Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkin* an nounce the birth of a daughter. Batty Leo ore, on December 6. Min Annie Loe Benton 1* at home from St. Mary** School, Ral eigh, for the Christman holidays. Mr. Eugene Kssdy of Duka Unl ver*ity was at home Tuesday nlght, coming hare for the concert by the Duke University glee ttuh. Mr*. R. I. Belch, who has bean in a Faysttavilln hospital for soma time; Is improving a)I hopes to bo able to return home In a lew days. Dr. N, C, Hun tar of Durham war a visitor in Laurinhurg last week. It la understood that Dr. Hunter plans to move to Luurin burg soon and will practice medi cine here. He formerly lived hare and is well known. Messrs. Andrew Spade and James F. Cavagnaro of Now York City returned home Monday nigbt, after a visit of & few days here with Messrs. Hinton James, Jas per T. Gibson and W. DeB. Mc Eachi n. While here the New Yorker* enjoyed bird hunting and other sports. Mr. gpnda Is a largo watermelon merchant of New York and Mr. Cavagnaro la a banker. — ■ — ——«. BCSlNEdS AND PROFESSION. AL WOMEN HAVE MEETING A bssif&ss meeting of the Baai n':!# and Profonidon Women'* C3«b was held in the parlo rof the Chet wjrnd Hotel Wednesday night, De cember fi, at 7:30. At this meet ing the club was organlaed, a new constitution adopted, and new of ficer- elected. They are: Mrs. Frank Ford, president; Mrs. T. W. King, vice president; Mis# Madge Baucom, treasurer; Mias Paline Ross, recording secretary; and Mias Elisabeth McLean, corre sponding secretary. The object of the club it to pro tect and promote the interest* of women In the business, prefemioo al, and civic world; to raise the standards, increase the efficiency, and encourage co-operative effort among women, to gather and dis tribute information relative to vo cational opportunities and to cre ate in influence whic hshall be mu tually influential to the community and to the individual. Not all the plant for the coming year were folly outlined, but the local club hopes to street the edveatieaal work of the State Federation of reaches out to all botinoaa woman B. h P. Woman. This Federation everywbero giving them a wider horisen, the weight and the ta il nenoe at co-operation in helping to make the world of their oppor ths girls just going into hnilnaee tunitioa Independent dobs offer educational advantages. An edu cational loan fund la maintained nnd in addition to this, the nation al lean fund of this organisation la more than *200,000. The Laur inburg club hopes to be in position to taka an active part, blaring the trails that arc to build for the future of the girls who are to come into the business world later. An other phase of work this cleb ho pen to do is their part in the social service work of Scotland county, not only co-operate with the dvic organisations of the town and county, but every member plan to do her part of the little ldndly at tentions and duties of love that make Hfe worth while. A Hat of the names of the shut-ins of the county, the name of any one who has been connected with the baa! nets and professional Ufa of tide county, is regwestad. Theee name* can be left with Mrs. Frank Fend at her place of business en Main Street. "YELLOW HOODS*’ MAKCH ABOUT TOMB OF LKADBfi Dnraj is weird orange robes and hoods, 80,000 lamas ccu» Heaijr marched all day on Deceim bar 1 and moot of tho night around tha tomb of tho groat Tibetan re ligion* reformer, Teongkapa. Teongkapa lived between tho yams 1887 and 1418, and brought about many reforms in tha declin ing lama religion. In om of the monasteries which he established at GaMan tho re mains of Teongkapa are preserve*!. It la around nl* splendid marblo tomb with its golden shrine that tha fantastic colorful lines more on Deeember *. with lighted torch es and lamps showing the way. Clockwise tho pilgrim* march to correspond with too direction of tha apparent movement of tho sun. Many of tho native monks carry queer Httle parchment cylinders in scribed with pcoysra. Thee* they spin rapidly, clockwise aba, with wooS&b kind Imp. Zntlouly itch monk wot* he* to that no one spine his cylinder is tha wrong direction for Uds would make hie prayers worth leas. m *»r Ate LAL'HL'L HILL HONOR HULL FOR NOVEMBER Fintgrade, low: John Loo, Jr., Haul B. Wright_N.