Laur: VOL. XlfU. NO. 49. Odds and Ends A Free-lance Column Dedicated to the Principle of Free speech and Space Two ;m>[ men. Ur. Bob Cov mxton and Mr. Bob Phillips wore two “young"inen who greatly en joyed the Duke alumni banipiat Saturday night They ai-c old Trinity Collegv etudenta, of a vintage of ih« I aft century- Mr. Covington *«>•* he ha* alwaya been very fond of Mr. Phillip*, that when he »a» a little bay he u*o«l to take him up on hi* knee and give him candy and pee .nut*. Mr. Phillip* any*, however, than he cun not remember that far back. e Wans wMllsr and freth meal | do not get along wry well togeth-, or. Some people in Scotland coun ty hare lost fmh pork lately- be cause of the wry warm daya that followed soon after they had kill ed hogs. One of these wae Mr. J. T. John of Johns, we arc told, who loat several fine hogs that way last week. Somebody says that fresh meat may be eared by buying a few blocks of ice and patting it in the smoke boose until the weath er terns cooler. In fact with a little trouMe the smoke house can be tamed into a cold storage House, and fresh meat kept with out difficulty when the weather is unusually warm. M«Kay Stmt. Some folk* in Laurinborg want McKay atreet Widened. It would help business property in that section. Bat those who own the property front ing on Main etroct at both comers of McKay are not keen about giv ing aay of it up for a wider street. Some year* ago the town pare has ad, or somebody says took, a small footags there far street purposes, but the great mistake waa they didn't “taka" enough of it. Mc Kay street Is not a street yst, just an allsy of 28 feet width. The ef fort to put a curb and gutter in til—i ar sMa fcag'fafled sad the allowing for a six-foot sidewalk. There is no sidewalk on the other aide. It will cost * good dead of money to buy property enough to make McKay street standard width where it eraptya into Main, but some day it may be done. Efp are tip! Says a Lanrin burg merchant, wbo got M doacn fresh odea Tuesday rooming from the Highway Leghorn farm near Moores and paid 60 cents a doean far the let. These eggs were laid Monday end in Lauriaburg Tues day for tale. Those who get them will pay a pretty penny for them, even If ootton Is low. Some peo ple here hare tried the chicken business, but mostly it seems to hare proven unpopular as a busi ness^ Nobody In Scotland county, the merchants say, is offering flesh eggs for sale now on any considerable scale. * Some people make money out of the chicken business, while others lose money. It is a highly specialised work sod oni, ‘Knee wbo know can make It pay. It la more difficult than growing cotton, which a “negro” can plant and cultivate and pick, without much worry }o the white folks, except when the price is low aa it ia this year. The rise te a Mg maa. Dr. W. P. Tow, president of Duka Unirer- J eity, in an address to Duke Alumni at Laorinburg, paid tribute to thej good name and high courage at the Duka family in an oioqnent fash ion. One of the finest things he, Mid about tbs Dukes waa that, they never allowed personalities or bitterness of teabag to play any part in their Uvea. Ha told about an Instance in the Ufa of old man Washington Duke, the tether of James Haiti sum Duka -4a the dags fallowing the CSril War whoa it was hard times far everybody. One ef Ms neighbors, who owned tend edjeMng Washington Date’s lend, wanted to rates a sow about a Maa tease | between the two farms. WesfcMgton Date, says| Dr. Paw, mart the aeighbee weed, Ubs this, *M you don’t think tto| fsnee is in the right ptess, Jsst| where you thUtk it engbt te be and M win be all right wtth as* The neighbor was so steam ad that te didn't touch tte fanee, aad