C Be kept himself unspotted **?! He cherl»J»dUnS#tt^mutiftit hep*. All hie Bfc he kept In Me he* the hope that mm tinl he •tadd do somethin, that wwuW S*lhnjd. It ra taTtaffw In toe Deke Foundation and the 3a l *lft» to Deke Unlvor • •• • I He was true to tke home place. ^s**» Ear od many peraeoal fortunes i 1 SSTand’he kMd~tbe 8odtoTbwt ha Mae lowed toe truth and he -gjgapTte toa tewth area when jt^wea^dlaaipra—hto^snpl i—id The leak part of Or, Few’* ad dress was a vtone Haiti— of Dak* fjiatol to the fatare, of it* MHSfjrsrtttrs atataBe said that the Unlvenity hrMOowin* a policy awd a plan ■toXwjTTbTc^T^ g? vrarja&JS toa UnhrwMt* to—Id hare toe aUSty te pnaa to end the cenreae te de tad that week toonld he I . . ■_:_a a_ • a a . _ tofl First Phone* TmetoJ Po*eer of the Lang* Tier* net* many anmtfo* tad draw ta Hie early days whee IMI waa al Wart trying td Improve the MifWaa At Ant peruana hail t<> ta>h m loudly la order ta be heard «nrer »♦ taieplmne that It waa wtkl that they frightened home* rhai wa«a oat In tha »treat. Oa tha alatit after Ball nnd Wat •M had talked far that Dm ilmr •tar the wart those distance of no mOm ike iwe yeeng men. in »Vtr ben riling hoaae. talked eo jeyruiiv •ad danced aa wildly that tha land mrty mid: “Tou two wfli hate in laave the hoare. If n« can't he galet at Bight!" Then, ton, ta theca fleet daya at IAa telephone, foreigner* wbo turn** «w H were earned to hear k fpeak ta their own lantcutu They seemed to think that since tto iBTcntton had twao made by an American, it could apeak nothing except English. The Ant telephone booth was mMe whan Watson, remembering Ms taadirty's aroMtng far the aetM that he aaO Belt bad made ax ■JAM. rigged up o shelter at her! Maahsta sad erewled under them hi aider ta talk without waklag the maw That gave tha idea that led ta the modem booths. As tar Urn familiar "Bailor ae associated wftb the tale r Bell aer Wataoa hed a* wag tha weed. They r aa If they ttiw h f WtlSat rradmluk Flaw-rank arofaaaon at tha Univentty »f Paris racair* flJOO a year, aacond rank. 91,100 tod third rank HU. MICKIE SAYS— 1 ' Sfl i w ! X Program &:tlanfc theatre Week Ending December 25 lz n .-T- t.: II tea ten tend that a nartte ■Ma aU can to wte fm atony atoaaa. Ito team arc haatart. tto atoila hroto* and tto oU made tea tto town! within. Tto atoila *m aaad tar teal. Tha jpitaaa ban la a in apaei mcn of aagatabla. It laaamblci a craan annaab. crawa ea.a dimbtas vtaa, aaa ba Alai Ilka agplaat, ballad Ilka amaaah aad araaaraad and pfeUad Uka wataamlon. I _-_—_ ■fit**£? Omat tk*"«U^k*lMnlr>