NEGRO WOMAN SAYS SHE KILLED WILL COUSER Omfimifi to Maying at Negro Man UmiWaak.gnya Ma^Triad to Nellie Woods, colored weaken who torn an tha MeSaa tom nanr Cale donia. aanfaaaad Wadntaday afternoon to tha killing ad WUI Causer, eolaiad mam who waa ahat to death on tha night af Aagaat OH • Owner waa found dead an tha aids of tha wad near tha hooaa in which Neffie Woods lime. Her story as related to Sheriff X W. Odom and hie deputies la that Comer earns to her henea Wednesday night ad last weak and attempted to break in. She says ha first earn to a window and triad to raise a sash. She aaliad to him nat to earns in the house and ha want sway, bat cam* baok to a tow minutes and it waa while ha was trying to gain antra nee through the window that too find at Mm through tha window, ghe heard him my bshera that woman has •ho* ms." fibs says aha than teak tha pistol outride and hid It In some graae. Thursday morning of this weak tha went to the aaene with the •Wears and made an effort to locate the pistol hot aunahrdy had tdffrily found tha can and had taken K, as it was not nine Tim woman it in Jail haw and it is battered that she Is telling the tfruffi, or at Mast a part of the both,’ shoot tha kOltag af the Couser nun, ghe wM probably be glean a bearing in re qorder'e court Tuesday af mat week. ■AXING PLANS FOB BUILDING X LOAN NEXT MONTH ■ ! LAURTNBURG SCHOOLS WILL OPKX SEPTEMBER SRD Aa announced Last weak, the Lau rinbUTg public schools will Span the new sc anon on Wednesday, September «. A Kat of the bocks to he used ih tha elementsrr grades and In fha H»h school appears in The Exchange this weak. Sr. Kalb, tha raparintendmt. asks that roe lock oxer this Bat and make arrenjeetnente to get the neces sary beaks, which may be had at tha D O. A W, D. Wright stare er at tha Ugh school. A Hat of tha teacher* a pp an rad last weak. The work hi ex pected to start promptly and • tbs superintendent asks the cooperation ef parents end pupils in getting things lets shape for zeal school work. - t t co-ops RHCjavE pnurr BALK OP NKW COTTON FOX HUNTERS MUST PAY $25 PER EACH MAN 5S5a£5,“' -tec hunters most pay a hunter's license tax of J2S par max dadslaw eras given at tha eearthean Tuaaday maniac alter Judge T. C. Evsrdt and Attorney George T. Qoodwvn of tha eouoty eoort had haen In coerervoee about the aaaaa of a number of would-be hunter*, who late ly pitched camp in tba Sandhill* end? unleashed thdr fax hounds, let the I hills echo with Meet* from their home a few times and prepared for a day of I real fun. It was Sural Polios man Dudley of Wagiam who laid down the law to the hoaUaeea Tread* y, and Wednes day he had a tribe of them hot-footing it to Lauriaberg to eaa what aonid be lone, aad tba hooter* from Ruther ford and Orreiaod eoentfcs whs ted calculated to get a season of real Joy from fox hanting, tedded they did oat want to hate faxat nohow aad moved an to other parte. Heretofore it la said that tha llama* law has not boon interpreted •tricUy, and tenters have come to marbe only one man in the patty bad a boater's license. They have pfvan chose to tba faxas that in habit the Sandhill eouatry sad have |tm» thdr way namdested. Thla year they thanght to do that'way But there ware dUncuWas In the war, and they say that the |tt par seen it prohibitive and that foxes uw net worth that reach. It Is said that foams ere becoming *f tb* State and Scotland F« one*of tha tew Bounties that have Ian* h i aad large fax maters axtsral ___ . _ with inttrtit Bit* folks si ham* who nh* fox hunt- I jom oe naturally hove an Interest tn the situation. It la mid that Um I llaanaa law whan strictly enforced wQI ' bw the aar>-resident hunters away HWW the total extinc tion af faxes in this county, which —id no doubt result if bute.