*-tod of history and tha d satiny of ■U tho tmm kiBCM .boot tha r**d ju*tonmts that ara to bo mode in Eo ropa and the world 1 wms WILL m BOYS COMB HOME? to ratal. Tbscs U nrocb to be done JH *W tW, tbsaflh the actnal dghtisg b ever far all time. A strong military fora win to asaded by Urn ABJae far yebi aad gcard Mia to the aaamy coon tries. Ttoa Am b tto groat work of aohragi aad rocon etnmtlip which tto army nuat aid to. MA. mmb atonr^jlaa IM MNCXlvt Jil V1CB KV piUVIUll that maa aabetad for military aarr lea by ,tb# draft boards ato U to mas tered oat aad ratorasd ta ctoi) Hfo within M day* from tto day poaeo b dmlsrai Bat tho fononlitioo of pones arc not yet bore aad it may to ■months before the peaee conference computes its weak. Aad the trans portation of troops from Franco b a big problem. Nearly seventy-dre per coat of oar boys wont to Franco ia English boats bat ia all probability Uorls flam must bring them toms, as England will her* other Mark for her ihlpo now. Bat “oar boys" are com ing homo and it's oars to to ready with as good a record at boms ss they bars mads "over there." - t SUBSTITUTES ARK TO HE RE DUCED. Raleigh.—According to Stnta Pood Administrator, Henry A. Page, a re duction in the proportion of carrel aabetitutae that must now be sold with wheat flour will be mode within the next few weeks* Thin matter In now being considered by Mr. Hoover and by the Allied Rood Council in London. f* * • , i ; * . *# t ^ | r' I FrU*y> ttoveinber J5 ' I ■ 4 this i/.f ^ Rots&* ^fn r ' fotyou will find iuZp v ? you *®t ah *e,, hJ* what .; sound. broke and j give then, ai00t( j I I I ( i ( < I H- R WEILL, Inrk ^ J I Launnburg, Car8re I N««l> Carolina j Auc'on Sale Of Land! Tuesday, November 19,1918 At 10:00 O’clock A. M., Rain or Shine. 8 SMALL FARMS 8 i . ‘ I "« • * * * 1 • •• V v, • 9 •* • * Omp Wag A. D, KtKnrii’i Angus MeLaorie. lead of.148 acres had two other tracts adjoining this place. making an agregate of 802 aerm. In BOBESON COUNTY eed looted on poblie road leading from the Town of Row lead to the town of Johns Station. 7 mtle* from Rowland and 9 tafias from Johns Station. 18 mfise from DQkm, 18 tafias from CUo and 7 aaflea from Little Rook, 8. C. Two miles from Gaddy's pHL About 200 scree cleaned land and in high state of culthratfcm. fkm of tbs Unset tobacco, cotton and aen load In the famous farming eoaaty of Robeson. Plenty of DimH lag houses and oat bafldkgs an these lends. • . * . < Good roads, good community to Use la. HiU-SkU Presbyterian ehoreb adjoining the Property and public school fog whites located ea the property. An opportunity to bay gotod load in a good community at yoar own price an easy teems. Now is the time to bay ] load. Don’t ndm tide mk • j mm gp^ ^ __ f T«m«(Mk hS eaah, balance in one, two and three yean. ] Be sore to he on head and gat you a farm at yoar own price. Russell & Weatherspoon i Attorneys For Owners Laurinburg, North Carolina i