-slio n».m. bl< p, Dorothy WebeWr. Second grade: Bogun Htliiey, John Morgan, Jr., Moschc Monroe, Kotabcllc Kav, John Wlllian Cal houn, Dan lot Bulla. Third grade: Pearl Auatin, Ollie lllnren, Kliaabath Yatea, Mary J. VIMfht, Margaret Calhoun, Kitten Stone, Laurence Baatlay, Fred Monroe, John Baaeley, Horace Bul la, Woodrow Porter. Fourth grade: Eroeet Brown. Ned Butler, Marguerite LipxcomU, Wilbur Price. Marjorie Utbcr. Har ry Woodard, Clarence Yatea. Fifth grade: Thomni Nowell, Helen Brown, Lena Easterling. 8l*th grade: Mildred Gibaon,’ Haunt h Snead, Lnota Monroe,; Ralph E. Morrison, John Woodsrd.1 Seventh grade: Earl Baa*, Al-: th«a Brown, Earl Cook. Eighth grade: Della Norton, I Martha PMt, Mlldrad Smith, Car- ! tit 8mlth, Bertha Yatea. Music: Moselle Monroe, I>ean | Rschelt, Martha Peel*, Mildred i Gibson. Althea Brown, Hannah’ Snoad. I _ i NLWS NOTTS FROM GUISON (Continued from page 1} old, but still dock Its own going and coming at a lively rate of speed. The Gibson Community meeting which waa held at the school audi torium on Friday night, Decem ber 10, waa largely attended by the people of Gibson and surround ing community. A delightful Christmas program waa rendered which con listed of music and twe plays given by the fourth and tilth, and by the sutb and seventh grades. Dr. Highsmith, state sup ervisor or High schools, of Raleigh, was speaker for the occasion and made a vary intcrenting address. ATTENTION EX-SERVICE MAN The American Logiyn holds IU 1327 convention in Parik For this trip apodal ships, with reduced rates, have already been chartered W« would all probably like to go> on this trip, and think there would' bo "GAY PA REE” with her Me , damoisclles and Vin-Rouge, and Baaueoup of both. To gat in on this trip you must have been a member of the Ameri can Legion far both 1326 and *27. If you are not at present a mem ber of tho Legion, and would like to secure a card tor 1226, a cheek or money order mailed to Ham SUh> (Poet Ad]., Hamlet Post No. 43) for throe dollars ($8.00), stat ing for *28, will secure same for you. Then If you want cards far both *24 and *27, six dollars (26.00) will do this. No membership cards can he secured for this year after Dee. 80. For Information regarding The Parisian Convention address Hr. T. G. Monroe. Por general laforma 4*eo addiWar Hr. rWa o&son. our service officer, both of these Ham let, N. C. Remember that the Legion is operating for your benefit and tnat wc cannot function properly ! without your support, we want I to help all, but ere cannot do It if you turn a cold shoulder and won’t meet with as. Meeting every sec-' end Tuesday night over Poet Of fice- Come and let’s get acquaint J. A. UcDANIEL, Post Historian, i Mussolini's private barber, who' has dono tonaorial work for the Dui* for four yean, has never talked to him during that entire' period. | THE COLORED CIVIC LEAGUE Ai laaUtaliaa at War* Aant the Colored Paapli. Ita Priadpara and Departaarata OotUaad (Contributed) The Colored Civic League was founded by L. L. King ef Alabama Fab. 18, 1914, and we* incorporat ed under the larws of North Caro lina July 14, 1918 for a period of 99 year*. The purpose* Tor which the or ganisation eras established are aa 1. To reform the community in a way that colored boy* and girls will stay at home and uplift their fellows, beautify their hornet, en courage the education of the young and toe dignity in labor. To teach the yoeng people to save what they make, to be polite and self re liant And to become Christian* and Sunday echool workers: 2. To improve the eucitary