the two men became the bate of fitteda sad rssaalntd sa nsdfl, tte tod of their osithly pilgrim DR. FEW LAUDS NAME OF DUKE IN ADDRESS HERE Paint* Oat Partita lar (Jaabt.ts that Mad* Him a MaaterbuiMei, VUian of Gnat L’nivarkity Dr. W. P. Few, president of Duke University and upon whoso shoulders mat* much at the nepun si billy fur successfully adminieUr Ing the stupendous sum* of money net aside by Ike late James Buch anan Duke for Ilia building and permanent endowment of Duke University, was the university rep reier.tative and speaker at a w meeting anil batwruct of lihil.e nlumni. repre.wmtiiiz tlic counties of Bladen, Hoke, Monro, Richmond, lUbcson and Soolianu at the Chelwynd Hotol dining room on Saturday evening, TVrembcr II. Dr. J. I,ulher Gihaon of Laurin ouig 'va.4 master of ceremonies, c.ul pave conaiderable Lime in ad-1 vane- to pcrlccting ail plan* for tl'.a banquet. Mr. J. P. Gibbons of Hernial was alumni speaker, and the program, betides the address by Mr.-Gibbons and Dr. Few, in cluded a saxophone rolo by Mr. lUioid Gibaon, and a Huts solo by Mi** Mary Jarman. Mrs. J. I. Gib son playing the piano accompani ment. A most excellent banquet wus served In four courses, under tiie! direction and supervision of Mr.’ and Mrs. Dunham of tbt Chetwynd Hotel raanagemsaL This service reached a high peak in Its excel-1 lenec and perfection and occasion- i ad no little comment on the part of visitors In town for the occasion. Gibbons Heads for Loyalty Mr. Gibbons sms the first speak er on the progam, and was intro duced by I>r. Gibson. Tbs speaker plead for a greater loyalty and al tegianro to the University on the part of the alumni and alumnae. The tsro outstanding events of late yean in relation to the develop ment and expansion of Trinity 'College, bow Duka University, said I Mr. Gibbons, was the recognition | of the alumni as a vital and neces sary part of its life, and the stu pendous bequest from Mr. Duka. He spoke eloquently, forcefully arul effectively, and made a stir ring appeal for loyalty to tbs In stitution, and said that the alumni tut individual < and as a group wan Hie medium through whitn the 'great pulse and throbbing bfe of the university could make contact with tba life of the state and Its ’jif’iple' as a whole. ,, _ -u?- 'RSvlsehcSsriyiindl every inch the gentleman of culture and wide experience, as ha rote to ■peak, made a striking impression. His manner is not that of the pro fessional orator, hot rather of tha clam room, easy, saave and en gaging, but none tha leaa forceful ana commanding. In his opening statement Dr. Few invited the undivided allegi ance of all former students of Trinity College aad Duka Univer sity, and the helpful co-operation and ssaiatanoe of all men who can qualify for spiritual disciple ship and the prosecution at great tasks. Trinity College, he said had always been on the move. Way back yon der in 1838 it began with a onion of Methodlata and Quakers in Rso dolpk county for educational ad vancement and enlarged opportuni ty. It had tha moral awesgy to move, and early in the laat half of the 19th century the institution moTCd, or was moved, to Durham, with an ever-enlarging sphere of activity and usefulness. Please God, said tha speaker, may It ever be on the move. , Turning then to the personality aad character of the late Jamas B. Duke, the unlvetslty** great bene factor, Dr. Few paid a worthy trib ute to the name of Duke. He went into a ctlrllcal analysis of the ele ments or qualities of character, which be said made the life and career of Jamea B. Duka a success. Many man, said Dr. Few. Ho Xaa known who made money that he wouldn’t call sncocecful. But J. B. Duka waa a success In tha big ger and better ranee of the won! He gave tha tohatrs farmers of North Carolina a world market for their product, and in cresting the AxMHoen Tobacco Company laid the foundation for tho great mate rial prosperity that baa coma to North Carolina in late toots. In the following order, Dr. row laid down tho qualities of mind and heart, ghra ha declared, made James B. Duke a float man, and which ha said any one could emu late with y refit. 