•-r-1 On the Firing Line With the Farmery liSGm£b S^t1* g ASr5tSnTS»r!L^* ■«0Mind County Agricultural Exten»or: S. E. Sanaa. Cauaty Agent; MHt Marian taraln. (boat* DwwlwtriMca Agent Fatomshp VMd Cham am tely tho ben jrrateu rook Ham. . Wboa this Lmarthoobteteodam kydrated or IhaMtes’ lot too-tihiid taom by ” V^ylaa^ltoo on fruit true or. la tho intei or aayahma olss ask for lnfonamtim Card No. 1A HUMUS DOESNTCOME L\ PHBTEUSIH BAGS Oonthin, that. a farffUmr bo* U nitroeon to ovary am aa la In 900 poonde of nftoaba of soda. I5wjt aero of com in North Coro* too should horo velvet tent plant ed otena with the com. This anaNoo the farmer to roc a crop Of com had improve the coil at. the *atne Urn Every farmer who doao not have Ua velvet boan aood for ^liac ptowdre •hooM make every effort to eocoro thoai at earns, oo the cood eopply may noon bo oxh posted . -1-. HOME DEMONSTRATION WORK I By Marian ffwaio Dear A Rent: In wridnjr thU'latter I wirfi to I hank yoo far year atraao coopera tion in MMHir op the form poultry mi oar farms. now i wane uj ui max you put a ttttla axtra nan aa at anoa to aan Lfaa March and April hteahtd pullet* tip to tha n—bar that each farmer odM m* tutor ahoold keep. All tha BaMMty you can ah* to tUa rtty Important item will be none too much. . Wo want to fra lata winter qaartara with from two-think to thxwe-fmutha *f aH floaha to ha Monk and April ouBata. The matmrad aaltot la what oa ataat* ban If wa want Ml and winter «***.'. Then (a ao way to jaw »T thir. Whe* wa put it orer we will H able to haaa Monhtt near —ah new laid an* to nsply tha Mania af our atata and In ti*n* par ban* abut OM tha paid atoraga prad Maay eoanttea an patriae On «a >parariva Mr let atdpawta af pool try and that la «tet at want and waea of that*, ilewa i at. if you al l0*v tht Mwtt ptlhti to 1m nMpp#(f Skaow what will to tha mult. No and wfatar ant Maay of yaa ton oontractad far new laid •*** tha raar nut at paad priaaa aad af total, eaib and aBhda (Mtt. Wa laateMtetot fin^Liamd nmof ^*tonI(to,!te^ twaS*A?g» f iftStol fcwTSrETSS jfrWj ^_, I *• tmmMtr tall oat hit oM «d tow producing km or hit old roooterr. ond if ho wWwd to ham am hondiad hm ho to now ohoat doom to what ho know* ha should ham, or twmty-ftm, thorn hto mry boat oaoa tor amt mar's br* odors. Ho pot Umoo eullhono on too tnarkot boforo too flash rfflysn and h«» rotten good ptteoo tor thorn, boa the monop, OMM of which be amp noed to bay aoas* food with in ardor to pranortp stow oat hit sorfy pul •eu. Then on top of UtM bo ta eeH tnv hie cockerels and pullets that do net autt Mm at 50 and «• onto -par wooed aa fryaia. In other words ha !*• attending ta Ma knitting and.doing the *ob wHh a view to bwriati* and Has Ma fkrwi m a cash money crop beds. If ha ddea aot da these thfam V* wilt aot be handling Ms fafr< poultry aa he should. Ws'saw «a‘article la the Hows aad Observer of April 15th in Mg head Knee Cheap Eggs la AlanMat-aad 1 mppoee some folks got all fussed up about it aad seme will say over production. We will dud that these baas on farms will soon ha setting, carrying and raising chicks. Woody land ate, aad hat wiathir will soon be bate aad ana will vary seen cat ■cares aad than us, ap goes the iprica. Than about September ana October act comae the IS-caat-a-dosen egg from cold storage sad back to tJM^paapla at 40 aad 60 eeeta par The fallow whs now has on\y M baas, Ms beat ones, eanfuDy called will last about ptudwsa enough good ■aft. Ho la feeding oat Ms pullets, aad wet his old bans, ta base them ssatmred ^ ready to lay Ugh pSsd vruy tor ua now lain *gg* v wm I gut from S emti to 1ft cent* am par doaeu and ba able to make food aia putt of a contract if hi* county ha* a poultry producer*' asaortetion and he U * member of aama. Thii place* the 100-ban farmer, and them itt*» an ar* tha big producer* ,an a imf* bwainma baid*. Ho will net be hard hit at all and will ba able to go right ahead and