4 . V.. ; "f.'.'V.- if" It OANOKE-CUOWAN TIMES PDBU8HJCD WBKIO.Y, . , Audrsw J. Connor, Editoi tad Proprietor. SUBSCRIPTION: W.OO per year la advanoe. .' ADVEETISINQ RATES furnished ; .en pplica jmi .r-?? :' ; , All articles intended for publloa- ; lloo should be written plainly and owy ob one aiae ot toe paper. . : . " lue real name of the contributor must in all oases accompany the com- ? munleation as a guarantee of good .The editor wi.ll aotbeheldrespoa- sibla for the views entertained and o pressed by correspondents. Address all communications toRo-aroks-Chowam Times, Rich Square, Northampton oounty, N. O. RICH SQUARE, N. 0.,Nov.23. 1899 HtW ADVERTISEMENT I Notice T. M. Mason, Trustee. Persooal property for sale S. J. Calvert, Admr. Attention Ladies Buxton & Baugham. Sale of Porperty S. E. Elliott Peanuts Buxton & Baugham, Returns Thankt. Weaver & Lassiter. Salt Weaver, & Lassiter. Florida Oraoges J. E. John son. JavTlease mention the Roanoke -Chowan Times when writing to advertisers. are well Toe thjog to do In a crisis like the one that came to the college was to .take the step that baa . been taken. - After the cold weather has set In the college will be reopened and again be largely attended, .laJWl'-iJI SUTEKOEmCOLLIGE Capt pay Congratulated. Wilmington Messenger. '7'$? - ' '; Captain , Bill Day haa at last flnisned his proJoDged nap and af tar shaking himself roundly to his surprise discovered , it was full time to send in at least a part of bis so long delayed report about" the penitentiary. It is trover too late to mend, and foi - tunately not exactly too late to report proceedings. Captain Bill Is to be congratulated. OUli CLUBBING LUST. We will send the Roanoke-Chow an Times and either of the follow mg journals, both one year, for the price named: North Carolinian, Farmer" and Mechanic, $1.60 Home an 1 Farm, 1.26 Atlanta Constitution, 1.26 Send order to Ro noke Chowan Times, Rich Square, N. 0. ESTABLISH A SEED FARM. Baptist Female University Notes. The University has a large en rollment this term, about 180 girls have registered. The fac ulty is one of the best to be found in the South. The faculty and students at tended services at the Raleigh Baptist Tabernacle last night; there being anniversary services held by former pastors of the church. The services were greatly enjoyed. We are sorry to state that we have several on the sick list; but are glad to say not seriously ill. We hope to see them out again soon. Dr. Nelson and wife of Atlanta, Ga., and Mr, N. B. Broughtonof Raleigh, took tea with President and Mrs. Blasingame last nigh;. Dr. E. D. Dixon our resid9nt physician, spent yesterday in Wake Forest There are only two girls at the University from Northampton. but they hope to have more next term. A Student. We copy an editorial paragraph on first page from our esteemed neighbor, the Scotland Neck Com monwealth, about the establish ment of a seed farm in this section which, deserves more (Can a pas sing notice. W buy large qnan tities of seed every year that could as 'well be rajsed hete at home, saviug trans- L portanon charges and big profits which now go elsewhere. It may not be generally known but it is a fact that we already have a seed farm on a small sca'e located about five miles from Rich Sqnare in Bertie coonty,con ducted by Mr. Geo. Hampton Barnes, of Roiobel. Mr. Barnes has built np a good trade and rep n tat ion for his garden and flower seed and bnlbs. We happen to know that last season he shipped quite a large quantity to Northern seedsmen, who doubtless sold some of them to our dealers and farmers in this section. Mr. Barnes wonld be a suitable mau to put in charge of a mnch larger seed farm than he now conducts. We wish to make a suggestion about the establishment of snch farm. It occurs to us that a com pany could I e organized with a capital stock of from one to five thousand dollars, with power to in crease it if desired, to be divided into shares of ten dollars each. Land could be rented or leased with privilege of buying and the business started with a compara tive small outlay. If the merchant and other seed buyers in three, four or five counties eonld be in riaced to take stock in the compa . -ny its success would be assured from the start We shall be glad to hear from i nr enterprising citizens about this matter. Usert by British Soldiers in Africa. Capt. C.G. DennisoD