I at thooe paints ia M hil ly garriaoa sUalWly hridta? Urn strategic potato at the regions. A right tJ.T*ef the Bhint between the stream and s line drawn parallel to tt 40 kilo—tern to the east from the frentier of Holland to the parallel of Gernshohn sad aa far as practicable a distance at JU kilometers from the Mlt of the stream this parallel upon . the Swiss frontier. Evacuation by the enemy on the Rhine lands shall be aa ordered ns to he completed with h a farther period of 11 days in all l» days after the signs taro of the **fl^Ii»^U#t»rrttofY raaraatod by the —my thera sha^ be no cvacnatlon at SiSftow' ,zjzr%L* sataWirtanenta rf ^ljcinda^^^ r ' I 1: [■i | 1C^ An mifwtr. The allied power* and the Halted States shell be ehle to dispose ef these ptieoaers aa they wish. iS... ! MB arm be eared for by aal wbe will be left ee the spot with tha amdleal material requl red. a Disposition ntativr ta the aaatsca froatitr* of Garmaayi IS- All Gesasaa troop* at present la **y territory which before the war bay aha* withdraw within the fron tiers ef Germany a* they existed oa August l, IMA la. Hyaenatisa bp German troop, to bayta at sms aad all ta aad ctyfiiaoa as on the tondtory of I iadsflaul Wore l*H) to ha: 1A Osbmb, i to eeaaa st once .' ilk The alltoa shall hay* 4m* ae aam to tha test busies amssmtoi by the Germaas ontheir eastern frontier either thraayh bawdy er by the Via tala to order to seamy supplies Ho the •f these ter silos tee or for Africa: IT. Unconditional capitulation ef *■ Oertoaa farces opsmtiay In Bast Africa witkia ooe month. IT. (foMVAl clftlMR: to. Rapatriatlen .without reciproc ity. wttoln a maximum period of one amato, la strordeess with detailed •wtoWon* hereafter to be total of all civilians Interned er departed who assy be citUeoe ef other allied or as aodstod states than thorn mentioned to dame three, perayreph It, with the reservation that any fetor* claims aad demands of tha allies and tha United Skates of America remain un affected 1*. Tha followiay financial condi tions are required: Reparation for daawyo don*. While suck armistice is to force a* public securities shall b» removed by the enemy which cat serve aa a pledge ta the allies fur the recovery or reparation for war I-n tv*. Immediate restitution ef e-.*i> de posit in the National Bar\ of Bel gium, and in general rvurn of all decuascBts, spade, * The, shares, paper mcnay, toyeth'r with plant for the issue thereof, t.aching public or private interns* in the invaded rour IHes. Resti--'ion of too Baseian aad Ramanisa " M ylaldad to Germany er taken by that power. This void ta ha dattni ul la trust to the altim until tha signatures of pease. . m position* of theta are U ha indicated **■ f>»adBta of aeeaaa to and from , tha Baltic to bo given to the na v a I sad ■ereantik awriass af tba aMed and associated powers. To secure this •ha silks aad the UaHad States of Atonies shall be empowered to oo «W aU Oanurn forts, fnrtHsatlaas. batteries aad defense works af ail1 kind* la all the entrances frost tha Catagat into tha Baltic, and to awcop *P sU the toinaa and obatructioaa widdn German territorial water* withoat any question af aaatrality ba* lag raised and tha positions of all such toinaa and obstruction* arc to b* indicated. M. The existing blockade sondl «kaa set ap by tba allies aad aaaodat. •ad an Osman merchant sM^teCdl «t «• •»• to (eesain liable to captor*. I IT* An a*sal aircraft are to bat concentrated aad ImmsbiUsad in Gor Maa bases to ba spedflad by tha alliaa •ad tha United State* af America. » ta evacuating the Belgian _...__ fif all ktada. *- AD Blast; saa porta to ba era hy Germany, aU Basal an war «f an -‘ttttIuHiim —»*—« w. la thg Slash' in are to ba J over to the aBiaa and tha W^id States of America; sH aaatral Mvfvhaet vsssili seised are to ba ra* kaaad; all warlike and other materials rf all Mads seised hi theaa pom arc to ba rvtsrasd and German auterials shandsasir* ** *****' **■*•*• ba . *0. All merchant -mill is Ger bmb hands belonging ta the. all tad and aaaodatad power* an ti hi n •tmad ta porta to be specified by tha alliee and tha United States of A mertsa wtthsat reciprocity. *1- Nl destruction of ships or of amtoriala to he permitted before are eaatfan, surrender or rmteratioo. **• The Gortnan government shat] foatally notify the neutral era meats of tha world aad par-i-dlaHy tha gonracamaats of No*wr>r. Sweden, Denmark aad Holland, that all re strictions placed on the trading of •heir vessels with t’ac allied and as sociated coant rim, whether by the German gmv’-nmcnt or hy private German lr,<-' nti. and whether in ra ter* for peeiftc nuemwii such as tha «"i-'rt of shlpbatiding materials or n:i, at* iramodiatcly/cancclled.' 3J. No transfer* of ^Gcrmiiu .mc-r Kant shipping of any description to any neutral Sag are to take, place after signature of tto unaiitica TL | Duration of armistice: 34. Tto duration of the armistice ; is to be 80 days, with optioa to extend. During tbli period, on failure of ex ecution of any of tto above clauses, tha armistice 'may to denounced by i one of the contracting parties. oS 48 ] boars previous notice. m Time limit for reply: 88. This armistice ta be accepted or refused by Germany within Tt hoars of notification. Outsize Fine Dress Shoes For large Women with Fat Ankles Sizes from 8 to II At Evans’ White Front Department Store . ' ~ .. . • .... I have known for the past six years that the BEST SHOES for Children, Wo men, and Men that you can find are ' sold by W*. P. EVANS Laurinburg, N. C. R. BERRY, Charlotte, N. C. Vs . ' Auction Sale Of Desirable City Property The Dr. W. T. Herndon residence on Conly street in the Town of Laurinburg will be sold at auction TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19th, 3 P. m! « • % % . This 9-room modern home is located in a most desir able section of Laurinburg—good neighbors and close-in A little more than a block from Main street On north side of Conly street opposite the First Baptist church and adjoining the lots of Dr. Peter McLean and Mr. G. W Goodwyn. * A commodious home v/ith all modern conveniences, 6 closets, bath room, pantry, electric lights, water and sewer age. Lot fronts 65 feet on Conly street and extends 150 feet to alley. Has good bam and cook houses with running water in bam. Remember the dato—Tuesday. November 19,3P.M. r . ■ . * • : H s)j$ i$13 H aSS ‘■■‘/ •■''j __ES W. H. WEATHERSPOON, Trustee Laurinburjf, N. C.