“AUNT BECKY'S” LETTER OF MANY TOPICS World rear*. Deaths From Means*. ParumMjs, KmlldMMN aad Wintry Weather. Bpadal to The Kxchang*. . Old Fork, Nov. IS.—It it raw, gloomy and chilly this morning, with indication# of snow or tied, and I peanut oar beautiful aatama wea ther it about ended. At tbit time laet year whaler had oat in, and around Thanksgiving day it waa vary cold. Sam* cotton ia tUU la the •aide, aad the eon, for the moat part, ia on gathered, also the peat; the lat ter crap te anuaaally t bond set this season, hut them ia diBeulty ia get ting them picked. ' Our faxmen ia tide section ere bolding their cotton, hoping for bettor pricoo, which 1 feel eaafldmt will coma later on if they can Just hold their grip. The two grandboys, McLaurin and Olmstead, Wars recently discutsing the cotton outlook, which they consider rather gloomy with the advent of Bepubliean rale in Congress. Presently on* of the hoys remarked, “If natural science eeutinuea to progress at the wonder - fal speed of the laet twenty-five yean, soma mighty naturalist will Inveot or diacovar the mode of producing vari colored cotton, and then the southern cotton growers will ‘go over the top." Thera far-fetched prwvmptwtu re called to aiind a circumstance which would never have bran ruBiesnbared any mors, aad data* back to my child hood days. This waa the raising of amall patches of a poculiar spaclsa of cotton which the old poopl* called 'hanksen." It was of a rich and beautiful cream color, the tertnra long and very fine, aad may have been some variety of the Sea Island cotton. At alt events it waa naad as r specialty In spinning aad weaving a fine quality of homespun cloth, which was mad* up into 8unday pant* far men aad boys. In this connection I also raeotlsct that "once upon a liase" my eider sister visited a class mate and friend whose home was near your town, Mias Cattle Fairley, lis ter of Mr. Angus Fairley, who subae qoerrtly became the wife of Capt. Colin Stuart, a brave Confederal* officer. Upon my si star's return borne she told us of a pretty little, gentle animal ownod by the family, and ow ing to her color abc bar* the name of "Nankeen Polly." It tram* Strangs that little incident* such as this should snake lasting impressions, while more weighty and. important occurrence* ■ink Into oblivion. Sine* mjr last totter to Tho Ex change tho bsentlfnl dors of Pmm has folded her wings over the war-weary lands, and millions of anxious hearts ars relieved of heavy burdens, while others derail open the narrow mounds fa) far-away France when quietly *U*p their hero sons, who return not again with their victorious comrades. I note in today's iaaua of the Scottish Chief the report of tho doathe of two soldier cousins, Martin Luther Sturt, machine gun instructor, who died an the 1401 Inst, at Camp Hancock, of h> Dianas-pneumonia. Ha was a splen did young man and was representing the American Tobacco Co. in Turkey wham the great war broks out. The ascend is Sergt. Douglas Purcell, of the A. E. F. ia France, whose death from wounds has bean officially If* |«tei, tlMUftfc thtif art gristing mom iiwuli for rMLSonfbU rifirl* lag bis death, through recant letters front tease of his comrades and ws have streng hopes that report of Us death Is a mistake. Ike Hwlwwi epidemic It nbtld k| h the M. I hear «f aa aaw (•M among ft* white population, mad hat a fow mat tha colored people. We loat a good, kind neighbor from It and pnoamoaia two weeks ago, Mrs. T. K. Owmi, who was before mar riage, Mias Halite Jackson, a native of your county and sitter ad Mr. Bam Jackson. She was an excellent Chris tian woman, a devoted wife and mother, tod one who eras omnipresent hi sickness and diatrom. An uneel M spirit whose greatest idmian was In miniatariag to others, la this Mas ad daty awaeg her sick neighbors aka probably contracted the amlady width tadad hat weaftd Ude. flha it —rvivad by htr hatband, flv* children, ana brother, one sister and amity ftisade. Her rttaaiaa vat interred la tha Oaladaolt smut my, when aha had jehmd tha thamab la aariy Ufa. iMMMMMUwiHlhl! thma aft* — -ft—I ihaian ad | MU. WALTER V. McCALL DIES At SUMTER, 