It ft* aa*y to I—fain and eftaa llfiahliuit fa aoUuna fart a fa* tm It Ha* km aaiil, and fa daad Ua» beeva** axiomatic, that yaa can t**t fagfafata rigfataousnaaa tafa folk*. Than fa a *oad deal . afaMw *» *«« *«»<• <• arl TW folks to this country who talk Mto and lnm> aka at tbc f*!ly of trying to legislate right •aoaaaaK Into folks m those who ■ ; do wot care moth atari rightmi ■eoa- in fact they an intonated to nathiag scared), eneapt the gratification of aensto and appe tites aN unrestrained license to; commercial tb# ponton* and vices, «f mew. To them prodt is monel thn ''S t __. fej to ._thr mind* at good A mart ian* r*r*w. the prohibitum Uw. ta th!< the lino* harm haan par- *a>j> drawn. Not at] the (Wd « ‘i»d an on the *Me of pro hibits-n jrri not all the beirf i* again*' Tirrvh'bilinn. Then arc hti—* owe and women on both aide* bat the greet preponder ance of nn'niun (a again** liquor and n?*r iva wiB be. Moally tba lama deeha, tha rot*. the wine bibber*, tba gaatan end the pre dater* -ntareata are agaiaet pmM Mtiea. What they ate aekfog 1* that the hraanem paopU legalise bnaMeg^'ny ami “*f*ak-aa*y" JaMs and Ht* deo* and the who!* man and wiwn-n who wiB do ,*b» <Me~ rather than nett'e down to, ban! wn*V and decent tiring. It la In-ooeeWaM* th*t the con adanea «f America wtB be laBed M* hrffr-mv* by the eefce of the iwrpert. Prohibition may net V* ♦»- •»«■** «hh*», f may nnt be a*1 teasihae good. ft may oat do who* many wwdd hare it da, hat ft ad* nee»r W^hsnirnsd w«1 ia net popular fa and that ia eery that H la efteettee. , 'im' Pr>'v*t» capital? Soma eUl | an-war rw ami some nu. depend I InjC on th« information at twad j ifj .?TT t* tho -r~-rMpn } Whar at'litilo^r'^no^eoa^aalS^a^ i capinp tho crpalar and fefMmata .ospomno of tho trade, U common I la North Cmihuu Schools and or Inhaaapm and other Inotfations have not hooitated to establish j nrintla* plants la competition with . trada. So loo* ad thoao plants.; >1 hoy* ar oooofcta.1 1 by tha miss, It is ® thrna could ho serious! to tha work. It stands to! *—"»■> »tot a prist shop that haa! no mat t* pay, so labor charge ••d hat bttlo if say noirrhsad. can do work cheaper than tho araratol 5*^ sbopa that mast awt sDI lofttliaalo coots of doinc business. I Friafam hare waged a dotermia *» ««ht, and are still IghUag, the government envelope aMdy, which »oW the trade of a large volume! of baainam every year. Tha coa Mwar la able to buy envelope* cheaper from the government, and if there U a deficit In tha depart ment it can bn taken care ml wtth| White money. But la that iegki-j mate bmiwwf la It aaond moral-' ly and economically • Suppose the Karmwrmnmmt should go into the huiking boaiaaM .the department ■tore business, or tha grocery hnrinom. in competition with pri vets rote rye las. Wo dealt if 3*r. Poe’. prison orint ah«p fai anythin* more than • bubble. It is Hire a new toy and; ■» KOdk aa they «M tired playing 'Hth it are win hear nothin* man' «f it. But the Mem of printers ia| Jail ia exciting! Shootinx Fire Crackers Some citizen* ot Liutiabug arc pmtaatiair'at the wanton manner *“ which mm and bojra am ahoet-] imr fira cradomoo the atmoU and near place* of bciinca* and raai dancaa. Flam aotna imliridoai* thara ia a demand that the dtp •nthorftlaa put a ban on the fin I •maker, prohibiting it* aale to *!.e city a * I ''lrhfcMt'ng