I Church Services Tha Union Sunday school moats at 8JO ovary Sunday afternoon in tha Cbasol at Mlddltsn Haights. Tha public is cordially invited to attend. Bar. W. B. Bogal, pastor. Sunday school at tidB t a, 1. B. Gibson, ■insrlslan riant Morafng m lies at U o'clack. Evening •orvico at BJO Brat and third Sandaya. Bpasrtk Laagao at 7:1* p. ra. Mid-weak sarv laa Thursday at 8:00 p. m. St. David's Episcopal Charck Preaching aacvtoaa ovary first and tklrd Sunday availing at • JO, aad ovary second aad fourth Sands y morning at 11 o’clock. Bar. J. H. Crosby, pastor. Sunday school ovary Sunday morning st 10 o'clock, i. if. Crtgg, superintendent. Pi sab) tense Bar. Carl B. Craig, paster. Sunday school at 10 a. m., Mac Cameron superintendent. Morning agrvioe, 11 a. m. Evening service, $ JO p. m. uadi second sad fourth Sunday. Bailor Christian Endeavor at 7:1* p. mT Mki weak prayer service at 8.-00 p. ai. Bav. & L NaSf*uaotor. Sunday School at 0:48 .a. m-, W. H. Weather apooti, euperlnteodent. Prase btng 11 uTm! aad aJO p. *. B. T. P. U. 7:1* p. m. Mid-weak Mrvice Thursday 7:80 p. m. Strangers are cordially In vited to attend. Caledonia Clreolt-^Rav. Frank Col broth, pastor. Calsdonln: Preaching at 11 «Usd an first aad third Sun day*. Sunday School each Sunday st 10o'dackrTk Hasty, superintendent. Oak Grave: Preaching a* B JO p. m. ocjSretand l^^l^^Mnad^uj o'clock, sad oa flint sed third* at 8:00 p. m* E. 8. tandank Csntekl: MEDICAL SOCIETY BOLDS A MID-SUMMEB MEETING at Sanatorium Sanatorium. Any. 27.—Tha mid summer mittiy of tha Fifth District Medical Seci«ly waa bald at tha North Carolina Sanatorium this weak. Tha Fifth District Msshoal Soriaty la oe re prised of tha Bhjrririaaa of Hote, Moors. Cumberland, Harriott, Rich mond, fcotlawd, Lee, Robeson, Mont* gapery sad Randolph oouties. Tha nadMaunar Hpaatiag of tha soriaty at . "Hiarewere shout it of tha soriaty, D. Jamas, of Ham __ te attand and Dr. J. G- Fata acted aa secretary. Dr. Hartman, of St. Lasts chil dren's clinic, new post-graduate In structor of pediatries at .tha Univer sity of North Carolina for tha physi cians of tha fifth district, spate to the doctors about children's diseases. Dr. F. B. KJnlatf of the Sanatorium staff, read a paper aa the Importance of history and the deafer o r giving ether before opera tier of tuberculous pa tients. Dinner waa asrrad to tha doctors la tlvs patients' dial Of roam at Ssnstor iam. In tha afternoon officers were elect ed for the earning year. Dr. William E. Evans, of Rowland, was elected pmrfcteit to saaolsd Dr. Shaw. Dr. W! D. James was ra sleeted aacretary. Fayetteville was iilutil aa tha laaat Iny plead far tfcar addwintar meeting SNAKE DANCE FOE BAIN AGAIN U8BD ST INDIANS Phoenix, Arix., Any. 27.—Dimin ished Haas of stalwart. Iron-muscled Hopi Indian priests, tha decimated remnant of a ones powerful tribe, have again danced for rain and barely prraacr» ad tha tradition si Invocation of Only six antelope tha diminished at tha garbed in the _aa rattlers.* Tha dance la tha finals of tha rah> srEtfJsrsuKSsS: .. ARMORED NAIL CAR ON NEW YORK CENTRAL IS “ATTACKED'' BT "BAN HITS” Tilljr Foster. N, yT.Aii«. 27_With riot guns belching blank nmmunition hi all diraetiesu while brilliant calcium A* res (numi dated the econo, six "bandlta" war* touted one night re cently during their attempt to bold ap a New Yerk Central tie (a containing «"• of tha peat nffWe department's rewiy equipped bandit-proof mail cars. The attae kef the “desperadoes" and the subsequent ahem battle were staged in the prepare* of government offlnels, photographers and newspa per men to deeneastrete the efficiency of the oar's defensive dsvices . Asa reset t of the showing made by tha defenders of the car, agents of the government sold that 8,000 snail washes will be equipped with similes attachments. Thews consist of Hot guns, firing shields, battlefield flare* and obot-sptraden<, super-imposed on a ear built of ateeL Tha hold-up was repulsed without casualty to the train crew, but of the six make-believe bandlta, three were “killed,"- two were “captured," and OBi MMNLMd*M Hie "robbers" wore all of them em ployee of the New York post office on special itaty. -o. heavy tobacco salrs ON FAIRMONT MARKET Fairmont, Aug. 97.