8. C Death Chew Early MaaAay Marnlag | Follow lag Attack of Acute lndi Laurinburg friend* of Mr. Walter V. McCall were grieved to learn Mon day of hie death, whkh occurred early that morning at Sumter, 8. C. Mr. McCall left Laorlntrarg only Last week and went to 8umter to take a pod Don ae dark in the hotel there. Sun day evening about 7 o’clock he became suddenly 111 with acuta indigestion and a physician waa summoned. In a lit tle while he erne improved but again became won# bi a few keen, death following In the early morning. Re had suffered with ikeumatiam for eome yean and It to thought this con dition haatanad hto death. Tha remain* war* brought to Laur Inburg Monday night nod tukae to tha bom* of Mr. F. C. McCormick, ■ brother-in-law. Funeral *arvieaa ware baU Tuesday morning at 11 o’clock and the body laid to rest In tha Mc Cormick cemetery, beside that of hi* wife, who before marriage wa* Mias Christiana McCormick and who dial in June, 1916, at Perry, Go. (Her re main* war* rueantly brought from Georgia here and interred in tba fami ly burying ground.) Tha funeral service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Wilcox, parlor of the Presbyterian church at BannottavilW. 8. C., assisted hy Rev. Carl B. Craig of Laurinburg. Pall baarora ware Meson J. T. Boa tick, J. L. McKinnon, L. P. Smith. H. 8. Quick, J. T McNeill, J. M. Me Xeown. The grave waa banked with a profusion of beautiful flower*. At tending tha funeral waa tha mother, Mr*. M. R. McCall, of Bauaettavilk, 8- C., and utters, Miaa Carolyn Mc Call, of Beunettsvtn*. and Mr* Ed ward* of Amour. And two oaclea, Messrs. Frank Roger* of Bennett* rill* and Bromflold Bogart of Clio, aa well as a number of friends from this and adjoining counties. Mr. McCall waa well known bore, having lived at tha Chetwynd Hotel for several months last year. Be waa 84 years of age. Surviving are two orphaned sons, Master W. V. McCall. Jr., now at the Carolina Training School, rear Shelby, and William Al lan McCall, who live* with Mr. Arch McCormick of Pembroke. % • 1 Cotton Warehouse Fall. Mr. D. K. McRae, president of the Laurinburg cotton warehouse, bood or), state* that the warehouse at Laar in burg is fail and that for tho present no more cotton can be accepted for stores*. Thera Is upwards of S.000 bales in the warehouse at present; which Is evidence that Scotland farm ers are not sealing at the present law prices. Tho local warehouse was hath •a 1914 and from the beginning has been a suscese financially and has been of great service te farmer* and others who wish to store their eotfen for a period of time. to the Allied eraa end the restoration o< Ptw, He end hie family hare moved to Mutton, aa they wore nneMe 'to (lnd avacant house la or around 1 Ixrrlnburg suitable to their needs. I Hie bird season opened ia Robeson on the 15th Inst, aad man and dogs •nd guns were quickly on tha Job. Mr. R. L. Hakrsr. oaa of owr neigh bor boy* who aaUsUd in the navy tort March, ia home on his Arst leave of absence, covering a period of 14 day*. He was on the U. S. S. Minn mote, when a faw wash* ago it struck a mine >400 miles at sea, aad ia new on dry dock at Philadelphia under repair. Robert looks wall aad gave me a vary interesting description of hie sailer experience. When we awoke yesterday morning the sleet waa patting down and we feared that we were on the eve of a had spell of wintry weather, bat it itemed into a eoW rain aad today the wa shines and the tittle birds are I twittering in the trees. i Mr*. J. H. Hill of Spartanburg, S. C., and daughter, Mia* Rachel Hamer, and Mra. Kata McPhaU and little aon of Janeaboro were visiting their sta ler*, Mr*. George Whitlock, laat weak Mia* Dorethy York of Carolina Callage spent the week and at tome. Potato digging i* about over in tlria raetloa, and the crap an aa avoraga la Ana both in qnaMtjr and quantity. ■a*. It M. Thnaapaon of yoar town vma vial ting Ha Oak Orav* eongraga. Uan taat aqaak, aad gave na a pteaaaat aaP an Prlday aftamaou. TW* aan pMaa Ha 4th year on tha nark, hut I “AUWT rocjrr~ HUPEBIOU COURT GRINDING OUT JUDGMENT AND JUS _ TICK. Criminal Docket Taken Up Monday. Probably