\LOCAL NOTES Attorney E. H. Gibson mad* a bus! nma trip ta Atlanta early this week. Mr. J. Q. Bari apart Tuaaday ta Charlotte. returning to tha city lW day evening. nd with Miss Georgia Pearsall at Bad Mlaa Sara Wilkin* spent tbs week Spring*. Mrs. Marvin Bavariy. who baa bean quite 111 for several weeks, la maeh improved and abW to be out again. Mrs. Jerry Graham of Labs Wac emmaw mat last weak hare with her parents. Mr. and Mr*. U. L. Caisan, of East Laurinburg. Mr. J. H. Edens, who has bam principal of7 the Jamaavilla htab wchooi, returned ta tha city early thli weak and will spend tha auramar vs catian hero. Bar. A. J. Parker of Gibson was a visitor In the dty Monday. Mr. Parker report* that tbs HadeUff Chautauqua people axe giving a pro gram at GIfaaoa this week. Mrs. J. Douglas Lytch rstumad home last weak, wham aha underwent a serious operation at tha Cumberland General Hospital. Her friends are glad to team that aba ia improving Tff'*. McKay, of Maxton, route 2, wee a visitor here last weak. Mr. MXay formerly lived at Imurinboig end makes uccarinnal visits hare new. Hit friends^ are always gtad to aeo Mr. U. a. Kira.who wan* w ttrnora two weak* ago to Jakas Hop kins Hospital, la new at tha Haw ChariatU Sanatorium, where ha is ra eelving lieatipwt HU Wanda are hoping that he any sen ha muoh im proved and able to retnrn ha—. Dent forgot that Friday and Sat urday, May Bdi, are special dollar dan at Laurhiburg. The****— will he pabBahari on Wednaoday af next weak hi aider that the mar chants may gat thair admrUmmanta to the people In dm* to be aten be fora Friday aad Saturday. Weteh fer the dollar day bargains nazt weak. Mr. J. 8- Cain, agent for the 8 A. 1* Railway at Laariabcrg. is planning to bafld a liaaluma new hqana an South Main atraat and xpeets walk to start at an aarty data on the new honaa. Mia. N. Hammond to sUo ttigfmhif to boUd aeon oa btr lot on booth Main staeat, nar the isddma* w»wp|>t «f tke Lourinbuif A MWh* em Roihnooda Wft Thoiodor ftfBilj gsaj^,.wJ5sJ'isas Ha aipaata to be back home in a weak or two, and hiamaay Wanda will wish far Mm splendid impa— la health and an early return h1T and Hi.. Henry E. RULmi and Ugh daughter, Margaret, left Wed nesday in thefe aar far Han<l»r*o^ oiUa. where they will visit Miaaaa EUza and Mamie Padan far ■ days, and will than go te north Oear g2. to vWt rotative* for a few dar* before rotundas to Laurtobu^. IUr iu their !*“*«'« from the city Mr. bTH. Bdaon wiU be in charge at the Eidson Repair Shop. Through error *• ^ that Mr. Clayton Covington wa# preiident of hi* dam at Davidson CoUmtc. which li iHcorTtcl- Mr. Cov* SJtST iTpwMAoat of tho Atkktk Association at Davidson and w"; oaatly elected captain of tea baeebaU iA|n for nut umoii. wxt h* «#•» not want to be miaiaproaantad and aaka that wa atato that h* la not pnmlderrt of Ms class, aa that honor belongs to another. EVERT CTTOEN ASKED TO CO OPERATE IN CtEAK-W CAMPAIGN MAT 1*-1» Every citioen of Laurinbarg to tJLiZ oo—r— with ttatown at | fielals and the Woman's Qub h» tea; ^L^Tmd^StaUrwJtSv* town* in North Carolina- Tho Wonanb Oab feel* that wa bava eaa of tea mart naturally baautifel towns in the M and If every man. woman and data would do his pert towards heaping Ma Srwttl.'tSttSS£S5£ WTWddhav* a town worthy tfiwSi. JSEr 1-a tnd adnd»w«-« not only of its own dtisan# but of all other* who some here as wall. who ku net dreody dene eo j«_■*** to provide taredf «r M«»df with, trsuh can. 8m Uut yoM toe* mmiM. end dim edl~«i* to ,7~x property nr* lap* to * <**«. »““*2 oondltton. WMto. taper, toe*. fcdt cud ttciUhW prf0». tin oim» ■hoold no* bo dumped or threw*.on dienelln *Om •* etroetm tat SmU ta ptanta In tmab oen or ooeotod tmta* **Uwl f" ** town trneh we*en- _. EFjsSr-*#"-^ Chnnept OUEX HMN LOT* OOHW FAT )|hm. Oeetaftan nod TTrenered SjB=s.t5 3sag£sts A £*&”*£* note. Anar mn Wmnd tw WHY SCOTLAND IS A GOOD COUNTY (Continued tram Pag* 