Stella-Vitae THE GUARANTEED TONIC FOR WOMEN HANDS. ARMS. UMK ASLEEP AJ Vat tbmtimm, Wank mi IUmM» fay* Fkrifa My. Vfm fattka «f Mrf ■afa HarWJ. of my Urn «klld...I got wry mack nuhdmm and 'weaksoftd, m piaoK thtt I <mM hardly do loythlac at •u. I waa aoawtaUy mrwnthat * “ro^r .,*“<,uro tho toast "**• „ My condition was catting wo all tba tba a... I kaew 1 most hart Mna relief or 1 would aoon ba in tbo bad and In i aartaos condlUoo lor 1 fait eo badly ™ *** ** Borrona and waak I could - kardly lira My hoaband naked Dr. " .. *boat cur taking CkrduL He »*M. *Tti a good medicine, and good lor that troifc le\ eobe cot ne | bot Uao...Altar about tbo aoeoad bottle I £“ bapTovad.. .before taking *L“wi t*ada *■* arm* would co to el cep. After taking « however, tkla poor circulation dmacr P«**w4. My atrangth cam* *»»»■%■ t0 P* “d **“.•<»“ «» tho mad to ■pHk After tbo on of about I bot «toa, I could do al] ny and^Mttod to my tl* children bo —Tm «a * at aafo h gtflus Garda! gg*TJ*.J*”*** whsStSjSlM gg.aajrsagy^-c y* Kfwunr wTiom, unb. at Symptoms of Eye Strain 1 ™ . IF THB AUMfSTICE IS SIGNED WILL OL'B WAR PROGRAM BE CHECKED. ‘born* Men la C«|rm Relieve When AriaUtlce b Signed Kalranrh ment Should Jbgla. Washington, Nov. 10—U an arsnis , tiea U signed tomorrow tha problem .of the administration ie tha deter mination of a policy regarding far ther mobilisation of troupe at the training campe, furthrr construction at the campe and tha further outlay of money for strictly war purposes. To what extant shall tha war pro gram be checked? Is it safe for the military arm of the government to assume that the war ia over with the signing of sn armistice and tha out break of revolution. in Germany, or shall preparation for fighting proceed until the proclamation of actual peace? ' Already them la developing hero a diff arenas of opinion between tha mil itary and civil minds. A number of man ta Congress, lad by the Demo cratic chairman ef its appropriations committee. Senator Martin, believe the boar of ratrawrhmmf arrives at the time the armistice ia algned. In stead of Banding additional aalactman to tha training campe, Senator Mar tin would empty moat af these camps immediately aad tend tha embryo aot dier bach into chrO Ufa. Certain military mem, en the other hand, would taka no ehanrea and would keep practically full apaad akaad on tha fight program until the war ia actually over. They rmlmil that Ammtoa would act foolishly wars aha to halt abruptly all military prep arations. and that sock a coarse would ba uowiaa, net only on tha ground of prapuradnafs, bat the effect it might bar* at tha peace eonfaronea. Gen. Peyton C. March, the chief ef ■toff, was aakad within the past S4 hours to indicate what tha policy of the department would ba fotlosrtng the signing of an armistice. He de clined a direct answer to tha ques tion and announced the country would have to await the issuance of army orders. General March waa asked, “Will any more man be cent overseas if an armistice Is signed, and what will be done with the men now In canton ments beret “That will be ennoaneed in the wer department orders at the proper time," wap tha reply of the cbief of staff. It ia understood that the depart ment has determined upon tha definite policy. In fact, both the legislative and administrative branches of tha government must have a masting of minds on this question, which will come to tha front strongly with the signing of an armistice. Early Doctotou Advisable Concrete examples show the neces sity of comparatively early decision. | Within the past weak additions to 'training camps have been authorised at a cost