1911. at 18.30 A. M., the following described lands, t» wit: I No. 1. All that certain tract at land as conveyed by J. T. Roper and wife to T. C. Bundy, by dead inly re corded hi Offlee Register of Deeds of d^tod ^arch 7,0'l!f73, *!?£ ' that tract adjoining conveyed by R. A •J. C. McCashlM to T. C. Bundy by deed dated July jlti, 1875, recorded lin Office Register of Deeds Richmond j County, Rook C. C. pages 152 and 158, , the same being together with former lot, 61 fast fronting on Railroad I Street and extending southward at 'right angle one hundred and fifty feet, and contain* the building next . to and adjoining the residence of Mr* W. D. James and lying to the east . ___ _ Second tract. All that certain lend surveyed and eat out in a map made by C. M. Furman Fobruary II. 1911, of the estate of T. C. Bundy, which i* ret out in raid man in 57 lota as there on shown, and which map ia made a part hereof, the same being bounded on the north by the Unde off the Sea board Air Lino Railroad, or Caroline Central Railroad, and on the east by the lands off too McCollum estate, (now John F. McNair) on the west by the several store lots in the town nf Laurinbarg which store lota are on the Main Street between McKay Street and said railroad, and includ ing one lot facing Mam Street 27 ft. 4 ine. wide next south of Evertar ton's Drug Store lot Mape on flic at E. T. McCall's store, and at the Court House. This October >L 1918. M. L. JOHN, Commissioner. 44-49 */! •# . i? ■r-:i r f ■■ ■ 1 ■■ ~ T. T. Covington & Son Lrarinboir. North Carolina * |uQuas * PASTES ' *-----I Busy Bee Cafe The Best Eating: House In Town . A Rayo Reflection When your boy cornea back let the bright redienoe of your audio and the cheery presence of the Hayo T.amp reflect your wel come. , * ita generous sot I glow—without flicker nr glare —gives light •okAeuuM auonuitel , Dau* WnfiBVfi nccoru• Dfii for hi flee work—can’t atritn the eyes. Rayo Ltmpt m itayh itriaste pa is — traaMa to Bjfla, mm or **• aUt-iasialiS to bar tori to ate. AttCSta lnn)(r OH shatbaM mriM. Ask katSt Raya at year tabf't • ** ' -.iV'. ' *-//■« STANDARD OIL COMfAMV iSsJr.%.

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