TR POWER OB TIB CHURCH. There *rc those persistent—should ta* aa? pernicious—persons srho aro tryiag to oarfan the warid tot the church la losing It* power; that to aa lea gar tatarssta men; that dsrgyasen are provincial and professional ta a point that reader* them aloof aad un fit far practical things. These MM persons tad as that folks do aat at-; taad the Church services aad that men weald rather, aad da, go to Sunday! toll ga—, to the golf Oaks or sate Hiuiup prvrtnuff uoui imnfi ta the itt¥ and digntfled —vice of the Modem church. Because of these things they tall as that the church to a buck-number aad there is urgent j •wed for a new form of worship m; •nile-t the activities of this enfam* Had hiWIlia To a— self-ap p'ftM critics the carc to dear; the dawk to a failure and for this own do apt respect h. Vaatar'o troth to toaaBetont. Theta' fine persons da not understand haw Ike Christian religion can bo made aa} attractive aad baaatKol thing unless ft I* translated into practical and osa ctote things it pleasant aad senseless Ws kitt Borer M any respect for the missionary society the' secured He attendance by serving refresh Send*. nor the church that financed itself with oyster suppers. Nor the jwv_che* l hat ■ratwlitniwl pvtitirs itrc •‘current events" for Bible truths, aad ponds rod to tho silly notions of tend 1m confftcffattons. Inatituticnal riowhis with their varying activities ( aad maltItndlaiiiM iatoresta are mors often tho extended personality of ao irasrsaaluas clergyman sod fall into decay aad dgciiac when his driving energy ie ao hagur applied or felt. Tho church that endures is baflt as tho eternal print ip(m of Christianity aad by adhoriag to theoa is mohlsd to weather the storms of criticism aad ihpf . Tho Chrjgtlaq_raHgiga_.'jg_P. bcouttfai, exalted thing and aevor ap yvora ia its true light except whoa tofttap a» the great Meal for mem— osmmhlng high and holy toward - we e - vwwtJOg JBQVb KT1”. 'I'*1 .v ■n-/’-' Them are many moo who do not go to rborrh. Dm in wo to htemet this condition as tho fault Of tho •hutch; of is Ibgra something wrong whhmeu? There arc men who eevcT boor tho pwntirt voice in puhiie worship except when be is eg Bed to the bsmt to conduct e /cmera! serv W . Y(t three men always want the preacher to ohleietv when their chil irn h i biriod or get married: Thi», It wnli tocm, shooH U e» snowoc st‘"Vont for nil time to those who And Poult with the church. Urn do nr- Vr-p the ton commandment*, no* *. th r U‘r tho dean, upright lives they rtjlit Mt dors tMs signify thnt them Is oomthing wrong with the tea enamaaAmowto and decent liv i«iw? . U regal res a certain amaunt of tl!xh)f morning and go promptly to ehufeh aad ftanrtay school Ths castor, bon pleasant thing ao doubt 10 to hoot tho munrfeg paper or other dirrralon. Bat tho fort remstos that rlf things m life worth having aad tho things *ag endow am bought with a pries. Obviously these who an not Id pay Km peioo can not o^podt i«r irtunily building which would be of service to all He Mto of the people for oil time U without doubt the most fitting memorial the people of this county ccuid giew. Wo havo gotten hi the tout of raising money by the thousands Cor spot purposes. Am e final effort why mat a few thseesrde far a grant manuriil institution of toots kind that wilt carry an far al waa ea hsauHtoly deasinaat to the Bean of tha bays whs sr* hillenh of world from at the little towm cantonment* ■■RIM tO WlMUnfwn wittt uMCfl tions pise ding for the permanence of these war Institutions- Judging bj their actions these fellows don't give a hoot for the country's welfare but want the Govemeaent to cootinui these campe far the benefit to dolton to i.heir cotunitinWaa. regard] ess of whether thay or the country can frame at what a waste of tha public money it may be. Any awn or men whs would seek to keep one of these campe clfve tor Ida awn paraanal interests when the GenMMR has no use oa earth for it, ought to be court-mar titled. In any community there are people that think critically of their neighbor who by hi* thrift and industry tries to accumulate property. Some of the ne’cr-do-wsUn are plainly dissatisfied with any eocenes that may come to their fellow*. They an unwilling to pay the price ef success mad some times tty to get by rioteneo and theft ‘hot which they nr# too trifling to get In legitimate and - honorable way*. These arc of thn same stripe ef the Rohheriki