of 125,000^00 Whether the government shall go abend and en large these camps almost on the eve [of demobilisation la a practical qaea liaak ' v^oDicrwruon oi IM Dig artillery camp at Fayetteville affords another example. The construction ia now proceed in gA bat a cocndcrmbie addi tion baa beta Jaat authorised at Caaap Brace and the government must de cide whether the artUlry scamp to be maintained in peace times shell be aa Urge as- that It planned a few weeks ego. Despite talk of permanent peace and partial disarmament, it ia felt that two camps In the country stand a better show than the others to be retained as permanent training plac es- The artillery school at Fayette fills end the small arms school at Ce tombu, Go., an likely to be retained m training escape, at least Cor sev eral years to soma. Class Down f Jetsam mla While there ie as yet no asunos meat, H U as—mid that i set af the tf this that the sUp will go ahead far a demands of tHB be greet, sad sliaddnanl shipyarde an not on posted In Jhe ha* medistifetaea. .Than iig|maMMU hood Burt the 4imp fill retain one tmtk asfcdol sad d it Raleigh bee a The a ]t ’l ■ i- BVJ '7* 'l v ’•ttTJ/. *7f~ y’t’ * 3^. '■ ‘ t * ‘ 1 if *. , / y' ;; , ■ ■ NO. iMfftl. HHfimr or rmk oomatiom <>k rtc fkst Kium bmk if uariaiwi. AT LAUH1MOIAS la Ike mate ul North Cumnna. at Dm aluaa kuataaat No». I, im ' HESOCnCRB. •»aa» and nhnaau«il Kara Acanaalmulnl JII1.1WI «a OrarAralta aauamd fa cm TA un uiaiat tJMtt N'.mi at U. A. Honda dal nailed W aaeuM olr- I ipnr value) atAIIO Ob O. h. konda aod nanmaaira of tadalHrAnam ovaan and aata«Aa«t ■ am »« Iheai ■auin.h konda «.nOJ Cu Hum Into Boadak 14 oar eeal. I aad I Mparoaot iHtMiad 1.1 to an •eranuat <>thi*r tintn (7. n. Inadt lant tat-lndlng atockai wanad aaatadxad 11.000 on HtouA ul t attar*! Aeaerra Hank I la |w oaal hI aakanrlf tlgal Kt Mi Vantunl aaofckie hnaao. uaroad and aaiacnmherad lain 10 Ikafiiia aad drutran. lawlal lauua alllijkdcikl Jwtnt tSaok B.MA ja CJaak la vault and nat aauuata daa inaithml kanfca Mar ai Nat aauuot daa fna kaaka aad hank am. aad train ooiaf alaa uahav man Included la I tea* U. M aad H tan at Tout of Haifa It. It. id. It aad Id Ckaota aa aaakt ktaatad uuk alii ar to«a at martka bank _ aad other oaMi lies*_ I art • AtJeaart 11 Hu I wltAO. A Tlaa ■■ at and daa tnuf V. A Tannin IJM kk totau ' ■ Jaraa at UABUJTOM. "aS* M umwi mam •litiHM Ml IWM1 M Mm ■« >Mk I Kr!?S<«A».MM,N.NM. Oortm-AMM; KDWOT MOBOAtf. BuroftT or not oowDtTiu* or Tit imumm. MUIMAOM lAirttalff Of Norm* CrruUoo. m Ua oluoo of MI4M Woo I. IM rkbocbcsb. Cwrml «momw HBM ■ Oataiiofr, Mfini *J«t tr*. «o MPrtli MB BP lIBB » ooltot Bmp BooM m titortr BooM _ N m m AM otMrOtock*. IMBMMMMO ».0» M fiuodoo hooaoi. PWnPUaro mod • 04 t.vr M t>M» fmo NnUomi Bud* B.4M M Uoo trap Blau Hooka ooA Boakot* r ot It OM aoM m« •Jtct oofe loolodM* oil Moor oo*m Naiioaml took io«oa mod otbo U. H. ooooa t.t*i to U P. (krtMcatc of I adopt a if ■ aw tO.ifJO ti war BartDar* Stomp* i.tto 0 Total _ •>-» L±j 0 IJABlUniLS. Capitol atm paid 0 tti.onu « Bvnpta* rmo4 tvouOM Uadtriiotf nrotta. lm cnrreot rm- _ M: ix T. Ratcker «ukat of tko okoao mpoal CMt.touMlX IttlTUUIMlbnoUl* man m wuo to toe l«t o* mr bo>UlM >o4 m5c*. W. T turjita. Oaobicr. BobnIXoO oad .won tw Mtn m» uk mo oor of Nvvoiibor, nit VKOTKH ADAMS _ .two; Poblir Oatroot— AUOM: a. V. Pat*, a. P. qrmono. W. N. MoK00*10. ntmiiio IlFmfVOr IWOMMIM Of TIE STATE IDS t» i» mu at ><m> Oimin II Otamaot *»ihin. »•*. i imu 4 HESOUSO& None* ON ADMINISTRATOR. .He*!** qualified as administrate)] ?