Local Notes Mr. W. II. HaiT at Elko, 8. C., spent the waek-tnH la the dty with hi* daughter, Mrs. L. A. Pender. Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Covington re turned Friday night of last weak from a trip to Charleston, 8. C. Mr. T. J. GUI, cashlsr of the First National Bank, has boon confined to hie beau this smelt with i Nsps eoM. Mr. F. D. Gibson, esshier of the Carolina 8tale Bank of Oibaoo, and family left Thursday of Mat wash for a visit with relativss la Wayne coun ty, making the trip in their auto. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Grubb* are i moving Wednaeday from the Hubbard house on cast Church street to thr Baptist parsonage. It is stated Mr. Ed 8. Lytcb has purchased tbs honor they are vacating and will move Into it later. Lewis Cm sen, son of Mr. H. L. Csi son of East Laurinbnrg. who as re ported last wrek, has bean ill with pneumonia at Camp Kearney, Cali fornia, is reported as improved this week. McLaurin A Shaw have purchased frum Mr. A. H. Jamoa, dealer, u Bao 3-4 ton truck for their delivery serv ice, which It in operation daily and proving a great convenience to their irony customers. Dcmbtirs* the biggest beef animal e' er seen in Laurlnburg was a 1740 lb. Hereford steer butchered for Me Laurtn A Shaw’s market last wwek. The animal came from the western part of the State and was n beauty. Mr and Mrs. C. J. Fleck of Union Mills spent a few days last weak with their daughter, Mrs. W. A. Jordan, re turning home Monday. Mrs. Jor dan and tittle children accompanied them on the return home and will spend some time visiting there. State Food Administrator Henry A. Page eras at Lu no barton Monday far the purpose of investigating the eases of a number of merchants in Scotland, Robeson and Hoke counties who are i said to have violated the rulings of ' the Food Administration The laurlnburg city schools opened Monday of this wreck with about two. thirds attendance, after having been cl cued 7 weeks on account of Influ ents. Mrs. F. 0. Hellier, superinten dent, states that no effort is to be made to make up lost time by nstrn school days, etc. Intensive work will be done all the time. Rev. J. B. Thompson, pastor, aisles that special Thanksgiving Harriett W'U be held Thursday morning at 11 o’clock at Oaledooia church; "niura dty afternoon at 3 o’clock at Johns, and Thursday evening at 7 o'clock si Fast Laurinburg. Special offerings for tii* orphanage will bo taken nt these service*. Tho following gentlemen went to, Rockingham Wednesday to take the Knights Templar degree in Free Ma rc try at the Rockingham commsnd ery: Messrs. Rdwtn Morgan, W. S. Dunbar, A. H James, E. W. Bryant, J. A. Jones. C. E. Muss, and B. J. Jones of Wagrara Mr. fi. Y. Jones rcrompsniod the patty of eandidatas to Rockingham. About twenty-firs candidates wore to be initiated Wed nesday and Wednesday bight. It Is announced from Lombsrton * that Evangelist B. F. Mcl-endon of IRcnnettrrille. 8- £*,,1* majtfng •*-. raagement* to begin a meetihg in th* Banner tobacco warehouse there cm December A This meeting, it it said, will be held under the auspice* of the Chestnut street Methodist church of Lambsrton Mr. Mcl/endon was to begin a masting at Lumberton several weeks ago but the influents troubles cancelled Ms plans. Lieut Lee Corrsll, son of Mr. sad Mr*. R. E. L. Corrsll of this city, has bna promoted from second to first lirutsnsol fas bravery In action in th* battle of th* Argonne forest, which is said to have boon one of th* fiercest *n gag sonants of th* war. Th* last letter to his home folks was written October U in which he stated that tho fighting in the Argonne forests was terrific and terrible. Lieut. Cor t*U la a asomber of Company A, 18th Infantry. ' TV eoonty board of health aigm upon tha minds of tka paopk tbs ns Irfskr far Individual protection apahmt ladnaitaa and athar dtaaaoo*. Afiar all tfs