1) ltal City, U UP aOas. It fa 46 ralfaa to Fayetteville, aad 1*7 miles to Qnwitwi. . The taxable pwgwty valuation for leutlnbuxg ia 1MB wee |B«BBMU< Tho tax rate for general purpose* fa 7* eaata, aad tbs rate for aabofa fa 48 ecnie, or a total rata of 11.11 on the hundred dollars. laurinWrg ha* three bank* with resources of fB^TB.MMB. The Sea. board Air line and the Lsurfaburg A Southern taihaada am the com munity. The Leurlnburg A Southern U locally owned end operated. It baa general offices at Laarfafatrg and ee coptoa a modem effiee building, which waa built last year. It op* rate* freight and paaecwger trains between Johns, where it connect* with the A. C. U and Ha* ford, county neat ef Hoke county, a distance of 81' milea. Jno. T. McNair fa president, Ju. L. McNair, general manager, Z. V. Pate, I treasurer, C. R. Roman, secretary, •rd C. Y. Jena* general agent and as sistant general manager. Laurinborg has 4 cotton mills, a Urge tartUfaer factory, a large Hour mill, the largest cotton oil mill in the ■hite. independently and locally own ed, and vs tic us other Industrie* with ; an Invested capital of nearly 88,800, 000, and an animal payroll of 1600, ! 000. I MOTMOU . A marriage af much interest took place at BetutettsriUe, 5. O, Wednes day. April M. when Mr. Celton HOI McGlrt and Mlsa Mary Lanaau CMe, of Lauiinbtug, want ever the stats Una and baenaat man aad wife. After the marriage they motored to Char l»tte wham they weie guests ef Prof. Rodger MoQlrt, brother of the groem. They returned to Heston Suaday evening and ham rooms at tha issi denoae af Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Spaald lag aad tmka their meats with Mrs. Hattie McCormick, both of Wont, Sandora street. Tfce gram ia • eon of Mr. W. W.| MeGirt, of Holm county and ia a pop-1 alar member of the force of The Max tee Meter Ce. The bride was renter-1 td in Roeldngham and baa lived In' Mexton, where she was vary popular. Their many friends wish them e long! and happy married life. BOLL WEEVIL PICTURES (Continued from Page 1) 1 tha pictures would be of real aid ia the fight an the boB weevil. The sense pictures will be shown Saturday afternoon at tha Rax Thea tre for colored people, following the regular matinee, and admission to thin part of th show will bo free of charge. Tha colored people an In vited to visit the theatre Saturday afternoon and see the fee tor* flhna or. the boll weevil. UTS.MOjM TOWN OF LAURIK BURG, N. C. WATER WORKS EXTENSION BONDS Seeled bids will be received until 3 o’clock P. M . Jane 13th, IMt by the Board of Comadarioaers of the Town if laurinburg at the office of the Town Clark In said town, for one hundred and seventy-five thousand dollar*, <V. 76,000.00) Water Works Brtensiun Bonds of the said town, detail April 1st, 1024, maturing an nually, April 1st, *3,000.00—1926 to 1980. t6.000.00 1031 to 1936, *4,000.00 l’.'SO to 104&, *6,000.00 1046 to 1940, nil inclusive, without option of prior payment. Denomination *1,000.00 eoupoe bonds registrable as to princi pal; principal aad interest (A and Ol) payable in New Tech CMy in gold; general obligations; unlimited tax; delivery on or about 8th July, 1*24 ia New York CRy, elsewhere at the pur* chaser** expense including New York exchange. Interact rate not exceeding alx per eant ia a multiple of one-fourth of one per cent beads to bo awarded at highest price bid for loweot rate bid upon. The bonds will bo prepared wider the supervision of the United States Mortgage and Trast Company, Mow York City, which will certify as to the genuineness of tha signet tins of the officials aad the seal impressed theraoe. Th* approving opinion of. Cheater B. MaseUeh, Kay, flow York • CRy, and tha legal papers win b* furnished the purchaser. I rropoKai* nun M on a Mann lorm (to bo furuWnd with additional in formation by the ■odrndgnod 0r aaid Trait* Company) onctoeed In a maled awbjW marked "Prepeaal for Bond*" an