THE SCOTLAND COUNTY CHAMBER OF CQMMERCE "A Good County for Good People" Z H CntSON. Fr.. w. m. wunmjrooN, VW» Zr.*. nguBI X. FOX. ‘iiiiiHh la ehrle and commercial organisa tions, each new year customarily marks the election el new officers and the appointment .of new nomntittsea. Such procedure enable* the member ship to participate in ths maaagemfcU and uictSts ths policies and activtim of its ( iganiration. Ths past month has bean responsible for the appoint ment of new office re and with ths mambersliip drive the latter part of this month, Jua* 1 will ate the ap po in twit ef new personnel to a num ber of eld committees and the crea tion of new cou ,-itta**, for carrying on the work of the Scotland County Chamber of Crmmrrcc. It will be upon these men that this organisation will be largely dopeideat daring the year 1*24-20 for the formulation of plan* and pel Ida* and their raceri* ful consummation. Chambers ef com merce are often referred to as dvie dynamos, for it la upon these organi sation* that the dtisdnry of a eon inanity tarn their eyes, when energy and power is to be generated for maintaining and improving their com munity's podtiosw industrially;, com mercially, dviely, and socially. Mod em dvfumtion is Interwoven with coniplexltias, and it is difleolt, nay, Impoadble for man to Uve and atrtve by self alone; ha nirrmadly la de pendent men other*. Tim work of • the daawr of eomiaerde is con ducive to drawing man away from the Isolation ef hi* individual and salMi interests and meoaragea th* development ef iatarsal in ths welfare ef Ids community and a broader con ception of duties toward mulrinrl Man must be taught So reoognlaa th* advantage* which lie tn --*—1 con fidence and eaneemat actios It is IMs very thing to which the chamber of eomtneiee aspires, and which it eal rulatee to aeeoinplish. The aSbct of this work la to socialise, to harmonise, and to broaden the aspects sad en largo Um non ion of tha truatnaaa man. Th* gran engaged In rhamher of •com merce work becomes Imbued with the idea at worfciag tor his cqmmanlty's welfare and faUowman. Engage ment, in the performance of such work, softens the asperities of ho si nes* com petit! an and often suiiosdi in reconciling apparently conflicting interact* of a brndnaea nature. Tha bast method of arriving at an under standing, is for-men to moat and dis cus* tbair problems, and the wosk of this organisation provide* ample op portunity for men to become ac quainted with, one another wtrfia ac tively engaged fat performing work of nutnil I MU! fit far their commoiitT. If ovary member of the Scotland County Chamber of Commerce .made it a point to gat in closer contact with Ms organisation, ' he and it would profit therefrom. He would acquire a MW outlook obi vision and this or ganisation would be richer through tha investment of hla effort pad thought. Ho end M* organisation will bo healthier and stronger through a devotion of such time and energy, for after ail, a man in th* grand stand derives nothing Hke th* benefft from a ball gstne as the player actively en gaged; neither does ha have as much fun. No bettor move could be'con ceived than building up this organisa tion and advancing Scotland county. Got in tha gams, soon and wemac-Th* gams of Ufa is the greatest of-aB and It la only through tha enjoyment of every/ inning and every game that- wo reap th# richest rewards. The State Baal/ of Leurioburg has been fortunate in securing • reals of Weevil,~ from the National BoB Weevil Control Aaoqciaticci. New Or leans. La-, which wlH ho shown to the X people at the 9cntiand tbeate£ lBurinhurg, Saturday, Hay IT, 10J* jrgsTandto Uw cokwad-Tw°l>l« ■* tha Be* theatre, taurlabwrg. to tha S23E (under themieioecope. These pncti tbi ^SJSr"* ,te*rT'*d ^ the growth of germs; how to kill them; end how to prevent . dieeeee from being earned about from place to *» the advise of the tg^ PhyMene of the Present time:J^aemi up," “Disinfect," CLet la sunlight," and "Have fresh air la yourhomm" bacauee germs live *3 grew in filth and dirt. Dirt and dost *2 •P'ttered about by the wind, by onimals, and by various other means. filf* V2*eUnT.