«»—- ■' ' ■ ■ - ■ / The Woman’s Page ss_ 1 1 EDITED BT MRS. T T. COVINGTON WiHiM Mm. IH IN MHMOBY OF MY MOTH KB Sad w*t* tha hour* of that unhappj day Whan God called my mothar away. Yuw don’t know the sorrow to be kf TiU God sends a message to yooi homo; Tia aad whan Ha call* for one or tin attar. Rot tha nddaat af all La whan Ha calla your mother. -* THK {I.UB CALKNDAR IK Thursday Aftaraon Book Clot will meet witl. Mr*. W. H. Neal oa Friday afternoon, May 23 at 4 o'clock The Methodist Auxiliary will meat next Monday afternoon. May 19 at 4 o'clock in tha Me’hodiss church. STEWARDSHIP We are Cod’* steward*. How caa we fix that Idea deep in the mind* of th«ue who hare naror thought of ItT W# are God's (towards. How can wo who know the tact be made la reaHse K and set upon ft? We ate steward*, trustees. we are m owner* or iawuoras m of Um or lift or manor or property." of Um or Ufa er money or ‘property." Nor ham wa the right la Irra ■ponriblo foi what paaaaa through oar hamrin Wo an not mam beneficiaries or penRaaetu or amo borrowan, pajnvdy r seal ring and a spending gifts. Wo am mapaaaMi agents, moat aWim'iWagly trusted. Wa^Ma^mvymanta^hiimd^U^^ahi ed and watanvi and landed and ex pected to grow and bear fruit for tha Lord of tha ha mat. , rooted and at tha aaaaa time wholly erroneous Whf la the of moot people than U By their own or driven by they may be; If thay a it ia their own; If they ham any lweum R is their own; ft they achieve any work It ia thair own; if thay bond a bouse or buy s farm or inmat money, it (a thair own aad tha dividends am their own. Ikh Kim pi 7 is not true. It is even farther from tha truth than the belief of thoughtful teathou-— “Wo M m otter than a moving raw Of magic shadow-shapes that corns and go Bound with tte ion-illumined lantern tetd In mi<lnlght_ by tte Master of tte Mew to realise that we are not our o»a and to fad alt wo vaioo and ill wa hold tear slipping oat of oar rrsiqi ate out of our control would bo r desperately pussling dreary thing if A* Lord of tte harvest were any otter than that glorious One whom for all our blind eoMahnea* we <le worship as our Patter, that One through whom we have teen brought out of darkness and error into clear light and true knowledge, that One who even died for ux and rose again and ascended into heaven, to prepare a place for us. | "All thatj took from the* I did but Not for thy harm i I Bat Joot^hat^thou might * find it ic All that thy child', faoda. aa lo* . 1 hare *otad for that at Horaa.” j GOOD THRIFT LESSON *ho IMU 157 the Wool worth York <**■*• Illy ••MOO contain, an exceUeat thri/1 leneon. It U the direct mailt of oon i otaot raving and wiaa invaotiag oi ponniae. Tho gnat WodI worth build Ing was built by the owner of the fa mous chain of ft ami 10 cent atotee. kunom's^curk I Little RUaor pricked her thumb and mother, uaabie to find a dean rag ■k^T. rippyl a piece from father'll old B. V. D.’« that night, when fa tier came bom*. Eh nor ranked ta him and told him of her mithap. “Aad father,'' ah* Mid. "Mother oouldrrt (tod a rag ao ah* cut ep ocm of yonr T. M. C. A.V _ft_ PARIS PROMISES BOBBED HAIR If tt'i true that a* Paris gam ton aoriaOy a* mourn the world. Own the bohhed head ha» earn* to stay with ua for aooi im| mm* Bo said Maude Martin EBU, artiet, who will da the own far a new magaahw which begin* publication Mat moath la Maw York, when aha •tipped from the Olympic recently Mra BUM ratenwd after a lone eo ijoam in the Latin Quarter of Pari* wham *he aladlad ait in the atelier* of the meat dteringnlnhad udm 8he •feond that the bobbed head, far from being peace, baa taken erer Parm entirely. "Some day the heh will be the ac cepted made and any ana with long hair may ha corrida rod radical in corifear," Mra. EOia predicted. “Pie ter* a ntam father rafnetag to giro M* daughter pacmiaalon to permit her hair to grow long." A Frenchwoman never late her en thedian opart bar aeaae of propor tion. flho may lave frocks, luxury and the pies euros af Ufa, hat bar mental alertness does not allow her to faoeoaM a slave to them. And in reverse, she may ba brilliantly intel lectual without losing one whit of bar feminine charm and personal attrac tion. She la wise in bar generation. • A baby aheeld never be put dawn to deep in all his cloths. His shoo*, especially, should ba removed, and, ualowi the weather is very cold, it is .better to remove the stockings also. 