Rich Square and Vicinity ,s Mi, J. 0. Lassiter, of Danville, , Vt., is visiting bis old home here. Mr. and' Mrs. 0. L. Holoman ' are now at home to their friends at Bryantown. - , Qoite a number of young people $ this viainity, enjoyed s pionio at Peel's Mill Baturday. , 1 ' ' Crops are suffering very muoh foi lack of rain, more than at any . time before this season, rv v -' ; Mr. W. H. Blow, of Tarboro, is spending this week with relatives and friends in thiB vicinity. V ' He n. Geo. Bishop has been very sick lor the past five day - His - condition oauses nneasiness among hisfamilvand mends.. - : Misses Willie Bryant and Veins Clark, and ; Mrs. E. J. Copeland '1 1 of Taiboro, arrived here' yesterday vn a visit torelati ve. ' -f Tho board of township supervi " sors met here last Baturday in rasnlar. sessbn. The roads were mnnrted in good order. .. ; ' Rev. W. F. Jones is conducting ; 1 a protracted meeting at Pinners this week, assisted by bis Drotner, ::n i. J. O. Jones, of Jackson. , - Wa . have received a oard from , Bro. J. A, Speight saying that his health is impioving and that Le hopes to fill hi8 , appointment here : next Saturday ana nunaay. ; . v-- William E. Clark and three youngest daughters, Misses-Mamie, Mavde and Minnie, xaruuru, "- spent a few days with old friends .1 4 k I In tnis vicinity ne pw ww. ' . . The ' election held here ' last Thnrsdav was one of the quietest - ver held in Bioh Square. " There '.' .. .V' .i j:AlnkanM ' nf an kind and good fueling set-med to pre vail. - - " ' v " " ; Dr? R. T. Weaver and Mrs. Wea ' ver returned Monday from Port Norfolk, Va:, wherer they spent uAr&l months at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Bar 1 - row. " , ' . We learn that there is a very : ' good crop on the C. 8. Gay farm - on the Boanoke, Mr. M. G. Liv- ' erman, a very clever young man, is managing this farm for the admin- I: Onr aaoA friend. Mr. James T, "' "Elliott has presented the Toul " nffioe with some mo wawrmeioue - this season. He presented us with the first brought to won square this season. " - A--protracted meeting .is being ; held at the Piist Colored Baptist ' - ohurcb this week, conducted by - the oastor. Rev. B. B. . artwngbt, V assisted by .dev. King Jacobs, of Bryan town. i Mrs. Christiana Hallof Norfolk aooqmpanied by , two . ehildren, ' fihariie and Ella Spann, arrived last week to Bpend a few weeks at C Mr. Wi E. Clifton's. They spent some time here lasf summer, . -. A County teachers institute (for ' colored raw) is being held in Bich Square this week, oonduutea Dy Principal P . ,VV Moore t the .Elizabeth City Normal . School. . About 20 teachers,' are' 4u' alien- dance. ' & Miss Nellie Lassitor left' last "' baturday for a visit Wher 'sister. Mrs. J.' A.' Northcott, at " " 'Wiuton." Little Muv Lula North- h ha heen with her erand ' : mother few months,returned home with her. ; Mr. Will Gatling has spent ho v: nast ten davs here with his sister, : Mra. E. Banuham.- We are glad to know that he has a desirable po- Bition with the Norfolk and vyes- tnrn railroad. His home at pres ent is in the mountains of Virginia. The three denominations of this ' - nlane Bantist . Methodists and r ' TriAna ..nmnnw IQ hold ft Ullioil AWMMH F T J - niunio at1 Deloaloh's mill on Au- just 21, 1900, for the benefit of theii Sunday souoohv; ueexpeot to hear some good (.peaking. Bring your dinner - banket and lets . have a full day of pleasure togetb er. , " ' Quite a number of people from this section are attending the - Friends Yearly" meeting, now in eesuion at High Point, Gniliord . umiit. . .nnnff t.hum tin Thnmiui C. Peele, John Peele, Miss Juliana Peele, Mrs. Maggie P. Peele, ol - this vicinity, and Jesse W. Peele and sister and Mrs. J. N Futrell, Of Gedrge. ' 1 . Wbat most people want U some - thing mild ariB gentle, when in need of a pbysic Chamberlain's Stomach " and l.iver Tablets fill the bill to a d)t. They are easy to take and pleasant In effect For sale by Rich Square Drug Co. From Jackson. ' . Crops to this "vicinity are fairly gOOd v Preparations are . being made for a graded school here in the near future. , - - Mr. Earnest' Buxton, of New port News, Va' la nere on a visit to relatives and friends. i: " ; The eleotion here1 passed ,ofl very quietly.; Only one white man voted against the amendment Mrs. E. J. Gay returned home Monday after spending , some time at Mr; John W. Gay's near Rich Square. , 1 Mr. G. P. Burgwyn," Jr left a few days ago to accept a position with ' Petersburg Iron Works, Petersburg, Va It Is said Mr.'G. P.Borgwyn has the finest crop of cotton on bis home farm ever seen here at this season of the year. . The old county clerk's office is being repaired and fitted up for the nse of the County Treasurer and School Superintendent, Mess. 0. G. Peebles, J. T, Peebles and E. J. Peebles and Miss Pattie Peele and Miss-Mary Buxton left Tuesday for Panacea Springs. .;. , -. . -- Geo.