CWUMMATTC a quarter million dollars RECHVED FCR KARLT SWEETS "Tntmttm Largo and Th.y Mag IT j--.iV~-.pp a MwaMJto-ltoJIMO._■ (EtaMk City Mmtat) A qaartor of a atlQloo dollan worth aMppaS'fnaa*EUMb*tH OtT^aad*^? FrtOo. hold v Mho thoy Wan. to data. ^wMoyny »o^ om^th* h3 Wk i Ifco production hao olraady boon am than iOjOOO bar tala with aaoarat thoomad banal* yat to b* dag. ao toman an^*aU tojto naUogmonoy day* gam by priMa’han’baaaTao In that potato** nan laft la tha it i ■ 1. but aat aa thia yaar. Early swwata ntojaabtogEhny this anan tortlto than taU a nportar ad ttia nw*> papar toot than la n* loafing than s-*rjv*Rsna! isrss&’j^r " TVs yaar baa baan an of tha mat sssisrJX,\sfjsz partnml At laaat to* haaL la aauan « dj^yaan, accordingA J. B. Mon than >00 earloto or anaad (0, 000 banal* hare baan chipped or kaadlad by EUaabeth Ctty broker* ggjyffHi: barrel* ban baan akippad dlnat by boat* from Coritnk county to tha Norfolk martota, howoTar, by tonpara Of tki many uhmh nirIi tint hate bean shipped to date, it is fid mated that anand WOO.OOO hate haao -• ' ■ W-> HW8WW I Or %nf. exclusion or* nEgecT SPEA-AT MEMO UAL ’ of am to—tote at a ■— trial aar vioeheM yeatarda y tor Iaaa MBbol Und^at the ^ MjlhoUaod botoe neair TitomSfec to Min Alter Mol. brad of too party, the laeeriatioa aa> arrtod that Min MtlhoPand, who war — active camber of that miaalie tten weald have meeiltetej too aottea of too party eOcula la steh| to “ —n women to pay tr heap to Now Is the Time to build with Sheetrock * \TOU can have tofcd walk and criHz^i at JUp»^by^8haetwcM>efinymd WlUbOuA ghrtfeo jfc H—fnwiw yhmm cttn Awn : law in fim cart, omOj hanJhd, add mmjto m^;Cmrndlxmbjkmmm%taijaobm ndl it to the jctots or Kuddinc. Won't warp, bockl* or nbrink. Won't barn, i0riM or or—writ fire A perfect fr—1rtor t&hm both hew and cold ■*«* Bf OM United Sates Gypeom Aijneri—beraUAln,,—1,1 !►• far • ample end prices. UNITED STATES CYP8UM COMPANY ' ~mi m i mi THE Firmp+oof WALLBOARD 9 . ' • • . '' ■ - - - • t Seaboard Air Line Railway Week-end and Sunday Excursion Fares1 to Wilmington and Wrighteville Beach SUNDAY PARES *•» k«l* No. M >ihirila> nifht Mteakg tnia No. **• **•**■* WUad»ftc*i 4i«0 A. M. Mao day foOowky data of aala. WKU-tN&rAUS sgrag rtjiffigasgg ss. Bart sag ' IViSSmSw ~ • tail laJ fail! Abbottaborc_-_**** «u AUaaton-$tW gS Abna-$3.80 yj” Bkdonbora ...-._ $18$ $*.$$ --££ » Ukrinbar*'IZIZIII UM ooaa Jcwa —-$8.00 $U» UmimUd-k UM ja.7B -8186 _ i git Patabaaka-$1M $LN . *!■ Otmp week-end ticket* to Batkaaferdtea. Sha&y. MhmAUi«Mo£ Pmb, Spraaa Pbw. Mt. MitahaO and Duka Springs. >bc wwmttua a»d otter MonaHloe, ocoiali yoor local Tlefaat • Ayant, or vine A. B. IRVINE, T.P.A. * JOHN T. WEST, D. P. A. BaM^t. N. C. Raleigh. N. C. Buying At Home — - . . \ • t * * Is a popular idea in North Carolina now—and correctly so. Looked at trom every standpoint of common sense, it fa the sensible thing to do. Home products for home folks, and a closer relation between home busi ness enterprise end the buying public or the consumer. We recommend buying st home. It saves you time and trouble, the coat of going miles sway. It keeps money at l^ome, and you know the folks you buy from. If there is sny dissatisfaction with a piece of merchandise you can go right back and get the proper adjustment Our stocks are selected with a view of supplying your needs. We keep them up for your convenience. We take great pleasure in supplying your • • • Z. V. PATE Nordi GaroUna A Timely Tip for Thrifty People ' Order Coal Now1 jA word to the wise is sufficient" ‘*Bay O"1 Nowr ** ******* borne owners. Jmt Phone 164 sad order frote ' i Good Jump coal, guaranteed to be satis- I *** moch 3r011 1,113 i and WE maks prompt dattrery. Oar .1 *g‘^per to„ J Our cdal is as good as anybody’s. Let us •apply you. Coble McIntyre fl 1W jfl