"»W * |Miim a to Chart* Chaplin and Doagtoa Fhixfaaakn at pAUt coat ia ■ring just a little further than thia man is willing to go. “Folks who, go ta the fog*ty -fccnst are Mam fa) Ufa. That is troa fat ainrty aiaa cases aat «f weary km drad. and no eaaaty it sailed upon ta ttoaa than tiny year enjoyed before ia thatr ttuaa.” sags tUa man. laa in faeae *1 aayptying than with ovary tael Wfost and Meaarty, and if (hay neat her* lamia* th*o let th* prfrt Mgv of supplying tha taaartaa go ta thaaa aaft-mindad folks who want to itop over ahaat thaaa.” . that mb daaa art thtak waU of tha idea of sailing tha pnant county haan and fans aad towiillag a large inn «f money ta hay and Mid a new antes of the aoonty home who got InnsaaMh ha aaya. da net kam far to walk antil thay asms in right of tha paWs head. Than they can see tha world go hy. . CODE OF ETHICS (Hard) OaroUaa Piaaa Aaseriatiar) -- I VAST Sims FOB U, 8. HK2H- ! , WATS PAID BT CAB OWNERS pMtml States b only 0.0064 seat—1 wnl for each MO mUs* of food. DETECT MAIL ROBBERS Daria* the peat year a *teot away registered letters and perks gee la the •oathwestern eeetlon of the United States were opened and the eenbnts were ruai at After "“wh difficulty tho location of tho robberies eras Oast Borrowed down to one of six poet The only else to the mystery was that after tbs packages had been rifled they wore sealed. Upon tide frail due inspectors worked for sev or a l modth*. finally, one of tho Inspectors was •track with aa idea, but because It did mot assn easy important ha de rided to try it eat without eoaftdiag in tho e^her inspectors at work on the Before lea* aa envelope that had ban sobbed of its ooataate and then re sealed was risen to him. He quick ly rsristaoad rite mucilage on the flap end hold tho envelope to Ms nose. After taking a good Ion* sniff ha tested that he would bass the mys tery solved within e week. What he had dons was to prepare 4x lots of mucilage, each with a dif ferent perfume; Ulac, lily of the val ley, violet, nrignoette, rose aad helio trope. TUs maeUage hs distributed among the six offices under suspicion. In reseating this letter the thief used tbs mucilage end when the Inspector sniffed the perfume he traced the of floe from which the theft took piece lightning killed 42S persons in this country bet year. Pleating Hemstitching Buttons Covered AM work Nbmd to St Wan MRS. W. E. MURR B Indian Chief . • / Briefly speaking the Indian Chief is a Big Scout, and Uke its famous little brother, it is away ahead of the motorcycle procession, from a tsndpoint of quality and up-to-the-minute. To show that the Chief is used very largely for tide car work, the frame construction in the 1024 model has been greatly strengthened and reinforced. A new improved valve release lever, Similar to the one . supplied on the Indian Scout, is regular equipment. And the 61 or 74 with Princsaa aide car reflects strength end beauty. Its roominess and comfortable upholstery invite closer acquaintance. Sport, pleasure and utility are the three essential fac tors which have made motorcycling attractive and which enable you to enjoy ownership of a motorcycle to the ut most D. D. GALES i«S McKay Street RADIO! Important Effective August 5, 1924, Radio Corporation of America announces new re duoed prices. •Important Prices Of Radtola receivers are guaranteed against decline until February 1, 1925. ' Important Complete line of Radiolas so now'constituted is all that Rad(p Corporation of America will offer in the way of radio receivers for fall and winter — .. . ThU policy being announced by the ftadio Corporation of America at. T 4hs beginning of the eesfixm reprove* all doubt of'reaeon for may one best- > - tating to place their order forth la season’s dcatdJTiam Will Ue ■ gisat ’ - • demand for radio. While we have a complete stock of radio at present and large orders placed, we are not sure just what we will be able to get We. therefore, QfB* those expecting to purchase to place their order as soon as possible to guarantee delivery. We guarantee a satisfactory installation- Get our installed prices. Carolina Willys Light Company . . Distributors • .. i Laurinburg, North Carolina The Books Open August 1st ! •S '* • i j For the next new series oj shares in the j Scotland County Building & j Loan Association i After August 1 you may pay the initial fees and subscribe for j the number of shares you want. September 22 you will begin mak- { ing regular weekly payments and from that date the new series is operative. f * Twofdld Advantage It offered by the Building & Loan Association. It oonserves the wealth of thf community and creates new wealth by building houses. Under this plan eny man may become a home owner. Help a good cause, do your county a good turn and bring added business and wealth to yourself, by subscribing for some shares hi t!w New Series. c • Scptland County Building & Lour Association a a. sussax. um*my a nw vam a mdou, - - “ MUM dmom te fusil