* ***«3atn ef J B Uahet. deceased Uto of SootUnd Ccuaty North Caro Una, this ia to notify all persona ha* ! h( Maly Against the estate of sale yfhd M exhibit them to the sn deniireed. ur her attorneys, Kassel * Leur'nbuiy. M.G. on or befort the 7th day of Novm*. by, 1*19, or this notice will be plead •«* la bar #f thslr recovery. AIT per sons indebted te said estate will please mails immediate payment. Thli ath day of November, 19ljL. LULA r. LSHKK, Atekdibiini. ByeeU A WsAtberepoon, Atlya. NOTICE ON ADMINISTRATION. Having this day qualified as the ad ministratrix of the estate ef Stafford R Glbaon, deceased, this is to notify all parsons bolding claims ylw •aw, rate te to present them to the an derxlynsd oe or before October Srd, 1919, or this notice will be pleaded 1a bar of their recovery. All person* indebted to mid aetata win plena* make Immediate payment. Tht* October 3rd, 1*18. MRS. LANA GIBSON, fifteen. N. ClTrTTfiuK:». commissioner's sale of land Under and by vlrtae of a judgment of tko Semester Coart of Scotland anooo for eeta at auMie aaetsau for eaek at tko Court House door in tko Tow* of Laaifctbary, f . CL, oa tko 10:99 A. lL7the following dceerlbod m. - oordod la Often Resistor ef Deeds of K.‘Tgcasi,rt;rrSiyLi srwwa ff»22-dSK sra.*2JsflE? s&tms Jut, SI feat freatiay an Radioed Street and extending southward at rtyht snots ana hundred and fifty foot, ad contains tko boOdlay next is Second tract, v All tket certain land eurroyed and set out in a mop asade by C. M. Fanaan February ll 1011, of tko ootato ef T. C Bundy, wtich is set out in said man In >7 lota aa there oa shown, and which own la made a part hereof, the same being bounded on the north by the lends of the Sea board Air Lins Railroad, or Corot Ins Central Railroad, and on the cost by the Undo ef the MeCallam rotate, (now John P. McNair I oa the west by the several store lota in the town arXaurinburg which store iota are on the Main Street between McKay Street end said railroad, and includ ing <*>• lot facing Main Street 27 ft. 4 las. wide next south of Bvering ton's Drug Store lot. Maps on file at E T. McCall's store, and at the Court House. This October *1. 1910. M L. JOHN, Commissioner. 44-49 ___'_ _ 1 NOTICE OF ADM1NISTBATOB. Haring qualified u administratrix af the estate of William T. Dm toe. lata of Scotland Counts', North Caro lina, thia la to notify all patoaoe hav ing claims against the (state of mid deceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned at his hooto oa or before the 7th day o< November, 1111, or this notice win be plendsd la bar af their recovery* AH persons indebted to iiM ffatr will plttM imIm fw**** diets payment. Thia Mb day of November, 1»U A. V. WALLACE, Admhriatrathr. «5r" * Influenza, Coughs and Colds Relieved By Ironized Paw-Paw Taken According 1o Direction* After Ton *re on the Koad to Recovery Will B**tore Your strength, Vim and Appetite After 7OCT phjalrlen hot proneme cd you out of aunt, you ud « tonic U build you up- Yoo can do no bot tor than go to tbo noaroet up-todoto drug otoro and obtain a bottio of Nan* P** oo»>ound~tabo It UM^ujjMV!y4t&n«i>«d^. Ym aataijaBy aid you in mtoriag you to ywfomor#a*tiTt^ a«l hooftiv Tkia vdtiduqTamft tbo ordtoory otTOMtfa of tbo Pott wWio uood In Ita ntnaac tur«. H ifiniiig to rtandSni nmily!*Tjt\rm^!ot a* ajj faator and you win not roootrt tbo gbynwiibtywdiu. - . Announcement: To help meet the needs of the government, Wrig ley's has discontimted the use of tin foil as a wrapping for Hereafter all* three flavors will be air-tight, pink-end So look for WRIGLEY5 & wrapper and your choice of vor. Three to suit all Be SURE you The Flavor Lasts K •t ' . .* ... •

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