EVAN’S WHITE FRONT DEPARTMENT STORE i’roaiaent Colored Msrchast Hu Belli Up Big Butacae la Laorinberg Beginning business with $300 worth of goods 80 years gge, part ef which was paid for in cash sad part of which wma “on trait.** the in nines* known as Evan*’ White Front Deportment Store la one of the oldest firms in tho county. From this mod est boginning, tho business boa grown to ouch proportions that at tho last inventory Use stock of good* tree valued at $$$,000. practically ail of which is entirely paid for. In fact, largo proportions of tho stock had been paid for in leas than the usual ilO-day period, in order te secure tho discounts for cash, and Use remainder was on a cash basis, being paid for promptly upon receipt of invokes and bills, which arrive practically every ilay. The story of tho pronounced suc cess of the White Front Department Store reeds almost Uke Action. The founder, W. P. Brans, canto to Lae rinburg fat ISM from Wilmington, N C, and undertook the conduct of a smell general merchandise store. By reason of his intelligent handling of the problems that cams before him in the conduct of this small bualneee, end by reaeon of his absolute fairness and honesty la dealing with his cus tomer*, he soon built up a county .wide reputation a* a merchant whose word could bo depended upon. And this ta one of the greatest assets any business man can bars.. H Is the soil on which success In merchandising igrows to Its fullest maturity, i Carrying a general line, the Brans "tore soon became headquarter* for hundred* who found bore practically everything that wa* needed in the home and on the farm. Groceries, clothing, shoe*, hat*, and in fact everything to be found in the average department store is carried. The well known Keitb-Konqoeror shoo is handled a* a loader, and is void in l«r»* quantities. Th* tiers ten tolas Marly ■■•Ofl equate feet at floor spaas and employs from t U 10 persona In addition to row darting n-1 ful mercantile eatabllahaaant. the proprietor of this stop* has cootribat *d largely to th* growth of Laorttv bnrg by hia activity In building. H« has constructed in all some thirty five bouse* In the city. Ha la wall known thrvughout the stats, and de livers business addressee throughout the State. His store is tbs oldest In Lanriaburg, and one of the eldest in Scotland county. He la an elder in the Presbyterian church, and is active In Masonic affair*. Ha has the high est me pact of both whit* sad colored citizen* ef the city and county. He to the largest colored merchant in North Carolina, and he has always bean sincerely Interested In the educational | and industrial progress of his race. Some 19 years ago he wrote Dr. | Hooker T. Washington to send him a teacher to teach Industrial education to his race. The teacher euimc and I established th* Taurlnburg Normal jnnd Industrial Institute. He was the I first citizen to induce color* J phyei I eian anil colored dentist to locate here lend he provided up-to-date office* for both. Bigtlovr Memorial Hon&itaL eonMc tod with Um Laurinbor* Normal and Industrial laadtato, oroctod tan roars o*o and modoraly equlppad with — e ratio* roots. Dr. N. E. Jark son ha dona oovoral roars of pot ato work at Piwadmasi’s | Washington, D. C., sod attended nor ! Graduate naras ampleyad irtth help •f student no rasa. White phyiddana have contributed bath sendee and in. flue non to make hospital sac coed Lata Dr. D. M. Prince «u a mihstaetial premotor. Term* reasonable. Service guaran teed. For information, call N K. Jackson, physician and surgeon, phone *** »r eT If MeDuMe, Manager, phene 07. SUCCESSFUL INSTITUTIONS OF THE COLORED PEOPLE IV Race Haa Mari* Great ProfTMi la Its School*. Churches aad PahHc InotUotio-a t The l^nrinburg Normal and In dustrial Institute wak founded in 1V04 by tta present principal, Emanuel Monte* McDuffie, in an old public school building, with on* tsacher, seven students and fifteen cents in cash. The institution is both acade mic and industrial. Tha' academic aid* of the work ii divided into primary, intermediate and high school departmonta This work has bean gradually strengthened year by year with equipment batter prepared teachers, a flrst-elaa* acade mic building with patent desks, virgo pitted blackboards and steam Kent, with a library of over 5.900 volumes and other furniture and apparatus necessary to da first class academic ■ work, the school is now qualified and will go on the state list of accredited or standard high schools next June. Roy* and girls am being Instructed in cooking, housekeeping, dreaamak , tag, laundering, ' wheel weighting, blacksmith! ng and printing, these industries hnvc been established in order to afford students an opportun ity to master a trail* white gening a literary education. Housekeeping ts Kreewn id orrtor to tooth oar glrli the difference between o hoae# and a homo and how to beautify the home and tore for It inteUgently. Haying no ehureh, mdctf nor or K -nlaatlon