1. Ha waa a man of vision Dr. Few quoted the words at the pro phet Isaiah, "Where them la no vision the people perish,” J. B. Duka mH.M a tiring before It arrived. Ha aaw far into tho fa ta re. X. Ha bad th<- ability to punma Ma riaioa aad to toatwrtrato an the main rhaaaa, mid Dr. few. Ha nat only a*w but he did thing*. I 1 Ha waa tm from pmaeaaH tloa aad btttaaama of fulW Many herd thing* wax* written and apoken oftS* Dukaa la Worth Chrot&a, my* Dr. It*, hat they nan* talkad back, aad they didn{ ™ fth k* mM*ymtk. h «o ■lltlm | toJaMawn^ thafr tflnldp^ tta atory of WmMngtm Duke aad Mb nambor, aka waatai to raiaa a row about a lbs* tone*. Old man Duka text aaat Ma neighbor word (dontimed on yago It) PAVING ON McRAE AND COVINGTON STS. AIRED AGAIN Town Board Does not Paw oa Pa li tioas But Defers Matter n til January Meet! eg A special meeting of the board of town commissioner* was held Wednesday morning for further < consideration of the paving of Me-1 Hoc and Covington Streets, peti-1 lions for this work having boon re-1 wived by the boflrd oavaral days, ago. Mr. W. 11. Cox, represent-! ing tho opposition, appealed bo-1 Tore tlia hoard at thin meeting and; asked that the matter be deferred, to a later meeting so a* to give those opposed to paving an op portunity to present their case. Mr. Cox vigoed that because of donrr.saeil business conditions, low prim cotton and soarcity of money, now i.i an inopportune time to makv such improvements and that it would work a hardship oa somu oi j tho citigens to force paving on; them. Ha also stated that the Imre majority represented on the petition for Ilcltac Street was not sufficient to justify forcing the is sue upon a number thorn who do not want the paving and who are | nut at this time in position to as sums such an obligation. The view* of the board a* ci preuard by lndivdual member* are that it doe* not wish to force pav ing upon anybody or upon any etreet, but win he* to be governed by the withes of the people, who mutt pay for the etreet improve ment* and are entitled to be heard and to have their view* considered. Having etUbUehed a precedent, however, on other street*, It is honor bound to consider eerieuaty any petition for paving of any ■treat that carries a majority of I the name* of property owner*. The matter was deferred until Janaary I, and in the meantime it ia hoped that it will be learned definitely Just whet the eitison* on thee* street* want. STATE BANK !»AY8 OUT CHRIST MAS SAVINGS Nice Plump Cheeks Ge Oat to anflr Depsslters sad Bring Christmas Cheer to Maajr The Stats Bank announce i that It is mailing out chocks this week to a number of Christmas Saving* Club depositor*. All ths yter o{ T9** theme people hava made ragu harvest this week bringing a gras* measure of Christmas cheer aad happiness. Mr. Cooper, vice presi dent and cashier, stated Tuesday that in some instances ths checks an* substantial and will mean a great deal to those who receive them. In every in*tone* the cheek comes at a fins time, and the fact that these people have lived up to a regular, and systematic ptsn of saving all the year shows that they have courage, will power and a streak of character that will prove a splendid asset for them in all the years to come. The bank is opening a new