$300,000 Waterworks and Sewer Improvements Here Town of LauHnbnrg Building New Mu nicipal Waterworks Plant, Extensive Sew er Extensions. The Town ef Laarinburg U spend ing approximately $300,000 for water work* and aawer improvements, which when completed will make available for- practically every resident of the trrwn direct and convenient connection with tne water mains and sewer lines. The program of improvements is com pmhuncnc and* complete, designed to proviile every rccd of the present and lor u number of years to come. The now vvetarworkti system in el.uiae a filtering plant and reservoir on North Mala street. The raaarvoir will have a capacity of 660,000. The designing engineers are Gilbert C. White A Co., ef Durham. Tucker A Tax too ef Charlotte are the contract ors. The ae* water (apply will be brought by pipe line a distance of more than I asflei from Jordan's creak, an almost Meal eoarne of sup ply sad practically unlimited In quantity, or estimated to be eaftdaat for the needs of a dty of MUXM People. a xouu am sxumjuv or mur na prorwnent bonds have boa author ixed by tbo city council. Put of thou bonds have boon sold ad often will bs sold next month. »100,000 of «jwBr Donofl njrv® own roinoniw and sold. It ixoxpwotod tte* part of tteso bonds xml bo rafandsd sumo all of that amount «iH not bo naoaooary to oamploto tte sewer extensions now needed ad plssmsii for May tteamad* will be spot hi laying new water male* aad when them projects axe completed Laertav barg will have water and sower fa cilities a good a the‘best and of Mat far tte needs of the neat us ers) yearn. A new Are truck has boon purchased recently and a redaction te ilro insurance rates is expeoted when tte waterworks plant is completed. _ _ ___ » MANY TORNADO VICTIMS ARX NOW IN NEED OP AID Injured sixty p S. C.J rendering ' I Georgia; kfilod fear aad injured ten In MoHwgathei county, Georgia; and killed fou and iaterod area h, cSt hdm county. Norte Carolina. According to Item report* S3 fam ilies totaling 13S paraena are in ex treme need of seel stance is Harris county, Georgia. and it faxriHaa. to taling t7 parson*, are hamsisss In Me ri weather county, Georgia. A telegram from Governor McLeod, of South Carolina, was made public by tte Bad Cross society today, ex pressing appreciation of tte assiat spne which tte Bad Cross had ren dered tte paopie in the stricken dis trict*. TRANSCONTINENTAL AIR MAIL SERVICE TO OPEN Washington, May 7.—Dally adr mall service hotssea New York aad ta PnmcUeo, with deUverie* within 33 houre,'or from one morning to the following evening, will begin Inly 1, it was annoonm if today by Postmaster General Now. Tim time of tzaaatt will bo cut to M hoars probably with in t few month*, the postmaster geo eta! believe* ' Special air mail postage has been arranged and Special stamps da thru denominations, 3 cant. 18 out aad 34 out, wU tedlstribated ta afl the Drindpal cftleii of tte country for set in osudally designating letter* te go1 • ' -_._ I The live Bibis Haas meet* •very Moods* night at > o'clock la tha Sun day school room at the Methodist church. Every one invitad to attend Tha Union Sunday ichool meets at >:M every Sunday afternoon in tha Chanel at Mlddfcsn Heights. Tha public U acrdtaUy Invitad to attend. Her. W. R. SspJ^putor. Sunday school at »i4t a. a, 1 E Cibwn, superintendent. Morning service at 11 o’clock. Evening service at 8:00 rtnt and third Sundays. EJpworth league at 7:15 p. at- Mid-weak serv ice Thursday at $.*00 p. at. SC David's Kuhnpsl Church Preaching acrvtcaa every first and third Sunday evening at 8:00, and every second and fourth Sunday morning at It o’clock. Rev. J, H. Crosby, pastor. Sunday school every Sunday morning at Id o'elocV, J. it. Gregg, superintendent. Pi eshy tense Rev. Carl B. Craig, paatar. Sunday school at 10 a. ai_ur.IL Sutherland •uperintendenc Morning oerrloa, 11 a. m. Erasing service. 