Adjourn Wadaaaday far Taraa. Superior court convened Monday morning at the court houae la Laur inburg. Judge W. J. Adaaaa of Car thage la preaiding, and State1* Attor ney W. B. Brock of Wadaabore preaa cvting. The oiaalaal docket area tak en up Monday and Wadaaaday mom-' ing tha eaurt area buey arith tha eaaa of Adam Digga, charged arith mur der. Juror* and aaitneaaaa have baaa ascuaad for tha term and it la prob able that the court arill bo adjourned aa aooo ai tha Digga eaaa la diapoaad of. Other cases that ware beard at this Um ware Haul Davis, or Farcy Dun «•«. charged with lasueny ar taking aa automobile from tha street in front ef A. H. Jamas’ garage err era] weeks sgo. The car was driven to potato ia Virgin!* and later recovered and brought back beta. Chief of Police D. W. Scdberry want to Virginia last weak end brought Duncan, or Darts, bare for trial. He plead* guilty and the judgment of the court it t years ob the public' roads ef Anton county. The ease of Luvtnia Turner*, col ored. charged with Sad degree mur der, for stabbing another colored wo aaaa ia Lauriaborg ea October 4, or the day Sparks* circus exhibited beta, was beard and a verdict ef mat guilty rendered. B. J. McLeaa, colored, charged with forgery and carrying nnaosaled waa poa, lets II months on chain gang in Anson county. McLeaa was charge! with forging taro chocks on Mr. San ford Warwick. These checks were ensiled by La ur in burg merchants and tba forgery eras not detected until the checks were taken to' the bank for Anal payment. Guilbert Quick and George Whita ker were charged with larceny or tak ing Mr. Shaw Webb’s automobile from tha streets ia Laurinburg some weeks ago at night. Whitaker, it la said, it in the army and did mot an swer to the charge. Quick was ad judged guilty and fined <60 and the costs. Will Poe, colored, charged with as sault, called and failed to answer. Bond forfeited. Vance Priest, colored, charged with assault and buttery, guilty, gets $91 fins and easts. Leu Priest, charged with assault, judgment suspended on payment of costs Adam Diggs, colored, charged with murder or killing Daniel Bethea, col ored, erne arraigned for trial Tues day and the court was still busy with the case Wednesday morning. HAST LAURINBUKi; NKW8. Special to The Exchange. ■ East Laariaburg, Nov. 25.—Mr. J. H Terry sad Mr. C. J. Terry aad alas Mr. John Terry killed bogs this week. Their visitor* ware Mr. Bob Terry «f Gibson aad Mr. Will Terry of Red ftp* iup Mr. aad Mr* Will Britt were sad dened Tuesday by the loss of their beby. They have Urn sympathy of ■may friend a. Mr*. A. J. Melvin end tittle son, Cartis, of Fayetteville spent a few days hare last week with her mother, Mr*. Kate Godwin. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Stanley were Messed with a Sas little daughter, which canoe into their home Satur day, little Dorothy May. Mr. J. B. Maddox and children, Mr. Ankle and Caspar aad Mka Llama Maddox, of Oibasa were in town a fow hears Saturday. That* will be prsarhing at the Methodist church of East Laariaburg Thuredey night, November IS. A Thanksgiving service will bo held. The public is cordially invited to at tend. CLAUDE BRITT. Little Claud* Britt, th* lf-month. •U child af Mr. aad Mr*. W. F. Britt of Bait • Laturinbar*, died Tawday, Novotnbar 86, and «N harlad Wod naaday. Th* funoral Harriet waa hald Wodnaaday mom In* at 0:M at tha how*, Bar. S. B. Tluinpien otlMlathi*. Th* iatamant waa is th* Sutherland knxta* around. Th* haart-haokan paraata har* tha ayaayathy af thair Maada la thair *r*at oorrvw. Aa iatarasttn* aad pa ndltahla **» *>on af tha Paa Da* Baytlat Aaaocia tloo waa hold with tha Buytiat ihiaah at Oifaaon Wadawday aad Tharaday <rf kat walk. Raw. a W. ia paator af tha Othaaa teak. Vh 1 STEW ART-BOP EH NUPTIAL* AT | GBAT STONE PARE. K. i. r*p«Ur Yhi| Couple at Tkia Ceusly Qd«tly Married la Dieteat State. Tha Charlotte Observer at Tuesday says: Mias Anne B. Roper sad Mr. DuicbIi Stewart, Jr., both at I-surlnbury were quietly married at Grey Stom Park, N. Thursday ev sains, the *!