“77 11 °« Wwfr feat ■ it ™Blt W into our homes. Other insects do the same. Rets and mice carry disease. Filth from the ! the stable, etc., is brought is to [our homes on our own footwear. Sick 'J!0** f*ms, at times . t*14 ftssiihset kind, such as germs of pneumonia, diphtheria, and typhoid coughing, spitting, land lack of rieenliness serve to speead these dlstaaes in our homes, church#*, ««, riores, theatres, and elsewhere. I How easy it ia for germs, oven tbs moat dangerous hinds, to get into our bodies und then perhaps cause illness. bieidht sir oonteining dust—the dust may be filled with Br ing gems. Dirt gets into wounds, e^, and tbe always nrassnt but h» ivisiblt germ enters the wound also. ■Your animal friends ore attacked by germs in the same ways. Give them the same protection—sanitary sur roundings. The above is for the pur pose of awakening the people of Scotland oounty and the towns there in to the danger of letting conditions become so bad, that before yea know it, the damage will be done. Clean an. disinfest, pare streets, make those who are la the habit of throwing their trash tn the streets put the eaate in cans, do everything within your power to prevent disease not only to yourself but to your neighbor. Youag ran frequently get dto couraged because they are net mak ing mere money. They forget that a lot of tha work they do Ln youth will aot pay thorn any return until Later when they "cash to" on expertooea. I Thlce the cam of O. Henry. He wrote ;for years without being able to sell s single story. At the time It prob ably seemed to him that in writing I he was doing work without getting I paid- for 4,t- But gradually O. Henry ! became a master craftsman. Then he began U collect pay for hie year* of toll, at a rate as high aa a dollar a word. During all these is n sains •retire years ha was really building up an invisible fortune that later l tunjed into actuality. Keep this thought to mind—that you will not be (paid until later for a let of the work you do now. The successful doctor and dentist may seam to have very large ineemea. But part \p1 this la pay for the years whan, educating themselves and later bonding up a practice, they got little or no pay at all? The skilled worker Is getting |.ay, not only for MW present efforts i but kLao for his apprentice days-' We | know .1 man who worked in an ofltoe : «n>l fur years never made more than I flSO'b month. Suddenly lie received [a< Mir jo*’—and began to collect back lpo> '-»r the onprosperous years whan i he was to reality building up a pri vate fortune—the ability to handle a i big job. fluecea* b a lot like the har vr»! that eomaa a$ar a long, Labor! ;ou» and dlsfoarngingneriod of eoax | Ing the crop along. The fanner la by | nature a sound thinker. Whs ha harvests hi a few weeks, ha dsoasi*t thick that kla whale year's income to from tha work of those few weeks The whole prineipb is obvious. And it wwrks backwards, too. Ufa to a gardan. And, aa some farmers neg lect their fields and tot the weeds run riot, so also ase mitoona of young and middle-aged men growing a crop of failure. Bocceae, even oa a moderate | scale, does net begin to come to many 1 people before the age of 4*. Then or Tatar they collect back pay—high er law,' depending on pact effort ot oegH^enoe. Are you growing wee^a An ambition of the office o£ tbo Scotland County Chamber of Cooe morco la to welcome ovary now iWila who cornea to Scotland county and talpttoh MteUttaNkjk >oat Is • pTCMibUM Mr Mtkda, GMDs ul Ptvtr, Hip or W tfm Frrar. U kUb Iksgsras.