The Artist and His Ladder By MATILDA STAPLET E'VBULY was a tmvtoea» mm *-* and net In the leaat teaipera mental, but tb* artistic aide of hie nature weald buret out now and again In apire of him. It had baen burnt leg forth of lato Is iho Corn of Interior decorating. HU own three bachelor moan were having a regular overhauling as re gard! color scheme. Saturday aft ernoon* and Holiday■ lCverly tpait ou a small lutldrr ha had par chased from ao Impoverished art In., steuclllng birds and beoeta and abac Dot above the molding of bla Ubrnrr. He wus tuning a luppy time un til ha nearly broke bli ansumiy as wall as I ho ladder on which he was perched. They came down to gether In a heap, Bverly, fortu nately unbroken, bnt the Inddc-r Ikrlng much worse. It was a light, ■Mel nod wood affair, daintily built tor tha ate of artists. He set down In a peeve. It was early oo Saturday afternoon and the day end tomorrow would be waited. Bverly wus no good at mending thlags—even a broken heart that be supposed he war car rying about within him. In hie early end very tender years be li«d loved s maiden who bad throws him down to marry a richer me a. Ha picked up the paper Idly, thinking more at hie lees than what he was reading, but suddenly he mw an advertisement that caught and held his Interest It teed: “Jacob's ladders mended. in rid bio and good ea new. K. Oer ter.” Evert? ppnped oat of hla chair. r took down the adrireee. wlilcb was [ not far away, folded up bla ladder and began to whistle The day had brightened. □# hoped Carter wvuld bo In oo Sat urday and could meed the Udder while be waited. Kverly realised that he had never heard of a ladder known' a* Ja cob's, but be supposed that any one who could mend ladders could assuredly rand this ous. Evert? went by tail to a aide street where he supposed Carter's shop mold be. taking Uio Udder with Mat. The taxi draw Into the curb, but not in front af a shop, it waa ass ef tha loaner apartment building* “Well." supposed Evert?. “Oar tar evidently dona a Little homo work." Ha got oat with his lad der and collided la the dark hall arltb a young lady about te ascend tha stairway. Bvsrij drew bock to let bar go ap a hood of him. bat aha turned a too pals face toward him and asked Oat ho go Brat To vary tired," aim said, “and want to taka my liras going ap." Bn Evarty want on with hla lad dar bat was vividly conscious all tha way of the level? girt tetllag . up behind him. Be wanted te wait ,-emd give her am. arm ap the stair* L—However, he arrived at the fourth Pact nod saw tha name “Outer* on f thadoorplats. Tha girt waa Jaat SySlOd mu mood on tha same land ing while he put dowa bis ladder * and- rang tbe boll. “Are you wanting N. CanarT* asked aha. “Wall, yea—I want to gvt thU ladder Banded. 1 reed hla adver ! tfeewwct tn the paper and—" Nan Garter grasped tbe aislr rail Us* aha leee her balsa os. “Oht“ site said end than repeat otf the bright remark. “Ob." Then •be smiled at blat. "U von let m« —I will open the door for you. 1 live here." Ererly mad Me supposed Jacoo'r ladder followed her Into a cheery . apart man t. His • li o u g b t a now I worked upon the seppeeltlon that • the girl had as indigent husband f «bo worked at home mending lad ' den while she tolled In the diy. ' Be Ml that he would dislike the husband. Be waited a moment 01 two while Nan directed heraetf el a small hat, thereby ndeaalng e glorious riot of tldan hair. She waa more at home aad fait •he could handle this delicate allw • atUm without wounding him. now that she had him safely within the apartment Mae bed dreaded torn lag him and hli ladder away In J» halt r “Will row bo frightfully Ann at I me tf I laugh at youT she asked. "By /oral" eatd Ererly swiftly. 1 don’t think I earn what you da Co am." And ha quits meant what he said because be knew without the slightest doubt that this girt ’ waa one day going to be Xlm Keen ly and coma to lira where the fries* of birds sod rtet>hunts rcrcteit. "Then come here amt let im I Show yon a Jacob's ladder." Ererly drew nearer Ur girt and also to bar sowing basket heaped high with rllk stockings. She picked (end up and. running her hand down It Bwwed him a real Jacob's lad "That's the kind I mend." abi laaghed softly. Truly buret Into a regular gut Eiw that mh bars been beard to the neat apartment, and after a taamMt of rer» happy laughter they teal each other’s eyes and •hi Elan res l^gared. Ituht/,*hawi you." said Kraarty *» folks’ i«u H u pot? ah* mi* THE FEATHERHEADS The Euir BMCeto the Worn r*ow TMPCTU A PIN® OP TPtPf t - mb. ppwtr® tor r-\y IWOTHt®MN-LAW tP NOV AN iNTtqiw in Mia Busmr*%• IP X HM> OONROWOO TV® PVONKV , P«OW\ HON - I’O HAVE MAO AN, \jNTC«®VT IN TV® COMDANV / "N^ INSTEAD // ' ftTiu. iv« «ot to rr TO MR PA&TCtMC ujv ijiiq tome WUWQH HCP Tt> THE FEATHERHEADS AB Straight Now 1 /■** mooon MS «o»- X ( Wmu'AiuMTNtOlWT l] MKJT1M W0MM4 DC AVON?. I»»m aicmmc wnoousw/ XsxPferroftikTAuvifl- / rW«? / Vfcu Ut iHC / B0U6UT AN ufltaeff Iin PASSES \OUHNR*— . f WKMTMCHOW ' mANVtNvaopaz c*uu> mm. in an moor-AN I SAID VjT OCPtNOCpy 7 ONHOWtWNV \ rnmrt AN HOUR OL ' {ru*»v women cor venoms anuuN XJ* ** HV CJORK/> 5 3 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN IS LIVKLY GUEST AT GAY PARIS PARTIES (December 21, 1776) All France wan agog when Ben jamin Franklin arrivod in Pans on this day, as committal oner from the American colonies to reek aid for carrying on the colonial war for in dependence. Wearing a fanny little for eap all tho time, this "vener ablc sage, with his gray hairs flowing down upon his shoulder*, his staff in his hand, the spectacle. of wisdom on his nose, was the perfect picture of true philosophy." Almost before be arrived he was "all the rage." Every mantelpiece exhibited hie picture. Likenesses of him were aet in rings, watches, snuff-boxes, bracelets, anti looking-glasses. His sea voyage from America had been a rough one full of dwng •m from hoatllr llhmt-i. lie imU bean seasick all the way over. But in spite of this indisposition he hsd made a study of the Guly Stream crawling out on the bowsprit and taking the temperature of the wafceis i.t Intel va.«. Form. I dinn.'W :rc Xr.i,u. r.t :.r Puri-. Six nights out of the werfc he tells us, he dined Out w.i ti / Cvented by gout. Many of I'.w quets were no foolishly over done that it must h -.v- rwjui;- d all the will power this lively 70 year old man l>oxs*sscd to Ue p from aughlng. The Count/-*? d’Houdrtot give Just such a feast When Franklin arrived she met Mm, simperingly reciting a piece of original poetry ** -_ in honor of her guest. More poetry at the banquet table—verve after verac of it Then to the garden where Franklin planted a tree to the accompaniment of more dog gerel about the lightning which he had “snatched from the eiooda." Bat this diplomat hail a clever 'ease of humor and tact which car ried him through Just such times, and secured him many friends. At the Academy of Sciences, of which be was a member, he was a welcome guest Hare he met the great plulosophar, Voltaire, and much to the delight of the whole gathering, the two man embraced in tree French fashion. In Ms hotsl apartment at Paaay, a suburb of Pane, Franklin set ap ■» printing press, and from time to he seat out choice bits of writ '"ituS'sr'art ’xsgSL,. French minister, he secretly sent th« colomiG* rrvmeli ■ *■**»« •»»*< y»»»«»«<• Rmuwti for letters of recom mendstion by Preach soldiers want ing to go to America to fight over whelmed the commissioner. But not until Burgoyne surrendered on Oct. 17, 1777 did France as a na tion giv- the desired aid, the ob J*'ct of Fronklin’e mission. r*u ■ <:hl more yrsw Franklin stuyed on in France a« United Rtit-f minister, one of the best •’ovvd -nen in that country. TV "reduction of 1st* truck c op* for sat* in Florida and other far-southern states will Intarot many * rower* In'North Carolina next year. Holiday' t Gifts; ■ •as We have many handanma gift* from which to select ion» thing lovely for your family and frienda You win he *uze to And jaat the things that will delight you and wont coat you very much cither. A pretty aaanrtinent of Glaa-i Ware, Wicker serving tray*, Consol* **ts* Large aaaortmant of Perfume*, all the favorite odor*. Wa have on hand a full line of Waterman and Parker foun tain pen* and pmeUs. Thau* make unaeaal Christmas gifts. A ale* Mortnwnt of choice cigars in Christina* package*, of W to the hex. A man'* gift. Whitman's Candla* In beautiful Gift packages, g choice as •ertrasat to choose from. Christmas Garde, Baals, Tag*. Twine, aad *e an, in beeuttfal color*. Let US be YOUR Druggists. Everington’s Drug Store PInmM Bftotue of the toots tho United Bta tome tha giroteat for country in the world, even Ratal*. A eer»Mly pi* i* the subject of • moruim* nt at J-uenber*. Ger muy. The pi* . waaartbed the riehaet table salt mine la Centra] Karepe. I A Draw girl of tha Lahanan Mountain rrgion of Syria may with propriety «how one cya ta tha waild bat to anvafl two ayoa would bo tha ttait a1 bad taate. I U profitable, practicable and convenient method ever devi»*d for buying an auto mobile. you don’t own a car now, the 6% Purchase Certificate Plan trill help ' you mave quickly and raaily the down Payment on a quality-bulk Chev rolet. And if you are an owner, me the plen to p«y cadi for your neat car end aftet a decided awitg < ! $375. ' Tfi.r nilrib Scotland Chevrolet Company I Laurinburg, North Carolina llTY AT LOW COST