is well known all over Africa as oommander of the forces that captured the fomous reb- Galisee. Under date of Nov. 4, 1897, from Vryburg, Bechuanalaed, he writes: "Before starting on the last campaign I bought a quantity of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which I used myself when troubled with bowel complaint, and had given to my men 'and in every case it proved most beneficial." For sale by John Baugham. Premium Offer. For a club of 8 yearly subscrib ers we will give a topy of "Lives of Distinguished North Caroli nians" in common binding; for a club of 9 a copy of same in better binding, and for a club of 10 a copy in black morocco. There is not a teacher or person of influ ence in Northampton who could not easily get np a club of 8 sub scribers for Roanoke-Chowan Times in less than a day's time. Try it and secure the book. Each sunecriDer win also do given a four (4) years subscription to Farm Journal, $1.00 paying for both. Close Its Door Until January '8. on Account of Prevalence o ,, ' Typhoid Fever- President '. . s'. ' '1-' ', Statement. f The State Normal and Indus trial CoUegejt Greensboro, jvltb its four hundred and flfjy stu4 dents haa closed its doors until January 1, J900, for fear of an epidemic of typhoid fever, four cases having already developed with nearly fifty others on the sick list, Those on the sick list are re-: covering, tbe best attention from the College authorities, ablo physicians and trained nurse?. and a large number of the ooble ladies of Greensboro have ten dered their services as nurses. President Mclver has given out the following statement: "By the authority of the exec utive committee of tbe board of directors, telegraphed to me Sat urday night and Sun-Jay morn ing, the State Normal and Indus trial College has closed until Jan uary 2, with tbe understanding between the students and faculty that the time lost between now and the Christmas holidays will be added at the end of the college year, tnus running the annual session into the latter part of June. This action was taken be cause of tbe lare numberof stu dents sick with malarial fever, and especially because on Satur day I was informed by the phy sician that we had at least two cases and probably three or four cases of lyphvid fever. One hour after learning that there was a case of typhoid fever here I as sembied tl e students and inform ed them, asking them to inform their parents immediately. A meeting of the faculty was called and with their unanimousendorse inentof the plan I assembled tbe students, all of whom, except ten thought it better to discontinue college work until after tbe holi days. I immediately telegraph ed to the members of tbe execu tive committee, and on Sunday morniug made official announce inentof the suspension. The ma larial troubles have prevailed here to an unusual extent for tbe past two to three weeks, and on the 15th instant I wrote request ing the State Board of Health to come and inspect (be premises. U that time I could not discover any sufficient local cause for the unusual amount of malaria! trou ble. Since then by continuing morning, and the third on Satur daylght at one o'clock. None of those who died had, been sick for a very long while. One of them wa in bed only eight days, sod i in another case there were serious com plait ts in addition to the malarial m.1 f-Pif tb-L I d si re to say that there 5 has been practically no slcknessdarinir these three weeks among students that do not board Id the dormitories, whether rest depta of tbe city or students from a distance boarding in nrivate .... - - families.. There is no general cause for this trouble peculiar to Greensboro. I believe it to be tbe fault of a general visitation of malarial fever throughout the Piedmont section of the State as shown by .the State bullitin of health ."published at Raleigh, in tensified and aggravated by some defect In "a 'sewer pipe near tbe. main college-dormitory. What ever defect thero is in thisorany other particular will be thorough ly investigated and remedied. I do not -doubt that this can be dune thoroughly and completely in time for the regular ODtmi ne on January 2d. Permit me toex press my grateful appreciation of the brave, loyal and helpful sprit exhibited by the students during tbe past week. I also appreciate thoroughly the sympathetic and cordial offers of help from hun dreds of people in Greensboro and the expressions of sympathy and encouragement from patrons and others throughout the State. Chas D McIver. President.