' • We are too busy to write ■ * an advertisement this rt-y^X*«Vpy y*k*v*. "y r._**>y ‘J> 'v *!w v - • week. If in uoed of ■ • •*.'«* .-iy '7/ • * /•* v * J‘ ■ . * : Fertilizers, use the wires, or write us or come to , ' > see us. You will not gain anything by delay ~ in placing your orders. . •.yy. . • ■ T. T. COVINGTON & SON * f Fertilizers and Fertilizer Materials 'Avvyi/’ift y A-' . * •' . / Lanrinbnrv, N. C. November 18,1918 4i.tl'. .* i/- •-*-c . •'V* tJ'; - .. •* ’ vs. ‘ " / •• «/■ . • ' ,/•-> •> •. - , ' ,/ - « . . . a iVir " Vi '".Ti tV ' '• • f ’ • < ■ * •• , /fcafc•*''Xi/'iv'.L '■ :<^ TUB FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM HELPS YOU. ZZXtXZZ. and fanoava; Ta prorUU plant? of carrane? at al tfan«s; Ta aSacft a ataadiar aappl? of cradii. Tfca Spateai Marita tfca aappart of al goad ctti Yan can aacnra tfca baaadta of ttia ml mi mai at ■» Netflbt . Writes BUrriog Story of War OeWT By EUto Parker lUtlrr. 1 always tond Frank S'xkioo aad Ika aart at stories ha oard U write. Ho wmld lake a Sabbath school aad send It Tor a veyagg on a pimWihip, •» ooad a wkoh Methodist confirrswcs out yachting, or have a coopt* of nice, •Marty aid Jmiim rtrtpwmchad aad aaa^away aa a depart irlrad, but gNag to war. To am it to a perfectly daady thought that all kinds of amortaa ttaaa Hkatha Y. M. a A, T. WTc A, Hattaaal Catholk War aaundB, av tha EdC, War Camp Cnmmuaity am toe, Jewish W.ifara board, Ammicaa Library association aad Sahratioa army, got lata the'war aa aoaa aa tkay eaald aad wbara they could put thrtr foot wit ho at being to tb» way of tha real fighters It war marching op‘to Bagdad with the Britiah long before we got into dm Aght, aad it was struggling to Sma rts to have the immature boys placed in separate priaoa samps, away from the mature degenerates, long before wo told Gerard to tom* home from Berlin. Tha Y. If. C. A. made good ta Europe aad to Asia before It over asked America for a dollar of money far war wort, and I wouldn’t hare a tingle man ia this country gire .a single dollar for United War Wort unless he know it would ha a worth while dollar. la the first piece, da not imagine that dm Y. M. G A., the Y. W. G A., the National Catholic War council, the War Camp Community service, the Jewish Welfare board, the American Library association aad tha 8elvatiou aiasy think they are as important aa the fighting forces af the Allied na tions. These seven organizations to tha United War Wart campaign aak for tSGOiOM.OAO now. For the real fighting business the United State* asks each year billions on bflHona of dollars. Neither you nor I can tell how much the United State* fighting forces, toad, sir and sea. will need for she nest 12 months, bat to safe to say that what toe united sortie* organisation* ask for is Isas than on* dollar for every two hundred dollar* that will be asad for rsal fight ing expense*. Anofhcr wap of looking^t it to that we will have say, roughly, 4,000,000 meo under arms here ana abroad be fore long. The g2SO.000.000 the aevori .service organ he* lionn ask for will L~. a fraction more than 6? cent* worth of good in, soy. one year for aaeh man. On ray wall I have a map of the war territory, and a long Hoe of tacks show whar* oar armies are today. On one tide of this line to “no man's toad,- an to* other is Y. M. C. A. land. In front of ton our boys have the enemy, behind them they have, rttorat hand, tha leva and good wish as of all time* they havo left at horns. They turn from tha traatoas and And. »ot all wa could wish to shower apes them to rnpafml aad blearing, bo* all wa can to any way asad, aad toe Y. M. C A, the K. of G. tha 8u|uatin» aryiy and the ether ergani tatiiai am toe bsamw of K all. FAMOUS EXPLORER BACH. TUk|ahaar ShfiMin in Artie W«Om far Flea Tan. Back from Sva lone, lonely yaan abaaaaa from dvilUatlon, VUhjatamr Stafanaaon, flaw Artie . explorer, »»*•*?»