largoty a mattar far tV IndMdaal Wr or not V mast vv bars bifusaaa and namarmm otbar (Mkflm dlaaascs. At Rakitb last pealed to paopk to stay off tha streets ■on latasdap to avaM a poaolbk apsaod of Vo iHooooo that dap thara. Tha ■saMhaats ad Raleigh *n« papered at Via aatka ad tha chsmhar ad aM». HOLD ►'Ok 13 CKNT8 Governor* ml • 8l»lw Urge Kuans aad Basinets Mn U OrganLu ta HoM Callao far Fair Prise. A Joint proclamation signed by the Governors of I cotton States urging farmer*, merchant*, banker* and bua tnes* men to organise aod hold cotton far not lea* than W cent* n pound, middling baaia, sraa leaped Saturday night nt Atlanta through tha aatton Stnta efflclal advisory markallag board. SCOTLAND'S RECORD IN FOURTH LIBERTY BOND. • - ■ ■■ Tha following facta aa to the part Scotland county had in making the Fourth Liberty luan a great succeae r-t published for the interest of the patriotic people hero who are glad their county baa done ao well. The county *a allotment sraa >401400. Actual amount subtcribtd. >661,500. Number of subscribers. 1010. Par ccntage of population subscribing, 5.1. Per capita suhaeriptloft, >38.14. 23JUJ BAI.RS TO NOVEMBER 14TH Ah reported to the Bureau of the Census by Special Agent W. N Me Kenile, there were ginned In Scotland county prior le November 14th 25.2*2 bale* of the 1918 cotton crop a* com pared with 22,990 betas of tbs 1917 crop to November 14, 1917. The In crease for the tame period this year over that ol last it 2,242 balca. which ia a substantial gain and means many thousands of dollar* to the fanner* of this county. 1__ The Moat Useful Book I - . ‘'Webster’s New International Dic tionary"—The supreme Authority Ev erywhere—meet useful book for every borne and every office, moat complete Dictionary with gaaettecr and Refer ence History of the world. A 9* At las free to all who aubecribe before December lei. It has all the new war-word*. *19.76; *1.76 with order and *3 a month. 1. T. .Newsworthy, Thompson Hotel, Lumbarton, N. C. t Divisions Soon to Ba Beni Hack to ‘ A mottos. Demobilisation of tha American ex peditionary forces, already ia prog ress with tha homeward movement of sick and wounded, will ha hastened by •he return at an early date of 8 di vision* of national guard and national army troop*. 8 regiment* of coast ar tillery and 2 brigades of field artil lery. This announcement wax made Saturday by Gen. March, chief of staff, or receipt of dispatches from Gen. Pershing A Rare Book Hargain. For immediate delivery. I will sal) the complete works of O’Henry, the most fascinating of all story writers. In 12 fine volumes for only *12; *1 with order and *1 a month (The publishers’ price la *17). Send me your order today. J. T. Norsworthy. Thompson hotel. I.uasberton, N. C. , NOTICE OP ADMINISTRATOR. ^Having qualified as administratrix of tho estate of Mrs. T. W. Parker, lata of Scotland County, North Caro lina, this la to notify all person* hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned at his home on or before the 27.th.day of November, 1*10, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please moke imme diate payment. This 27th day of Novembvr, i918. C. BEACIIAM. . _ Administrator. ’ Cos A Dunn, Attys. • , •••• . 48-2 NOTICE GASTON The Junk Buyer While cleaning oat yoar Ban*, sare yoar Bag*, Bag ging am! Rags. METALS—Copper, Braes, Zinc, Lead, Abaninam, Pew ter and Radiators. RUBBER—Rubber Boots, Rabber Shoes, Bicycle Urea, 8aHd Vehicle Tins, Inner Tabes and Ante Tires. HIDES—Horse, Mole and Cow Hides. Dry Field Boa*. OM Stores and Scrap Iren. Brill row Jnak to GASTON ItaH TW PUe«: W. P. EraM* Waod Yard, f aaifidbu'i, N. C. HEX T E It THAN A l URE FOU Spanish Influenza PREVENT IT! Nonca to tab Public: An ounce of prevention ie worth a pound of cure. Save yowwlf and yoer family from the ravage* of tbie dreed plague Avoid crowd* I ^OetjMnnty of freab air tad Keep the bowela