- It will not be a surprise to any who are at all familiar with thr good qualities of -Chamberlain s Jough Remedy, to know that people every where take pleasure in relatingtheir experience in the use of that splen did medicine and in telling of the oecenc iney &ave received from it, of bad colds it has cured, of threat ened attaoks of pneumnonia it has averted and of the children it has saved from attacks of croup,' whoop ing cough. It Is a grand, good med cine. Wot sale by John Bausrha m SALE OF PROPERTY. Core a Cold In One Day. Take Laxatir Bromo Quinine Tablsto A" druggist refund mtmej if it falls t art.. Ka. - -a, - Com menting on tbe closing of th State Normal and Ind astral Col lege, the Raleigh News and Ob- .server sayst.vf?;- There will be general regret al over tbe State at the necessity of closing the Normal and Indus tri al College at Greensboro becanst of iae epidemic- of fever in the college. The management of tha institution does well to ta'te thif step. The public have canfidence that Dr. Mclver' and his ass ci ates have -left nothing undone ti give the best care to thc-e It I ave been .sick and the best pro t ' -a to the lar number wl o I offer for sale at my house, Nov. 25, 1899, the following property' to wit: 1 Good pair Log Wheels, 1 pair Cart Wheels, 1 Iron Age Culti vator, 1 big lot of Bice Hay and about 20 bushels of Wonderful Peas Salt to begin at 2 P. M. S. E. Elliott, Eagletown, N. "Wtit" SCALES LAST FOREVER. COMBINATION BEAM. OPPBR PLATED - STEEL LEV ENS. For laots wilt t limes of Blnbsmtoii, I ftnnmM t siwewAarrow, w.v. '"""' iV A GOOD CUS INES3 FOfl SALE Having decided to-chansem bn- lness ' first of 'January, I offer for sale my entire stock of goods, store uxture ana lease on store. nurdis. r w ia-e charge first ol January This is one of the best stands ! the town for a grocery- or racket store, and it is a good opportunity - UT" 'un .mB 40 make a good iwrgiua. . . .- --:,;.-i-.,.;.v:': , For further information call on or aadiess, ".v.;t4;;,'',.,. i..-.--r .... v -- r. u. imrasnv ; Rich Square, N. C Horses andlXules. If you want a good Horse or Mule it : would ' be weir to examine oui stock belcre bujing We try u please our customers U i ." : - Edwards ft Be alb ' V;- ; ; - Fendleton, N C. Potecusi Itemf Several from our Sunday school attended services at He bron last Sunday. Miss Lizzie Beale of Woodland spent -last -week visiting her brother, Mr. Jordan Beale. Mr. and Mrs? A- E Peele sped last Sunday with Prof. A. J. Bril ton's family at Conway. Misses Grace Cooke and Ellie Murphy visited relatives at Las the search at least oue probable ker Saturday and Sunday last. ciuse lor tbe trouble has been Mr. and Mrs. O- W. Harrell of discovered. I prefer to make no Woodland visited Mrs, C. R. positive statement in regard. to Harrell last Sunday afternoon, toat until the health officers pass There was a quilting by the judgment upon the matter. The King's Daughters at the home of representatives of the State Mr. Jesse Parker's lastTuesday. fioard or Health are now here. We learn that Mr. Lewis Grif- the executive committee was I fin. who lives iunr hir hour iu present on Thursday and Friday quite sick. His friends wish for of last week in tbeirannual meet-Inim a speedy recovervi iug auuiung me accounts oi the a very successful session or Treasurer, and while here made Uinging school, taueht bv Mr inspection or the grounds, build- John T. Cale, closed at Holly ings, eta, and could see no local U rove last, Sunday afternoon. cause for the trouble. It was on I Next week he goes to Gumberry Saturday afternoon that the cause for the same purpose.. to which l have referred was dis Mr. L. W. Baker: has gone into covered. Naturally m-ny exag- the mercantile business at this ge rated statements in regard to I place. He occupies the store this matter have gained currency fertneraily occupied by Mr. A. H i use it mat tbe public is 6peci- uook. We welcome-him to our ally interested in the following I midst and wish him success. facts: The first storm nartv of the sn First There are forty eight son was at the home of Mr. Jordan sick students still here. Some of Beale last Pridnu Bvanina B!M these are preparing to leave to-1 ryhodv Dresent seemed tn'nnins w I - . - . 