•. law of the mpurtry to UStoto ia kefcalf of tka American Bad Croat. Iaeidan tally, Stafanaaon reported hia' discovery of dva paw Wands with in 490 Milan of tha North pda, and ha idikWihid tha actual ariatanaa of Blag Christian Island, hifaarte bs Unvnd t» ka a myth that had dSnaided Bpnry and othar nplonn af tka rat* wnataa of tha Arctic region*. It wna Stafanaaon who, in Uin, dia enrrrnd "Mood* Kaklmoa" living in nnetkorn wastes novar before anna by s white man. ’* Thirtaan Man Perished. Tka only fatalities occurring daring tha expedition wore tka death* of IS «M* kt tha eery start of the axphcH-' Uan whan tka Karluk, tha Urgant af fan six ships, want down, with fan Una of a Urge part of tka aappHaa and aanrty all of tb* seientlAc apparatus. This mads necessary a radical depar ture from fa* traditional method* of Arctic exploration. -w« virtually Hpest all Uh old tra ditions " aald Ur. Stefsnsson. "Hece tafara moat explorer* have taken as mack food as tbay could cany, gone as far aa they coaid oo half of their supply, and than turned around and raced tor thoir base of supplies. On the other hand we depended on forag ing, killing animals for food as wa want along." Game Was Plentiful. Ur. Stefansson said that oontrary to popular impression the Arctic reg ions are not barren of life, and that there is no place on earth where it la castor for a man to support himself if he knows bow. 'There Is an abundance of game everywhere," he said. “On floating too In the lanes af open water there are aaals and polar bamra. On the land there are musk oxen and rein deer or caribou. Every polar Island that I have eeen la covered with grass sad vegetation upon which fat herds of reindeer and musk oxen feed." LEMONS WHITEN AND BEAU TIFY THE SKIN. Make This Beauty Lotiua Cheaply far Yoar Face, Neck, A rata aad Heads. At the cost of a small'Jar of ordi nary cold cream one can prepare a fall quarter pint of the most wonderful Uanon skill softener and complexion bcoutifirr. by Mjncotlng the juice of two fresh lemons Into a bottle contain ing three ounces of orchard white. Cara should be taken to strain the julee through a Aim cloth so no lesnon palp gats in, then this lotion win keep fresh for months. Every . woman knows that lemon juice is asod to bleach and remove aucb Hrmlshes as freckles. sallownmx aad tan aad is the Waal akin softener, wbiteaer and bmp tuier* J. try K! Oat three ounces of orchard white at any drug store and two lemons from the grocer and make daily late the face, seek, arms aad MM*. It is marvelous to smoothed —f*b I»l haprts-r-Adr... _ Attsp Will Help te'Feed CtriBawa. The ABM and > marine gwverm — wfll cs spmats with Aaotrla Hnpgary, Bulgaria and Tnriusy Ip ft—hhlng food te tha suffering efrih top p opal ■ tie— of them sauwirtoa. TW* doriaM was —d aft the war i—jinnm bald at VamSaa. Fkppaa. CAEONBL DYNAMITES A 8LUG ci«,u»m. " v Caldasel salivate*! If* mercury. ssasir TOm fust go _ ■SsetKs Don’t wait until your cold develops Spanish Influenza or pneumonia. Kill it quick. CASCARAJ QUININE many hxh'le report big gains in weight thousands Off thin, frail . "“’T&u.igssass^0 MANT ;t SBUIKAUI mill. ENCH8 TOLD. '*3 Ow °f the moat noteworthy fee sasgasg&i ^“■jSOTJKte.'vS: end women fTemall parti of the South M^astat ■-saasrtsgsisLBe sate sans as, gra ttatemeota can no longer be doubted. Tboummdshere testified that this ftwKnw madkiaa has eomnletehr ra Mornd then to health and etrength. ■iter every other modidoo end the moot .kfllod modkilSSSiont ^ ijMiod. • __0°e the •••* remarkable caaoi ffjaw!*;h that uf Mrs. iVola Ives, •**« Utt)« Kock. Ark. whose statement appears below. ’ i» ef ltflFmid Mrs. Ives. 1 saffsred a complete breakdown 3 mr nerves sad my entire system gave way. About six weeks afterwards I was carried to the hospital. I W— perfectly helpless—couldn't move any KV* “F body and just lay there in bed for five months, not knowing say enybedy. I waa brought home >» Ortoher. 1*1*. and tried all kinds of medicine end everything I was told •bout “I read about so many people get ting relief by taking Tanutc and my husband get me a bottle. After tak ing three bottles 1 began to feel bet ter. I have taken several bottles of Tanlac now and I can walk anywhere and sleep like a child. When I took my first dose of Tanlac 1 weighed only one hundred and twenty-two pounds. I now weigh one hundred and sixty two—an actual gain sf forty pounds since I started on Tanlac." , Trxas Man Testifies. Another remarkable cate was that of John II. Crabtree, s general mer chant of Five Mile Station. A, Dallas, Tex. “I have actually gained thirty-four founds on three bottles of Tanlac and now know what it la to enjoy good health aftar suffering for twenty years,*' said Mr. Crabtree "I suffered with catarrh of the rtsun srh and indigestion for twenty year* »nd for eighteen months, before I started takinfi Tanlac, 1 bad to live almost entirely on cereals. 