Christmas Savings Club for 19*7 and invites every one who win do so to become a member, get in on time and experience the Joy of regular saving and a nice, fat chuck far next December. Christ mas saving* club* are popular in all parts of the country. People And this a fine way to save money, and It comes back at a good time. It can be used for necessary Christ mas expenses, or it may be per manently invested and keep your ship coming In from year to year. PENSION CHECKS HAVE ARRIVED Clark at the Court C. D. Me rormick roporU that the Mod-an nual pension warrant* for oM eel diem and the widow* of Cenfed otata soldier* aia now h) Ida bands and ready for distribution. Theae make moet acceptable Christmas gift* and thoae eo titled to them are asked to call at the dark's of fice at the court bouse and rsoehre their voucher*. CHRISTMAS CANATA_ AT MHTHOD1ST CHURCH ON DMCRMBKH XSRD On The reday al|tt, DeeonWr 2>, the choir mrmbtn of the Meth od! »t church of the city, under the rtirortloa of Mm Albert Lyteh, will preeent “The Kin* Cometh,” a cfcrietroae cantata of onoaual baao ty, try II M. Stnlta. The iwfna will bagla at • o'clock. The pub lic to cordially {netted. tUa *£y tha nK '4 SCHOOLS CLOAK VtlDAY YOK TWO WIKI ■(fmin on Monaaj* "the fo.tain OF ry iOVT nr rw» i **3s& sat sL^azMi* «w«- iiwMi nTiTsifri u lN£! •g* E»$ »issus Sarwg £\r*£X! by th* liberal «SS t of dye* and hair rmtcrer. be is w to camouflage fold that com© * hen tixj kufcmn ■*»£• “thin ringlet* of bis idlvered •* . ll s ml deairs that brought the gal '.“dago." Ponco dt Luoitf from-** VMdzo©jny Und o. tomorrow" » to thefshor^. ?<K,U^rNe'! , » »f * fAbUd fountain ipetual youth. After doigeat _ho found t -i the. fabulous tout. ,fcJn. ThTiiTring* e.wloealed about to midway between TalUhassea anrf ^i^unmcou. Jlait the other day i vdftshed them. A rivtr of no asa cd dimensions Is sues irom the «p,*g^ the waters art tepid, ■appfctwws |0 hne, and grata! In lairtty. kl* j stood where Ponce de Loon lome two or three hsndred yto|Ss ago and drank, 1 could bat miWTonsider the fal lacy of-seekingT J, four-leaf ciov-, f!' or Jch^SF 9W »ot of gald at! the end of the aSaaow. f wot no1 “kick” from thdC~drinking there of” Neither coohf* i tmi tLu time was turning baelHLiird in its flight and that 1 would ^5ka to try jump-! * t?T‘ma *y*oa, *oot a game oC’marblaa, hMT hack to the old swimming hole .-f ee stay hookey from the atet»4wS* expert •nee just for a tfU, Hoay of ttowj who’ drank of those wataro baflvw m must have, tamed. their aits towards the daises long siaoal, for 1 saw a for midable array mi; tombstones in; the village baaEWlThae been' sold, and apUy. fUpokoa. that “the heart, tha hearty jsa heritage that keeps the old mi m young." i (Note,—HaaiJrijuf the wader* of |The Exchange jLranw “Hey Keob.’l iHe is a native aM1a of Scotland who1 dong since coottfVtod a reel case, ;of the waaderMflUt, and his feet have tramped tjKj and down the earth, cirryiam.J ,1m to far places. Just now he j/>Wnda.) some cotton riinfti tv ®ovUMd oounty prior" to Deoeenb} **•* f« the Uat five uMn7vSSlnar k* Of inter SLS,TSfe~y* ES; KlmiMd *?! ust ytAf* niioH "® wcwuir If' IMS. 5jns w2: Pf*« &j^ar«!Srt5Sr.3 !K SMS ’su‘%: th^' **** *** l"**! SPECIAL CHEl£™AS MIT Rif AT TUI* ncEB* BTTlP^ CHURCH th.ACT.ri2^ .sj** ?*3S sess.