—The heaviest leaf toboeoo tales of tha season wore held on ths Fairmont independent market today tha warehousemen and buyers working lata Into tha afternoon to prevent e "block." Prices con tinue strong, with a slight advance on the export type*. Some curings are selling for *26 to $65 per hundred pounds. The average for tUb i ale/to day wfll be around$92 per hundred. GERMANS PREFARING TO DELIVER GIANT DIRIGIBLE TO UNITED STATES Freidrichshafen, Germany, Aug. 97. —The ZR-t, 'giant dirigible, which It befog built here for the United States, probably wfll start her long flight to iwkehurst, N. J, about the mUkjls oi September Jt was snnovneed rsesatly at tha first public inspection of tha dirigible. The meters now are being Inflation with hydrogen gas of 14 sempaitmenta la progressing faveE ably. Tha first trial flight will be of mvsral boors and will taka place ••on in the vicinity of roidriehaha fea. Thasu wil ba several other trial Sights of from 11 to SO boor* each prior to the departure an the trans atlantic journey. SALE OP STORED ARTICLE j BTATE Or NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OP SOOT LAND. ' By virtue of the authority vested la the ondersignsd under Section Num ber 2460 of the Consolidated Statutes sf^ North^ereH^^the _andsrslfi>ed (Nov occupied by The Rax Thaelra incorporated) on Railroad Street la the town of Laarinberg, North Caro-, Una, offer for sale at public suction to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing article of personal property: OueVMetal Grain Bin, complete, shipped knocked down, which was stored te the order of Charles R. Allen Company of Charleston. South Carolina; Oils sale being mad* to satisfy storage eKkrrea. GREGG BROTHERS, By L. BENTON PRINCE, Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having Ode Say duly qualified as exaeetrix at the last Will sad Tests mmt !•' U A. Mouroe, Is seated, be fore 0 D. MsTrwhh. Clark at the 5rt«kJrSLA 53S against the add L A. Monroe te patent the asms to me or to my at torney, Walter H. Neal, duly tented and vetiiUd, an or hefcrre the flat day of July, IMS, othsrwlae this no tice will be pleaded In bar ef any re covery. All persons Indebted to the aid L. A. Monro will please mate Immediate aws^t MOLUB MONROE,. **JWy 14, tm. Rteteri*. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Retag qneHfiod as adaiiirictmtoe ef the estate of.E. Vivien Leash Leak, teaessd, netleo is given to all parsons having claims against sense to present thane to ma duly verified far payment, on or before the twentieth of August, IKK, or this notes will ha ptedad la bar at raaerary. -All persons owing the deceased will make immediate payment to ran. Avgust 20, 1M4. N. R. JACKSON, AHminfiitrfctor. ■swnmt-artwsv a • 1L L JOHN. Attorney.82-28 | COMMISSION KR-8 SALK OF LAND Mb mad* by the Clerk of Separior Under and by virute of an order of Omrt of Scotland Comity, North Carolina, on tha 3Mb day of July, IMA In the matter of W. T. Wlteht, administrator pf tha aatate of Q. Watt WHght, deceased, the undersigned eenuaJarionar will, an Monday, tha 1st day of September, lttd, at 12 o’clock neon at the Court Hows* doer is Lea ks burg. North Carolina, expose te pjbUe sale fee cash for tha petpoae of creating assets with which te pay tb* debts, the fallowing land. In Williamson Township,. Scotland arsutwvaass-jifia and runs with 1U line ceeth 48 was* te the old Has; thanes with said eld Use sooth 45 east te ha comm a ■temp in the edge ef tha meadow; tiwaoo north 45 eaet te C. J. Wright’s earner in mid line; thence with her JJje north 34 eaet to her oomer in G. Wstt Wright’s line; thence with mid G. Watt Wright's- line, one chain; thence te the beginning, containing twelve <121 acme, atom or lass. This 80th day Cf July, 1934. W. H. WEATHERSPOON, _ Commissioner. SALE OF LAND UNDEB DEED OF TRUST Under and by virtue of tha power and authority conferred upon me by a certain deed ef trust, dated the 15th day of November, 1918, and duly re corded In the office of the Register of Deed* of Scotland County, North Carolina, In Book of Mortgages No. I at page 608, tha said deed of trust haring been executed by Harvey Loriner and his wlfit, Maggie Invtar for the benefit of The W. G. Brie Company, and demand haring bam *nde on me by the, present holder ef the bonds referred to in mid deed of trust, I will, at It o’elecfc Neon an the •U> day of September, 1834. at tea mart house door la tha Town' af Learinburg, N. C., espies