8:00 p. m. each «sc cad and fourth Buadup. fl spier Christian Endeavor at 7:18 p. e>7 Mid week prayer satviss at 8 M p. m. MM | In. 8. L. NaT, paator. Sunday School nt 9:46 a. a, Vf H. Weather <pooa, eeperbiteadant. Preaching 11 a. m. and IM p. a. B. Y. P. U. 7:16 o. m. Mid week awryiyt Thursday 7:64 p.m. Stradgvr* are cordially In cited to attend. ■ rail dill CirebH—Rev. prank OO breth. paator. Oaladeala: Preaching at 11 o'clock on first sad third Baa lays. Sunday School each Bondar nt 10 o'clock. JR. Hasty, superintendent. Oak Grove: Prearkkig nt S:00 p. m. ->*> first and third Sundays. Johns: Preaching nt 11 ohleek on aeoond and 'north Sunday*. Sunday School am second and fourth Sundays nt 10 /clock, sad on first and third Sunday* »t 3-00 p. m, E. 8. Gibbon, superin tendent Central: Preaching every ^nnday rrrntog at 7 o’clock. 8onoiiy School every Sunday at 9:90. 8. J. 30*r. tuperlslendent. Bp worth Lea gee meets each Sunday morning at 11 •'dark. Kattia McCormick, prsatdeat. AN ORDINANCE TO AUTEORIZE tlTUH WATER WOBKB EX TENSION BONDS Ba it wa*tsnd ky the Beard af Com mleaioty* of th* TtW ad Laaris ^SmUmi 1. Dm3* Tatra af Lea rinburg laana ita bond* pnreuant to the Municipal Roane* Act in ra not eaaeeding ana hundred dollar* far tna _ __ to the water weda ayataaa at i •Section t That a MR pa? the principal i aaid brad* shall Sootier 6. That a i debt af the town ha* b the Clark and ia open *S£*£n 4. That this ,_ ^■*1 *■£?. •®*et ***** **r* **• first patykattee aniaaa in the mean time a petition for Ita whulniia to the retort U Sind kader the aaid Aet, in wfckh arm* R ahdQ take eSaet when approved by the retain af the town at an election as provided by the raid Act. an. thefTth*day*ef*MayT WhTand was first publlahad oiLtb* fch dap af May. 19*4. Any action or proceeding que^ dotting the validity af the aaid ordf MIM4 must ba nocsmrnmi within 69 day* aftdr ita first pubBraHoa, ci m. better. 19-96 Terra Clark. APPLICATION'POE PARDON 1 Notice Is hereby given that Jama* MaXaUl. eeavleUd before Mr. T. C. NrefaCt, Recorder, far rseeivtng stolen prapart*; win apply te the Oevaraer for a pardon. Any person opposing ■aid 'pardon,. May writ* te the Oev : This 98th day af April, 19*4. JAMBS NWtlLL. 18*19. • . • • •' ■ . ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICK * Having (•satlCed as udndnUtrator sf the estate ot Mrs. Minnie P. Pond, late of Scotland county, this Is to notify all- person* tuning claim.' agaiaat her estate to present the a. in ths undersigned, duly verified, for parnicni on or before February £8, IMu or this notice will be plead in boi of their recovery. AS persons Indebted to the estate will please ■nske immediate payment. •Tint the tfnd day of February, ! 1014. V. W. GARDNER. Administrater eetate of 9-14 Minnie P. Pond ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Robert l eech, late of Scotland county, this is to notify all peruana having claims against . him estate to present them to the onder idgned, duly verified, for payment on or before May 1, IMS, or this notSea wUl he plead in bar of their recovery. AH persona Indebted to the estate will please males Immediate payment This ths 1st day of May, 191M. D. A. MDOUGALD, Administrater of Estate of Robert Leach, Deceased. R. H. GIBSON. Attorney. llrtMt CEKTTK1CATK OF DISSOLUTION 8TATK OF NORTH CAROLINA— Department of, State. • To All to Whom These Presents May Come G lasting: r intuit of all tha stockholders. do. B in my office, that the *iioms Building Corporation, a corporation of this state, whose principal oAaa la attested fat Dm town of Laariabnrg, Ooonty of Boot land, state of North Carolina (W. U. Cooper baler tha agent therein end In chafes thereof, upon whom jmaaaa may be served), has complied with the requirements of Chapter 22, Consolidated Statateo. entitled “Corps rations.” pvelhninnry to tha iaaoteg of tUa Certificate of Eh tao tattoo: New, Therefore, 1 W. N. Everett, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that tha mid corporation did. oe the Mth day of A