- M. W. Ransom was in town Monday looking much bet ter than before he entered active ly into the work of the recent campaign. .It was pleasing to his neighbors and friends'" in the County to note the work he did in winning the recent victory, and the enthusiasm he created wher everhe went. Nearly all the colored people who left here last spring have returned and a few extra ones. There was a very large crowd here last Monday, many people coming to hear more of the good news about the election, .that seeming to be the chief topic of conversation. Everybody seem ed pleased, even the colored voter had an expression of satisfaction and . relief on his face, except those who have, made money out of polities' - Gen. M. W. Ransom receivd maujb congratulations last Mon day on having such a fine crop. The Polenta farm, referred to lo last issue, is only jne of the many farms owned by -Geni Ransom all of which are cultivated well and under the personal supervis ion of Gen, Ransom and his sons They are very successful farmers Their last year's crop of cotton wna placed on the market only a few days ego. amounting to more than a thousand bales. "They lost a barn and three hundred and fif ty barrels of corn by lire ubout two weeks ago: All kinds of building atd per sonal property made safe against loss by fire in agency of W. T. Joyner, Garysburg, N. C. v ; 100 Reward $100. v ' The reader of this pa pet wlU be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science is able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Caturrh Cure is the ouly ' positive oure known to the medioalfrater nity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh ICureia taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous suriaoea of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and. assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its cura tive power, that they offer One Hundred Dollars foe 'any case that it fails to cure. Send tor list of testimonials. Address, F. J. Cbshit A Co., Toledo, O. UP bold by druggists, 76c , ; nail's Family Pills are the. best., '; CHOWUBiPTIST , FEMALE ISSHTOTt, Martreeaboro, N, O. 3rd Annual S cation Ones Sept. 6, 1900 . Charges for boara ai . '.terary tu ition for annuat session t- 00. For musio $38.00. ' ' "? Pull faculty of well . e v. Ipped teachers. Location celebra A for good water, . beautiful ' si oious grounds and heslthfulnsss." ; Ho physician has been cal :U to the see sick girls -ur ing the last three annual sesslo is. For catalogue and - further infor mation apply to. JOHN 0. &CABBQROUGE , r " , , president Rexanants Table. . We still have onr Bemnant Ta ble" on whioh many ooda are plao ed whioh we sell for 6 and 10 cents, often way below oosU Here we are prepared to astonish yon in low prices. Fruit Jars, "".V W have Mason's Fruit Jan and Extra Rubber or gnme. We bought early, at lowest prices, and therefore meet all competition. - WEAVER LA8SITER Bich Square, N. 0. , ' ' ALCCET 1 EI3T- Sbootlng ot a Desperate Negro at Keliord Creates Oreat Ex citement No Politics la It, t Last Friday afternoon, the day after the election, was an exolting time for the town of Eelford, in Bertie county, the cause being the shooting of Thorn a Bowden, colored, by Ben. J. Burketlna bar room at that place. , . . It appears that about a month afo the two men had a difficulty In which Bowden was the agres sor and, drew a chair on Berket, the later not: having any ting to defend himself . with, so did not resent the threat; Last Friday Burket was. clerking in Brown's bar at Eelford. Bowden came in the bar and became very , bolster ous . He was ordered out but re fused to go, and began, to curse Burket in; a (most violent and abusive' manner,' using language not fit to print. ; Mt, Bucket took from the shelf a pistol and began to shoot at Bowden. ; One "shot entered bis mouth and came out below the ear. Another entered the shoulder. The third shot missed the mark and lodged over the door. By