■ .. . ' . • ' ’ ' - O ■ '■<,'? ■ .V, \ ' -■ • • ! PROFIT BY THIS t — Don't Wnh Whan you mu ^Bj^Jameoeep and urinary din Don’t experiment with an untrlad ruididce. Follow Lauiitaif pnopla’i «x aapls. Un Doan’* Kidney Pills. Hnra'n Lsurinburg testimony. Verify it if yaa wink: K. U Norton, HOI Section, earn tha following drtwl May St, IBIS: “I eoffend a gnat deal wSh my back aa.i kidneys. Heavy work and litt le* caused the treuMe and ray bade «*hed a gnat deaL 1 felt tired and run down and my back wac lame end et-rc. When 1 tried to bead, sharp pain* shot through my back and blinding riljxy spells came on when black «pocks pseud before my eyes. | My kMners won weak and the seem Itlone highly colored. Doan’s PHli [wen recommended and I procured some at Kveetomtca'e Drug Store. 1 j wa* cured and I haven’t bad a return I.AUR1N1UIO * SOUTHERN RAILROAD CO. Between Johae aad Rnrfsad Dally Paaaeager Tnin NORTH BOUND No. 20 lsavee John* at 1:40 T. It.; leave* Leurinburg a» 2:06 P. X.: loaves Wagram at 2:40 P. M., arrives Raaford at 3:16 P. M. No. 24 leave# JohM at 6:40 P. X. aad arrive* at Laa*Inburr at 6:06 P. X. Train No. 21 laavea Laurinborg at 9:00 A. It.. raaehee Wagram at 9:86 A. M. aad arrives at Raaford at 10:10 A. X. SOUTH BOUND Train No. 23 lea vs* Raaford at 10:26 A M.. leaves W agism at 11:99 A. M-. arrives at Jobss st 1:16 P. X. Train arrives Laurinburg at 11:36 A. X, bave* Laurisborg at 12 A0 P. M. aad No. 21 leaver Raaford at 4:09 P. X.. arrive* Wagram at 4:96 P. leaves Laarinbair at 6:10 P. X. and arrives Jehna at 5:85 P. X. » JAS. L. MeNAUL General Xgv. 0. Y. JONES. Aaah Gan. Mgr •• ; ' Windstorm WHIRLING, twisting, tearing, tnV recent 8tonn gjtii- -u iiS rc* i lentloHs wgy il-rofcgli the i property and saving of hua •dreds. • <- » Did you escape? Perhaps that time, but next time you may not be so fortunate. x No power on earth can •top a tornado, bat the Hart ford Fire Insurance Company will indemnify you fop the damage the next storm may do—if you buy its iiuurance. The cost—surprisingly low far the broad security you obtain. | Better get exact rate for your particular property. Laurinburg Agency Go. WADS 8. DONBAS, Treat L-risBwfrK.C. ~ *TOPl . * . !<* Um caniptaint." : 2" 19ta\ Hr Si!*’ ®»“» M* «xWft for tba gaod haalth I ftow anjoy. It li t Wp* *• eonflrai my past atata - £ AUmA J. Paaraon, pmfaaair of 'mOBK rOK MILK. <tMp ' TOE PATENT MEDICINE (Charlotte Olumr) It la aaUmated that tho United Sgursattswws Sryranuss: Etut aala prioa. If wo fool that wo and havo aoMtihtec oM of a bottte to an atafci oa, whir not maort to ndlk.' It haa haan aaid that If milk wae labeled Buy Prepaid Shares . 1 : v • i I In the -.h \ The Scotland County Building and ! 1 and Loan Association 1 1 . • . 1 . at $74, Value at Maturity $100 | Earn* about 6 per cent, interest. No taxes to pay. A good invest- I rnent. Earns money for you and helps to build up your town t county. For further information write or call on - * G. H' RUSSELL I . Secretary-Treasurer. \ *' -• J Buy Your Virginia Sanitary ! Can Sealer NOW! ; AT OUR VERY LOW STANDARD PRICE ▼ftk cover, mar'll* MtMMnd over agate, year after year, vita the VIRGINIA CAM SKALBB. wtth Can Saver. Tlie. Virginia Home Can . • Sealer ... . 9* Staple a CUM Caa^ . Operate ft . TMm Special Offer is made F. 0,B, Laurinburg. or Hamlet • . • ■ -. Agents Wanted •; -vi ‘ * • - « . ,( Variety, Quality and Quanitity * ' ' • • . Make our stocks of merchandise a real asset to the com > muuityiand to our customer^. Infinite variety almost is demanded in these days, but you can get almost anything here, from matches to dho harrows, and you can get it any time, Everything necessary on the farm and he the home com bo lead at this store, Weareprepared to feed, clothe and furnish you. Get acquainted with us. if you are toot nose a customer.. v* • ‘ • - • • -I : - • ■ ■ • ■ - ! Z. V. PATE UttrdHill, NMOnk ! + • ■ . • ■■ i

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