•*. at the hems at Dr. and Mra. D. D. Evans. Rev. Dr. Taylor Crawford, paater of tha Method 1st church, oft dated. Ths outy attendants wars Miss HeJ cn Evans, ataid of honor. a:ui Mr. Buckley Evans, best awn. Ths bride wort a handsome travei inc edit af black velvet with hat te ■aSch aad carta ye bouquet of beta reeae aad Hly rf the valley. Dr. Evane is aapariatendant af the State hospital snd ths maashm at his staff ware preeeat at the csrs aumy. After an informal reccptlo.. Mr. Mra. Stewart left for New Y. rt for a faw days' stay. They slipped over in Baltimore snd Wsehir.sxr.a and spent yesterday in this ct.j on route heme. The bride it a daughter at Uic Uu G. A. Roper. She is strilu^Ci/ pretty, culturod. talented sod excopth-ns ^ attractive. She eras graduated from Elisabeth collate In this etty n tl af terwards spent two years la Now Ynrk in special study. After her entrance late society Mias Roper waa the re cipient of maeh social attention a, this •tots and whenever she has viatic i. Mr. Stewart has large fumint in. tereau In Scotland county and b one of the eeunty's moot prominent and •ucecasfol young men. and is cxceoi Lagly popular. The young people had expect*.! to be asarried this winter, but changed their plans while Mias Roper was on a visit to Mias Evans at Gray Eton* Park. . LAURIXBURG SOCIETY MRS. McRAE HOSTESS TO 8T. CECILIA ML'BIC CLUB. Mrs. J. P. McRae was hostess to the St. Cecil is Music Club Wednesday af teiifiH*i, November 20. The program was as follows: "Evolution of Ameri can Polk Song,” prepared by Mrs. Malloy, read by Mrs. McKaehin. Plano solo- "March of the Pioneers." Mrs. Gragg; Church Music in Ameri «a, Mrs. iPtUs; "Memoirs of a New England Choir" (reading), Mrs. Shaw; "November," a poem by Dr. Scherer, read by Mbs James. Mrs. McRae, assisted by Mias Eva Coving, ton and Mias Martha Fairley, served • delicious salad nouns, after which tho dob adjourned to moot December 4th at 3 o'clock with Mias Eva Cev tagtam. MRS. SHAW HOSTESS TO THURSDAY AFTERNOON BOOK CLUB. \ A delightful meeting of dm Thur* *>r Afternoon Book Chib wee that held with Mrs. JTdo. D. Skew Novem ber II. Modem American hnmarlet* f^ntohod a tnoet letemetlug program M fellows: Selections from Irvin S. C«bb, Mrs. Meade Metotoeh; songs, Mies lit Covington; selection from B*gw»e Field, Mr*. Dan Skew; songs, Mice Potto James; reeding. Miss Ro berta Coble. War SmOaa, which elaaad the pregram, were a source at much merriment A deHcfeas salad course waa served, fallowed by tweets. Numerous guests Shared with the dub Mrs. Shaw's charming hospitality. THANKSGIVING BKHVICB8. lav. Qua. T. Mmiaona of Lmnul HIS etatae that them. uW ha medal Thanksgiving nrrleaa at Snead** Omre mi Rachels churches at 11 and at TebenaoU end Old Hun dred churches Thuruday oftmueoa at S o'clock. Member* of then* cengru gntiem am naked to attend these aarv ime, when ■ pedal offering will he ■•de far the orphanage work of the Methodist church. Cumberland Parmer CenvVted at Manelaoyhter. William Carter, a proaperoae term, er ef Cumberland county, charyed with kUliny grander Baoon, catered, waa ceoetetod at aanaleughter by a Jury of Cumberland Sayrtor eeurt at PayattariSa Thaiaday nlyht aad wna aantaaaad by Mp Lyon to t yearn bate taker hi tbe State ycteea. Oar tmte atteraaya appealed «a the Sft DUNCAN K. McPAYDKN KIXC TROCUTKD AT SUBSTATION. Well Imi Tee eg Mea af East Uuriaharg Meete HUdtm Death •t Wat* Friday Mania*. *r ?**“* J^Faydan. aoa at Mr. and Mra. D. Alex. MaPaydaa af Eaet Laarfoburg mad a wall known yaws maa ia thU eommooRy, with a horrible death Friday mm*. la*. November ft, at the local ah Madam «d tha Yadtta Etear JVwer Go, whM It la battered ttfiOO roKe rf^etrieRy■yarned through his body. y*tri>d—t * the plant aad the **dleata that he died *oetty after 10 o'clock. Mr. McFpyrtea weet to week at the local eah anriep Moaday. Norembro ll-*-d tlmr. only U*^aya whoa ha aa tb death, rieilnaali he had been la the employ of the ootapaay Car eererol meathe at an other town aad wee experienced jj, the week. Ae Mated, tt ie the ana tom to read the amawten at the pleat at 10 o'clock every morning. Mr. Me Faydaa is mppoaod to hare bemi about thie duty whoa he orcidantoUy put hie hand aa one af the Maaetcra end at tha aame