daddreeaid to the under of the Town Treaaarer span aa ta rn rporetod Bank or Treat' Company for BSK80.M, to non the Tow* eanlnet a ay. loan roratthur from Dm fall Tire of the bidder to comply with the tome at Me bid. The right to *w fort a* bide to marred. "_ C. K. FETTER, U* Town Clerk. REMOVE ACCUMULATIONS at SdwSSSSb "■ ■■■ 0 ■■■■■ ■■ 13 ...t < «/ •” * . tc - *■ Political \ A nnouncements fob Manure RObStA^^NROK, FOE SHERIFF I hereby announce myeelf a candi date far nomination mid oWf9Wi to the office of nheftff' of Beet lend county •object to the action of the Demo cratic primary ef June T, 1M4. EDWInThaROiRAVI:. rOB SHERIFF ~ I hereby announce myaelf a candi date for nomination and election to the office of sheriff of Scotland ooonty, subject to the action of the Democratic voter* at thair primary on June 7, 1924. Heenoi tfullr ’ _JARS. JACKSON. FOR SHERIFF 1 hereby announce myself a candi date far nomination and aiaatlen to tha office of Sheriff of Scotland •aunty, subject to tha action af tha Democratic voter* at thsfar primary %f Jana 7, 19*4. JASpSfnrOTBSON. FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myaelf a eaadi data for tha office of rimriff af Saot land county, subject to the action of tha Democratic voter* at the primary on June 7, 19*4. Respectfully. _LAlfAR P MlITH . FORSHiKIFF I hareby announce my caadfctacy for tha office af sheriff of Scotland county, subject to the action af the Democratic voter* at their primary on June 7, 1024. If elected to this im portant office I will pMga myaelf to utt tttry vnunii at my command to me the law enforced, without fear or favor. , Respectfully, t. W. ODOM. FOE SHERIFF ’ This is to announce my > for the effiee at sheriff of Scotland county. I am coming dlrast to tha mtaen. and am not sponsored by any etiqua. ring or organ!satiaa which ax IsU fur tha purpose of putting eandi datas in offies for persona] gain and Mrtiullfeig tha affairs of tha county. I stand for enforcement af the law; a “"set system af handling tha tax payers’ money; adequate Jail facQi tie*. and square treatment of all dti teas. Respectfully JOHN ECALDwRIX FOR SHERIFF , I hereby announce myaelf a candi >iata for the office of ahariff at Beet land county, subject to tha action at the Democratic voter* at their pri mary on June 7, 19*4. If alaetad to Ihl* office I shall dtoekarsa my dutlsu t« tha host of ray ability, with a eon kriousnem uf my obligatioo to tha people at ail timaa and will malm aa noneat effort to enforce the law and to handle the county's busipsaa in en fconomical and Just manner. 'TS'S&.s FOR JUDGE OF COUNTY COURT This i* to anoounee my candidacy for re-nomination and ejection ta tha tffiee uf iadga af tha trial Justice's wart of Scotland county, subject ta tha Democratic primary of June 7, 1924. Respectfully, T. C. EVERETT. FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY I hareby announce myaelf n eandt late for the office of proaeewUan at torney at the Trial Justice's Court if Scotland county, subject ta the ac tion at the Democratic voters at their primary of June 7, 424. Respectfully, I- BENTON FfctNCK. I -*-—_,1 TOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY for nMtomlMdon^u4 SoetlorTt^tha »T«« of proMcvtlna attorney of the rnal Joetfco> Court at SroOnxl gomty. RaapectfuDy. GEORGE T. GOODWYN. ---— Wants and For Sale CLEAN UP—Paint up during Char Up Week. May 18-17. HOURS FOR BENT—Am JaeprrT. Otbaon._ U CORN FOR 8ALS—Ret Mm. A. F. Othaon or W. A. Jordan. imp KSAU SECTION 113 and Section 184 of tha aidfaaaaaa of tha tawm of Laariaharc, pnbHahod la the laa rinbarg Eaotwrvg*. Cfaan up. "Lf'bJwlEi" ffla'fif Owm’i utility atrate aad ohow bird*, laraa daric and Tdnty. 1C y*» lSr}lSP w e* !