that time Bowden had "got out" as he bad been ordered to do before the shooting began. " The bar was about full of peo ple at the time but a track for the balls was soon cleared, everybody in the line of fire seeking exit or shelter. - In" a few minutes there were about one hundred negroes around the bar making loud threats of vengence against Bur ket, and saying- he should never come out of the bar alive. By this time other white men had gathered,, who went . into the bar to help protect Burket from the mob without In the meantime Bowden had been car ried to the poslofflce, which was made headquarters for the would be rioters, the postmaster being a negro. Mr. J. H.Liverman, the late. Fusion candidate for Sheriff of Bertie, was present and went out among the negroes urging them to be quiet and let the law take its course.'' They would not heed his advice, but continued to make threats and guard the doors of the bar, By this time the news bad spreadQ to Roxobel, inile and half away, and reinforcements for the White men,' whith guns and am unition,, began to arrive, swelling the number of white men to about 20. Dr A.Capehart who had just arrived announced to the crowd without that Mr. Burket was going to be taken to the Mayor's office in the hotel and warneJ them that if any effort was u ade to molest him that the last one of them would be shot down. Dr. Capehart took the lead followed by Burket and a number of other white men and went across the railioad and street to the hotel. The Doctor's coolness and bravery did much to prevent a terrible rot. James H liiggs, a colored man of high standing among both the whiles and negroes, and who has accumulated property by attend ing to bis own business and be having himself as becomes a good citizen, happened to be present and warned the negroes of their danger, and advised them to go to their homes, telling them that if they persisted in their course the last one of them would be kill After performing this duty Biggs went home, and the crowd began to disperse and there warv, AELT BED OR PURPLE TOP no farther trouble. There was. no politics in this affair.. The color line was sharply drawn. Mr J. H. Liverman. late Fusion candidate for sheriff, ren dered the white people practical service on this occasion in other ways besides persuade the negroes to be quiet '. . . At last 'accounts the ' negro Bowden. who was show was re covering, 'his woundsNnot being serious. ''i.v:riyi The oarties were arrested and given a bearing before the Mayor and released, tne evidence snow ing that the shooting was justifia ble. Cotton Gins. ; Parties wishing to purchase the best Cotton Gin made, at a reasona ble price, would do well to see or correspond with me before placing their order.' I also sell machinery of all kinds and would be glad to fur nish estimates on anything you may want - W. P. ORUBBS, . , Seaboard, V. 0 EIECTIOIEXCITEmT. , People ol Blob Square Became Alarmed and Organised for '' ' Protection. The events for few weeks pre ceding the election prepared our people to expect some excitement, so it uame the nlgbt before the election, though in reality there was no cause for It. , - Early in. the night off the day before the election a rumor gain ed currency that tne town was to be burned that .night .. by the negroes. - ' 'A '' -:. .' Borne of the women and chit dren became so alarmed that they left home . and quite a number gathered "at Mr. W: E. Otif ton 's and Mr. 8. M Lassiuar's for pro teotion. -Quite a number of spe cial policemen were sworn in and organized . into two 'companies, commanded . respectively by W. j. Jenkins, and u u. JtJoyce as captains. These companies. armed to the teeth a.nd; loaded ddw n with " amunition,vputroled the streets and watched buildii gs all night, but found ino one prowling around on mischief bent. : . vV"-'i-'.' About eleven o'clock P. M. Mesa & J. Calvert and F. R Harris, candidates for the Senate and House, came In f r&m Jackson to bring r the election tickets. They bad not beard of the alarm so when they were - nau i, as they were enteringthe town, by Capt. Jrnkin'scompany they were taken by surprise, v As joon as their identity was known they were permitted to proceed, fuel ing greatly relieved. :But this feeling was of short : duration, Before they reached their desti nation they were again halted, this time by Capt Boycg'S com pany. It was too dark to recog nize any one except by their voices. As