The Woman ’s Page -muMtt_ MRS T. T. COVINGTON IkKJ NOTICE Tbl* la The Women's Pag*. We want bar to make nae of it. I tame ml local, aacial aad par. saaal tataraat ara invited, aa wall aa newa of all women a or genixatiom and worn mi'« ac tivities la club work. aacial and church Ufa. Alao announce mania of meetings are walcom- i eg. Items for tUa page ahowjo reach The Exchange not later than Tuesday moraine at each weak. If they cone later they will be carried aver la next weak. Send it in Mondial don't wait until Tuesday. Head items either to Mru. T. T. Covington. Phone 811, or direct to The Ex change, nr phone 80. CLUB CALKNDAR The Women of Letters will meet with Mr* Douglas Lyicli on Thurs day of this week, December 10, at aim. Member*-, of the Thursday Aft ernoon Book Club will please ex change books on December 30. THore will be no meeting on that dalo. The Mother’s Club will meet with Mrs. D. T. Blue on Friday afternoon, December 17. at 3:30. A' BAY OF SUNSHINE Never mind the little satbaekr, Never mind the cruaMng blew, Never mind about tomorrow— Keen •-ringing u you go. Though your Inert may have mle giving*. Bravely hide away your doubt. For vou rarely cheer some ether ' When you keep the bright side out m K1TCHKN CLEANLTNKSS Some folks scoff at the Idea of a hoosewif«'■ feetldioasoeae in the matter of keeping bvr kitchen and utensils scrupulously clean. Usual ly whan you hear such remarks you may bn sure the speaker la a "periodic" housekeeper. By that we mean, she has periodic clean-ups of everything on the place while in between times it matter* little how the work it done so It may be gotten out of the way quickly. "Periodic" housewives allow a! stove to get so greasy that It is' almost a day'* job to dean It prop erly. scraping off the dirt and gratae accumulation which has horned on. Har cupboard shelves are likewise given little care until the .papers on the thrive* are '*-rn and badly soiled and the dlahe* piled on the shelve* in disorder At last ahe gets to the cupboard and puts everything in its plane. It is no task for the eyetamatic housekeeper to "keep" everything in its place but it is ofttimes a hard lesson for the periodic house wife. Yet ahe would indeed find her work much lighter and much leas burdensome if ahe would but try to keep things always aa clear and orderly as if company were expected: One who wQL can be the severest critic of her own household aa she daily makas har tour of inspection but only wishing thing* were "so" wfll not make them that way. The work to put right mast be done without the them right and then hasp them least slighting of any dally task! TO WASH CHAMOIS Nothing U quite eo nice u a piece of chamois, for polishing windows or fomRare. However, it must he kept clean and the oil moat be washed out of it before it is used. A soapy soda in soft water U beat for washing It. Avoid rub bing soap directly on it since this mane the chamois vary slick and la hud to rinse out thoroughly. , To knap the chamois akin soft and pliable, run it through a wringer after washing it then rub it la the hands antll completely % TEN COMMANDMENTS FOR ENCAGED GIRLS (Bp Norman Daly) 1. Thou shall not quote his opin ion cm every oocoalon. A Thou shall not maka an os tentatious display of your engage Let's Do Our Best / bj Q.'C&rrence . * *mwthome “I don't see why it had to b Exactly right." he said to in "I did. about the best I coult Perhaps it wasn’t very good. But 1 was anxious to get done." And then I answered. “Listen, Son!— "Some days it seems a waste of time To work so long to make a rhyme, Or find a word that will convey Exactly what I wish to say. Sometimes I sit and wonder, too, If aomething 'almost right’ will do. "Perhaps no one would ever note The careless way in which I wrote. But if we fail to do our best— No matter what may be the test— We loae a satisfaction, Son, That in no other way is won! *To> do 'about the beat* you can Will not make you the aort of man I m sure that you would like to be. • So, when you do a task for me. To have you stick and see it through Keans much to me—but more to you!" * wh a *— .1. in ant ring. 3. Thou shall not ba jealous if he casually admiral another pretty £iFi. 4. Thou shall not upcct all your friend* to think aa much of your finance aa you da 3. Thou shall not expect hfm to aj*«ml every minute of his spare time with you. 6. Thou ahull not let him spend Hia money too freely on flowers and rweets for you. 7. Thou shall not always have your own way. Allow him to have! hi* once In awhile. 