1 spent nearly all of one whole year in bed and was unable to do anything at all and T f«!i off in weight to lid pounds “Aftar using my third bottle of Tan lsc I found I hod increased in weight from 118 pounds to 152 pounds, mak ing, nn actual gain of thirty-four pounds—all my troubles were gone, an.1 I was fooling like another man.'1 *.C*PUln Jeff D. Biggs, popular Y. A M. V. engineer, running between Vicksburg and New Orleans and re siding at 2020 Pearl Street, Vicks i*JrF’_ln speaking of his axparienee with Tanlac, said: "Yea, sir, it’s an actual fact, I have gained twenty-five Mrs. Chas. Peden (jainti 25 Pounds U mu ONLY HOPS. .i-"I.*2TVU*t"*’V‘hTl "»* thW bet. of Tf^Uo and have gained twenty, •even pounds" was the truly remark, afrle statoasoct made toMm. CharW, **a ““ £TZ5L?'*f £ w^gfaed mncty^iKht <»8) pound,; ?*r* J..**»>>» !*• tound.. and never felt better In my Ufa. Per yeere I have suffered^ with a bad form of •temgcM. trouble. constipation a ad tpaiM m toy.We.od beck. At tint, the pabw took the form of torture, •ad I era* twice examined and each «**• * «*• t»W that | had anpendM. mmd that an. operation wouYdbe ay only hope. k*f. made all preparation, for operation and enflwf m by sister to toU her good-to, ax I did not knew 1 would five to see her again or not My sister hogged and pleaded with me not to allow them to cat on me and told me to watt and try a good tonie for awhile The next day" ns f*vca the eon.ultotJon room, I thought of what aha said, and aa I hoard ao much about Tanlac. I decided to try lt and got a bottle.” “I never returned for the operation, tot jwet kept taking the Tanlac. **gg» *• start 1 began to feel •etter. The medicine seemed to taka hold right at once. “I was ao happy over the wonder ful Improvement in my condition that 1 sent for my ncigbbore to teU them how much better I felL I sent and got another bottle of Tanlac. and havo *■* finished taking my third bottle and feel aa if I have been mad# all over again into a new woman." pounds on Tanlac." J^hen I began taking the modi cfato," continued Captain Riggs, “I waa aimply a nervous and physical wtoA and had dropped down in weight from one hundred and forty .to one hundred and ten pounds. I havo Just finished my second bottle of Tanlac, have gained twenty five pounds and I feel like a new maa." Old-'Ilma Engineer Talks. Engineer Chaa. J. Weeks, who rani tto Seaboard Air Line fast train "Fox" between Jacksonville and Tam P«. bears the distinction of hring the second oldest engineer in point of aorv Ice with this road, having been with the company for thirty.five years. •»I have gained twenty pounds on seven bottle* of Tanlac and fwl ax well and happy as I did when a boy," said Mr. Weeks. “For twenty years I suffered with nervous indigestion of the worst sort," he continued, “and nt times during the past fifteen years I didn't think 1 would last much longer. To toll you the truth, 1 finally reached tto point where i didn’t much care whether 1 lived or died." Tanlac in now sold exclusively ia Laorinborg by Blue's Urug Store; in Laurel HiU by the I .aural Hill Drug Co.; in Wagrum by Shaw A McLean and in Gibaon by W. Z. Cibeon.—Adv. FARMS! FARMS! ; ARE YOU IN THE MARKET .... FOR A FARM ? ; CAN YOU APPRECIATE A ®AI*SAI»r? r- > *; • •• i.-V. ..*> . " W| have ta offer at tide time some bargains *’ which perhaps wtM nrrer omm year way again. Write as for list and prices. , FARM LAND SALES CO. R. B. GIBSON, Manager Red Springs, . North Carolina JUST A REMINDER Tow boildlaga we tbday worth from twenty At* to fifty per cent more than they were three Hwi yeo adjoatod yaw fire laaaiaai i to taka care of tha increase? If not aae a* today. Laurinbnrg Agency Co. • Insurance and Loans . • r ■ ’ - , ' < *' • • I1 ’ f '. #