the ahoofcag of fhwe Mnanli of deviltry an the (treat*. The complaint is net withoo* foundation, end the condi tions at which people tomjUtm are evtainiy net what they ra%ht ha] Hew te cope with the (Uuetioo and how to restrain the Mlarfami portion*. To start with tbei w HttW possibility of oat lowing tits! Are cracker as Ion* as It la ia the heads of boys. Before the Jrre nrr**ibUity and the irrnaponslWli tv of youth the T)"*r*r» that ba are impoteatand kelpies*. If a boy amiar sixteen year* of e«e should ran wild and shoot firs crackers rfl over town, them is no law that would p**ter him very orach. | You can not pat him la prison and | you can not deal with him in the wntarly constituted court*. The hteealle court i« nothin* more than camouflage and oely make* a bad situation more dMScuH to tal with IV knee a ka*o Are eraekar w alade order one’* heels or at Ma front door la a miisonce. There la T* srmmaot oa this point- To V“*e them paomiserasly and eoo Moaosriy exploded on the streets -*rt all oear town for weeks be fore Christmas U an on trace, floch a practice, if encurbad, wfll lead eventually to somethin* mam The CkrWaM Basket 1 Good people of the eomnmnity M matdntr plan* far the diatriha Horn <m ant vttk of Christman haahaat to aaady famllle* rad in> rtirMuat*. TMa la a moat worthy ^ __J |k., . -IJ,, »„ | miprpri** >nn iiK>rf>ogni\ in wtp* Inc with the (TbrUtma* spirit That* la aa way la which wa aaay eat *o much of real happiness out of the Christmas saaaaa «a la earryUur aabotaatlal n»ac«ari*n» of nympathy and adrwtmiaf to those in .Patron* Particularly wa ahaalf raaka aa edbrt to M« happhwt* to all IPtlo chBdraa at thin Maas*. Think of a Uttle fol low rdne throuah the holiday’ with no daft from Santa Ctma aad] piaadMji without aaSMant faad and' hapa has amdo tha way af Wa hard. Thar* are eases af real rtrtjgSvsS""'' '*»•» <•»<> odkc in JnM 0r nut i Oi. L R« ulaiAaas—ht't |“ «• "•-*» W» In thh. *t*t* a well txeoi-1 «leet in retiring Awn dTcc um year became ho in 7a year* old. Georgia'* «uxt governor la Ju« gelng Into oftew at Urn tamo age. JUny do the beet work of their live* aftor they have paaoed tho hWf century mark. Age i* a leiive term. Many man at 40 and1 ** >ro »Wer than the new Georgia, governor to at 70. In late yearai our Mean of old age and long life! have changed materially. The nan1 •f Wo io being lengthened and aa ***u team mote and do hatter they I »*y vsaronably expect to live long er. But think of living and wot-It-I tag for 70 year* and then being' elected governor. That U certain-, ly an unique dietioction. ! , NEGRO steals HEARSE AND GETS A JOY RIDE1 Victim of! ""SCFttre**- ' I I Th* Maxt«i Scottish Chief tells HfiwAJS1 DwWVthe under ~te‘iCKtSTtl£,!tns eoaudered a toko tandiax to reflect « th. Wth.tSTto^SS.1 ,inv*'rtiK»ti<m revealed, fact that miwi one dW steal Heerec of Mr. Daniel*, thn undertaker Mondavi morning the ^hok community 5? if ‘V*? *,r J*"* it Jndud «T Mr. r*aie!*. the undertaker £VC'Ari*0 v’n'- l!s •jl iother Tneenn of corarntmlMtlon »cUvlty. with the w«nit that t ., hrarne vraa return £“ by the ' river, who had taken It away JU t to set Mane when. Ww‘:L *“***■ e»y« that " t)«e bears* m preference ; » ^k that was in, tbs soed at the cams time, ae the had a flat tire, and he did £S* *?