who are causing civilisa tion to tremble in certain parts of the world. There's little that's honorable end decent in that bench er the doc trine* they proclaim. Significant of the country's return C normality is the announcement From some cities that cecs-eoia slumps From 10 to # cants a glass. This should add another star to Dwsoc. iscy’s crown. -1 « mm Just a« Toddy had do part in win. liny Uta war, il'a a tafa hot ho aril) lave nothin* to do with makmjr paooo. _____ Don’t foryet to yive th«nl<» Thu»a lay. and ovary day! I White the PraUnft critic* eca tbmo to squeal and aquak and squirm, ha is goin( aboad with Ua plana for world peace. There's many a puny tool who hernias ha can't participate ia tha peace asportations. la willing U descend to tha role of critic and In stead of hilplng icaks to hinder tha hiiliiil ia hia groaj weak. A wiaa usi wtt keep hia mouth shat moat of the time. dah^MdT? uwmbU^af^tomtaitohte aaw home* tor people who would like to Hr* hors. TWe io no dairy Wn, and people who would prefer to ire hare are compelled to asm elsauhaiw Ijinaai af tha feet they can not gat house to live ia. la assy Instances two aad .Area families are living un der tha use roof simply hccaaa* they can't do totter. c m .Jii . u 1 1 If Mr. McAdoo were made of tho tort of clay some man are, instead of mitring hie big government jooe and frankly its ting that the work was too heavy and he needs to malts money1 lor hia family, he would have written Prcahlaiit Wilson something like this: 'If you don't give me an 8-hoar work lag day and a 150,000 a year salary, 1 will quit you cold January 1, IMS." PRICES FOR CAMP BRAGG SITE NOT SATISFACTORY. - - -- | Tha flofc* County Joonul speak* in this manner of Fayetteville's artillery map: the people llvlny an thin the bounds <* Qoap Brant ora not at all satis fled with the prices named by the ap praisers for their lands, that is, thooa we have *t*n. Six or seven dollars aa acre will not be considered by tha neneia at all. If the Government wants that camp site, it should pay what the land is worth. Or tha Gov ernment may condemn the site and take it at whatever price* the courts ft* and movs the people out by force. It baa the power, but as the war is over, the drafts are discontinued. the men in camps already built are aoen to be seat home,,so ere hope Camp Brant will soon be an unpleasant memory, so far aa Hoke is concerned. > NUTICR. Ob account of labor condition*, no tice is hereby tiven that I will be un rbie to AO wood and coal orders after 12 o'clock M. Saturdays. Therefor* order your fual before Saturday every >«>ek.—Adv. • It W. V. KVANS. Administrator’s Sale of Personal Property I will expose for sale at pablic auction for cash at the lateoeaidence of \ onnger McRae (Colored) on Friday, December 20,. 1918, • the personal property of the estate, consisting of .Harrow, Mower, Rake, two Wagons, Gear, Corn Planter, Cotton Planter, Stalk Cotter, Top Boggy, Carriage, 2 Horae Plow, One Hone Plows, 3 Males, 4 One-Hone Wsgon Wheels, 2 One-Horse Wagon Axles, alsa about 15 bales cotton, 500 bushels cotton seed, 1000 pounds fodder, 50 bush els com, 25 sacks of cotton seed meal, and other articles. Sal* will begin at tea o'clock mad continue un til all aoli. Friday, Decwnber 20th, 1918. Tanaa, cash apaa dakrtry. 1-4 eaak oa nch artldea aa cannot be delivered tbaI day, balaftae ■pas daUvery next day. MULES! They Are Here! We have just received another shipment of extra fine Young Horses and Mules. They are now ready for you. “Nuf Sed.” H. R. WEILL, Jn Charge « • Laurinburg, North Carolina Best PricesOffered at Home! Ladies’ Fine Fur-Trim med oats #■ In All The Newest Shades. Children's and Misses’ Coats in latest models in Velvet ... C '+ ■ ' * ■ •*.% ' **. * * . • •Velour and other cloth materials. Ladies' fine silk, satin and serge dresses. Tailor-made coat suits for Ladies in Brown, Blue, Black burgundy and Fawn colored all wool materials Boys’ and Children’s fine knickerbocker suits. Men's fine blue serges, cassimeres and imported worsted suits, over coats, ulsters and rain coats to be sold in the next ten days a* prices Cheaper than at Fayetteville or Charlotte, all things being considered. Come at once and make your selection before the bar . \ , . i ' gains are all gone. Evans’ White Front De partment Store Laurinburg, North Carolina We willl aell you a Barrel of Flour now.

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