4 J the occasion. - The nresence of Miss. Lillian Beale added much to our enjoyment, - C. GRANDMA HAD CONSUMPTION morrow. It muit be remembei ed tl.at this is less than 12J per cent of the students in the dor mitory and only abcutlO percent of tbe enrollment of tbe college The total ; number affected in all the two or three weeks has not been so large as is frequently re ported for a single day by unin formed people, Second, i am nnnhin m tl ana. L am air aid I hflvfi in- how -many of these forty eight I rented it. , .1 do Utrt feel cases will prove to be typhoid fe- weu J I iiave a COUgh J my ver. Some are oonralii scent. ""Third. ; In a lditoo to oar res- dent physician we have Lad tbe regular assistance of one of the ending and best known physi cians in th State and more recent lyther . leading physicians In Greensboro and from elsewhere have assisted in directing to treatment of patients. I cannot express too warmly -my apprecia tion of the work done by these hysiciaos,, the trained corses, oe volunteer nurses and all of he faculty, all of whom have lab ored so incessantly ad cheer fully.-" ' Fourth. Three deaths have jccofred. The first was WeJn. Ua the second on Sju-. ay r vv Mrs, Pttrkef Dead; At' her home fournMe from Woodland. Northampton Co., Mrn, Mqroella Chatmoo, Parker, nee Brit too. was called to her heaven-, ly borne 'Fridav 1 1ghf "$io i, 17, 1800, after a brief jlessof four oays, , . ,-r , . " , . ; She was born June 4, 1854; professed faitbio Christ and was baptised : Into, the follow xh I p of Potecasl ' Baptist church, when a iyut fifteen- years old. by 'the beloved add , now sainted J. N. Hoggard. .'.'. , Luior she took itellorand unit ed wilb rluasant Grove," where most of ifwi family hold llieit membership, aud where sbo re maiucd a devoted ChrUtiau aud faithful mum bur uu'.il the (iuiu of her death. TV i ' vTfnen a young ludy she wax happily united-iu mar riago to M (. E T. Parker; and throuirh nil her married life she was a devoted wife. akind and helpful neighbor. and a loving and putietit mother. She leaves an aged father and mother, two brothers tod four sisters, nine children, and a host of relatives and friends to mourn their loss. To all of these we ex tend sympathy in this great sor row, but especially to her sister. Mrs. Cook, of Windsor.and to her urofcner ,ev. l. u. Brilton in Chjna, whoould not reach hotae time to see her laid to rest Her pastor preached her funer al ie jthe presencaof a large gath ring of sympathizing friends, from Eev. 14: 13. "Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.' Many were the frieuds wbo came to drop a tear -and leave a flower at her grave, and loving bands laid her away to await the resurrection. hler death was so unexpected that we can scarcely realize that she is gone; but lastFriday night at ten o'clock when all was was wrapped in-stillness the angels came and took daughter, wife and mother home to glory. Two little babes she had given back to God and now mother has gone to join her loved ones "On the happy golden shore," Where thS faithlul part no more. " Hers was a modest, quiet life. but she has not lived in vain'for her impress is left on the hearts and lives of her family and all who knew her. She now rests from her labors and her works follow her. "Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleep, Prom which none ever wake tow'eep A calm and undisturbed repose, Unbroken by the last of foes. v "Asleep in Jesusl peaceful rest, Whose waking is supremely blest;' No Tear, no woe shall dim that hour. that manifests the Saviour's power. 'Asleep in Jesust far from thee. Thy kindred and their graves may be But thine is still a blessed sleep, From which none ever wake to weep. 'Asleep in Jesusl O.for me May such a blissful refuge be: Securely shall my ashes lie, And wait the summons frnm nn high." , E. J. Haukell. kind can compare with the Hicks Almsnao. ; . Oue dollar a year is a nominal price for such unique and . useful publications, . Pro fessor Hick has Justly, and of necessity, withdrawn hU storm and weathssfforocastf from all free almauacv, having generously given hU time and labor free for nearly twenty years ' Word and Works Pub. Co , 2201 Locust Street, . St Loui", Mo.' m4 60 YKARS' V EXPERIENCI D f mm Trade Marks visions Copyrights o. Anron mOni rtrteh mat aMTlpllon mT ntoklT uoaruln oaroitiilon trm wihr mn irmtlnn la Drobablr iwMnUbla. Oomnmnlai- tloninrlotlroonOd.ntW. IludbaokanPtunU UK V'ivS PORTER' Y-V-i ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL ldest aaeiiof for eourinar patem .k.n thmiiffh Mnnn A Co. in fMcioi iwtto. wtthoufc oharscs in turn ent free. Patent taken Scientific Hntericaiu A handsometr HlQitntail weetlr. euiauon or anrMicniuio joumw. Kraw r. m tw ! four noiitlu, IL Sola b7ll newKlMlMj. MUN co.""