' HIM# tin Tin tW U«i»« Sunday school meets tt lM mty Sunder after—n to the Cbnpal at MSddlrtoc Height*. The mSuo ts OOHiaily invited to wttmT CftW-l TM eon day whan no phM bad prnssatod thsnanbn tor tha ato ning Torn telephoned to Rath aad Roth said: "rtt sorry. Torn, hat ft won't be a«ite convenient tonight. Can’t you cents tomorrow evening instead!" But Teat had prom turd to go to tha nrooku' that stating. Ituth; toggnstsg the following evening, bat Tam hesitated. gmuslhtaa might tant up tor that evening. “Ob. vrefl." ha auld. “never (Bind. 1 wanted to ace yoa tonight. But If some one else Is going to be tolling—never mind. Ill mil yoa ap sometime the brat of tha week." " “Mow. Torn," ttuih said coaxtng ly. "If yoa ate going lo be eroae1 a hoot It. I'U teu you. I've proa load to make tahoa two Ooean of tli*e»—fbr a eaka sale totoocrow afiaraoaa. Tea know 1 don't gat hoaai flam the oRca until after six and the only tuna f eao tanka them la after dinner. ItH a sale at tha parish boons." Monday of the next work found To* lata la tha aftsaaean with tha project of a doll aad tamely eve ning. aad ao ha telephoned to Rub. *T* ao aorry." said Rath with tngto bo vuryHsiij? Mart'canT manage." Aad again Ruth sag Stated that thy arranga^tor was Toot, anaaad to making piano ahead •ntse with Ruth, asld he'd can or later. Tttooratx liases wtthio the next weak or two Tom telephoned to Rath, bat every time Ruth piss dad full plana tor evening. And nevur did Tom arrange his plans ahead at time. Than one krlday afternoon at half-past Poor—when there was *tDl a chance ef asmatklng “break tog" tor tha asanlng—Tom Ms phoned Ruth at her edke. Ta coir. I a* to aew yoa this eve ning," be announced. "Oh. Tom." Both began to ra t's* herself. To ao boay. I'm toty ba«y—r» planning to make foot- ilascs cake*. They see liar tog a del* for the orphan asylum." *T» owning anyway." said Twm. "I ton see yoa a few minute*, can'l Ir “Why—yaa." faltered Roth, .rgeme jfjepn Hhe. OnlyJLahallhe wry boay. as/ I may make yaa beat eggs aad eream. butter aad sugar * ’ AC Blau that evening Tern FioUte gar waa meekly sitting In tha altehea at Ruth Bima's old pmSr&ThMSda^rU an w *TH tan in what mo might do." ■*® aafct looking at him vary nwaitlj aba opaned tha trn ta Nat a |Mp at lha golden mam la. ' «bi wash tag tha fci :;hMaw an ha nag up." □ _3 sss^sS Svss faaj’a ax>uth had watered for Jut* •M at tha Uttla rakaa, hat lath had eaplatwad that aha had ptwov jaed dear deheo and tha Uaa mada Mat that aaMhar. "Wall, If 1 cant have a aaha, I na at laaat terra a Km,” aald Tam. w» JtwittetPd tad Tom did aat taatet Ha aaM ha ceOM aat atay •star, hat aat <tewa with Hath an wooden arat la tha han far a ante or (wa Mm po Appealed to R. L. 5. | to Hoip Oot.Bopam | *- L. &. waa writing hard one . warning wbea tba feat waa punfuri I •paw and a mack exetted lady j “Ob, Mr. RtantHnl* aba » rlatiaad. “I woat raally heap yaa >owg; bat l do want m to batp OM wot of a diScatty. I bare to taka a nail at a baoaar, aod tbara la ant nearly awoogb malarial ta •Ml. Homebody told ma tba other , day that yea are gatting ao coie bra tad that avfe a aerap of your handwriting would bring la quit* a let of money. Lleaaa give iua non or two of pour mansacrtpta. W« would put them up to auction r Ton* tba lady at last passed tor breath, bar rtctto-rgnUed that H waa not to bte poWtr oblige tor j ba bad no aattabl* contribution to •(tor far bar bawtar; aoiblag what ever (hat would ba worthy af socti a futo. “Oli. Jdr. Hr»Trnww. don't say (bat!“ aha replied with hlodlr cnn dearcnniun. “Aby of yanr alorlea would do nicely. My frtrml told aa m ; die aukl anything at roots would aril. fleuac doo't disappoint to! It doesn't raally matter bow MupM It fat. or bow bulky writ ten r now this 1*0/ was finally de ported I do not remember to Have board. But she at taut paid her footing by ropotrlnx It. L. R. with owe of )i>a beat anecdote*. one that ho related wtlh elieer deltabt—t“tL Ik 8. and Mia 8toe Qea Kao.