Daddxti Eveixirvft Bap __ lfdajr* and mm hew. TbmjAt h waa tha ihirtad «ta aaa that the North Carolina tvssmnbiy baa haU in many pars, nuch important state wide logtelattea waa enacted and a mass af local hills were handled. Rrao natlnal legislation waa affect ed at (Mi session, whew the proposed aiaomlwMit to tha federal constitution, Sirin* «*ctaaa poorer to rsgalate the cmplonMM of mine** aadnr 1ft years rr*a*v was almost unanimously re t*ovamcr Momma seal th* pro to U*a ^aenat^by *•«• and at'Srhm'm*^enaicr ■Mritt af Wane county, tntrod«o»d a rerolution providing far the psstpena tami at Ut cciuh&ratiaa antil the UCaafe,. Mm referred to ffeoml order far hmdwoao far that SC*.sJS}«S2«5 Sr»sss?CHrt *4 tr 4 and tha neat day aaat the earn* fata fat tha hoaaa by a rata of 87 to 7. f The^ehief ofc>rti<sa to tha proposed ttaBhera at bofhJbacMa. wca that had no ragard^r"St%a3^d bfe £•***-« . Owaathma that wf ha anhwdtted ta the people by iwfsrsnfeei at tha No. voMiir iladtoQ mn: 1 Tha tafitralluu it tha act. knovra “ the port oemadaahai MU. that pre i**aaa f«r tha idiMitairt. af ship 'in.: water tranapartatian along tha meat and tha inland waterways of North, Carolina; areata* a port com. ntanlaa to diieet the affair?; and ^■ss»si rs^rsu: sws.*1 jsSS far the ^ af ports and SSTirtU bibrtdli faPJhS j* ■ . rtria line, ihoald it be daaaaad _ tty for tha ■^eea* af the project. ^ atata eonatitotioa, relative ta the in vialability for sinking food, aUow ing tha dm of revenue, aoOactad from the tare* on auteaoMla* and tha sate dine, far the retlioanocrt of -J MO which provide* of tha aahury of the —-J of tha giairal aaaambly, par day to$l»porday. IMs ^iS.“353rti.„“uK jsjp^aiaasngs tha vslo. af tha mortgage far s New ami tha mor*—^ * m the other half and * oot tata of tnUraat .. ... __s “-— - L- id not, Brtro fnm Grist, by tto lM OOMtftfa bonk to to Wot, for tha En name not to . r* tf the World la ■f North 5 Mtot rosotaUona which wan ! > ) the MHla provided for/the Middpwit by the pnaident ci Dm an* the apeeker of the dmae of certain riamaUni Ihooo nom mltteaa an aa fellow*: / nSByaessssusSK: Dwwwp. of Kinston; K. 8. . Jr, of Alaaaaaeo; D. U. Be Bab Hearten; J. H. Dillard. ■ ., 1 wVBW’.C&'fS’SSE ot Asheville; D. P. McKinnon, of ss?i-ffi^sa«sr .jj£zs&2'Zz?x&!z fi&L B,"nJP1« Woodeoa. of Bowan, gO” .«< Omw^I., ond Bollanyt of N. -^Tnn^ir "nWanj1 tam Bowie, ci Ashe: Clayton Moon, of yilHenaon, and CP. B.dgoaa. of of Joint nootadono wo the body daztac tta ooodon. • wore the foOewiiey: the idtad of turrO ted from tho Interna Connoy. AuthorWaa i^Jteo^te^hevo printed lx to the ooneo^dated To provide for oaKableaoata IB the galleries of the general assem bly chambers for the governor of the state and his family. . While the teas house* rejected a proposed amendment to the federal oonot; lotion deal leg with labor of chil dren under 18 years of age, they emended the present etate child labor law to prohibit the employment of children in aay occupation, even dar ing vacation periods, when the child was lone , than 14 yean of age. ■1 " e -■ CAMPAIGN STARTED TO RAISE tMUN POE MEW AT MONTEKAT Mart has _ on a earn neo.aoa for the etee _*7* yen-yyilppyd Tour.g, who agent the week end at the issudbly reeort of the Southern Presbyterian church. Sunday moraine. Just prior to the services. Dr. Walter-Ungle, of Rich mond. pcoeenteil facts in connection with the need of a new hotel at Mon treal. At the eonekutan of his prs tonUtion pledges were asked for and before a naif was called UMOt had A committee waa named to taka charge of tha campaign and to