of any Idad upon which to roly (at -nnaoit, building an lantita tten or thia Jdr«l. h»* bean a constant bunlen and a atrugglc upon lh» nrin eipn] ami founder ainre it* inception. Many time* tha work weald hare failed had it not boar for the atrong determination and abiding flrith of Hi prtailpal who W1« wiWng and able . Bo atoop down and lift Mmeetf op by M» own bootstrap. Mr. McDalRa ha* dona more, for h* working oat Ida own MOOtM, ho ha* painted the way by any boy of viaion and energy can make a piece for tdmaoif. Bach man am tha graataat aaaat to tk« «**• WbO* *«yta#r tha foundation &S3&3P& SSK&MS *• 4U Mt hero the tutonMp of aar “*••0 theother Wyi aad gfata Cad. for Ma father dUd a frw mootha be fore Ua birth aad hh mother amlwd aaly a few yean. Be waa than jfrfeMpg1.Vhmjgtfe «fep of hu 5S|lS!sc3tir&3 ■ • • >, | tune only smiles on those who roll up I their sleeves and put their shoulder* I to the wheel. | J!c* Using that the race was stand ing in need of men of brain, he en tered school and woe Wort perserering •y that he might receive an adoration hi order that some day his nsuae •night be written high on faaaa'a roll. Althoogh ho had a hard time daring the year* he stayed In school, be did not become discouraged bat pressed forward with a determination that knows no failure being consoled only by the words of the poet, “Tho hod Amy have its bitter taste but sweet will be the flower" After tolling amid adversities he Anally finished at the Snow Hill Normal A Industrial In stitute. la 1904 and came to Lastrln burg ami started the school that year. Knowing that all man must pay the pried for Being, he took up Ida cross and followed the Lord erho said, "My grace to sotAdent for thee." With i tho coop#ration of whits and colored and the teachers who sic associated with Mm hi the work he is still at the [head of the school which stands as a beacon tight on the road to civilian ti*n where hoy* and girt* are taught bnw to be nartal and law aMdlqg e'tiien* that out*, like all other races, wy play wall it* part in the drama Of life. Principal McDaflle'x rtory cannot better bo told than in hit own langu H« aay»! "I waa born in Snow HiB, Wilcox county, Alabama. De cember *4, hub. My paiunto wure j&iMUMl and Raima McDuffie. T waa brouuht up under the moat adverse coixtitiom. My father dteit about Ms mirths be Toro my With, that leaving .my muiliir w’lh the rare of aeven rhiWrer. Aj 1 had never aaan aty father, t wa* niton referred to by the ether children ef the eommanlty aa tb* «m of “non*." la July, IBM, my mother died and the burden of caring 'for the children Iron feB upon my old gra'Kimollier In rider to help aa cure fix-it mi,| rMIciirt for myaatf . and tbd root of tha family, I web torn , pulled to plow an os on a farm and aa |»» mode from four to five I balm, of cotton and 40 and *0 buabobi of com oeeh year, aba w*a looted upon ax a greet farmer. When I waa fifteen roart of ago, my wat rolled U toTteora^S, thee leaving a tenaa fuU af aMIdmn to SSS, {“u^jSU^STjS XSSSni.TSSJf'rs Industrial Institute. I wu i**-1 aa a work etedant, working all day gWBsrtsyJfi tUtSjf tlung; but after entering the school m>1 being surrounded by • different atteoapbere and seeing what had al ready been accomplished by Principal W. /. Edward, I soon roatiead that the negro Had aa much right to Ufa and liberty as any other man. a - It Is tho custom ouch year tp pre sent a stlkq hat to the skqippcr of the first grain-carrying bout to enter the port at Fart William. Ontario. Tom Tarheel says that the reason l>e put running water In his house was to keep his wife from breaking the tenth commandment by c'vetiag tha bathroom and kitchen conveni ences belonging to her rxnrried sistci in town. Whet* am you golntf to send your .children to echo*] next tonol The Laertnbur* Normal and Indartrial TaeHtata, teaatm! In the eeatie of the Bteek BeU of North Oarotina, when the Meek* oat n ember the whkaa, of fm exceptional ■ eppertaaMea to worthy and ambMou* young mm tad wonted to enter next ITiyjiaitlr and leant a trade while trotting aa adaea tloa. Oar enrollment la MO. Ooran Wen inctrocten from toon of the " the ,oo get* r Tlw sctiuol gKss a thoroagh few tUh r<iuc*U*ii ami Is strictly ntnl, rsUghm* ant) iMastrial. (Nm toy to girl Is taaght praatiaal . Ttojr aaa* thctr toaaaa hi the south, la tmM 1 sto toMstst tttoc mattora atoW ^a Mlk* Msa MasaS , ■■ frwn ■«•<! woTn^Ti ferfe pitptrfi * i ' * ’ ■ ‘ /:• - •-. ■ 4u<jr.* -’ for tkaae walk* «f Ufa that will pot Uwir "*■**•" U Tfca arfcoal lo*SSSj kd a T :-// H nwail of irt\t4jr and taiwllm. PtoaStalac or bifonoatloo write, B. M. MaMU, Prtadpal, aa if M. Jahosoa, Tiaa^iai LAURINBURG NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL INBUTUTB . ~ and to VA/ear ' Standard Merchandise at Prices Consist ent with High Quality Lowest Prices on Sugar EVAN’S WHITE DEPARTMENT . Laurinburg North Carc^na _ ' •_. •v_* ; .. ■ .

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