™ i permitted to cheat them indlscriml- < •ataly. It Is alas said that heaters often : till dear and other game while fox < tenting and those interested hi tha i dnaerfatlon of wild game thfah 5a 1 lawehpnlj hieuka to protect game of | w kind»>tu ptarcai iha-utte- axtlne , eon af|i Mr. and Mrs. U. A. laaaon af thlo*< dty, an glad to loam that bo la Im-, proving at tha Union Memorial Hoe-1 pital. Baltimore, whan ha has boon I tor some months following serious la- 1 Juries which ho received at More bead City last Spring whan ha tell with a fallh^ Moony from a store tmd while at vwh Ha waa haanght boms soon afterward bat hie condi tion demanded prompt attention and to waa bunted to tha Baltimore hos pital where ha baa lamamad for many emit IBs condition la tote that ha sx pacts to bo able to return home In a few weeks, Mias Margaret Be seen, a Malar, wwnt to Baltimore last wash to viMtfWUHaat. NBGKO BOKKOWED MUBPHY . Tfcnrdugh error last wtok ere stated that oar Gaston McArthur, colored, suspected at that tine af having some knowledge af the murder of Win Causer, another negro, "rented. or borrowed a Ford roadster from Po ll os men Sandy Poston end went sway." The negro did not borrow Policeman Deaton's ear, bat that of Wordhy Dea ton and ha same back. The oAoen da not sow believe that ha bad aaytttpg to de with the reorder of tha Cotoe r negro sad Jn^bu wot bosm. srrestsji. that ha taahd a car from Pollemao Sandy Deaton, eshon sse shook! horse said Murphy Deaton. DR, JOHNSON WRITES OF OLD SPRING HILL tag hi.i vacation at fevurten. «tt “tta Lard's royalty ho this Scotch ■•ettan,” dM ha writes interestingly of tha delights af the MibnaiiMi i la a reecntiasue af bis Mar, from ■Web am reprint the following: Wa are near Marine tha and of the had! iown’at lSSntM.W*lkrimpr^t ami because my wife and I nadded the •dot and mat more than aver before that K was ee delightful. My folks b**» been down here dues the that if July, while I beau made rather .fre «wmt trips to RaMgh to boo bow things were going in the dice.. August is Urn month which tbs young people down ban give ta aodal pleasure. They week hard all tbs, year, soma af Urn bays on the firm, and others in bosbmas at - WagtwuL ji dm little town nearby. Seam Tths J rouag ladies teach school other* aid wTSsast’twr gs. Vary tow of the young peepft go ebe ohar* for thair vacation, though a r*» ria. *oat af them taka th<& *a •adon bare, whi* adds to tha pleas sra of the vlsitera The gentle folk n this community arc untiring ta *eir efforts to mnka tha visitor* sappy while sojourning ban. Tha Lambs* river Is Urn gathering ilac* in tha afternoon. People from Pm surrounding country earn* saury i sfternoon, eaeept Sunday, teoajey a i tip in the riser ■ftaia of thin aid j that than* is not a picnic party at*At rirar. PomgU—u two of thaao am said the earns afternoon. After so- ] loylnf the apart in the river these j Mutiaa have thair supper en a long < able which the boys ofthe comma* < ty have erected tor the eenvaoienee | ft the picnicker*. ' GIBBON SCHOOL BOYS TO STUDY NBW SUB JECTS THIS YXAB MmU of AbUuO BiflMini -aft* SW* Work U W AM to Cmim fat AgrlaUtaro A..._ me anop wow win comm or mkk* ki* Aftriwlnf tool* nkfll tha work bring taaght In tha dam roam. Aha hM bid « tta kmi farm. la fact aft-tha work mat will a lyaetkal aatara and aadi aa ja?*-ssAe« the tnnoct and rlmw MMkBtk MMkw kl *—1 r>. _»« J._ lfc-1 4^- a - ^^c^ton<yrrpwtl^wS^ not Wa km to IM a largo aUBmant Of bon taktojf agrlealtaao fcrtha high aakroa of any mrrlai dm agdaottaral darta?A» ewT f*°'* ———a——— LAOTttt MttJL dWWDAT tCBOOL TMtimm at nncAMOBont On gpqday ajkawmm at t o’dook Aa lamtri H1U cteaK AaMag adioal fnatltot* will ba bald at tha Aiaadri aWfTOdk A riaa^aam Vaa SI and aa hdmiaUM' ud ..AUKau* MARSHIS WAY TOTHE TOP BY WAKING HARD bmm • *w*nt Bur fa LtnMcrt Wv^MiiOrnl •: f. . /• • • WOMAN WINS I NOMINATION IN ' TEXAS PRIMARY' tte tmM mm Dm «%Bal knar, 1, LOCAL NOOmCI moto into yjrw QUAim THTJMBaY jsntafjtfSjEgjagt ! TV local peotoflk* m mV Thuraday frwr Um re«m In tV M£ Motional Bank beikhn# to tV near quarter* fat tit# new bulldiaar hoUt ky Mr. Join r. McNair on the came etiuct. TV oMee oeeaatea tV eaprar room hi tide aew MWUnff, which wha daMgnad ryirialy for tV odada of tV pertifra TV fleer apnea la acute ‘with enriiaiiitiia* far ad the depart meat*. TV cttjr letter eamere end 'the rani eantere Voa Mparate de ; partatnate far their aea. 5j3S«s.-wrv*s tk«nk aW pavfaff tba itrwt*? R U taw that iaaay yaaala tWak tk* wHSis • later ttanat

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