The Greatest Thanksgiving Of All That*a what we ought to make of November 28,1918. We arc and ought to be truly thank* fnl for all the Meetings of the year—World Peace!, a bountiful harvest, a wonderful proa* parity and the opportunities ahead. For all these this Thanksgiving should be a memorable one. I » The happiness end the reel spirit of the day is incomplete without s festive board end the stimulation of good things to set Don’t fell to provide everything necessary to make your Thanksgiving dinner measure up to the tradi' tions of the day. • This question will be much easier for you if you place your orders with us promptly to in sure prompt service end ample supplies. Every thing yon need for that big dinner, you can get here. Mark an X after tkia so you won’t forget. McLaurin& Shaw ’Phone No. 43 Laurinburg, North Carolina | Your Idle Money Will } Earn 4 per cent Inter est if deposited in this bank If you woald be the moat encceeefiri, yo« ■hoald make yoer money work too. It ie a common laying that “money not earning in tenet ie loetng money." Set aside what money yen wffl net need in yoar besineae at this time and depoeit it with ' this hank. It wiO bp here when yen do need it and working for you meantime. SCOTLAND COUNTY SAVINGS BANK Laurinburg, N. C.. They’re Dying For You Boys from your county are on the Western Front— giving their lives for you and your home. You are still here with friends end loved ones Hving in comfort, hap piness and peace. In the War pavings Campaign-July 28rd to 28th tUa County failed to raise its quota. We cannot afford to —end JfpgTnot let the boys over there bear of thfe. There**, another wind-up drive to pat tUs county in the right place, will be eondeeted soon. Can you think of a cheaper price to pay than mere money? Get ready for the Canvassers end pledge all yon €Mi nr jrour ooyt om atw. BLUE’S DRUG STORE . may hunt birds prom no. j VKAIUKR 16 TO FBBRUART U. Uopy of “Ad Act to Regulate the HBating and Trapping of Game In Scotland County." Tha Item la tha laat laaaa of Tha Kxchangt which purported to gr*i tha lava governing tha hunting at game to Scotland county proved to be sr wasooa, and a number at hasten end other* have exercised themealva* a little to get the straight at tha mat ter. Fee tha benefit of tbeee iuter oatod, we puhllah below a verified °®PT of the law as enacted by the lagialatura at 1917: SECTION I. That It shall be an lawful to liunt, kill, or trap dear in the County of »««*«■■« axnept from November first to December ftrrt, in clusive; and foxes except from Au gust fifteenth to March first. Inclus ive; and squirrels sad wild turkey* except from November first to De cember first, Inclusive; and quail from November fifteenth to Pebroary fif teenth, inclusive; of each and every roar. SECTION 2. That it shall be mo lawful to hunt, kill, or trap gums of nKf sort upon tha lamia of any par don or corporation lu the County of Scotland without first having obtain ed written permission so to do from tha owner or owners at the land or frem the person or peraeue having tha same la charge; PROVIDED, that this section shall apply to the banting, lulling, or trapping of rab bits. SECTION a. Tost it aka)] be on lawful for any parson or panoat aot residing in the County of 8eotiand to hont. kill, or trap any gam* in laid County without first having obtained fro* tho Clerk of tha Superior Court of mid County a written or printed license so to do, tho license fee for the privilege of hunting, killing or trapping door, wild turkeys, or foxes to be Twenty-five Dollars, payable upon tho Issuance, and tha liecaaa faa tor the privilege af hunting, killing or trapping of other game to be fifteen dollart, payable upbn the issuance of tho license, tho license foe thus col lactad, leae the coat at laauunea. to bo paid by the mid Clerk to the County Treasurer, and by the County Treas urer to be ptucml to the credit of the road fund: PROVIDED, that this ■action shall not prohibit non-reel duatu who own land hi the County of Scotland from hunting upon their own lands without first having obtained a license from said Clerk aa aforveald. 8ECTION 4. That the Board of County ComniMionm of the County of Scotland may appoint one or more game wardens for the County to h-.U; office for a period of two yaais from the date, of their appointment and un til their successor shall have been ap pointed, whose duty It ahall be to look after the enforcement of thi* act, their only compensation to ba as hereinafter set forth: PROVIDED, that the said Board of County Com missioners may ht any time, for rea sons that may appear to Its Satisfac tory, revoke the appointment af a game warden aad appalat soother In hla place. SECTION 6. That H shall bo no lawfnl far any |irtt«. Am or ear. potation to ship or carry away quail ami «f Scotland except that Wadowa ere t» oaW County may kill aad carry eat of thei County game killed on the ^ncnONt That any rioladoo of ■ban subject the offeadar U the pay. Mnt of a penalty In tha ana ef twenty-fire dollars, or to imprison, mat not rereading twenty days, ana half of said penalty ta ge to tha gam wardea who infooas apqn the orfead. or and thd ether half ta go hmo the county school fend. . SECTION 7. That all laws aad clause* of law in conflict with tbit act an hereby repealed. SECTION S. That this act shall be in fores from aad after K* ratifica tion. Ratified this ths 9th day of Jan nary, A. D. 1917. MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1918, at 10:30 A. M. 0 / • - FREE—Band Concert, Thrift Stamps. National Ready B. H. HARNLY, Auctioneer L. M. FELTON, Sales Manager Sold by order of Court. M. L. JOHN, Commissioner % Notice of Sale of Land Postponed To Monday, ecember 2, 1918 TRUSTEE’S SALE OF LAND Two Acres of Land in Town of Laurinborff Under and by virtu* of a power of mb fa a deed of traps from J. M. Caspar Md wifpWUHe C. Cooper, deafeutt having been emde Sale: Monday. November 26th. 1918,19 M.. for eMiC^ L. JOHN, Trostea. The sale of the tw