Capt, Boyce's com pany lined up about the buggy their guns gleaming in the dull starlight, making a warlike ap pearance. Mess. Calvert and Harris doubtless felt a little un easiness, not having been Inform ed when first halted that there were two cmpanies. Of course thoy did not care as to themselves but they carried with them the elec tion tickets for use next day. It is reported that Mr. Calvert was so overjoyed when be beard the voice of Capt. Boyce that he almost leaped from the buggy with joy. - J The night passed quietly and the boys bad a general gocd time and was but little worse for ser vice next'day by thmr long watch during the night. Election day passed off very quietly. The best of feeling seemed to prevail. There was no intimidation or threats and every body voted as he pleased. J-at 1 .rrMtMt World'! Kzno. iltloni and thoaundt of graduatw In potitiona. sMirrll BtsslnMst Cearae, lnoludiu Iul ItoD. Book tad Board in family, about Ma HltlTMili, fill- VUTHfi TlLEOirHT. BKOiun. M Th Xantveky Cnlvanlty Diploma under at awarded grtvdnaUi. t iUrmry Oourw f rae, if daired. . si r l IntirBov. 1"-"-""""-1 ' hk wdtr la aM pomr UtUrt raoca aa, mdttom onif WILBUR R. smith, Lexington, Ky. k Xoto.--Kmtmeip Pwfcawtty rnomrom. 1600,000, mi aai flaaVy luUtf WstsMsa aieviawseMa stMa yaVn t Turnip I Seed! I now have in stock a good as sortment of the best Turnip and fiuta Baga Seed I could buy, bought ofT. W. Wood & Sons. " vto I have on hand the following varieties,- which have given great satisfaction in this section. Jitl (Strap leaved). The well known and popular sort. v EXTRA EARLY PURPLE TOP MILAN. -. The earliest turnip ' in cultivation; extra fine for table and market. SOUTHERN SNOW VVHITE GLOBE. ' A very superior early sort ol fine quality; one ol the best for ta bie nse, vrk'X- - LONG - WHITE OOWHORN. Very productive; a quick grower; One grained and Very sweet ' YELLOW, or AMBER GLOBE. One of the best for g neral crop, hardy, keeps well, a good cropper, fine grained and Sweet. - ',:' ,;r ;:4;-RUTA"BAGA'ei., PURPLE TOP YELLOW,; The old standard voriey; largely grown for, both table and stock. . : WOOD S IMPROVED PURPLE TOP. Whether rrown for table or etocx, this has no superior for quali ty, and . productiveness; far better than the ordinary strain ol Rutabaga MILL'S H. CONNER, Rich Square, N. C x Pendleton News. . ' Mrs. Virjjinia Stephenson has been sick for several days. Mr. Loe Davis, near Conway, has lost a fine borse with stag gers Mr. Henry A. Barnes left latt week to make his future home Id Portsmouth, ' : - - ,v Rain Is again much needed Crops have muoh improved since the recent rains. ' ' ."Mr. L L. Maddrey and family were the guests of ' parents at this place last Sunday, ' ' ' Mr. J. E Lee and wife of Ports mouth, are the guests of his par ents, M r. and M ra WV T. Lee, this week, ' s Mrs, Walter Barnes was quite sick last weak but has again re covered. The general health of this section is good. ' Mr. Powell of Poteeasi while passing on the railroad last Fri day had his wheel smashed by a bog running into him. The election at this place last Thursday passed off very quietly giving a good majority or the Democrats; over a hunpred each for Calvert and Harris and about thirty for the Amendment Services at Roberts Chapel church Saturday and Sunday last by pastor C W. Scarboro. A protracted meeting is in progress this week; preaching by tho Rev. W. V. Savage of Churchlaod, Va. Mr. and Mrs. John H.Truitt left last Friday on a visit to friends and relatives in George town, Del. They will be absent about a month. We were in er ror in our last as to Mrs. Truitt's leaving with the Misses Trnitt. She only went to Boykins. Dr. R. H Gary and family have moved to Murfreesboro. The people in Francisville section re gretted very much to see them leave. He has been the regular physician for this section and will contiune as Mien, being only two miles further. Dr. Tbad O. Joyner, of near Seaboard has lo cated at Dr, Gary's former stand and we bespeak for this young doctor a good practice. Judging from an expression of an old practicing physician of the coun ty made at Jaokson on Monday. He said that the Francisville peo pie wpuld find Dr. Joyner to be a very worthy young man and one that the people would become at tached very much. Seth. - . .. . Robbed The Geave A startling incident, of which Mr John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the sub?eot, is narrated