«>'*«*. «n. W. L. Thrower, Phone* Clear rr._ >-tf FOUND—On* Rad Pod baaf mm, with white head, captured Ihl* oaa oat of a bunch of ft** naan near «y hoaaa loot weak. Owner any gal tha eaw by paying far tfaiaad, far bar feed and for the trouble. Luaiaa Pawn, Laarinbarg, N. C. It HELP MARX LAURINBURG tha moat baautiful town In North Caro lina. Clean upi Paint up! Plant Out! BRING US rw itetiiMl trmihlsi Omiralun, Starters, Horns, Bn trie Pans, Ignition and Lighting, and troubiao of Ml kinds. Abo arnoM motor* aM far any parpom. Wo chant* and repair any man of battery. Krido Battery Borebo Station. Laoriaborg. N. C It PLENTY of Cbarteotan «rd Boa daraon’t Eariy Uni— foldmg* pbnta toady, aba Tomato. Poopar, Egg Plant, CoOard and othor plant* mad7. Drteo by for youro. . K. Morris and San, Root* i Martel, N. C.Up GOOD VALUES in md cant 1 ooupoi 1 Bmr Roadotar; 1 1 coach; 1 PM tearing. All mad coedMon. Taneo if Hudsow-Erecx 8abo Co., barg, M. C. - - - -- /• _ KGGS KOI! HATCHING—Prem Ana *«rtHty **■! «h«*w PVwle I >1*1111 redo. n* fb-v oueHty. br>vt to by. .ml Took Wur ribbons at ■tala aiul ooanty fairs. Both combe Eggs fo» hatching $6 per 180. or $1 for 15. Strictly fresh ergs for toting at Ml times. Foot enni reertvn prompt attention. E. W. McKinnon, Laori-iborg. SC, Roatel. 8-24 p SAND AMD r.RAVEI^-CQNCRKTE PLAHTHH AND MORTAR BAND. CLAY AND DIRT DELIVERED PROMPTLY. PHONE 87. RO LAND COVINGTON. *f CLEAN UP tho vacant lets. Remove woods, undergrowth. Utter, tied, etc, and calumte or beautify thorn bCa during Cteen-Up Wook, Kay lt-17. ) DR. W. E HILL (Coottemd from 1) that form tho basis of in mitt tnry schools and the U. S. Military Acodaosy at Point. Dr. HIM rioood hU oddreos with a ftno tribute to the memory of Wood row WBoao. who socrtflooJ hb life fat tho cans* of world ponce and tho Hb enikm of the mo* from tho con* of war. Wilton b doad but tho priaai rtes for which ho atood am not doad and wiQ not die. b ight of tbo Confederate veteran* of this ooanty worn pmaont Saturday aad^after tbo exordaes^et Jbochamh Abng-tn T Roam. Tboao praoant wma Mori. X, R. Jordan, L. D. Me Kinnon, Xm P. McNair, N. L. Me ConnlMu PognldJJtewo*. J^ C. Km OSCAR B. CARPENTER POE CORPORATION COMMISSIONER Next weak Tho Exchange win ham n ctry about Oaear B. Carpenter, of King* Moaatein, candidate for cor poration tiuomiorinooi FOR STATE SENATOR W. «t* to place Mm tha P—■ craUe : rotar* of Scotland ematy “ a, Candidat* far Mata aaaator baa* Mi* dtatriat tha Hon. L. M. Blue, whoa* vaaord to the pobHc aarrtco, a* a cttl aan and aa a Damacrat apaake for itaaff. With tha eaaaraaeethM tha ljfW to aaD thu'w** ■dkSa w* a*h**<tmU*Hrty r*c««. m DsjrocifAnc von: km FOR CORONER T aaniwmu* toy aaadktory for as aoronar of Ke< '.l»nd coir' • to the aettaa of tea lMa*e at their primrt «• fna s*SEf3i? ' FOR CQROMER « thadMIaa^ FORCOMONER ~~ ~—: Bring Us Your Electrical Troubles Generator*. Starter*, Horns, Electric Fans, Lighting, Ignition and troubles of all kinds. Ako small moton, used for every purpoee. Wo charge and repair any malm of battery. Elide Battery Service Station ^_ ^——————mmm———■p—i—■—■—■ FINE GOODS FAIRLY PRICED NEED NO FAIRY TALE . Cindreila lived happily ever afto^-hut ftthlll the man who is after oomplote olothiiw aalMho tion finds himself with a “Grim Thirjr Me.” There is no mystery or mythology shoot the clothing business. A poor suit at a poor pries ia stfil a poor salt ns matter how good a story teller the lelnemsa ia. We an never afraid that a quality is tea fine for this stock or that a value ia too fair for oar eas terner*. That’s how we "run shop** so to spoak as do carry tha faney ipiolttias that's It— 1ml wo let some one dee get the fancy prices and do the fancy talking. Cur lee Suits $25.00 to $35j00 Panama Hats SSjOO Lonnie Hammond Co. Oar RaHabUty Is Taw ruHiillea _ • : • ' -j NORTH CAROLINA MADE A MILLION BALES OF COTTON IN 1*21, BT USING, MORE FERTILIZER IF YOU WANT TO MAKE MORE COTTON IN 1934 USE MORE FERTILIZER BUY IT AT HOME—FROM HOME FOLKS Dixie si- • i Guano Co. LAUSINBUS6, NORTH CAROLINA

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