peak tha work to oomplotluu aa rapidly aa rudUa la order that Montreal" which Mutually visited by thousands from all parts of the south, may have a oew hotel that wifl aaat tha needs of the reaart . At present there Is only one large hotel, tha Alba within the assembly grounds. Tha Mowtreut hotel was burned down last fall and odftdaU oi the aaaemtty ground* association foal that the work of the church la Ra summer conference* I* being hamper ed by the lack of suflkfent room to car* far thorn who come. It la hoped that the money can be secured In ardor that tha hotel may ba finished aa quickly aa possible, maybe by the opening of the 1085 conference. Industrial organisation* an begin ning to rooMoo the benefits tram credit Unlora. reports A. V. Andetaon of the division or markets of the State College and ‘department of agrioal Uue. A petition has baen received from 800 railroad employes at Aahe riQe for a charter and plaaa are un der way to anaaine a union among Si ACL clerk* at Wilmington. Write A. V. Anderson. Department of Agriculture, Raleigh, for Information. Advtea la about the only thing that some people went taka. / r ■» , ** K t; •. $ U A Roof of Distinctive Character No longer heed your home have a root which look* like a thousand other*. You can obtain distinctive and beautiful designs by the use of Ruberoid Strip-shingles. Wo W&tld like to here poo come io to tee •aaoiMi of-the full Doe of Rnbenoid Strip. ■tingha we carry. We want to thaw pau how varied design* map be obtained. The aoft tone* of rich red or cool tags green meg be need alone or combined u pou cbooae and bp reversing the thingle courses the regv larkp of ihe roof Hnee can be broken up. Some of these designs are shown hen—bet lack of •Bedo^and color make true reproduction im Lef US allow ppu a folder which describe* thl* •bingie follp and OluMratea various design* in ■fwf color J 1 ( ' y\ ■ ' A1 I M mm+mmmm* Flies and Mosquitoes Mt«» ybjr «r wmtUd to imihj with thao« ft i »**«»*■ I0fl*r«ywfflkm thorn rltfitncm 7 w Mb tho JMfawfav of my g ” • B '§ ; w$ii J j- • ’ '. v- . . Tiara n Ban Itlili u n_. * ' S.orj_ —r———I . *.-* • •. / •* ' V ^ -* . . ‘ -“== Imw fwir. It kUb the garnra., r-Tutfs Pitts—| a«Mmr ioa^nteM. •a anmMbl , develop flesh The trouble with -the avenge wo man'* will ii that It hae too many eodieile.--— To Stop a Cough Quick taka HAYES' HEALING HOMEY, a — THE^=— HAMLET HOSPITAL HAMLET, IN. G. DR. WILL D. JAMES DR. ALBERT W. JAMES Surgery, X-Ray and Radium s I Foundations All buildings must have solid foundations. And whether you are building an edifice or H building a character—the foundation is the I important thing. The foundation of all character and happi* 1 ness is Thrift—saving what you don't have | to spend. How about your foundation? I Are you building for permanence? We'll / help you by paying 4 per cent compound in- 1 terest on savings. Scotland County Savings Bank LAUSINBUltG, NORTH CAROLINA SjP1 **'*>• lC-- .Jt ~ - ■— — —-1- ■ " ' .. ■ .. FLOWERS Hi wIili Cat FWwan, p-*— f«. PiMfB Attaaitaa to <mt«af4viniaml«qi SCHOLTZ, The Florist, Ino. • Pham 441*442 SN.TryaaSt. Chartattat W.C. BLUn DRUG STORK, Apati ■ :■ : ' . J The Flat Tire » \ The man who goes Without • bank account ■» like tbe man who takee a trip on a flat tire. ' Ha ruina hi* tire and doaan4 go ... v itr. r Plenty of air in a good tire and plenty of money in a good bank will lent you long and talc* yon .■ J . * » ' The First National Bank ■pvHHB ntWKW, itonha caboudu * • . ' MtealMiHligidiM .*■ : - . • ; ., .

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