by him as follows "i was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pa ally in back and side, no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Fortunately, a friend advised trying Electric Bitters ; and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided improvement. I con tinued tbeir use tor three weeks, anu m now a aU man. 1 kuow they saved my lite and robbed the grave of another victim. Noono should fail to try them. Only 50 cts. guaranteed 1 i i Square Drug Co's. Jurors lor Criminal Court. The County Commissioners at their meeting last Monday drew the following jurors for the September term of the Eastern District Criminal court for North ampton, for trial of criminal cases pnly: , Gaston township Chas Wal ters, W. B. Crew, J. E. Huff, Josph Shaw, M. EL Camp. Occoneechee B. F. Rose, W. T. Stephenson. Jackson C. J. Bradley. Roanoke F C. Brewer, F. E. Roberson, P T. Hicks, .Oscar F. Cook. H. T. Boone Jr., J. T. Bol ton, R. E. Baugham. Rich Square Jesse W. Peele, James' S. Cbappell, Robt U Ed wards. Richard T. Tanner, M. P. Allen, a S. Lassiter . Eirby R. B. Stephenson, W. M Watson, Colen Vincent J. R. Johnson. '. ': Wicoacanee W- C. Jones, W. W. Jones, Richard Davis, J. E. Worilck, Columbus Deloatch, B P. Boone, John T Lewter, " ' " Seaboard W. H. Faison, B. T. Jordan, Joseph A. Harris, W. R, fntchard. A FRtonrvcL Blcndbb " :t ' '"V Will often 'cause horrible burn' scald, cut, or bruise. .Bucklen't Arnl ca Salve, tha best in the world, wl kill the pain and promptly heal It cures old ores, It ver tores cute boils, felons, noma, all skin eruption Best pile vara en earth. . Only 25c a U x. curs guaranteed. Sold by.' - Rich Square Drug Co. ' ; - From Woodland, .. The new benches have been placed in tbe town ball. . , . V ; Miss Rbloey Long, of Seaboard viBited Miss Rolens Outland Sun aay, 1 .Miss Square Mary Vann, of is' visiting Misb Riob Josle Griffin. , Mr. Reginold Joyner of West Virginia u visiting his uncle. Dr. R. W. Joyner. Wr. W. N. Griffith and Miss Lorena Vaughan visited Miss Gertie Vaughan at Poteeasi Sun day afternoon. Miss Bertie Matthews and W H. Rountree of Murfreesboro visited Mr. and Mrs. Hampton Whitley Sunday - Mrs. Eddie Parker and her nephew, Mr. Eugene Long, of Richmond, dined with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Griffin Sunday. Rev W. F. Jones filled bis reg ular appointment Sunday morn ing and preached one of bis best sermons. He was the guest of Mra A J. Vaughan, Miss Laura Bristow of Colraine is visiting Miss Virgie Griffin this week. - The most delightful event of the season was tbe lawn party Friday night given by Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Whitley in honor of Hugh Whitley's birthday. The guests from a distance were Miss Annie Cobb, of Eelford, Misses Mary Vann and Annie Copeland, of Rich Square. Miss Daisy Britt of Lewiston, MiBS Laura Bristow, of Colerain, Miss Carrie Barnes of Greensboro. Misses Bessie and Maude Davis, of Murfrees boro. Miss Edith Outland of George, and Misses Effie Jenkins and Annie Tyler of Eagletown Ice cream and other delicacies of the season were served and mirth and pleasure knew no bounds. M. J.O. "My baby was terrible sick with the diarrhoea," says J. fl. Dock, of Williams, Oregon. "We were una ble to cure him with the doctor's assistance, and as a last resort we tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I am happy to say it gave immediate relief and a complete cure." For sale by Kich Square Drug Oo. FromMenokv ' Mr. andLMrs. Roswell Bridger, of Winton, are the guests of their sister; Mrs. John A. Parker. ' Some of our young people were very pleasantly entertained at the home of Mra Vaughan in Poteeasi on Sunday. Mrs. EunicO Powell, of Anneta. visited the family of Mr. E. T. Snipes last week. We are sorry to report Messra W. H. Brown and J. E Griffith ou the sick list Mrs. W. G. Snipes has been suffering intensely with a boil in her band. We are glad to report her better. Mr S J. Dilday, of Ahoskie, formely a student here spent last week with his sister, Mrs J. T. Brown. M 8s Mollie Vinson, of Maple ion, has been visiting relatives in this vicinity for the past two weeks. Misses Fannie and Lucile Boy etto returned to their homes in Murfreesboro last week. Messrs Paul Brittle and Pena Parker will leave today (Monday) for Franklin. Va We wish them a pleasant trip. 1 Mr. I. Finley Snipes, who has been seriously ill, of appendicitis, at the Old Domloinn Hospital, Richmond, for the past 15 weeks continues very sick. After hav ing had two opperations ferform ed the doctors ffhd that ano'her is necessary. We still hope he may be able to bear hisafflictions and return to us again. 