* By rrh* Onrm't.eeiier.") Changm in Popularity of Slang Continuous The'expraaaloa "Quo*" to flung frequently In tb* yaar IKK at lm PMttaeat person* who aakad you qu**ttoo* that ye* preferred not t# turret. Th* next really ho m Ida bln aorpaaa was. “What a •bocktag had hatr wblek aoon bloaaotuad tata a gam* almost aa popular aa and rrau am atrenu an* than (ha renowned "Bearer r Wtaiar* of worn and ton head ptaeaa wave in eouataat danger of aavtag th* aCeadlng abject aaatcbed from their bead* and hurled Into tb* fatter by entho alaatlc athlete*. Th* year 108 la agreed apou by moat scholar* aa th* tuna at which “Dae* your mother know you'ra oat I" flr*t coaralaad a weary world. Plea more yaar* of fasting nod prayer war* nmaaary before “Da yon are any grata In my *r«T” mad* lta how. Tb* rioting decade* of th* Nineteenth century war* mot* prolific and they may ha held re*poa*at* for “I would 1 war* with Nancy." “TVboa, Kouaa, miod th* paint,” “Not today. bak*r,“ “Nat la lhr** troaeera," “Where did yon gat that hair and "Let 'em all coot*."— Front T. F.’e and Caa aair* Weekly. London. '*• *•*»*•*■ na • "lime tWo Hockta bankers decided te take a holiday and go fishing. -Tbej fuuo.1 the cod shade of a stream. aod dropped their lines An they were Sttttag there contentedly a crowd or children came along and began te ran nolaUy abont them. One of the tare, bonkers Immediately lamped up nod angrily ordered them off. Bald the other: ’That's right. Jim. the nolee Is liable to ecare away the fish.” Rat be wee surprised with the reply: "That's net It I*m oorrona. . I hare always been afraid of a ran on the bank.” StMdfm'a Jtqat Bmmd Urn Royal band of Bwedso, er ganieed la 1107, celebrated Its enadricentanalal by repreduclng the name program glean for Cas tas ItT, i tnstrumeiua, coa lian aad i When the band was organised It consisted of organist, kettledrum, piper and foar I rum peters, the trumpet being a popular Instru ment la that eeamry, particular ly after Charles IX ggre royal lands for tbs dcrrlopmem of the lust ran wot sod the training of the anasIcUns Merftcof Optimum Tbe life <rf a ana, a phyatrlaa I predicta, aoau will ke 100 year*—« I remarkable Ml of npiUtfan la view . | at the facre*eU» unto production. A Quebec true been notion, eorulen apple* of flaa quality. .- xr - r i HeMM liquid. LEGAL notices °°2i. Tutt’s Pills lUNO POSTED vigorously u*-nii r, . Aach, CLARENCE • 1 viK»LWALWtirr LYTCH, MM 1hAgA A. LEACH, L. r fcuS*11!; MR*- *»• *• hapmhIR- p OILCHIUKT. ¥AJD5!»w*ri, j. m. Me fin*Wi«A A A LEITCH. McLAURLK. A. A°W1Lk1NS0N 46-tt ftAi k nr rJ',D UNDER DEED SALE OP Um trust ..-j- tW/ virtue of the pow of a certain deed " by R. H. Peele, , S'*; P1 .Weed truetoe, which 1« , , ** w«*erW|y iu the office of the d* «< Scotland ^k^fn Booi* *l Wf* *•**. dc coeAtY In Bool^ ^ p,}.. h*Jfa3Lb»>debte«1JU!iw ther.hy •r’.jja holder of *aid in K«vlwf madc detn'urJ S-fiir1 z. S52 Bggug-A2! ta 'Se EE-T Mdder for ea*h, at ru. i^s. J. f* door of Scotland JDantTNoST W»iamo,|fnd t 7m'hlP. Scotland ^nt^Nnrta Wina. HKGINX1NO &2£M2?5 r*6uErSSSe V!1* P'W” 1°* wZrtkf j? th*ncn earth 1 ml t _ fept t* an iron 8SL*£L“l,-i~ >«*' ere at bead • «alt* fllTi’ feet to a rtake?jj^’ am aa i™ M>uUi edge #T ery ptaatere on ( ^tjj 7j_tg ^ aLw KmST iT1 w“ t fg“y*,y STJ" dj thence north I « iw^r containing 79 acf THOa J. . „ 48-51. liojr Mtmto (hall ba toued in lininMaea o< the Municipal Pl imnca Act far the purpoaa or mak* atraat improvement* Id aaid Town. SSttie* 1. That a u« sufficient U?the*bandi ahaUbo annually Icrl |ad and ooli acted. . Ssatis* I. That a atatemant of tha Jbdsbtednaas of the Town of huvtnbunr haa bean filed with the Clark of aaid Town and is open to inspection by the public. Recti-* 4. That at leant one fourth of the eost of said Streot Improve meats, exclusive of the I coal ef paving at Street in ter arc1 I thins, is to be especially assessed. Sect lew 5* That thli unlioapco "hull taka effect at once nmi shall not be samrlLsri to the voter* _ 3. W. NORTH, Mayor. The foregoing ordinance vw pataod on the 27th day of Sep tember. IDiifl, and wa* flrM pub lished on the 18th day of Novem ber, lP2fi. An action or proceeding ques tioning the validity of said ordl tianco muxl ho commenced within thirty (30) day* after it* first publication. C. M. h'ETTFTR. Town Chirk. 