- newjon Bnnehoaoe. OS F gt- Wiblntoo. P. Tobacco Users of Tobacco would do well to try my Natural Twist, Gold Brick and Old Reliable Henry Oounty brands. The Natural Twist seems to 1q a great favorite Mills H. Connek, Rich Square, N. C CURED SAGE. I have on hand a nice lot of Cured Sage for sale cheap. Al so the best grades of Honey from the Myrtle Rest Apiary, which has become famous. Mills H. Conner, Rich Square, N, C- Wanted At Once Ten active young men capable and honest to whom employment will be given in Northampton Bertie and Hertford counties Call or write to L W. Baker & Co.. Poteci'Si. N. C. Var Barb Wire Cut. 8oratche Saddle sad Collar Gll, Cracked Hevt -. Burns, Old Bores, vuiir, nous, orrnseu, ' :les and all Icinas oi innammaiion et t au or beast. Cures Itch and Mangi;., : ni ten. M tut Vffl MM Sltta ftN tt a Ilo prOirJ lCCl411tDr KMDU( It IBJfOtir h,usoorlbl. AIIQntftltMllllHMrl'.c. -Hi C art. No fT. Pries st clt. B uo, Hjeni DiuirgUKlou not kSap if M m tOi is po4 uns umi nd w will tud U to jro b; aiall, ' . rrit.T..j. ntb. in. t Dctr Sirit h. HMl ri Hrt Ill 'INMIM.JI m M IIiimiX ,ddl.Ulli,rlWJ Bark Win Can ..i!. parhK-l UmcHo.niH kBItU 11 -.,, LI..., ..d XlBVnlS. IMTHlMIMh; , BASV SURNIO. .'',.; '.-! nrntUmen .I pld to 9eH t9 ' .UmpIU SwlM OH- f ""'T SwMjjII j , .d .B.r l.rlm lbir iroUnlfUlM mr "OII .j ii. am .ppliciiioo wiw.4M ! ) i .rt . w.11. .lmuilliiolloTrkddlM ,: .1 1, a bail reuuiljr to. ikli parpoH Uwt 1 kan mraml, Ynun, O.T. LSW1S. ,.lk r.U, Ttnft . Janiurr 48. ISM 11 V simricTDaik BV PARIS MEDICINE CO., nr. louis, mo. For Sale by M. H. Conner, Rich Square, N. 0. FRESH v ' CAKES AID CRACKERS- . ' ' Have just received f. nice lot of new Crackers,- suitable for sick people; also other, newly made goods in the Confectionery line. Mills H. Conner, Rich Square, N. C SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY By virtue of authority conferred upou me by luw a administrator of W. K. Cori well, deceased, I shall on Monday 18th dav of December, 1899. at the black smith shop of the said W. B. Conwell at Rich Sqnare sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash all of the iersoual property and effects belonging- to the estate of the said Conwell, consisting of horses, carts, corn fodder, cotton, cotton seed, blacksmith tools and many other things usually found on a farm. This Not. 30. 1899. S. J. Calveiit, Admr. Jy K. Hamub, Atty. Going to Move- IUI123 Are sore i i am lnsina uesa. wnat snail i ao t soar doctor tars take care of yourself and take plain cod -liver oil, but yon can't take it. Only 4.1. . " mo siroDg, neaitny person : can take it, and ther can't take It long. It is so rich it upsets the etomaca. . ut tou can take , It is verv DalataMe and easflv digested, it you wiU'take plenty of fresh air, and exercise, and SCOTT'S EMULSION steadily, there is very little doubt about yoor recovery. " . There are hrr- ' ostites in it; tfly give etrer ; i and tone up the nervous eysten ' 3 tie col-liver oil feeds and r . . SCOTT Vt AUGUST FLOWER. it is a surprising fact," says Prof. Houton, "that in my travels in all parts of the world, for the last ten years, I have met more people having used Green's August Flower than any other remedy, for dyspep sia, deranged liver and stomach and for constipation. I find for tourists and salesmen or for persons filling omce positions, where headaches and and general bad feelings from irreg lar habits exist that Green's Au gust Flowerls a grand remedy. It does not injure the sj stem by fre quent use, and is excellent for sour stomachs and indigestion. ' '' Sample bottiet free at M. A Conner's. : Sold by dealers iu all civilized countries and by - ' : ; j d. H. Conner, Rich Square, N. O. Dr. J. L. Outland, Woodland, N. 0, .foe Rev. lrl u; flicks Almanac, " - -. X here is no; comparison be tween former' editions, and this splendid Almanac for 4900, now ready.. Printed , in beautiful col orsi, on much finer paper, its 196 pages are