make hi* dock pay and par big prwftta for the money and tin** lariated. Ha atao pan put dawn SO dean at mow ana in Watar Gian and thi* he ahouM do fay aB mean*. If a auiw. aafe, and aeonoude. OaB tha eld hana and aid roootrr. SaB tha eoakataU for fryar* aadl aB runty looking pallet* but adyk tight to tha big. strong, March aad ApH! enBet up .to the number you want. ‘w*««e *w for yaur own waa aad are eon** maker*. Wa|%* th**w i**Ju*t no war to beat ♦M- mlk» eod by Tvrorwr bouMnr and e—il-i «*fc rwilt deliver the rood* *11 »**efntly packed in a rood *h*H bo-r. The thousand* of Arabic oain* which hare been found on ftuadlah eafl and which data back to the Mrtt eat days of civilisation indiem that there waa ceaudderaUe trade between th sooth which wanted amber, and the north which wanted breaue. The ftUhtea Thai ftaoa Nat MM Tba Bmd WRIGLEYS Sweet Dream* Six Joat Um Family N«m of the Great—t Oroap of Poat KHlera E—r Made. Fttoaoad Buga Killed Wkdo , You Look; Rata go oat of I Door* to do tkoir Dyfeg. ! r , Seeds, Plants and . Vegetables' - Garden plants and vegetables ready for de livery. Garden feed in stock. . MnntfwrfMRi * . * * • E; MORRIS & SON BOUTS HO. 1 - * SAXTON, H. C. ' » • % __ 9_ • . v Summer Necessities; ' ■ » ♦ Bathing Caps—all styles and prices . Apollos—the weekend or bathing case Sponges—from the Briny Deep Wash Cloths -Tweeaers-Manicure Files v Compacts—Pace Pdwder -Talcum A • • /• ; J W# ^ndsMss la jinjapndatfag /oar pfc/sfetea*s pr**ertp ■*» t»oh*—d«/ or nifht / fits. Ftter McL-a. JL A. Srwta sad ». P. Jaafct laws Oflless in oar (tors. PW« }S . Blue’s1 Drug Store _ -— ■■ ■ >■ *TM 11 Jwd • i state: :znt Northern Fire Insurance Company NEW YORK CITY Conditio* December 31,^923, m shown by ■tatomont tied -UKMN.« - Mat of prrriooa . „ -■ -..WWMll -UUUI Eire. Kiakw—Written or renewed during year. Hit -h fw^ OM4M47.0S AQ Other Make—Written er renewed during yew. 44, -. 1b for**, IM44.647.00 ASSETS Mortgage Loan, on Real Eatate..$ €7400.00 Vatee of Benda and Stock....4*410,74046 SSttft«Sa3Ui--fiar=n»^ Depeaftad I« fruit Computes andTjanlu on inteNaitZ 11 13940150 Agents* balance*, representing business written' subse quent to October 1, IMS___0 208,200.62 Agents* balances, representing baafoeaa written prior * to October 1, 19SS -...I 4476.00 Infer.it end Santo due end accrued....f 3041041 All other Meets, as detailed to statement__| l ( Total-.............18472471.01 Laaa Aesete not admitted....8 4741648 Tatal admitted Aaeota. $8428,06042 LIABILITIES Not amount of unpaid loots and claims -__8 139,416.78 Unearned premium*- 11,71446043 Estimated amount.payable ter Federal. State, county • -I S ’JSSJS Surplus over all liaUHtfce-8 94840941 Surplus as'regard* PoHcyboMers_,_tl.Mt.4W 01 Total Liabititles .. $$43846842 BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1028 Ftm Bisks written ^..$308487; Premium Received _.$ 8,78846 iNama facumd^Plre ™-iT400j Paid--—.$ 7.60 PmNdawt, Wm. Brewster; Sacrttery. James Marshall. Home OSes, New York City. Attorney ter servicer 8TACEY W. WADE, Insurance Com missioner. Raleigh, N. C. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, (Seal) , - Raleigh, N. O, February ST, 1*14. L STACEY W. WADE, Ioaanmee Cemmlaelauer. do |—fcr cer tify that the ikm la a true and correct abstract ef the Otnat - ef the Nerthem Fire Inmtaaea Company, of New Yoih City, filed wtth this Department, ebowing the condition of aald Company, dn thaJIst day ef December, 19&. wltneea my hand and oSela] seal, the day and year abate writ* ten. STACEY'W. WADE, '*’• Insurance Ooatmiealewar. i ' ' —"1 ■- i' 1 | 1 -J > ■ " ‘.. ' i BEAUTIFUL SHRUBBERY Kvererern*. Spires* and other pretty plantings lor homo m rou.v’fnit*. S-* our* before buying. AUc, uf itMial ,0V Bna of kroly cut flowers for all occasion* , are-moxt appropriate. • > • * , HOLLYWOOD GREENHOUSES /, Telephone 8708, McColl, 8. C. * • | , MSggg=^ag=8.. .hi1"1 '".ii.1-- "=aaa=asg=^=gMggg