con dition of the eomanuiity. to pro mote health, temperance, thrift and Industry. The foitovinr department* are maintained: Sewing, Librar;, Type writing, literary, Health, Social. Bible Training. SEWING—The sewing depart ment li for the benefit ef girl* who wiah to learn how to make their own clothe*. Girl* are admit ted la this department who have reached tha age at • years and up In this department a graduated ■earntree* ha* baas employed to give Instruction. Tuition in free. Btjelpment: 4 tewing machines, electric motor, taUea, chairs, elec tric Iron. LIBRARY—-The library contains mere than MOO volamee with a circulation of aver 4,000 annually, and fa the third entered public lib rary In lb* state aa te sum bar at volume*, ctreuletiea and establish ment. baity sad meanly snwei pm are available at all thuyas. Scot** of megssfnos some in each month. Tha petrens of tide libra ry may borrow beak* at any ttasai i™ doors era open from M a. m. until No .feat to pay. TYPFfwilTWQ—TypawriSng Is a aseoasKy fay tnriana and a comas hi tha "Taveh Method" la offered. By thia method student* are taught to write fio to 75 word, per min uta uriUiout u-unir their cm ^rmanl: ^typewriter*, table*, ~ Ln'EBAKY—-From April 15 to 9ept 15 a class In sanitation U maintained. Student* are admitted from the Rth grade through the high school., htor period ending lart Sept. 1C w* had enrolled 25 student*. Daring thin same period “Story Tolling Hour," arc oW ed at which time all elementary atndenU are invited to participate. From Sept 1C to April 15 a study period U observed daily from ,4 to 6:50 p. m- for gll school children frvm the 3rd grade to the 7th grmie, inclusive, for the purpose of helping them to prepare their leasona for the next day. Thia refers moat especially to those whose parents have not had educational oppor tunities and ore net able to aaal*t their children In preparing their lemon, and to those who wish to have a quiet place in whie^i to atudy. 'Chi* department l* under the supervision of a High School teacher. HEALTH DEPARTMENT—In this department health literature ia Riven out an varioua dll—aa. Illustrated lecture* on Typhoid favor and Tuborcuioaia are gives Equipment: Stereaopic machine. SOCIAL—Social work la done in a general way. Employment! are found from time to time for the unemployed Hundreds of gar menta, shoe* and miscellaneous ar ticloe are given to the poor and needy during various aaueooe of the year. Public educational rant Inga at* held' and outstanding characters both whiter and colored are secured to address the race on various Important subjects that will internal the colored people. Equipment: Piano. BIBLE TRAINING—A course la Riven In Bible training. Practically all of the minister* of the city art interested in this course and have given their hearty co-operation in making it a success. The enroll PUB BALE - PhoneM. Round delivered. !____rington. ! STRAIGHT 8 ALA ST week end expense*, men with rig to Powder. Eureka Company. East St. no la. WANTED—To buy * direct from owner, bargain. Or will ' hone.. Pina aid old. will work saddle hence. E. W. PA KM FOR RENT— Prank Clark farm. Polay bridge, homes and harm;, under cultivation. N. Robertson, CABO OP TH We want to thank ;ond friends for the nesses shown as in 'mrrnt. MRS 7. .U GIBSON ; Gibeon, f/ c. IMh. Children.! meat in thU ^Um ia I Tire operation i < tion U Bader tha 1 ■ Uotrd mi Tnu oome of tbe beat ef Scotland and All lire eceoanU tlon are audited tilled Public Tract Company ia printed and d nona IMeraateH. cr I pt mtm haa Wltotc time wo td at all times, time workers an ous aaaaaona of tha Scotland Tlieat -e Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 2 . _ Night Show 7 o'clock ' Admission 20c and 40c AIMVBfttAL JtwgLPKnvri Your Christmas Shopping The Store that serves your every ncotl well be depended upon to supply your (J c»n mas wants. Practical and acceptable gift all. We suggest