packed with invaluable Information on storms, astrono my and meteorology, f It is Ola a trated with nearly.200 finest half tones and other engravings. This superb book would sell anywhere for fifty cents, but it coU only aoc, a copy, and every subscriber toBev. IrlB Hicks' now famous paper, Word and Works, at $1.00 a year, receives this' elegant Al manac as a premium Word and Works is a recognized leader among theteSt family and scien ,rw York. lihe journals, while nothing o? it . TTT 'll we win soon have our store complete and we want to dispose of all the goods we now have on hand to save trouble of carrying from where we are situated to our new store. We are going to offer special inducements on our entire stock of goods consisting of a general line of Shoes, Hats, Dry Goods, Notions and Grocer ies. We have Cook Stoves and Heaters at rock bottom prices. Considering the short cotton crop we have a quantity of Bag ging and Ties we offer at the ex tremely low price of, Baling 2 bs. at 7i cents; 2 lbs. at 6i cents per yard; new Arrow 45 lb. Ties at $1.15 per bundle. This is the cheapest place in the countv for furniture and gentlemen Under wear, we do not sell only, but we want uotton, Peanuts, Cross Ties, Black Peas and Eggs. We have an order for ten car loads Gotten Seed t hi'fie-.t ma.- let prices. In fact we will buy any thing you have to offer at its ma-- net price. Give us atrial and we Will do OUf best tn nl - . fvo jvu Ou r market WUa: : ' Cotton, 7o. per pound. Cotton deed 15c. per bushel. Black Peas 60c; per bushel Croes Ties 3ffjc each. I&gs 15c. dozen. . Peanuts 2 to 2, pound. Cora 50d i bushel. - . . " - - Yoursj to serve, - GRUVIN & ODOM, "-- - '- W oodland, N. C. Big Sales in October. My sales fpr mattings, carpet ing, rugs, druggets, floor oil cloth irt squares and oth.er house fur nishings in October was far ahead f any month since I have been doing business. Fine grade cotton warp mat-. tings 12, 18c; all wool carpeting i!5, 40, 49c; best grade cfiina mat-, tings 11, 13, 17c; floor oil cloth 1, . U, 1, 2 yards wide 20, 25c;chen ile curtains 10 feet long $1.48; lace curtains 33,49, 75c; curtain Swiss, dots and stripes" 8, 10, 1 2c; rugs yard wide two yards long 88c; fine rugs H yards long $1.25; wool art squares any size 40c sq. yard; part wool art squares 25, 85c sq. yard. 488 yards fine velvet car peting 50c; 375 yards Brussels carpeting 30, 40c; 425 yards In grain carpeting 15, 20, 25c; 650 yards remnant carpeting 15 to 50; 288 rujrs some at half price 20c to $2.50; 600 yards remnant matting 5 to 10c; 65 dozen ladies and girls hats and caps. Late styles from one half to two thirds re?iiln.r prices. A large line curtain poles window shades, curtain drapery and other styles curtain goods on hand at low prices,. Have just received a large line of picture frames 15 to 20 sizes. A beauti ful line of creps paper with roses large flowers &c. Have several styles heaters, stove pipe, sheet iron, stone boards &c. Remember we pay the freight on $5 00 worth and over bought at one time. Mail orders will have prompt attention. f H.C. SPIERS, PflOP. . i. lucket stare. -Weldoa, y. Q. SALE OF LAN D. " By virtue of a dood of truss executed by F. b. Falson and wife, recorded In book 77 and page 211 of the Register's office ot Northampton County, I will, . trustee, offer for sale to the highest bidder for ready money, at the oourthn.. a i .v.-' nof Jackaon. on Saturday, Deie,b--im the tract of land situated to. , Northampton county, North Carolina, bounded and described as.lbllowS! Fr merly belonging to T. W. Jordan and wife.", being lot No. 8 drawn h ..... r . I wife,inthedWU,onofthed;"o7He d'vis,on ta d,u the office of the Register rrf rw). . ...4 theretomad6for a IulWesort tU)n . tract of tand, which contain. ms u.Pd"da,U"VM - ui saia division, nnn rwr t - - fctas the lands of P. a Fajaon, GulleW Calvert, and oth. ..a JT.' ""ue ? And ' iains 177 acres i ' And the other part ot said lot adjoins tha " ' preference to aaid div WoT ILV oeet isrms in the oounty. -x T. W. Masoh, TauiTEs. Ne;??.ods! New Goods . r"J?ALL AND WINTER AT J. M. WYNN & CO.. We can sbovr vnn a i.-. . - ' . w t ; . 1 gents Furnishing Goods. Boot. flEl J Notions. Ladies jOalba'.nadf made suits. Mens finlr8" J,B hU's an d - Jorits Ac Let M fte JfT 8". & G. oeand quoting nricos bfnr. - owlntf " -Hf:Uplete , M $. t prio, andktjk 8 7T PUrcha89B1 w A