moving nat urally! Keep cheerful! TkteuMt trt pniedar themvlm till* tpullk Itflmri tad kupi*( htn Mlm vel tad kitpj, (hay mi, trlik DRECO btifi’t Hrtit Pretutattw Itl mm rt|hi tvtt^dvtft km mi j mi ii torn mwitii immHE • wholesale distributors TOR THE CAKOL1NAS—JXO. M. SCOTT a CO, CHARLOTTE, 1 N. C. BUSINESS LOCALS^ IP IT IS nmMhinf new ami atyliah la children'* ahoea you want—I have it. W. P. Evan*. It KOB BALK—A bench of nice pin. See Henry G. McKcmnl* or Mr. John Peale, at Sneed** Grova «-tf A UNITED lot of )ob lot overeaaU far Ben hut received. Original price *S6 and *40, now *10, *12.50 and *17. W. P. Kvaau. It NOTICK—Wc have employed an up to-date electrician and winman, and win be glad to make bid a on any work of thta kind. Laurinburg Electric Service Co. Xft-u BOYS SUITS in all etylara end lowrat price* at W.’P. Evan*. it POB SALE—Puhrtaum data, Abrum rjre^ R. A. WUkiaaon, Laorinburg ALFALFA 1IAY for cow*, if roc want Increased yield of rich milk. At W. P. Evans'. It WANTED—A good Z-borae farm to root or loateo for reasonably rent. Apply Box 27ft, City. 46-tf ALFALFA HAY fo. tnuloe and hors es, if you want to keep them fat on lean grain. W. P. Evans. It AUCTION SALE BUNDY ESTATE —Monday, December 2, 1918, at 10:30 a. ns. Free band concert and thrift stamps given sway. 6T business lota, fronting on Mala and Railroad streets. Desirable prop erty for business purposes, which will never be for msU again at your own price. Right In the heart of the business section of Laurmburg, bound to increase in value. There it none other for sale. This is your rhtnee. National Realty Auction Co., B. H. Hsmley, auctioneer; I* M. Felton, salee manager. Sal* by order of the court. M. L. John, Commissioner. It FOB SALE—« 1-4 acres land J 1-2 - mile* south MarshviUc, N. C.. in splendid community. House and outbuilding* fairly good; ejtcellent #•11 never-failing water. Land lias as weir as thnt of Scotland county for impewimcct- Cotton never had over 880-lbr. par acre, yet pro duced better than half-bole. Part •oil fine wheat and com land. Price only 440 acre; p.'rt cash, balance.S years. Come to Momroc, show pros pective purchaser over any time. Eugene Ashcraft, Monroe, N. C. FOR SALE—One brand new Ford touring car; taro 11*17 model Ford touring cars. Good once. Lonnie Hammond, Laurinbwrg, N. C. It LOST—Two sutossobils liasnse num bers 14,783 last weak between Wa gram and my homo. Finder return to Arch MeLaan, Wag ram, N. C- U ... Tear Bays Wart It. Gat your "Mark Twain" now, Pub Ushert inert*so price Docambar 1st. Present price for the 2S volumes, *29, II with order. 91 a math. J. T. Norswortby, Thosapaan Hotel, Lurn her ton. M. C. DELCO-UGHT The s am plats FtsaSris light and New FWsd Safa for the children Brings laalla* —A — —. — 4 A — —1. Illllrlf CllwvTi Wf wnOH fisiihi. I-AUKU>BUKU EUtlUl f. i V, . !r . XMAS PRESENTS * • A few of the many Auto Accessories we carry that make very acceptable Xmas Presents. Bumpers Spot Lights Tire Pressure Guages Running Board Foot Mats Greases and Lubricating Oils Do you know what kind and GRADE of Lubricants you are using or do you buy ANYTHING OFFERED. We handle nothing in this line but the VERY BEST. LAURINBURG, N. C. JAS. L, SUTHERLAND, Mgr. Garage. 'Phone 151 Fourth Issue U. We are ready to deliver Coupon F*--jg. . . INSTALMENT PAYMENTS * . I November 21, 1918, 20 per rent January 18,1919, 20 per cent. December 19, 1919, 20 per cent. Jannary SO, 1911, SO per emt. The above payments MUST be made promptly. Have you bought War Savings Stamps according to your pledge ? If not do so atonce. We sell them. Come on—you have bought Bonds and Stamps, now fulfill your pledge. Pay for them 2 v THE STATE BANK Authorized Agent of the United States Government Laurinburg, North Carolina Otcaa Quick BaHaf ter COLDS and LaGRIPPE Price l*c and He for battle

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