3. Thou shall not put off gutting your troeaeau ready till your mar riage is close at hand. n jrtoil Jth*!l -»ot let hijtt_taU yaai more hub obo* a day that you are a "thousand trines too good" for him or you may end by be lieving It. 10. Thou shall not. Just for the fun of the thing, pick a quarrel with year lover. Many an un happy wife and lonoly old maid roe the result of having foolishly done la Many people do not deep enough It doee not matter that eome in dividuate are able to got along with Tory little deep. Xaeh person in tUi particular I* a rule onto hiro •df. and moat people regain eight or nine hour* to bo efficient and to (eel well. Ample deep with wide open window* head off nervous trouble and keep* the indlvdoal •wee t- tempered. The Indhrdual who is physically At always enjoy* Ufa mo is. can produce better result* In work, and in mots companionable than the one who Is ailiny and complaiainc MRS, F. P. JAMES ENTERTAINS THE FLIZAHKTH BROWNING BOOK CLUB Un. F. P. James entertained the Elisabeth Browning Book Club and a number of other guesta on the afternoon of December 10. The home was beautifully dooo rated with holly, scarlet barrio* ,and rad candles. Mrs. R. C. Eterett bad charge of an interesting progr/m on "Books” and (ho following poem* and articles were mad: Pci* lowship of Books by Guest, influ ence of Books and Books are my Friends. After these, selections of! Christina mask were played an! the rictrola. Lowsty soora cards, I Watch This Space for Opening qf New Beauty Parlor Over Blw'a Dreg Star* Expert Operator k Scalp Treatments Facial Massage Manicuring * Afar 091 Waving • Shampooing % Hair Bobbing |*ug*»«tlT« of Chrlstmaa, wore puand for rook and at tht oon cl anion of th« (atnc Mrs. L. a Evtrrtt received thf p rxac, a beau* MKK. £ V. PA ■ HOSTESS TO HURSOAY APTKBNOON BOOK CLUB On Dmnb« * at IB tha Thursday A (tan *tt Book dob waa entertained by *ra. Z. V. Pat*. Sana hi n« wiUx *b araWmo and frianda within, ha fee) of Chriot mae in tha air Ad lovely remind er*. ail added i Wr gusts to the •nioyuaot of th ' tuaata. Pelnael taa glowed hare Jmd there, and the aver lovely boll held a place all ita own. Evaw tablet plrrwj for rook madei °ns think of that coming season, or on each waa a, painted face of ha old St. Niclc. ! Christmas) ])ott one ever caaaa to fool a '-brill mm tha tine draws near, ^ndfono aeea evidence of it T But do not forget the main thing! jgXhday* we reman her, but tho birtSiay of all, that of the little Chrlat vdhi. we or# ptotw to forget, through material things. We ahould nmfhr with deepest gratitude this #lvCnt season, th*1 coming of rkrlaw 1 Tb* program ponauuiig of one paper and mtuiaK**** unusually in tcreating. The irP*r> ***4 by Mr* D. H. Me Am, an J on "Wonder* of Automatic MarC^nr," truly n wonderful thief- "Mechanical | mnMr,* the Sa mede, waa very I 1 beautiful, leva » Chriatmaa aeora! Icarda placed par aera at the tablet .'rad a many tiro followed. At the rod Mr*. T. J. waa the for tunate ana and haceivad a very lovely towel. M k Ed Lyteh area given the aamat*^ a pair of lovely ‘ I cUtei mad MR. AND MRS. *■ **«N. LYTCH CBLOI ATE THEIR sours nrENTi rnw BIRTHDAY . AfSTEi "5rTi&T& celebrated the *We»ty-flret birth day of their aoa,.dr. Dapree Lytch. The center pleee’of the table wit Christmas Shop Novelties, Tfrtc Linens, Etc. ‘ Hand Wrought Brass, Small A Games and Small Toys for Mrs. David F. N«st Dmt to fttoto Bksa w Main St. c. WHVK BIITT* AUTOMOB ILKA All BUILT. BUICK *The Ransom of a Prince Could Buy No More j tiftff Give golden moments hours of restful, easeful portation, this Chris Give princely luxury beauty. Give a Buick! •» The ransom of a prince a «1d buy no gift more certain to win the heart of every men her of the family. &sss ^2 Society of the Gibson Mstbodi.t* chord! •» tho homo of Mrs. 0. a Thom peon oo Tkaraday afternoon. December », at 340. A very In terest la* prgrajn wee rendered. t°l»« fdr discussion war the ,ft*r *w«Ji * delightful social hour was enjoyed. Ihnfcjr tld* time the hevteet aerv* ed UeJldooe r*fr**hmenta conaiat Ina of block ke rrc*m and cake. Quite a number of invited jrueaU wan* present. JOHN K. FLETCHER DIE* IN MARLBORO COllNTT . K- one of the kmlinyr flrtrrjia of Marlboro noun ty. died at home juat or*r the l.noin So*.<n Cuolir.t Monday, foi lo<ri»Hf an Uineea of several woeka. Funrrnl and burial aervtcta were held Tuesday afternoon at McCtdl A Word With the Old Folks Mmiy Banf Is An l anralns 1» f—--ttQmd Ptlailnadm DOAN’S Tg* Mr. M. T. VtafdMr. muMn a# Um Bank of Gibaon. Kor a mimbor of lUrtkow county ^td waa a u^.! Ue-apiittad cJtioca. a rwd nan, Mffcl k> bln auto and country. | AN HONEST DEAL Hum s Ml: : ‘ ZjM LJ Vi« ATi. PATE MOTOR CO. LAURKL BILL. N'. C. ■ . .. ■ ; •••. A USED OUt IS ONUT AS DEPENDABLE AS THE DEALER WHO SELLS IT Exide V Batteries LOOK FOR THIS SIGN WHEN your batter fails to start your car on Coal Moraines remember that m have an KZIDK BATTBBT that wfll flt your car and the price la right CALLUS, PHONE 142. Hud son-Essex Sales Co. I a -1—: ..... ■■ _j Christmas Feast You'N mm everythin* from “Soup to Unto" at the Yeftow Front Store* HlghMt Quality—LOwMt PHom Grapes, Fancy Emperors, lb. . 22c •_' Cranberries, fancy Cape Cod, lb_ gSw___20c Plum Pudding K. * B. on, I Kg-_:27c Mince Meat Bmmiy For U«e. lb 19c Goodies Figs, imported, ft —25c Citron, candied, * __47c Orange or Ij—*"■ poete^ Glaee Ptneopple lb.45c Ghee Cherrieo, *> _6*e Pumpkin, Ready for Your Pic, large can . 11c Pender’s Flyer CotaUr Winn DIm IThaai* Batter Tlraa. BaB B»aria«. tefarth HIM <4.75 WONDER AND PALACE U-» Ba* 24-n. Ha* 4ft-tt Ba« 54c <1.05 $2.05 Land o’ Lakes Batter 1 11 61c “BEL*1* f RUIT CAKE Mato ta Oar Oaa ttoij Taaij Ttaa m , 7St ^ >u« SIM lb. 47c

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