** ''he waKimr to fix the tire. [«»•*«» wax eonaidcrabljr dam sw tfwsa. s. aa barj and other plaoaa it vac found IMKi Then too ha drove the ear at a [*■*7 high rule at speed. Harris waa an mad and placed *“ the lockup, charged andar aav? •>•1 warrant* with tureeney of the car, wjtt) being drunk while driving an the highway, and with driving at an umawfal rata at apeed. Ranis Breaks JaU and Escapes SSrJSVTSxtsZrsi t— * ■■ ^ *“• Si — Will Harris. He was not so well satisfied with his quarters at the lockup and with out-side help he secured hack ssws and cut the bar* of the Jail windows and mads good hie escape, while the populace was enjoying its quiet moose. Rariy next morning it was discov ered that Harris had made n gat away and the last search did not toeatr. the thief. Harris came to Marion from s town in South Carotins and had only been in Marion about 18 month.*. Ha U now believed to be a notorious criminal, probably escaped from prison. He has been in limbo several times under dif ferent charge*. Ordinarily a negro has a horror of a eoflin or a hearse or any de-1 vice that ia connected with a dead person, bat with Will it was dif ferent, he had nn fears There wss another negro. It was learned, who intended to taka the trip with Harris, bat tbs trip was plumed te be made in the track. The flat Ura on the truck made a change in Harris' plana ami ha drove eat the hearse for the trip. The other negro also made a change in plans and derided that a hears# was the but thing that He wanted to ride in. He declined to go with WIN. ^1—_ — Arr btaiaa (bat lyraadT Hriumru^yy »*?» •ffi ITucj m>on «••- la »ilr—?|„,;"F>?t| «" Ary baanttfau/lP***.1 bed«r<l aarttm* th/Tj""*'*. fbr hmiIiIm knJ*" m«pi( •cn«>rsu«i mi IB *: ;.; ' rlcaJ amt •inn*nai*|flr “V H to rlui and 4" »• *»• t*br*. In l*n«tr*. T*. Twtooio 'I*** **••• population* r£T" ""22* or I bo BrtSb P^P** 2r«r« p~p* “uJSLiTTE: BUTlaM Of awnJr®- *•»*• ■«*• practically *r ^ •**■*• of Hoi load and D the In^yuan of Europe It ta<Hi.0'',Vk_0qt>V* •» »!>• aboTo-np2?*' that hare cnlfe* Harder, luiltal^ Africa. •*** b«»» tb«lr i “»™«wwd ni flint rr! fa, tfapjet Nhw. «*t, tr. Sot for noth lr*“PWa loqotr PJayrnJ aim to. u# wwOrpM m*. •■aod arrow baa *rraw- Th* po» bWorr tor thortp^?red *» bTimor “■wot rweoa" a^y—ra. •««*■ Pliny wrc*?* dMto»w>t P"t a**** a artstvoo) ’bo Oaoti mattw **. tooOmt doeajrod Raima) M th. p.tot to put •“■o Macao la ™*r arrow*, fag d»a»b poaalty t_***•* tk* bow! of doadl. u^HWrt via a A Mdoisf**** ™*rvel« of H «m of fee **«l la*- •« h lo be g*®1- I* most kClJL0^1®,®*““K *•**. rot It lo M®*th® th* *lr to •M reason its UtrT ““**■ »■««. «“•** It. It cot. r\ ***b®r on or bo tko onrforp of tht“* u Man? opon •Mty creators dof ••tor unoo ft Ossa below tbo** ®P to"A. Whop to bo «UsNnta« »*Jto®®lt *" *«* tpidor if cfttb babbles. Tb# Motion. hi ik^ototfd with little *“*• with It toJ2« 1ewt» the air ■kto of tbo optda. *• »»*». Tbo neror wot 'r *■ eooaoqooaUy ■ut tadto* Ucrt' at '&• Dutch "”*• =r^3.*gSVS** .n'SSiiL't’jST^. ttlUd “iu7Tui!*^u5y; W^LL_ i ■ i^. :v. Mon than two million pounds of eopMV warn required by the Unit ed States Treasury Department in liyiSrtih**$0J-ift,676^p™ 76 per cent e&pper. The attain of the old nxpreeidon. "Please the l>i*«," is Please the P4ra,M from the old Saxon v.oru “Pita," a vintin. It originally meant “the Vintin pennltUna." An opa i*«d davfiah wti* found thiity-fiea foot below tbs surface hi the fanout opal Baida at WMtc Cltta, New South Wales. The WES* and til la mint of pur ple opal nnclrctfd the fish from tip to tip. • than half at many buggies were manufactured in IMS as in Mnontj opposition to tin. •'no hnt’* custom *iti- sorw'.tir v cntc-a, «ov OltllJe ■! o'rttfu .