^ SSSlTtfife In the •<l““ of worxhip tbor»*^illl*'“ tir^ls>v5 sasriS^-JV nooneod next wt*_ |TH*W( The l Wodne* meet wi Circle 1 Mrs. <X Milt Mil 04 ten Jen lent n Uf.l lead ,le ortMAi 6 Fal*, eat. wfl Berber, file No. with Ml Peter 1 DUKE UNIVERSITY GLEE CLUB PLEASES LOCAL AJTDIENCE Oiv« Varied Program at High Hefceel Audita rival Taeaday Night Make. Fine lapmdai Her* The l>ake University glee dub and musical dub gave a varied and a highly entertaining program at the high school auditorial nee dy night at 1 o'clock. The Uni versity boy* were greeted by a fair-sited audieoue and they made a Ana impression by tba manner in which they presented their pro gram. Some of lli. numbers wore wait rxcclonl, tutd the rkhnr*-. ami variety of the program wax Gofilritnt for all uutne. Laurin burg eras one of six North Caro lina towns to get a dating on th? Pall tour. The other towns sre: Mount Olive. Louisburg. AI he nut rlo Wlnuton-Salem and Lexington: The program was divided part* hv tne Kjmphony orchertri. the Jazz orchestra, or "Blue D»v:,»,’* tbd University r,uartot, the string club, and the glee dub, j and the black face feature net by! W. J. Ilobbs and Bob Hatcher.. There are 40 members of the com pany. bentdes the faculty member and director. The receipt* Tuenday night were a little above a hundred dollar*. TV club came to lairitbeif un der the autntea* of the Eiwortt. League of the Laurlnbunr ltetbo-, dial church. SCOTLAND GINS . 52,8*0 BALES PCIOK TO DECBMBBB 1 A Million and Mm Bain for the SUM, fUbtsoa and Jehn •Ua Load North Carolina ginned 1J000M1 bales of cotton prior to December flrat, again* 1.088,126 Mm last roar. Scotland county beat Ha record for 1925 by neary l,M bain fit 82.M60 bale* againat 29. 978 bales last year. The figure* wore made public Wedneeday by the Bureau of the Cenmi*, Wash ington. 3926 1925 Alamance -_ 1,719 1,921 Anson _ _ ton* 22.789 Beaufort .. ..... 9,527 7841 Bertie - _ 41,22* 12J&1 Blanden -10811 7,*?» Cabarrus -19,1*9 12.929 Camden-— *M» *fiU Catawba-18881- 10841 -sar jnpn smn — w Lincoln _ , Haiti*_ MoekJonbur* Hontjomer, nwOorp — N«»h - Northampton Onflow .. _ Onset _ . PtmlMs _ Pasquotank _ taw __ Perquimans _ PRk -- Polk - Rudolph-1,444 1,7*8 Richmond-*1*88 18*77] Robceon-44*84 68*46 Rowan --18*41 14*11 _8*8* «iii Sampson__ 88*48 39J60 Mkl4 _ —..*8*88 81*18 «Un»y --*_18*68 8*88 Uoiu - _. *8*76 88*18; Vue _ ^- 4*87 8*41 Woko *. -88*17 47*84 Wama.. 18*75 18*14! WaAiogtoa -- MS 1*48 w«ru..- 64,148 34,774 WCbu _ -86*13 *7.704 AI1 other-8*81 6*27 CONTRACT FOR GIBSON BOAO TC BN LET THURSDAY Contract for tka tmildbijr af aa apkalt aarfaca road from Oiboao toUvUm, or to a paint aa ol'uwffl80 •Mb RMwmt Oomaalaaiaa. P. R. 6-Aaafcl*" -aunt ncxr* COMMUNITY CHRIST* MAS BOXES FOR NEEDY FAMILIES Committer* trow Different Church The usual'.cnlt.,- C!;i litmus bow* for aoedy fntnliy* ami in dividual* will bo prrpatrd nmi di*. t riba tod in Lourinoarg ihl* Oriet ma», b«t the weri, will im be done by the Red Cm*, tu iuitlefoic bo tauac of a scarcity <f *anu* In the lUd Cro*» trraaurv. Csiuflntteae have ban appointed ffn.D the dlf f«»eut churches of the tits and the baskets tal distributing 'Joan wil! wort of preparing Urn Cfcri*taus be handled ii> this war. Nan.t; of Mtcsiy faii.ilkv ;ari persour !'i i-:? y d.*tic<.i..-r cimmirx»«»» ahouhi be *ott in at to a*i». hi. bjcisni.n or tv Mr*. A. M. Fairley, liiroug?. cbuidi chr.n'**!* and orgMiiaationr-. It I* stated that the distribution of OrDtmaa boakcu thin year «J!1 be limited strictly to the very ncotly man*. Those who will aa «i*t Die work by (tving articles of food, toys, or other hem*, are in vited to sand then In not later than Wednesday, December tL A COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS TREE AY WAGRAM why Will fefai to Gifu far AM. WB Carets A community Christmas tree will be held at Wagrem on Christ mas eve, Friday, December 24, about *ix o'clock. The Women's Club and the school under the f rrship of Mr. Renee, are to make the oemrim a People are asked to obm _ the tee Is at week finding the esaea ed real oeod to the community, ftvery one who wiaboa to make a gift