40-48.1 i SALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST By virtue of authority verted in; | mu under a deed of trust from W. I T. Crump and wire, dated March 6thi 192V, registered in book No. 7 pai{« 6ft, 1 will on Monday, De ! comber 20th, 102G at 12 o'clock noon at the court hourc door at Laurinburg, N. C., offer for vale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following lands: FIRST TRACT: Lot number forty seven in the subdivision of th*l lands of W» T. Cramp according to plat made by W. J. Matthews, sur veyor, registered In book one at paw* 41 and 42, registry of Scot land county, containing 37.40 acroa, more or leas. SECOND TRACT: Lot number thirty-seven in the sob-d!virion of the lands of W. T. Crump accord lag to plat made by W. 3. Mat thews, surveyor, registered in book one at page* 41 and 42. reg istry of Scotland county, contain ing 4* acres, more or lees. Dated thia November 17th, 1920. „ _ O. P. BANKS. Trustee, it. C. LAWRENCE, Attorney for holder*, Lumberton. N. C. 40-49 ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as sdminuitni-' tar ior the eataU at McNutt Coa-i SOMC] _ , <?£GSOUNO C^/ieierr/KrAe Me /Motor r*t* JT/xoof4/+— Your ear'* cylinder* will purr with plenty of pop if w« am reapoeiblo for regrinainff them. Our method* am compute and modern. We do not experiment. .We produce reel letting remit*. “We «nt to aevc** Laurinburg Machine Company Mm*u No. • Indigestion *?°Uy. deceawd, this U to notify all l person* having claim* against said Isstate to present them to the nn Idcraignrd at his horns in Warrant, IN. C. on or before the 18th day | 'of November. lt*7, or this notice •HI 1m pleaded in bar of their re covery. All person. Indebted to .said mute will make Immediate settlement. 'ioTM* the 18th day of November/ K. C. SMITH. Adminis trator of the estate of Mr Nett Connolly, decccsed. W. H. WEATHKRSrOON, Attorney. lft-61. MAIL EARLY AND BUY Christmas Seals The Chase Piano *Th« Instrument nf tbs Immortals” THE name Chase on a* Piano 1 brines vision of the world's HTsatsat artists who hare ac daimud it the utmost effort of manufacturing in the field of art. To own a Chase Piano is to possess the bust. Call around and 1st us dsmsnstraU this wondsr ful Plano, or writs for catalogs and prices. Stephens a Barnes Pianu and Panriture Dealers tsauriaburK North CaraUnl Professional Cards J. T. Fields Optometrist Other: Fields' Drag Store LAITRINBURO, N. C. J. G. McIntyre Notary Potto Phono 43 Dr. R. G. Stone OpUmetriet Main Street. Laarlnbvx. N. C. Mitfton & Hammond Real Estate Phone 2IS J. M. Maness, M. D. HAM LEI . K. C ETE. KAR.KOSK and THROAT l« Lana an4*. Raan J»«. 1 aa4 I Haara • la It aal 1 i. 4. ai.-l(( , INSURANCE Of All Kinds Fire, Life, Aoddeiit, Bonds. JAS. L. McNAIR, A*ent. T. HARVEY HUNTER. PIMM 75. i Fred D. Burney - PLUMBER Phone No, 126 Residence Seaboard Air Line Railway Schedule Effective September 12, 1926 Lmirinburg, N. G KASTBOUND No. 14-8:10 A. M. for Wilmington No. 80- 18:54 P. M. for WOmlngtazi WESTBOUND No. 18.. - - 8:25 A. M. for Himlot, Monro*, Charlotte No. 18.— 7KMP.M. For Baudot, Monro*, Charlotte For Information regarding ra‘*o, rjute* and Pullman roorrr*. tions, apply to J. s. Cain. Agent, Lcorlnbcrg. H. C. John T. West, D. P. A., Balolgh, N. C. Whatever Your Ambition May Be —for POWER -for WEALTH —for Contontmont BUILD UP A Bank Reserve When a call conus for cash you hava a reasrva to draw on U»$ Our Book—To Build Up— To Huvu a Ro»orvr To CM Upon First National Btoc 'LawtWvt, If. C.

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