'Mrs-J. T Brown and brother, Mr. S. J. Dilday and little Rath and Elizabeth visited relatives near Ahoskie last week, ' Crops in this section have been greatly improved: by ths recent rains. Water melons and cante lopes are plentiful. August 6, J900. - -:, , " V Does it Pay ta bny Cbeap. : 'A cheap remedy for coughs and colds la allrigfct, but von want something that will raUav ami curs the more aavsre and daa gerous reaulU ot throat and tunc troubles. What shall too dot Go to a warmei and more regular cUmatat Yes, If posslbls; if not poselbls tor von, tben In either case tnk tbe ONLY reraedr that has bees in trodooed la all dvlixied ooan tries with soo- joss tn severe throat and lane troubles, 'Bosshee's Grauui 8 Trap. n It not only heals snd stimulates the tissues to Asstrov tbe germ disease, but allays Inflamatlon, oauses easjr expectoration, gives a goo night's rest, and cures ths patient. Try ONE bottle. Beoommended many years by all drnggists in the world. For sale by Bich Square Drag CO., Kioh Square, . ) Or.t, U Oatland, Woo dlan. . R. & Q. Corsets. , We now have in stock a full line from the cheapest to the best including SUMMER CORSETS WEAVES ft LASSITER, Rich Square. N G Are the Sledgehammer Bargains we are now offering in many lines. We carry a great assortment of goods and keep hundreds of ai tides you cannot find outbide of a large city most anything from a toothpick to articles costing a hundred dollars each. We can mention only a few Clocks! Clocks! ! . If you are In need of a first class family clock come to see ns. Am making a specialty of a high grade Calendar Clock at 18.60. Clocks just like it were sold in the county a few yean ago at $39.00. Cutlery ? Gutluy. Our stock of. Cutlery and goods in the Hardware line is immense in quantity and variety. In Pocket Knives we have all the standard makes, including Rogers, Maher & Grosh as well as the cheapest to be found. House Furnishing. We cannot here name half the goods we have in this department'' A great variety of Carpets, Mattings Rugs, Chairs, Lounges,, Pictures, Picture Frames, Curtains, Curtain Poles, in oak and mahogony, win dow Shades at from 10c. to 75o, each ttlasswars. Ohinaware, Tin and En- ameledware, Valises, Trunks Sus. Sewing Machines. Why pay $40. or 50. for a Sew ing Machine when an order to me will in a few days put as gjod a machine as is made at your nearest depot which you can take home and keep for 10 days, then if you find it as recommetded send me $17.50 and the machine is yours. A 6 year guarantee goes with each machine. Can be returned to some depot if not as represented. These are new; first class mschines, not second hand Jewelry, Anything in this line you wa nt If you want a watch it ill pay you to inspect my stock. Watches from $1.00 to $100.00. Have recently put chased at a Pawn Broker's House in New lork City a lot of Standard make Watches, 20 to 25 year Gold filled cases, scarcely show any wear whatever movement best make, emit na Vim. Hr.lAan. S3. UT Wheeler, from 11 to 17 jewels, which I am going'to sell while they last at from $10.00 to $13.50, giving with each watch a written guarantee for 18 years. Book Department. lew lot of Encyclopedia Brits niao good print, good paper, ' nicely bound, 26 volumns, the complete set for $13.60. - Pickens complete works in 15 'volumns only $3.76. 'A. Conan Doyle's works, 6 volumns, $1.26. i Dumas' workSj. 6" volumns, $1.25. James Fen nimore Cooper 'g works in 6 volumns $1.26,. Hall Cain's Works,' 6 volumns, $1.00. Q. A. Henly's works, (v. volumns, $1.00, Haw thorne's complete works In 5 vol umns, $1.25. Soott's jn-orks In 12 volumns, $3.76. Webster's Una bridged Dictionary, genulr sbted binding, only $3.75. Thackery'a ' works, 10 volumns $3.00. .v Ail the above good print, on good paper and nicely bound . in oloth. We also have single volumns of tht standard poets, such ss Scott, Bryon Tennyson and docens of othersn)oe ly bound, good print and paper, at only 36 cents each. vK('--.- ,..': A large line of nloeBlblej Teach er's ttibieo, Jcomily Bibles, large print Testaments way below the usual price. . Many other books and eyery thing in the stationery line that you may want all at stunning low prloes. ;c:. c