ad aay kind ie ashed to bring K to the community OMtoni tree on Christmas owe. There Bants Chum will hove Wa sleigh ready to re ceive them. The seat day the gift* will he di-tribuud trenc wov who need tbesa inert. All kinds of gift* win he aoccpUbto truits, groceries, eaaed goods, chfl drea’s cteihes. or warm ci*thing of say kind, Maakoto, ear. Thare .will he a aregxmn ed the ChriatanTcJrvb^* FUm«*m« Md« m4« to bar* a beautifully m unity will >ia to match)* the oecaaian a time of seed falie watop with the tree Chriaunaa aplrit COMMUNITY SERVICE AT THE HIGH SCHOOL ON THURSDAY NIGHT At from _ moral**. My 4 High __ adnlty Mag and prayer service, which viS be featured by the ahig ia* of ChriatauH carol* and other number*. All the ministers at the dty will join in the service and every ana io nivtted to bo pretest and join ia th* tinging cf carols and hymns. HIGH SCHOOL ORCHES TRA GIVES RECITAL The Laurinborg High School or chmtra, under the direction of Mins Mary Jarman, and naaisted by Mr*. Eugene Morgan. Mr*. Lather Gib eon and Mlaa Loalae Grubbs, gave a ejtUnrlM program at the high ecbeol on Friday evening, Decem ber JL The agenda Ira was not aa largo aa H ahanid have baan, bat thn aodtoncn arms appreciative and tho pro gram wa* awl piooa-j bML REV. a. C EWING CONDUCTS MEN'S PRATES SERVICE Eao. H. C. Kvtef of Laurel Hill <***dn**»A tNa mmft K*l« **•„* *• thaatre WoA *»<»• ju «Ot» iMMSfam! fa»^a<ja«iM yrAU^ik. Th> CURB MARKET SS<OnDOED At fr.&K . LAL'RLNBl’RG wT&K3>MrSri2?« artojr Manimg inm t to 11 ; v ■ 7*. >; H « curb mar tot at Uortnbur* Satsntoy. De •tosber 11, waa au toter a«i. 7hr cu b ,u.kvt mSSk cwlc* tho a i >p\ 1 A t it heme da- ‘ f>xr- wtifk in awl Uv lu jby tf uw State Bank baa bam j-aaoady Into to the woman for m an Saturday warninga, where My *£ play thair wares and »r,vU aalea. v ■%*“■'.***• JtoW*"*- rpata rtaa, back bones, freak tomatoes, tur nip*. rntabawar, <oU*i-> ana, WMt.fltin/Wur, pitiutu, weak wnnua. turned •,-aoi'. candle* land Oak-tea* novcltka wenTof i *•*««* far /ale-. Tut uArtet w<4 be open acain Satan*? lnonun*, De jeambar IS, from f> tu U o’clock at the Stot* n*nL. and u'jo sowad- - ineetla* moinin*;, Dctwmbvr 22, be foia Chridmu*. AfUr tha Ml **r» « “w plan far tor rath war ;>t«g ■>»■«««•. BUM u au aainurSUat Me thaw most tom from Uw farm, reart represent the mark at tW». The curb market la retail to amiet the fan* macaaa to , Ot thahr p re darts to ad ,«trr2lir* -U*U»I £:y t (ini by talaphaaa to Xa.: home tome . at the esart house. NEWS NOTH JFBOM GIBBON MJmm Hamah and Maty Ml wcm the met and meat* ef Mn. O. !» Sbnaaoa ef Marahvin*. Mr. and Mra. K. T. Ftetehar aad dmchtar, Miat Maty Iittte Utah iSfcKassaaailfs: 22 Doctor* K. A. Livingston and t. G. Fat* returned homo ~ from Cuba, where they the Seaboard ~ haH there laat Mr. and Mr*. , Thursday uight for_ fvS^ht^sss, vifla waa a visitor in town Sotur Mis* Hannah Lewie of Mrw York, who ha* been viWting bar mother. Mr* I. F. Lewis. left Wad oasday night for Waahmgtoa. D. C, an route to Mow Yatft. Mr. ft. Whiting of MflCaft, who for a aumbrr of jraUl wat agei far tho Baaboard at Ham lot, wa a welcome vlrltor here during tb Thoaa from Giboen who attend, ed tho Duke Alumni bteapot av Lauriaburg oa Saturday night. Dr Maker Jl, wore Mr. tad un, * T. Ftetebar, Mr. aad Mrs. O- * Grig*. Mite Margaret JUfa aaiMr. Bill McKenale. Mr. G A. Sanaa of Uud : was a weak wed visitor hara sb. home of Us daughter. Mrs. I* V Gibson. .; -TV ‘ Tho I**- Miasiau Study *«* • moots at tho Giboou ldetbodtet church on Friday afternoon. Tfate eloaso tho mission study work for thin |ma • *’>•' Mr. T. C. Pate has vary araah of (OMrimml n w 1> - I _

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