■> o' IV ' •> '► ,v?4u tonivnty the custom of chief clerk* "to cheek the preenne* o>' their m* wMiui'k, monu-nui'tiy «i<s <it from the office, by thrir linlA hunipnjr nutsidn the nooi. Two angry polar barn- became as docile as lamb* when t\o crew of u schooner started uirtfinc. GARMENTS Are Friendly to the Family Bank Account general sto?^ Like Lullwatrr Men's Shirts, Over all*. Jumper* and Pants. L nil water Play Suita are made to stand the kind of wear that reins ordinary , service garments. And tlwy do. bn in addition to this, in appear ance ard style, they are as neat sod well t" ade as any so-called "dnae up" pl-y suit. All Latlwater Play Suits hm double sewed seams, are cat Ml snd roomy, snd are guaranteed nac tc fade. The picture shows dak gsn-ral style sod bow well they fix. Lullwater bungalow Dresses arena attractive as the Play mi ehry are real service gan— Luixwatbk play Sum FROM COTTON MU, TO YOU ujp-£z ter atirAtfya.’s ~A" '« ««^«P *1“| •• »••■ C« “qMJwtTwkb*t^TaJlwK^Tb.'t^ia^lC3b« WHB,Aii2SiriM5^ ***** 1-tALWATf-R GARMENTS, BOOMOMT « OCMKWT AND GOOD APPEakavce APE ASniOD MANUFACTURINO COMPANY A lUnta u m Oncgh \ WALTER T, CANDi XR. PmUkk StSc Up SHOPPING HINTS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS Opes Every Night Until 9.00 r. m. gifts for men fi SHIRTS • ft7hy Not Shirts? A aufatfCBBtUl firfft. No man has too matfty- Lustrous broadcloth «iw> p^ple shirts with and with y"F 11 so Osiers 98c to $2.95 AlEN’S SOCKS Msn’b rW MWhy socks JQ, Jn tact Oo*ors--wC ■ • ' NECKWEAR Patt^rne for father end brother, awMtlxWrt or relative—all here in full fgjtbkmad eat sflks at •50c “ $1.50 ■ . GARTERS bOXM SILK HOSE "Kayser? "GothamM Gold Stripe. "True Shape” and “Arrowhead In every desirable shade, full fashioned, silk to the hem. Won derful new Christmas showings. Chiffon and Service weights. $1.50, $1.85, $1 95 *£"*”!* 50c “* $100 Ladies'' Handkerchiefs in Holiday Boxes A great assortment of ladies hand kerchiefs pnt up in the most beau tiful boxes we have ever shown at prices ranging from 25c, 50c “* 95c Initial Handkerchiefs Men's fln« mercerised cotton sad* pore Linen hemstitched initial handkerchiefs in Holiday boxes 75c “ $2.00 4ox Dainty Lingerie pie gift she would select herself. Bsyoo sad Crepe De Chine Undies. Bloomers, Teddies, Gowns, etc. 98c $1.95 Ladled Outing Gown £S2M*k*95c"a$135 GLOVES FOR GIFTS A splendid assortment of high quality Charaoiaette Gloves for Ladies and children. Also the "Kayaer" silks. Mostly with the now turned over cuff. An new shades. 95c,nd $1.95 Give Linens for Christmas Turkish Towels, extra values, 25c, 39c 65c Pure Irish linen towels— 95c *$1.48 Pure Linen Table Damask, $1.95 $3.45 71 Linen Napkins to match, $3.7510 $7.95*“" Rayon Bedspreads. 80x105 pretty ssr.?^_$4.95 _ $1.35 “p £ T:'~ 35c $t inch Pepperell bleached sheet per yard ——. _v9v Useful Umbrellas Showy Christmas presents. Colors. Black, Navy, Purple, Red. 98c **$3.75 • Greenburg*s Dept. Store Lmmrimbmrg, North Carolina

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