------- is situated on the highest and dryest section of Laurinburg, where mized one unfortunate person. WATERWORKS 1~ rated. moat IM advutagM to colored people. No friction between the reeoe— in petnral Knee of busineae. pendecting their busineeeea moot orderly on the principal Home.” Baying entomobilea are peaelng evidences of chrUfatetien. But the baying of v % can net bay will do well to inveet that money in town property. Better then banks, because and lot will pay yea IS per cent on the dollar. n part cash end balance In on*, two end three yean, If you want to. P. CVANo MERCHANT North Carolina I I : _ •iMe, mad ia nadc at a atronfr. light, ailk fabric, la order that it may bo instantly available at all times tb« German aviator saplovi tba pan ckutc ea a eaabtoa an I whan for any reason ha ftads H imtaaiy to ass it, he drives his plane straight upward and leapa Jurt before Gw machine comas to a standstill. As he begins to fall the parachute quickly opens and lowers him roatly to the earth. It U aid that, with thte new ds vk-«, the chances of a eafs landing— provided of course th* aviator la not mo seriously wounded to aparata it— m about nine eat of tan, whereas, without any each device, the chance of surviving by jumping from a dis abled plane Is practically nil. Under the ciccwsestanti* not only the aviators and OatiramanUI au thority, h«c atsa the friends and relatives at home, will leok forward with la tenet Interest to the speedy perfection and the general adept!on oi this now life-earing device as a pert of the equipment of all aero plane* bath hare and abroad. The Washington Mow Yark aero plane Ban route ia proving to ha a drswliif ffitnfuioni of tftos aerspistol service win enable Ameri cana to wtlto a letter to soon the moot distant parte at the sumtrj and got a letter hi r^tywithia thirty-air to to Oovorm that phrns have has* I will probably be extended to Calcutta, India. Flying machine* of great power and aim will be needed for those long-dletancc flights, and the routes will have to be marked plainly by meant of aerial lighthouses and other suitable devices; moreover, con venient landing places must be pro* Tided. These ere, howvtor, mere de tails which, while they require title for their perfection, present no real obstacle to tbs sweaeful establish ment of aeroplane mail and ax prase Haas between all parts of the earth In the near future. “BIRDSEYE" WINDOWS GIVE POOR VENTILATION FOR CHURCHES. Charity and Children. Enclosing hit renewal io Charity •ad Children, Mr. Biaxcy la John, a prominent lawyer ol Laurinbarg, make* the following timely observa tion: - • Your editorial on closing toe churches In this week’s laauo Is about Hm vary boat and sanest statamant I bade seen ea the subject. If are eeuld control the negro churches or venti late them the necessity for closing the cherchee down this way would be math leas. One large church of the negroes that I know, has its windows planned ao that, swing to sugar loaf tops, they can be raised only shoot 14 Inches or 14 Inches at beat. New I look across «o the large fifty thousand new (white) church near me and the windows of that church, in the main auditorium, have Just a little transom shaped place at the bottom of each of the greet windows, that can be turned and that glva about the seme amount of ventilation that the negro church gets I Ths need for ventila tion in the white congregation la not exactly dm same, possibly, bag germs ere as rmpistirs of par seas or of races. Any ehurch committee eg ar chitect with the maposnrfbfllty of plsmrfag and building a house of wor ship should ponder w«I] the future when at the judgmtait day (if Hr* eeo mSnaar of aa inquisition) they shall ha asked if they rear a misted or were la any way raapcnslhla tor hafldlng a madam ahem*. They wfll Mhaly feel that one star spangled place Is bah^t opened far them, when the vnr dtat thoaM ho paaUhmesrt te fiaUBM te ventfldte the MUHag." We manst sflalnlsfir the feed prch leas ea the beets sf the pmaaat feed thortoga. We most prepare for long PAGE MAKES IMPORTANT AN NOUNCEMENT TO COTTON. SEED INDUSTRY. Raleigh.—State Food Administra tor Page has promulgated to the cot tonseed Industry an important plan scheduled by which dockage oa ac count of damaged seed wilt be msd« by crushers or cottonseed dealers. On account of the acute congestion of cottonseed which has existed and still exists in many sections of the State It !• thought that there will he several hundred tens of damaged seed reach ing dealers aad crashers during the next few weeks and the new ruling announced by Mr. Page fixe* a uni form method of determining each dofltage as will he allowed on account of damaged seed. No deduction may be mad* for for eign matter ext apt whan aueh foreign ■attar la in earns at 1 per cant at the total weight. Deductions in ax. eni at 1 par cent may ha made for actual weight at aueh excess on the basis of the delivered price of the seed No deduction shall ha allowed far damaged or immature send ap ts 10 per cent. Deduction air bo aaada for damaged or immature aeed In ex eosa ef 10 per cant at the rate at net more than 29 canto par tea for each 1 par oaat at such comas. The paroantoga at duapi or Im mature aood win ha latarmlaeii by the avenge nrnabar of damaged or immature seed la sample* ef 10ft aeed taken from two or amra plana in each aax. ' DBOSV YOtmSKLV. ' WAR SAVINGS A DKBT OF HONOR. Government Calk On People to Pay Debt of Honor by December 31. Tha uo of money that North Car olina haa been requested to raise through War Saving* Certificate* has become it* debt of honor, a debt which It has been called on to pay by De cember 81 and which It .will willingly do. Thl* • mount become the State’* debt of honor in June when the people of North Carolina gav* the Govern ment their word that they woo Id buy the State’* quota of S48JMWJW0 by De cember 81. The Government took the poapb'* word a* their bond and (pent the amount in equipping tha bey* at tha front and malting them more efl eioot fighter*, this bringing the war to o speady do**. Today, tb* Oor ernmant can* on tho people of the State to keep their word, to redeem their War Saving* pledge* and pay tmek tha aavwit that has been spent. Beginning on Thanksgiving, the people of North Carolina will be giv oa an opportanity te make good thrir ward and rot** this debt of honor.. Daring the week of November 88 to December a they win ha colled otv fimt, to redewa their War Savings jrta«pi^aa4, emend, to boy War Bav ■wring* Stamp, to the HmR of their ■■PT te help the State to make a IN par tent War mmi Two eenditiena aim in North Car eltaa aaear* th. Stated debt of honor to ha paid by Daoombar SI. Tha Azat le the anqueettoned patriotism of lt» dtlaema and tha iicml it Ha gredt waaMi. TWo eombination will easily *»la* tha State** antfar* War Sating* m*ote ami giv* ft a 100 par am* war taaaed. )

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