Help The United War Work The campaign for $170,500,000 begins Mon day, November 11, and doses Monday, November 18, at midnight This money will be divided among the seven officially recognised organisa tions bow doing work la the Army Gamps at homo and in Franca—The Y. M. C. A., the Y. W. C. A., . National Csthofic War Council, Wav Camp Com munity 8ervice, Jewish Welfare Board, American CAcary Association, Salvation Army. 0»e all yon possibly can for this great work. The boys “Over There* need your help. Try Our Home-Made Bread We are pleased to announce that we can sup ply at ail times your needs in good homo baked bread. This bread is a superior product and you cun always get it fresh, just as it comes brown and wholesome from our ovens. 'Phone us your ordure and we’ll serve you promptly. « Everything you want in Groceries, Fresh Meats; etc. McLaurin & Shaw ’Phone No. 43 Laurinburg, North Carolina if Your Idle Money Will Earn 4 per cent Inter* est if deposited in this bank If you would be the moat successful, you should make your mossy work too. It is a commas sj|yiag that .“mosey not earning in terest is losing mosey." • Set aside what money you will sot need la ysar basin ess at this time and deposit it with this hank. It win bs hero wkas yes 4a need it sad working far you meantime. SCOTLAND COUNTY SAVINGS BANK .o They’re Dying For You Boys from your oounty art on tha Western Front— glvfog their lives for yon and year boms. Yon are still have with friends and loved ones living In oomfort, hep la the War Savings Campaign-Jely 28rd to X8th Oda Coaatr ftdlad to tuba Ha goota. We cannot afford to —and MUST not let the hope over there hear of this Therefore, another wind-op drive to put thla oounty in the nfnl pilot, will Dl WQQttOtM SOM# ■ f ' ' Gna yen think of n ahanper prlea to pay than mare' mooajr? Oetnady for the Can vaamre and pledge ah you , wn ior your ooys ovw umn, BLUETS DRUG STORE ■ A NOTH EH GOULD SCANDAL. KrMh Hm Wife. KdUh. Arraatad On Uefalthfalaas* Cku|t Now* from Paris that Frank J. Canid and Ida wife kart again tepe ratad, ta tha aslant that Could had htajatfa arrSatad and fined fo\ha» ro»^in tha unhappy trand ad rrrbta of all tha Qoalda, the children of Jay Goold who left tham a fortune ot WMOMOO. Praak Gould's wtfa waa Edith Kally, a New York chore, girl. ' I» waa only a few years ago that Frank Ooold Mmsalf—1'Balao'a baby” aa ha aaad ta ha sailed, baaaona a/ the Novation lavished upon Ua» fay his ala tar, Mn. HaJan Gated Shepard—fig tBod la a suit for absolute divorce, brought and waa by bfe ftrot wife, Mrs. Haigs X. Gated, whom ha mar ried whan aha waa 17-and ha U, after a friendship white dated tram aarllaot childhood. In April, UN, tha two yonag pas te* parted dafialtaly. Mn. Gould first dacidad to- aak far a limited separa tion, bat later brought salt for di verts aad received her doers* in the spring of IMS. . Decidedly me** lurid waa the mar riage of Pnak Oould*s older brother, Howard, aad Mias Katharine Clrrn ■Maa, an actress. Thar* aeons to ha asnwthing of aa afibdty, by the way, between tha Goalds aad tha ataga. On# of tha fealty's successful allien an la that of George Coted aad Mia* Edith Kingdoc But to return to the natrinonial mishap* at Howard and Kathrino OanaMna Gould. Ha anrriad her against tha wishes of hla brothers aad sister*, and the match waa hailed a* a true lov* affair. Ibis union last, ad almost ten year, before the court* dissolved H. Mrs. Gould got her daeree of sepa ration for abandonment, and ah* ra etevod alimony at W.OOO per yaar. Neither ah* nor her husband can mar ry again during th* lifetime of tha other. No batter fortaoc attended the first surriage of Mia* Aaaa Oould to Count Bool da Castellan*, aa impover ished French aristocrat whoa* pink chocks and yellow locks won him th* Parisian nickname of “th* powder puff.** She waa tl at th* tiaa of bar wadding, aad tha joyful bridegroom told his friend* that his bride1* nuptial gift to him was the Beat little sum of M ,000,000. i For four years the two entertained magnificently abroad, than cam* talas | of the extravagant rapacity of tha hua | band. Finally, on application of tha . Gould family, the remainder of th* j Count#ta da Caatollanc’s fortune was placed under the trusteeship of her F brother, Goorg* J. Gould, by th* ' French courts. In thoae court* aha . finally obtained an obsolete divorce and tha custody of her three sons. She received her docroa of divorce In lMfi; in 1M8 sb* married Prince Halie d« Sagan. k Spanish Influenza can be prevented easier than r ircan be cured. At the first sign of a ; shiver or sneeze, take * CASCARA MUST MB8TOBB BELGIUM. - 1 Canton? Will Hava to Fay far Ratal ad Paeeefal Ctoatry. ! PitoMtot WDaan aad tha haa da ol ttaa Allied goearnmact are in complete accord on ttaa qaaetion of exacting re prtaala from Germany for tha denraata tiea wrought In Baigtam, Northed Fraato aad ether peaceful eeaatriot ad Buraya Boa** Man of the huge bn that Germany muat pay to Bel ataa haa hato glraa by Fret F. Van Dm Vw, of tha UahrereKy of Loo. ratal, who haa jaat ratumod from Hurra, where ha conferred with thi Belgian cabinet on question* eon earn ing the damage done by the enemy. Before the present dries, more than -ABL dbdtadta LsafUtwM, W-J L.a. _*-a wrf»v BunuingB na'i nwmn irTVuujHn hi Batarlum by the Carman*. Prof. Van Dto Van said, sad hi ttaa preaeat ftghting Urge numbers of ruined build Inca are being added daily to tha pneinua total. Fran that part of Belgium which remained free haa been •ballad. Virtually all the Important factories hare bean tubbed ed their machinery and In many eeaea the wmBa arara raaed to the ground -and the foundation, of the building, de ... million dollar* bar* boon «* for military puiyooo* aka*. MOO.OOO^OO bo* bon nod rommirotoa for r«li«d Tb* ‘“yoood by Cocaaony to MMMOOO. IWo -.1 I todfehtoato aad o only oao way to mak* ay * m*,” Prof. Vn On Vn that to to -irlmi with the taw of jmtice. AOdmtu. VMM* cmm4 by the InvaaUa by tae Germane ehooli be paid b> Oamar, The mhber «h:uM repay hta etedrn” ^^bat^U^aaetot in 1 elytra M«rc to Prat Vaa Dm Vwu^Jutho «h the bum power baa haan depleted to a Me aataat by th* war, the “ altuation ia the ateel aaaione arvtlwE to be aalrad. Mtaey ia aaatet U I Fortvarned Is Forearmed Don't let sudden changes of weather find you unprepared this year. lloy your portable Perfection Heater now—bums oil instead of costly coal— one gallon gives 8 hours of glowing warmth. Sturdily built — smokeless, odorless easy to Henri und fill Aladdin Security Oil gives best results. At your dealer’s. \ -P . Tinfiet ofthe**10* \ • ^ii plea* taken*** -4W «* the \ l« »«“r, SJSSSS w**-1 . *«*»•**• 2*‘ it \ orea™. - ' . . •n""f*,J stfc. \ SgSSKgi -. •. Sfe&l *’§S3&£ .*%S&+m r r SNBAD^8 sr*2^w Fnd*y» ^oT‘ \ ““SaDif™. • **2*Zm\ -ftwa* ■*■'

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