to public mis far cash tha fallowing described tract af land, situated te thaCbuaty of Scotland. State of North Ctaottea: Beginning at a stake by a nine. r ef an old road, between Jamas lor and Donnie _ _ _ with Dannie MeLaughfin’c line N. I degree* West 18 skates and 88 i to a blade stump rid# ef the t thence N. 81 degrees West 10 i to e stake: thence N. 41 1-ti i ! E. 51 chains and 80 Uaks to the run cf little Shea Heel; thanes dorm the ! ruriooe course* of the run of little ; Shoe Heel to a blade ids at the at . cm mouth or a Branch, Jama* Me- . K*U1'« cottar; thenco up tha mid branch with hi* lint W. 8 chain* and BO tinka to a poplar try a Mack gs* bis next eorncr; tkenoe with hb nut Um reversed 8. 41 1-S degrees West M chain* and 73 Unka to the IwgM alag earner, containing 1M aero, j toots or loan, and being th* oaaaa tract *f land iloanlbod in a deed from Colombo! McKay and wife to The W. G. Bala Co: of'Deeds of Sootland "J" at saga 888, and atm tha urn* tract of kind this day conveyed by deed from The W. G. Brie Company to th* said Harvey Ltriotr. This th* 4th day ef August, 1384. w/c. BUIE. 81-34—It T nil ter.. STATE 08 NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF SCOTLAND. T IN SUPERIOR COURT Before the Clerk T Publication of Oomnoiu on petition to have Anal account audited and for dlacharg* as Executor. D. K. McRae, Executor of Use Last Will and Testament of Maleom H. MeBryde. Deceased, Plaintiff, va. B. T. MeBjydo, Mlea Pend* Me> Bryda, Mr*. EUa Wad* MeBryde, John MeBryde, Miss Frame MeBryde, D. L. MoBrydo, E. B. MeBryde. M. H. MeBryde, A. M. MeBryde, Mrr «wt shin* MeB. Wbrth, Mrs. Margaret MeB. Baxter, Mr*. Janie MeB. Wil hanu, J. A. BisaaQ, Mr*. Meath i Knell. Miae Helen RfeeoB. Min Prase*! BixselL Mis* Elisabeth Bia sed, Mrs. Mamie R. Monroe, Mrs. Adelaide Smith Biased, personally and an Executrix, Prank Bull, Mrs. Mary Prince Bixsell Outhbert, J. T. B. Jotm^^Brrds BW»t£**lta^tVm.’ fwh5tlwra!dp’0a>rii Mr*. M. E. Roper, Mrs, Witte C. Cooper, J. A. Roper, W. L. Roper, Min Parade D. Roper, Mrs. Arad* B, i PtftlWBte * STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA— . To the defendant* Miss Paimle Me Brydo, Mm. Ella We John keBrydo, Miya soil, Mrs. Mdnr Prises Kuril Oeth bert, J. T. R. Smith, Chart** B. Win -h =T J^q/eAsiona/ Cards | Pr. CL H. Atkrs J*td and Chronic Dteun o■ in •Mni.tian4iM.TMi f Mimmt'u. k. o pr ■ — — ■■■—l k M. Manes*, M. D. ' ■iiuir, m. c n, MAM, MOM and THBOAT tebiaab taMMiMt ■alattallMC itatW «- ..—• ir* i J. CL McIntyre ‘l Notary Public i Phone 1M 'Plain Usd aerveying. aad drate -nh towel* for town* and fanna. Tlata, Blue Print# and art! main, & Mclnras, Surveyor * Pembroke M. C. C-—i RUSTEMS BALE OP BBAL ESTATE ' JMdar and by rtrvuTU STJS86B and aadhortty vetted in bm by a daad «t Croat from SB McCall and wife, WMto McCall, dated Himh>« tttfc, MS, and duly rertrtered to th* ottoe tt »he Begtoter of Deoda af Scotland Cemty to Book Me. T at page BM, rtriSMilt^hatin^ team made la thopay (Hbd, and the earner of amid debt Mr Mg' called agon bm te ael) the laade Uebb dtea abed the anderahned trmitee wiB aeU at pebUc aeatlon to th# Mgjwet bidder for mb at the On it Horn doer of Suet land Oeeaty ■a he lat day of September, UU, at IS t’doak eoon, that eaitaia tract or parml of Mad to Scotland County, North Carolina, adjoining the ton* af Jam— Pnb end the eatate tonda of Alexander Sodth, and mere par tleularty daseribad aa fanera: Bafiaanfat * ataka aad hickory polatora hi Dock Odom land Una. romity tew < teU'% nd nw alod* aaid Una and tUa Una ad tha kanot kaova aa tha Pool Cab bad IUO chains to Its corner; thanes as *x$g&a$m dead dated , nary tad. 1911. and ramrdid la tha odd af tha Banister of Deedk ad Scotland County iaBoak t af Daoda.at pane US. Time of Sale: IS o'clock aoar, Monday, * Swtamhar 1. ltt*. Place ad Sal*: Chert Hooaa door of Scotland. CooBtr. Tanas of Sale: Cash, subject to order of is sale la eaw af an in creased bid, accord in* to atttate. Posted this »th day of Jaly, 1M4. k. h. jiwssarr^^ Cox 4k Dana. Attorneys. *0 *3 RalPi Caturk Mirtlflni - tli year name af Cdnoh at Mkttsa cawed hr Cacacth. JA J. CHRMBT SL 00„ IMsda. Obit ted»l ■ .*■ ■»M,w— ^. fl Sick I] ■ IX_ J_I_ I Motor to Church in Comfort >•-, lil* <• ''r" ;V I John Chevrolet Company L. S. Everett, Mgr.

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