oru. 1M4, file 1 q my oAm a duly executed and attaatod consent in writing to the dlsaolstion of said oar* Paretian, executed by all the stock* holders thereof, which said oanaant gml tha record of tha peuaaedtoriS afore sail are now oa Ale la my amd office aa provided bylaw.. In Taatte«ecr Whereof, I have hereto oat my head and affixed my official seal at Katelgh. thia Mth day of April. A. D. IMA W. N. EVKRXTT, 4t Secretary of State Filed April 2S, 1924 snfl dnly tw* corded far Jtaeord ’ af fnaarpovatiecia No. 1, page 24#. C. D. M'CORMICK. i ia-21 Clark Skadar Court ByB. A.K ADNINISTKATUX'S NOTICE Having qualified aa administratrix of the aatate of tha late John M. Goodman of 8ootiasd ooonty, thia is to notify an persons haring ctelma hgsiust tin mid aatate to peasant ithew o tha undorrignqd, duly eeri Aed fo” payirent. an or bate la April ‘0. or thia noties win ha ptoad in b.t af their m<.v«ry. AO p trams linlobtoi to the relate wig arks las* trii Hate ferment. Th r Snl day of Aiiril, IMA. MRS. UaKY GOODMAN, Adminiatrstrix g abate af John : M. Goodman, da mamd. * - lb-20 TOWN OF LAUBINBUBG i Section 112. It ahag be aulawfal fee any person, within the* team of Laurteharg, to permit hte > tern I am to become unclean, filthy at stfenatee from or by the aecearalatien of tnah weeds or fitter thereon. Any paraeti eonrietad of a violation of this ordi* nsnoe shall pay a fine of five dollars. Section lit It shall ba unlawful for any parson to sweep oet or anew to aecnamlate or remain In front of Nona Notfca is hereby flrea that appE oaten will be node to the GoWrnoi for the pardon of Nathan HeNaOL Ha li now on the rendu. April M, 1924. >9-19 HATTIE M'NEILL CERTIFICATE OF DtMOLUTION preasnta nap APPLICATION FOR PARDON Motto b her*by rba that -rrJ'i* tlon will to mad* ta tto Qwwnw of tto State of North Carolina for to Immediate panto or parol* of Jo* Gikhrijt, cMtod in tto • criminal •tort of Sonfjawd county of tto *• Esspx six coach *975 HUDSONSuper-SixGOACH* 1550 ftartani. r Which?- > at the Same Price—die Half-Utility of the Open Ca r, or tbeAlUYeerCom* forts and Service of die - Coach? It ia the One Im portant Question Before Buyers Today. Since Closed Car Comforts Cost No More Why Boy An Open Car ? THE issue with motor car buyers this year is dosed car comforts at open car cost The Coach eadushrdy provides such advantages without forfeit of duuSsquality. It is a Hudson-Essex invention. No other type is like it. More than 140.0(H) Coaphes arc in service. Sales exceed 3,000 . each week. The Coach is the largest selling 6-cylinder dosed car in the world. That proves the success of value It is the Closed Car for Romryons Everyone prefers a.dosed car. The Coach q}one is the quality ear within reach of ail. It changed the trend from open » doted cars. Now 111 can en v joy finest charts quality with all-year utility, comfort, and closed car distinction. t In two and a half years the / Coach has proved a staunchness and reliability never before . aamdated with e closed car. In every service if satisfies the pride of ownership. The Some Quality fat Both Hudson amd ftmmm ■ Hudson and Earn* are creattons of the same engineers. They are built under die same patents. There ia no difference in quality of material or workmanship. Thepriccyouwanctopaywfllde ddeyou for Hndson'nr for Es sex. The doeed car advantages . of the Coach sod its price sanely leave no other consideration. SALES EXCEED 3000 WEEKLY ' ^ --r HUOSON-ESSEX SALES CO. X Unttaborg WUmlMtM. N. C. , • . _ _ . • fe .a i —_ _ ’ * • , i.j I kw I connection whereby 1 cost irtidkii to lMd moner tor o ncrWwi of im mMri n« (« °** SS of the ptetel of *»wig.heveje do is te he* iwiSm gf The borrower *mtm the yegr the «Mfre fwtertst PW»S V SwIlhtaMlf this Id* of MW et thMa Uhe «e r ?£0|fi‘*: vrariX M te Ili^ Ike U«» ihe ImM* we Hhi tlHM » • ., .. ■■■■■■,■ ■■■■■■■■i.i.., I ....; ,. , . , - ' '-• _ Wi nr. o r u M r

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