iastaat me airing the fatal reltafa. Hit body was* tying near tuu indicator* and Joat under eaa the pad on which be had written two of the readings, tha third and Wat one not being ranardad. It W —HI the** wmaitivc imtiaaiaim iranthan “hang" and it l* oeceatary to jar or knork thorn Was*. For this myill a carta io hind of stick la r met dad, bwt it ia thought tha young man triad to do the knocking with hia ted and tharaby mat daath. Both hand* am burned or eeorebod and tha right foot waa a lao bum ad. Theca war* a* id to be mariu on tha ammeter caning ad scorched Saab. ate. Mr. MeFayden waa a young — ad good character and Ms tragic death ha* brought aomrw to many hearts. Tha funeral waa bald Sunday after uooa at t o'clock at tha East Laurfe burg Method!at church, of which ha waa a member, Bar. J. B. Thompson, tha pastor oOefetiag. The interment wa* in tha city cemetery WESTERN ». C. CONFERENCE. ► Full Ubtjr Rlghtr far Warn aa—Ala* Fat an Change la A poetics Creed Other Con ference Notes. Full lately rights far women waa voted by the overwhelm lag majority of 11)0 to S by the Western Neath Carolina Methodist conference. tha aniraal aaaaiosi of which began in Try on Street charch in Charlotte last W ednesday. Bishop U. V. W. Dart tngtem praaldad. The following eon etltutianal qoestiea waa eeat from the general oonference to annual confar eaooa for thorn to answer “Shall lap ns'■'sober* be eligible to all ooafarea’s * bard* and lay eflieera without regard to sex.” In aider far this to bccorae tha law at the charch It meat be passed by ihree-fearths ef tha anneal eeafar «eas. The Beath Georgia aaofaraaaa last wash eiwwmnl this ixiwtliin la the negative by a vote of 18? to W. rna western N. C. coaferaaes rate ^meoc than the *oal of *100,000 fsr aad dsteemiaed to sab tbs althaate objective for this fund 12*0,0*0. “Shall the apostlsa creed as it ap Man ia the dindpUa* be es aaiewded aa to sefastftat* for the words, 'holy catholte chsrch’ the words. 'Christ's haly eburoh?" eras another rnnsiils dtial question submitted to the con ference mid H Wan answsrsd ia the sfSrmstrvs by a vet* of 117 to M. After discussion if the world’s present needs at the dose of the great war aad the — y"nni'iif oppor tunities f*r mart aswisil ssrilss hi world-redemption, combinsd with the ahQity of the chereh to rive, the eow frrenoe piedynd itself to the task of raisin* *1.7*0,000 for the yraat mb. tenary enterprise of the Southern Methodist (Ink, The entire fund to be raised la mmflOO, sad this f srene* pladgsd *7* ,000 mors than Its aUotaMQt 7b* report *f the hoard of pahHna tioei of th* Weston Hearth Cantina Christian Advoeata, published at iSf 3d. til , WAFT (OAK TO IHJ> I S0UBSMW i i y /' 8 <•«(*_ ;7V, jfi; $ i ____ Crewdar mm thatamM the hoards d ihs selective system had die task sf taktog the yoang civilian sway frem ordinary pursuits and sending him to a training cusp It may new have toe agyaaahlo doty ad putting ton hays from the farm. «Oea and ikn back late their eld lets wherever pe*. stole. . LAUREL HILL NEWS. Special to The *"*■—g Laaral Hill, No * M.—U.M Haste Watkiao spent a few days ia Wilatfng ton last wask. Tha many friends of Mr. 1. M. Ha gan will be glad to learn ho has re lanmd from Oamberlawd General he*. pital, Payettornia, where be ha* bsaa ' undergoing troatasant, and is very much improved. Hr. J. T. Ptytbe is back in tbe depot after being in fer several *a. Mr. Gibson Matthews ailed la Klaatoa last weak aa lottos serisas iUnesa of bis vbo wa visiting ' to Maa » be set N iata ba bsld at wo* INSTALLATION ntVKB SUN DAY at msnauAR CHCBCH. j hsitistt c—iwii mm owiait 8p*dml fttntew, Nov. Carl S. Cndg Now Footer. Spodkl Installation sort has will ho hold at th* Lonrlohncs Tzoobytoriaa church this Sunday. Dtaoateor 1, wfcaa Bo*. Cart B. Craig, tha mow paster, will bo formally laatalM aa pallet at tha FayottovM* Froabytety has bora •ppotnted to oonrfttet thii mrytot. Boo. W. *. Hill of Fayottovillo wilt | pranch tha samoa; Boo. X W. Uosd Antioch will teaks tha A ary* !t« tha pastor, and Bov. X. W. Be j LaachHa of Baafocd will chars* th* y

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