that you pay us ' visi * f°r through our Store and make your selepl» <° Many will need new clothes and shoe °™* fore the holidays. Wc can take care of i *** requirements, and you 11 be pleased wit#*<*e quality and the price. Save money on i ^ purchases by coming in now and getting?1 e*e the things that are.needed. . "jjust In every department you will find I-*1 Store prepared to supply your wants. * will find prices low, and quality high. than that, you will have the_ dealing with a store that you know here every day to make good every guarantee to you absolute satisf every particular. For low priccs&thigh quality and come to see us. ^ * z. Phortt 3902 \ r Wantsl FOK SALE—Sag*. bom* frown, >S*mU go, pound. . E. Kerri. FOR BALE—A few choice raal Hence lota on Church Street, fronting on Charlotte and WII “W*"" hard aurface Mehwmy, «*5ct to the name buiMfn* >e JtrlctioDi ae lota pievioualy cold. Terwa to reft buyer. K. A. Wllkmaon. Laurinburp, N. C. __44-tf. KOR BALK—On* 4-tub* Atwater Kent, .(jutpiwd, 1*0.00. AUo om Jry cal) aat oouIb P«d. 176.00. Cbm only ia <£ rootutr»tion4. E. T. GiU, Laut-} inburjf, K. C. 47-tf j TOR KNT-1J4 a*r** fc' b®> aut* el cuRiviBoa,riBaM •tut of Laurinbar*. Write or f***1^* KathwteelleAni, Re*' lM»d. W. c. • 44-49 pd 'fa*®*" Plate No. P*799] tail light and frame at ***?*•“• Raasunablc reward. Finder notify J. W. Garganloaa, Haety, N .C, or Laahanga of ftee, Lnurinburg, Jf. C. 2t OLD LBTTE1UI VALUABLE— Qfod pneea said far envelope# Bearek that old trork or boa ta Uaring U. & or ConfedermU lU™P* maOad before IMS. year attic today. Da aot rut off atacipa or write date* an aovr wpea. Pur prompt valuation, wmd Qnvalonaa to H. C. Brook*. Box 300, Marxhatl, Mich. 42-St KOIt SAr,E~-Abo«t *80 acre*. In cluding mffl pond, grlat mill. rtn P^prrty o/ the late VV. C. Hamer, more general >*, aa Ranter'* Mill, locat ed In the upper edge of Robe •o* monty. near ti» Booth Car olina line. Far particular* see ■i* Margaret C. Hamer, at the ' piece of the decaaaed W. 1- Hamer. Mr*. Margaret C. Hamer, Marten. N.^E. F D- 48-60 pd. Use More Fertilizers Make Better Crops • • *'■ •' ‘M Bulletin No. £47. North Carolina Experi ment Station says: “P*" ]“*• aho9m **■* not ton and tobacco, farmers an not adbw on **»• ?}’«*«• “ ««* fertiliser per acre as should be med for the best results. The averaue for the State under cotton is about 5?° P” »cru. BeeuKa hare shown aa 1240 peoa^p^^ ^^Sri3Ss? , J .. . • 'V . A2&B. Dixie Guano Co. MAXurACnmns Distributors of Nitrate of Soda LAURINBKBG, NORTH CAROLINA Make Your Christmas Giving Art Investment in Happiness There are gif ts and gifts, but the wise {liver will consider ■ the jretnms in usefulness and happiness that his gift will bring. What could be the source of more pleasure or hap piness to your friend or loved one than something beautb ful to go in the home? This time we are showing the largest, most complete line of Gift goods ever placed in sock. There are hundreds of pieces of unusual furniture and beautiful things for the home that can be had at mod erate cost. We invite you to come and see them. Special A beautiful end table at $400. A real bar gain. Others as high as 8&5.00. (amps, from |8.00 to 185.00. Spanish and Italian Pottery. Pictures and Plaques. These make very desirable gifts. Smokers for the Men folks, in mahogany ' and colored lacquers. Radio Tables, Mirrors, Tea Carts, Tepes trles, ’Cabinets, Wall pieces and so on, in al most endless variety. Just received some extraordinary occas ional chairs by Karpen. Distinctive designs that combine great beauty with comfort. Moderately priced. There are many, many artielee that we “n't mention hate. Nothing hot a visit to oor Store will fiv# you an Idea of the beauty and loveliness of the Christmas Gifts that you can buy here. Your Homo Should Como First ' •• /» ;. •' 1 #vJ Stephens & Barnes Furniture Co.

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