'But Ms feet must always be kept warm. ^ O'er doily cores wby anxioue grow Ami load the heart with sorrow? The winds today that rudely blow' May softly sigh tomorrow. THE WOMAN'S CLUB MEETS 1 The regular .meeting of the Wo men’* Club waV held at the Masonic * Now Homo of Mr. sad Mrs. Ed. 8. Ljrtrh, Sooth Main 8L Hm» of Dr. aai Mm. J. L. KUmnm, Ckmtk fltaMt - . - * - - - - -' hall Wadnaaday aftwnowi. IUports from tha following oammitaa* war* heard. Civic* department, told of the werk don* in beautifying tha laUieed plat. The expenses for this amounted to $73.77. The committee on amaaa - monte reported Chat it is impoesIM* i to secure tha minstrel uy time soon, and suggested that with the Laartn ,1mm talent, a heme talent piny be jgotienup. No action was taken. Urn 'question of having ■ Inruiscope gard ener come to Laeriabarg was dls eumed and a committee appointed to leek into tha matter. The secretary was asked to write notes of apprecia tion of the work dene at the ooart , house, to the county commissioners, i MI*# Swain, and Mr. Evans. The club decided to confer with the cham ber of commerce as to planting trees and nearing a place to hold basnets. | Attention was called to the cause that : the slab contributed to last year and decided to contribute thfc year to “The endowment fund," the Mc Braver memorial fund, and “Ike Belli* Southall Cotton Loan Fund.” Mias Marian 8wain mads a very j interesting talk on bettor home* and 'taM •/ Plans of one that is seen to be built In Laarinherg. ST. CKCELU CLUB MBKTS WITH MISS PAN LOVISB NEAL I The 8t. GeteEaltmU Clab Wd Ms buaincaa mrrtln* at tha home of Miom Pan Lenin nS| w Wtendir^ ternoen. Tha preaidant called tha •teb to order and the aoeretary rand tha minutaa. Than followed tin etao tlaa of ofltooro ter tha-‘~a year: Mlaa Jolla Stewart, nnditeni~. Hu J. P. McRn ,rte« prate dent;' Waa Mary TWito. eeeretaiy: Mrv Laaate Hammond, troaaarar. After the boai naaa mtlii waa mr tha beaten •erred a iWBrinin mat aaano. Tha «*»*> "SJIT* *«ta May tl with Mae Mary FWlda. -1 NIBS ELOIRE JONES ENTER TAINS FOB BEIDER-ELECT Mla» Klein Jonea rare a eharatea meaptioo Saturday afternoa. Nay 10, from 4 U « o’clock, honoring bar cuatea, Mlaa Bern Jonea, bride afcct. ef Fairmont; Mlaa Maryant Craven of BctmtUrilW, 8. C.; Mlaa . Lula Nona ant of Lnanbertea aad Mlaa 'EUcabath Clbaan of thia city. Mlaa i Joaca cm tad her manta at tba front door. They warn latredacad to the Haifa Catarrh MadMaa1" **tf ywi Sold by all /• CHBNEY 4a COH Toledo* < I- -a LBGOCTrs CA.QLR COTTON DUBTKB oti the Cam of T. HeL hata, Marihro Oe, & C. DUSTING With Calcium Arsenate Effectively Controls the Boll Weevil . Leggett’s Eagle Cotton Duster Makes Dusting Profitable GREGG BROS. Deafer I T . nave i cut nized TIRE TEARSR8 Eidaon Repair Shop * Diamond Rings from $50.00 up to aar actea you with to W. WiMii, graduation a , T. D. Hatchers Opposite Ifatiaotl Baak, Fayetteville. N. C I > Milena and Lepboros art Popular thia 8am* mar Maw ttyba la Uriels now an display. Coma in and aaa them. The Style Shop \iv '*'V. $ $ i__ _ HAMLET BEAUTY PARLOR r warn main grurr .. __ ” MAMLir, KOMI CAIpUN A Scalp and Facial Treatment - The Mew Shingle Bob Permanent Wave - Marcel Wave Phene 178/or Appointment V . . * • 1 r v" v; • .; m "IT ’t Praise Self-Rising Flour Too Highly” A FTBR I used my fist mcfc of ng flour (20 yes. ago) X V I ordered mote for I knew right then I was never going to do without it. . . . I have never bod a failure wkh anything I ever tried to cook with it. ... I can’t penis adf thing floor too highly.** — - www- -- It’» hard to realise bow modi aafo faction there ia in udog self-rising floor until you try it. One thing to ctftdm and quick bread it mdse, when yon me how the reedy mixing reducer yow houtewock and when you realise what e saving k affords, Eke the South Car olina housewife qnoted above, yon "can’t praise self-rising floor too ■ highly. Seif-rising floor is mode flam choice hi the proportion so metre the dough rim propdy. As hi plehi floor k comm in various grades. Ask pour , pacer for the seme grade of seif rising you have been using in plain floor. Be sure it carries die Blue SWrid, . which is a guarantee of airhflirttna ■ /• •"». *“ r- .•'5 * * Nice Fat Home-killed mutton at City Market » . - ■ Alto veal, country home, frying size chick ent, corned beef and cabbage. PHONE 323 SUDDEN DELIVERY City Market ’-y ' • ' / *■; * 'Oil'.t'fv. • : ^ ' '* * . ' ' \ * • . v. t- ' a* ».

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